// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2017 by Wilson Snyder. module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs dout, // Inputs clk, rstn, dval0, dval1 ); input clk; input rstn; output wire [7:0] dout; input [7:0] dval0; input [7:0] dval1; wire [7:0] dbgsel_w = '0; tsub tsub (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .dout (dout[7:0]), // Inputs .clk (clk), .rstn (rstn), .dval0 (dval0[7:0]), .dval1 (dval1[7:0]), .dbgsel_w (dbgsel_w[7:0])); endmodule module tsub (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs dout, // Inputs clk, rstn, dval0, dval1, dbgsel_w ); input clk; input rstn; input [7:0] dval0; input [7:0] dval1; input [7:0] dbgsel_w; output [7:0] dout; wire [7:0] dout = dout0 | dout1; /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [7:0] dout0; // From sub0 of sub0.v wire [7:0] dout1; // From sub1 of sub1.v // End of automatics initial begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end reg [7:0] dbgsel_msk; always_comb begin reg [7:0] mask; mask = 8'hff; dbgsel_msk = (dbgsel_w & mask); end // TODO this should optimize away, but presently does not because // V3Gate constifies then doesn't see all other input edges have disappeared reg [7:0] dbgsel; always @(posedge clk) begin if ((rstn == 0)) begin dbgsel <= 0; end else begin dbgsel <= dbgsel_msk; end end sub0 sub0 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .dout0 (dout0[7:0]), // Inputs .rstn (rstn), .clk (clk), .dval0 (dval0[7:0]), .dbgsel (dbgsel[7:0])); sub1 sub1 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .dout1 (dout1[7:0]), // Inputs .rstn (rstn), .clk (clk), .dval1 (dval1[7:0]), .dbgsel (dbgsel[7:0])); endmodule module sub0 ( /*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs dout0, // Inputs rstn, clk, dval0, dbgsel ); input rstn; input clk; input [7:0] dval0; input [7:0] dbgsel; output reg [7:0] dout0; reg [7:0] dbgsel_d1r; always_comb begin // verilator lint_off WIDTH if (((dbgsel_d1r >= 34) && (dbgsel_d1r < 65))) begin // verilator lint_on WIDTH dout0 = dval0; end else begin dout0 = 0; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if ((rstn == 0)) begin dbgsel_d1r <= 0; end else begin dbgsel_d1r <= dbgsel; end end endmodule module sub1 ( /*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs dout1, // Inputs rstn, clk, dval1, dbgsel ); input rstn; input clk; input [7:0] dval1; input [7:0] dbgsel; output reg [7:0] dout1; reg [7:0] dbgsel_d1r; always_comb begin if (((dbgsel_d1r >= 84) && (dbgsel_d1r < 95))) begin dout1 = dval1; end else begin dout1 = 0; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if ((rstn == 0)) begin dbgsel_d1r <= 0; end else begin dbgsel_d1r <= dbgsel; end end endmodule