// // verilator_coverage annotation // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2008 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; reg toggle; %000001 initial toggle=0; -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.t integer cyc; %000001 initial cyc=1; -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.t wire [7:0] cyc_copy = cyc[7:0]; alpha a1 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk), .toggle (toggle)); alpha a2 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk), .toggle (toggle)); beta b1 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk), .toggle (toggle)); beta b2 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk), .toggle (toggle)); tsk t1 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk), .toggle (toggle)); off o1 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk), .toggle (toggle)); tab tab1 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Inputs .clk (clk)); par par1 (/*AUTOINST*/); 000010 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t ~000010 if (cyc!=0) begin +000010 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.t 000010 cyc <= cyc + 1; +000010 point: comment=if hier=top.t 000010 toggle <= '0; +000010 point: comment=if hier=top.t // Single and multiline if %000009 if (cyc==3) $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000009 if (cyc==3) -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000001 begin -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t end // Single and multiline else %000009 if (cyc==3) ; else $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000009 if (cyc==3) ; -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t else %000009 begin -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000009 $write(""); -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t end // Single and multiline if else %000009 if (cyc==3) $write(""); else $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000009 if (cyc==3) -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000001 begin -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t end else %000009 begin -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000009 $write(""); -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t end // multiline elseif %000001 if (cyc==3) -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t %000001 begin -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t end %000001 else if (cyc==4) -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t %000001 begin -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t end %000007 else if (cyc==5) -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000007 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000001 begin -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t end else %000007 begin -000007 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000007 $write(""); -000007 point: comment=else hier=top.t end // Single and multiline while %000000 while (0); -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t %000000 while (0) begin -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t %000000 $write(""); -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t end %000000 do ; while (0); -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t ~000010 do begin -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t +000010 point: comment=if hier=top.t ~000010 $write(""); -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t +000010 point: comment=if hier=top.t %000000 end while (0); -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t //=== // Task and complicated %000001 if (cyc==3) begin -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t %000001 toggle <= '1; -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t end %000001 else if (cyc==5) begin -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t `ifdef VERILATOR %000001 $c("this->call_task();"); -000001 point: comment=elsif hier=top.t `else call_task(); `endif end %000007 else if (cyc==10) begin -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t -000007 point: comment=else hier=top.t %000001 $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t %000001 $finish; -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t end end end %000001 task call_task; -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.t /* verilator public */ %000001 t1.center_task(1'b1); -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.t endtask endmodule module alpha (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk, toggle ); input clk; input toggle; 000020 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000020 point: comment=block hier=top.t.a* ~000018 if (toggle) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.t.a*",18) -000002 point: comment=if hier=top.t.a* +000018 point: comment=else hier=top.t.a* %000002 $write(""); -000002 point: comment=if hier=top.t.a* // t.a1 and t.a2 collapse to a count of 2 end 000018 if (toggle) begin // *** t_cover_line.vlt turns this off +000018 point: comment=else hier=top.t.a* $write(""); // CHECK_COVER_MISSING(0) // This doesn't even get added `ifdef ATTRIBUTE // verilator coverage_block_off `endif end end endmodule module beta (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk, toggle ); input clk; input toggle; /* verilator public_module */ 000020 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000020 point: comment=block hier=top.t.b* 000020 $write(""); // Always covered +000020 point: comment=block hier=top.t.b* ~000020 if (0) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.t.b*",0) -000000 point: comment=if hier=top.t.b* +000020 point: comment=else hier=top.t.b* // Make sure that we don't optimize away zero buckets %000000 $write(""); -000000 point: comment=if hier=top.t.b* end ~000018 if (toggle) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.t.b*",2) -000002 point: comment=if hier=top.t.b* +000018 point: comment=else hier=top.t.b* // t.b1 and t.b2 collapse to a count of 2 %000002 $write(""); -000002 point: comment=if hier=top.t.b* end 000018 if (toggle) begin : block +000018 point: comment=else hier=top.t.b* // This doesn't `ifdef ATTRIBUTE // verilator coverage_block_off `endif begin end // *** t_cover_line.vlt turns this off (so need begin/end) if (1) begin end // CHECK_COVER_MISSING(0) $write(""); // CHECK_COVER_MISSING(0) end end endmodule class Cls; bit m_toggle; %000001 function new(bit toggle); -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg %000001 m_toggle = toggle; -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg %000001 if (m_toggle) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.$unit::Cls",1) -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg end endfunction 000011 static function void fstatic(bit toggle); +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg ~000011 if (1) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.$unit::Cls",1) +000011 point: comment=if hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg 000011 $write(""); +000011 point: comment=if hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg end endfunction 000011 function void fauto(); +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg ~000011 if (m_toggle) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.$unit::Cls",11) +000011 point: comment=if hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg 000011 $write(""); +000011 point: comment=if hier=top.$unit::Cls__Vclpkg end endfunction endclass module tsk (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk, toggle ); input clk; input toggle; /* verilator public_module */ 000010 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 000010 center_task(1'b0); +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 end 000011 task center_task; +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 input external; 000011 begin +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 ~000010 if (toggle) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.t.t1",1) -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t.t1 +000010 point: comment=else hier=top.t.t1 %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t.t1 end ~000010 if (external) begin // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.t.t1",1) -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t.t1 +000010 point: comment=else hier=top.t.t1 %000001 $write("[%0t] Got external pulse\n", $time); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t.t1 end end 000011 begin +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 %000001 Cls c = new(1'b1); -000001 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 000011 c.fauto(); +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 000011 Cls::fstatic(1'b1); +000011 point: comment=block hier=top.t.t1 end endtask endmodule module off (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk, toggle ); input clk; input toggle; // verilator coverage_off always @ (posedge clk) begin if (toggle) begin $write(""); // CHECK_COVER_MISSING(0) // because under coverage_module_off end end // verilator coverage_on 000010 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.o1 %000009 if (toggle) begin -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t.o1 -000009 point: comment=else hier=top.t.o1 // because under coverage_module_off %000001 $write(""); -000001 point: comment=if hier=top.t.o1 %000001 if (0) ; // CHECK_COVER(0,"top.t.o1",1) -000000 point: comment=if hier=top.t.o1 -000001 point: comment=else hier=top.t.o1 end end endmodule module tab (input clk); bit [3:0] cyc4; int decoded; 000010 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.tab1 000010 case (cyc4) +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.tab1 %000001 1: decoded = 10; -000001 point: comment=case hier=top.t.tab1 %000001 2: decoded = 20; -000001 point: comment=case hier=top.t.tab1 %000001 3: decoded = 30; -000001 point: comment=case hier=top.t.tab1 %000001 4: decoded = 40; -000001 point: comment=case hier=top.t.tab1 %000001 5: decoded = 50; -000001 point: comment=case hier=top.t.tab1 %000005 default: decoded = 0; -000005 point: comment=case hier=top.t.tab1 endcase end 000010 always @ (posedge clk) begin +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.tab1 000010 cyc4 <= cyc4 + 1; +000010 point: comment=block hier=top.t.tab1 end endmodule module par(); localparam int CALLS_FUNC = param_func(1); // We don't currently count elaboration time use towards coverage. This // seems safer for functions used both at elaboration time and not - but may // revisit this. %000000 function automatic int param_func(int i); -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t.par1 %000000 if (i == 0) begin -000000 point: comment=if hier=top.t.par1 -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.t.par1 %000000 i = 99; // Uncovered -000000 point: comment=if hier=top.t.par1 end %000000 else begin -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.t.par1 %000000 i = i + 1; -000000 point: comment=else hier=top.t.par1 end %000000 return i; -000000 point: comment=block hier=top.t.par1 endfunction endmodule