// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2014 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 `define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); $stop; end while(0); function automatic int f_au_st_global (); static int st = 0; st++; return st; endfunction package my_pkg; function int f_no_st_pkg (); static int st = 0; st++; return st; endfunction endpackage class my_cls; static function int get_cnt1; static int cnt = 0; return ++cnt; endfunction static function static int get_cnt2; int cnt = 0; return ++cnt; endfunction endclass module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; function int f_no_no (); int st = 2; st++; return st; endfunction function int f_no_st (); static int st = 2; st++; return st; endfunction function int f_no_au (); automatic int au = 2; au++; return au; endfunction function static int f_st_no (); int st = 2; st++; return st; endfunction function static int f_st_st (); static int st = 2; st++; return st; endfunction function static int f_st_au (); automatic int au = 2; au++; return au; endfunction function automatic int f_au_no (); int au = 2; au++; return au; endfunction function automatic int f_au_st (); static int st = 2; st++; return st; endfunction function automatic int f_au_au (); automatic int au = 2; au++; return au; endfunction string plusarg = ""; bit has_plusarg = |($value$plusargs("plusarg=%s", plusarg)); int v; initial begin if (has_plusarg) begin if (plusarg == "") begin $fatal(1, "%m: +plusarg must not be empty"); end end v = f_no_no(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_no_no(); `checkh(v, 4); v = f_no_st(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_no_st(); `checkh(v, 4); v = f_no_au(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_no_au(); `checkh(v, 3); // v = f_st_no(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_st_no(); `checkh(v, 4); v = f_st_st(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_st_st(); `checkh(v, 4); v = f_st_au(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_st_au(); `checkh(v, 3); // v = f_au_no(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_au_no(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_au_st(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_au_st(); `checkh(v, 4); v = f_au_au(); `checkh(v, 3); v = f_au_au(); `checkh(v, 3); // v = f_au_st_global(); `checkh(v, 1); v = f_au_st_global(); `checkh(v, 2); v = my_pkg::f_no_st_pkg(); `checkh(v, 1); v = my_pkg::f_no_st_pkg(); `checkh(v, 2); // v = my_cls::get_cnt1(); `checkh(v, 1); v = my_cls::get_cnt1(); `checkh(v, 2); v = my_cls::get_cnt2(); `checkh(v, 1); v = my_cls::get_cnt2(); `checkh(v, 2); // end int cyc = 0; always @ (posedge clk) begin int ist1; static int ist2; automatic int iau3; cyc <= cyc + 1; if (cyc == 0) begin ist1 = 10; ist2 = 20; iau3 = 30; v = ist1; `checkh(v, 10); v = ist2; `checkh(v, 20); v = iau3; `checkh(v, 30); ++ist1; ++ist2; ++iau3; end else if (cyc == 1) begin v = ist1; `checkh(v, 11); v = ist2; `checkh(v, 21); //TODO v = iau3; `checkh(v, 0); end else if (cyc == 5) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end endmodule