// $Id$ // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2004 by Wilson Snyder. module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; integer cyc; initial cyc=1; reg [31:0] a; reg [31:0] b; wire [2:0] bf; buf BF0 (bf[0], a[0]), BF1 (bf[1], a[1]), BF2 (bf[2], a[2]); // verilator lint_off IMPLICIT not NT0 (nt0, a[0]); and #1 AN0 (an0, a[0], b[0]); nand #(2,3) ND0 (nd0, a[0], b[0], b[1]); or OR0 (or0, a[0], b[0]); nor NR0 (nr0, a[0], b[0], b[2]); xor (xo0, a[0], b[0]); xnor (xn0, a[0], b[0], b[2]); // verilator lint_on IMPLICIT parameter BITS=32; wire [BITS-1:0] ba; buf BARRAY [BITS-1:0] (ba, a); `ifdef verilator specify specparam CDS_LIBNAME = "foobar"; (nt0 *> nt0) = (0, 0); endspecify specify // delay parameters specparam a$A1$Y = 1.0, b$A0$Z = 1.0; // path delays (A1 *> Q) = (a$A1$Y, a$A1$Y); (A0 *> Q) = (b$A0$Y, a$A0$Z); endspecify `endif always @ (posedge clk) begin if (cyc!=0) begin cyc <= cyc + 1; if (cyc==1) begin a <= 32'h18f6b034; b <= 32'h834bf892; end if (cyc==2) begin a <= 32'h529ab56f; b <= 32'h7835a237; if (bf !== 3'b100) $stop; if (nt0 !== 1'b1) $stop; if (an0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (nd0 !== 1'b1) $stop; if (or0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (nr0 !== 1'b1) $stop; if (xo0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (xn0 !== 1'b1) $stop; if (ba != 32'h18f6b034) $stop; end if (cyc==3) begin if (bf !== 3'b111) $stop; if (nt0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (an0 !== 1'b1) $stop; if (nd0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (or0 !== 1'b1) $stop; if (nr0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (xo0 !== 1'b0) $stop; if (xn0 !== 1'b0) $stop; end if (cyc==4) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end end endmodule