// $Id$ // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. `include "verilated.v" module t; `verilator_file_descriptor file; initial begin // Display formatting `ifdef verilator if (file != 0) $stop; $fwrite(file, "Never printed, file closed\n"); `endif file = $fopen("obj_dir/t_sys_file_test.log","w"); // The "w" is required so we get a FD not a MFD $fdisplay(file, "[%0t] hello v=%x", $time, 32'h12345667); $fwrite(file, "[%0t] %s\n", $time, "Hello2"); $fclose(file); `ifdef verilator if (file != 0) $stop(1); // Also test arguments to stop $fwrite(file, "Never printed, file closed\n"); `endif begin file = $fopen("obj_dir/DOES_NOT_EXIST","r"); // The "r" is required so we get a FD not a MFD if (|file) $stop; // Should not exist, IE must return 0 end begin // Check quadword access; a little strange, but it's legal to open "." file = $fopen(".","r"); $fclose(file); end $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish(0); // Test arguments to finish end endmodule