%Warning-USERFATAL: f_add = 15 ... Use "/* verilator lint_off USERFATAL */" and lint_on around source to disable this message. %Error: t/t_func_const_struct_bad.v:16: Expecting expression to be constant, but can't determine constant for FUNCREF 'f_add2' t/t_func_const_struct_bad.v:27: ... Location of non-constant STOP: $stop executed during function constification; maybe indicates assertion firing t/t_func_const_struct_bad.v:37: ... Called from f_add() with parameters: params = '{a: 32'h7, b: 32'h8} t/t_func_const_struct_bad.v:16: ... Called from f_add2() with parameters: a = ?32?sh7 b = ?32?sh8 c = ?32?sh9 localparam P24 = f_add2(7, 8, 9); ^~~~~~ %Error: Exiting due to