// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // Copyright 2023 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 `ifdef USE_VPI_NOT_DPI //We call it via $c so we can verify DPI isn't required - see bug572 `else import "DPI-C" context function int mon_check(); `endif module t /* verilator public_flat_on */ #( parameter int visibleParam1 = 0, /* verilator public_off */ parameter int invisibleParam1 = 1, /* verilator public_on */ parameter int visibleParam2 = 2 /* verilator public_off */ ) (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs x, // Inputs clk, a ); `ifdef VERILATOR `systemc_header extern "C" int mon_check(); `verilog `endif input clk; input [7:0] a /* verilator public_flat_rw */; output reg [7:0] x /* verilator public_flat_rw */; /*verilator public_flat_rw_on @(posedge clk)*/ reg onebit; reg [2:1] twoone; reg [2:1] fourthreetwoone[4:3]; reg LONGSTART_a_very_long_name_which_will_get_hashed_a_very_long_name_which_will_get_hashed_a_very_long_name_which_will_get_hashed_a_very_long_name_which_will_get_hashed_LONGEND; // verilator lint_off ASCRANGE reg [0:61] quads[2:3] /*verilator public_flat_rw @(posedge clk)*/; /*verilator public_off*/ reg invisible1; // verilator lint_on ASCRANGE /*verilator public_flat_rd_on*/ reg [31:0] count; reg [31:0] half_count; /*verilator public_off*/ reg invisible2; /*verilator public_flat_rw_on @(posedge clk)*/ reg [7:0] text_byte; reg [15:0] text_half; reg [31:0] text_word; reg [63:0] text_long; reg [511:0] text; /*verilator public_off*/ integer status; /*verilator public_flat_rw_on*/ real real1; string str1; /*verilator public_off*/ sub sub(); // Test loop initial begin count = 0; onebit = 1'b0; fourthreetwoone[3] = 0; // stop icarus optimizing away text_byte = "B"; text_half = "Hf"; text_word = "Word"; text_long = "Long64b"; text = "Verilog Test module"; real1 = 1.0; str1 = "hello"; `ifdef VERILATOR status = $c32("mon_check()"); `endif `ifdef IVERILOG status = $mon_check(); `endif `ifndef USE_VPI_NOT_DPI status = mon_check(); `endif if (status!=0) begin $write("%%Error: t_vpi_var.cpp:%0d: C Test failed\n", status); $stop; end $write("%%Info: Checking results\n"); if (onebit != 1'b1) $stop; if (quads[2] != 62'h12819213_abd31a1c) $stop; if (quads[3] != 62'h1c77bb9b_3784ea09) $stop; if (text_byte != "A") $stop; if (text_half != "T2") $stop; if (text_word != "Tree") $stop; if (text_long != "44Four44") $stop; if (text != "lorem ipsum") $stop; if (str1 != "something a lot longer than hello") $stop; if (real1 > 123456.7895 || real1 < 123456.7885 ) $stop; end always @(posedge clk) begin count <= count + 2; if (count[1]) half_count <= half_count + 2; if (count == 1000) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end genvar i; generate for (i=1; i<=6; i=i+1) begin : arr arr #(.LENGTH(i)) arr(); end endgenerate genvar k; generate for (k=1; k<=6; k=k+1) begin : subs sub subsub(); end endgenerate endmodule : t module sub; reg subsig1 /*verilator public_flat_rw*/; reg subsig2 /*verilator public_flat_rd*/; `ifdef IVERILOG // stop icarus optimizing signals away wire redundant = subsig1 | subsig2; `endif endmodule : sub module arr; parameter LENGTH = 1; /*verilator public_flat_rw_on*/ reg [LENGTH-1:0] sig; reg [LENGTH-1:0] rfr; reg check; reg verbose; /*verilator public_off*/ initial begin sig = {LENGTH{1'b0}}; rfr = {LENGTH{1'b0}}; end always @(posedge check) begin if (verbose) $display("%m : %x %x", sig, rfr); if (check && sig != rfr) $stop; check <= 0; end endmodule : arr