// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Gate optimizations, such as wire elimination // // Code available from: http://www.veripool.org/verilator // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2018 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* // V3Gate's Transformations: // // Extract a graph of the *entire* netlist with cells expanded // Perform constant optimization across the graph // Create VARSCOPEs for any variables we can rip out // //************************************************************************* #include "config_build.h" #include "verilatedos.h" #include "V3Global.h" #include "V3Gate.h" #include "V3Ast.h" #include "V3Graph.h" #include "V3Const.h" #include "V3Stats.h" #include "V3Hashed.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include VL_INCLUDE_UNORDERED_SET typedef std::list GateVarRefList; #define GATE_DEDUP_MAX_DEPTH 20 //###################################################################### class GateBaseVisitor : public AstNVisitor { public: VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug() }; //###################################################################### class GateLogicVertex; class GateVarVertex; class GateGraphBaseVisitor { public: virtual VNUser visit(GateLogicVertex* vertexp, VNUser vu=VNUser(0)) =0; virtual VNUser visit(GateVarVertex* vertexp, VNUser vu=VNUser(0)) =0; virtual ~GateGraphBaseVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### // Support classes class GateEitherVertex : public V3GraphVertex { AstScope* m_scopep; bool m_reducible; // True if this node should be able to be eliminated bool m_dedupable; // True if this node should be able to be deduped bool m_consumed; // Output goes to something meaningful public: GateEitherVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstScope* scopep) : V3GraphVertex(graphp), m_scopep(scopep), m_reducible(true), m_dedupable(true), m_consumed(false) {} virtual ~GateEitherVertex() {} // ACCESSORS virtual string dotStyle() const { return m_consumed?"":"dotted"; } AstScope* scopep() const { return m_scopep; } bool reducible() const { return m_reducible; } bool dedupable() const { return m_dedupable; } void setConsumed(const char* consumedReason) { m_consumed = true; //UINFO(0,"\t\tSetConsumed "<inNextp()) { ret = dynamic_cast(edgep->fromp())->accept(v, vu); } return ret; } // Returns only the result from the LAST vertex iterated over // Note: This behaves differently than iterateInEdges() in that it will traverse // all edges that exist when it is initially called, whereas // iterateInEdges() will stop traversing edges if one is deleted VNUser iterateCurrentOutEdges(GateGraphBaseVisitor& v, VNUser vu=VNUser(0)) { VNUser ret = VNUser(0); V3GraphEdge* next_edgep = NULL; for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = outBeginp(); edgep; edgep = next_edgep) { // Need to find the next edge before visiting in case the edge is deleted next_edgep = edgep->outNextp(); ret = dynamic_cast(edgep->top())->accept(v, vu); } return ret; } }; class GateVarVertex : public GateEitherVertex { AstVarScope* m_varScp; bool m_isTop; bool m_isClock; AstNode* m_rstSyncNodep; // Used as reset and not in SenItem, in clocked always AstNode* m_rstAsyncNodep; // Used as reset and in SenItem, in clocked always public: GateVarVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstScope* scopep, AstVarScope* varScp) : GateEitherVertex(graphp, scopep), m_varScp(varScp), m_isTop(false) , m_isClock(false), m_rstSyncNodep(NULL), m_rstAsyncNodep(NULL) {} virtual ~GateVarVertex() {} // ACCESSORS AstVarScope* varScp() const { return m_varScp; } virtual string name() const { return (cvtToHex(m_varScp)+" "+varScp()->name()); } virtual string dotColor() const { return "blue"; } bool isTop() const { return m_isTop; } void setIsTop() { m_isTop = true; } bool isClock() const { return m_isClock; } void setIsClock() { m_isClock = true; setConsumed("isclk"); } AstNode* rstSyncNodep() const { return m_rstSyncNodep; } void rstSyncNodep(AstNode* nodep) { m_rstSyncNodep=nodep; } AstNode* rstAsyncNodep() const { return m_rstAsyncNodep; } void rstAsyncNodep(AstNode* nodep) { m_rstAsyncNodep=nodep; } // METHODS void propagateAttrClocksFrom(GateVarVertex* fromp) { // Propagate clock and general attribute onto this node varScp()->varp()->propagateAttrFrom(fromp->varScp()->varp()); if (fromp->isClock()) { varScp()->varp()->usedClock(true); setIsClock(); } } VNUser accept(GateGraphBaseVisitor& v, VNUser vu=VNUser(0)) { return v.visit(this,vu); } }; class GateLogicVertex : public GateEitherVertex { AstNode* m_nodep; AstActive* m_activep; // Under what active; NULL is ok (under cfunc or such) bool m_slow; // In slow block public: GateLogicVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstScope* scopep, AstNode* nodep, AstActive* activep, bool slow) : GateEitherVertex(graphp,scopep), m_nodep(nodep), m_activep(activep), m_slow(slow) {} virtual ~GateLogicVertex() {} // ACCESSORS virtual string name() const { return (cvtToHex(m_nodep)+"@"+scopep()->prettyName()); } virtual string dotColor() const { return "yellow"; } virtual FileLine* fileline() const { return