// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2020-2024 by Yutetsu TAKATSUKASA and Antmicro. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense `define HIER_BLOCK /*verilator hier_block*/ module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; wire [7:0] out0; wire [7:0] out1; int count = 0; // unpacked array cannot be passed to hierarchical block localparam logic UNPACKED[0:1] = '{1'b1, 1'b0}; sub0 #(UNPACKED) i_sub0(.clk(clk), .in(8'(count)), .out(out0)); sub1 #(.T(logic[7:0])) i_sub1(.in(out0), .out(out1)); always_ff @(posedge clk) begin // dotted access under hierarchical block is not allowed $display("%d %d %d", count, i_sub0.ff, out1); if (count == 16) begin if (out1 == 15) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end else begin $write("Missmatch\n"); $stop; end end count <= count + 1; end endmodule module sub0 #( parameter logic UNPACKED[0:1] = '{1'b0, 1'b1} ) ( input wire clk, input wire [7:0] in, output wire [7:0] out); `HIER_BLOCK logic [7:0] ff; always_ff @(posedge clk) ff <= in; assign out = ff; endmodule module sub1 #( parameter type T = logic ) ( input wire T in, output wire T out); `HIER_BLOCK assign out = in; endmodule