// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2011 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t_embed1_wrap (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs bit_out, vec_out, wide_out, did_init_out, // Inputs clk, bit_in, vec_in, wide_in, is_ref ); /*AUTOINOUTMODULE("t_embed1_child")*/ // Beginning of automatic in/out/inouts (from specific module) output bit bit_out; output bit [30:0] vec_out; output bit [123:0] wide_out; output bit did_init_out; input clk; input bit_in; input [30:0] vec_in; input [123:0] wide_in; input is_ref; // End of automatics `ifdef verilator // Import $t_embed_child__initial etc as a DPI function `endif //TODO would like __'s as in {PREFIX}__initial but presently illegal for users to do this import "DPI-C" context function void t_embed_child_initial(); import "DPI-C" context function void t_embed_child_final(); import "DPI-C" context function void t_embed_child_eval(); import "DPI-C" context function void t_embed_child_io_eval ( //TODO we support bit, but not logic input bit clk, input bit bit_in, input bit [30:0] vec_in, input bit [123:0] wide_in, input bit is_ref, output bit bit_out, output bit [30:0] vec_out, output bit [123:0] wide_out, output bit did_init_out); initial begin // Load all values t_embed_child_initial(); end // Only if system verilog, and if a "final" block in the code final begin t_embed_child_final(); end bit _temp_bit_out; bit _temp_did_init_out; bit [30:0] _temp_vec_out; bit [123:0] _temp_wide_out; always @* begin t_embed_child_io_eval( clk, bit_in, vec_in, wide_in, is_ref, _temp_bit_out, _temp_vec_out, _temp_wide_out, _temp_did_init_out ); // TODO might eliminate these temporaries bit_out = _temp_bit_out; did_init_out = _temp_did_init_out; end // Send all variables every cycle, // or have a sensitivity routine for each? // How to make sure we call eval at end of variable changes? // #0 (though not verilator compatible!) // TODO for now, we know what changes when always @ (posedge clk) begin vec_out <= _temp_vec_out; wide_out <= _temp_wide_out; end endmodule