nodep()->fileline(); } AstNode* nodep() const { return m_nodep; } AstActive* activep() const { return m_activep; } bool slow() const { return m_slow; } VNUser accept(GateGraphBaseVisitor& v, VNUser vu=VNUser(0)) { return v.visit(this,vu); } }; //###################################################################### // Is this a simple math expression with a single input and single output? class GateOkVisitor : public GateBaseVisitor { private: // RETURN STATE bool m_isSimple; // Set false when we know it isn't simple GateVarRefList m_rhsVarRefs; // VarRefs on rhs of assignment AstNode* m_substTreep; // What to replace the variable with // STATE bool m_buffersOnly; // Set when we only allow simple buffering, no equations (for clocks) AstNodeVarRef* m_lhsVarRef; // VarRef on lhs of assignment (what we're replacing) bool m_dedupe; // Set when we use isGateDedupable instead of isGateOptimizable int m_ops; // Operation count // METHODS void clearSimple(const char* because) { if (m_isSimple) { m_isSimple = false; UINFO(9, "Clear simple "<varScopep()->varp()->isSc()) { clearSimple("SystemC sig"); // Don't want to eliminate the VL_ASSIGN_SI's } if (nodep->lvalue()) { if (m_lhsVarRef) clearSimple(">1 lhs varRefs"); m_lhsVarRef = nodep; } else { if (m_rhsVarRefs.size()>1) { AstNodeVarRef* lastRefp = m_rhsVarRefs.back(); if (0) { // Diable the multiple-input optimization clearSimple(">1 rhs varRefs"); } else { if (m_buffersOnly) clearSimple(">1 rhs varRefs"); if (!nodep->varScopep()->varp()->gateMultiInputOptimizable() // We didn't check multiInput on the first varref, so check it here || !lastRefp->varScopep()->varp()->gateMultiInputOptimizable()) { clearSimple("!gateMultiInputOptimizable"); } } } m_rhsVarRefs.push_back(nodep); } } virtual void visit(AstNodeAssign* nodep) { m_substTreep = nodep->rhsp(); if (!VN_IS(nodep->lhsp(), NodeVarRef)) { clearSimple("ASSIGN(non-VARREF)"); } else { iterateChildren(nodep); } // We don't push logic other then assignments/NOTs into SenItems // This avoids a mess in computing what exactly a POSEDGE is // V3Const cleans up any NOTs by flipping the edges for us if (m_buffersOnly && !(VN_IS(nodep->rhsp(), VarRef) // Avoid making non-clocked logic into clocked, // as it slows down the verilator_sim_benchmark || (VN_IS(nodep->rhsp(), Not) && VN_IS(VN_CAST(nodep->rhsp(), Not)->lhsp(), VarRef) && VN_CAST(VN_CAST(nodep->rhsp(), Not)->lhsp(), VarRef)->varp()->isUsedClock()) )) { clearSimple("Not a buffer (goes to a clock)"); } } //-------------------- // Default virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) { // *** Special iterator if (!m_isSimple) return; // Fastpath if (++m_ops > v3Global.opt.gateStmts()) { clearSimple("--gate-stmts exceeded"); } if (!(m_dedupe ? nodep->isGateDedupable() : nodep->isGateOptimizable()) || !nodep->isPure() || nodep->isBrancher()) { UINFO(5, "Non optimizable type: "<varScopep() == (*it)->varScopep()) { clearSimple("Circular logic\n"); // Oh my, we'll get a UNOPTFLAT much later. } } if (debug()>=9 && !m_isSimple) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"\tgate!Ok: "); } } virtual ~GateOkVisitor() {} // PUBLIC METHODS bool isSimple() const { return m_isSimple; } AstNode* substTree() const { return m_substTreep; } const GateVarRefList& rhsVarRefs() const { return m_rhsVarRefs; } }; //###################################################################### // Gate class functions class GateVisitor : public GateBaseVisitor { private: // NODE STATE //Entire netlist: // AstVarScope::user1p -> GateVarVertex* for usage var, 0=not set yet // {statement}Node::user1p -> GateLogicVertex* for this statement // AstVarScope::user2 -> bool: Signal used in SenItem in *this* always statement // AstVar::user2 -> bool: Warned about SYNCASYNCNET // AstNodeVarRef::user2 -> bool: ConcatOffset visited AstUser1InUse m_inuser1; AstUser2InUse m_inuser2; // STATE V3Graph m_graph; // Scoreboard of var usages/dependencies GateLogicVertex* m_logicVertexp; // Current statement being tracked, NULL=ignored AstScope* m_scopep; // Current scope being processed AstNodeModule* m_modp; // Current module AstActive* m_activep; // Current active bool m_activeReducible; // Is activation block reducible? bool m_inSenItem; // Underneath AstSenItem; any varrefs are clocks bool m_inSlow; // Inside a slow structure V3Double0 m_statSigs; // Statistic tracking V3Double0 m_statRefs; // Statistic tracking V3Double0 m_statDedupLogic; // Statistic tracking V3Double0 m_statAssignMerged; // Statistic tracking // METHODS void iterateNewStmt(AstNode* nodep, const char* nonReducibleReason, const char* consumeReason) { if (m_scopep) { UINFO(5," STMT "<clearReducibleAndDedupable(nonReducibleReason); } else if (!m_activeReducible) { m_logicVertexp->clearReducible("Block Unreducible"); // Sequential logic is dedupable } if (consumeReason) m_logicVertexp->setConsumed(consumeReason); if (VN_IS(nodep, SenItem)) m_logicVertexp->setConsumed("senItem"); iterateChildren(nodep); m_logicVertexp = NULL; } } GateVarVertex* makeVarVertex(AstVarScope* varscp) { GateVarVertex* vertexp = reinterpret_cast(varscp->user1p()); if (!vertexp) { UINFO(6,"New vertex "<user1p(vertexp); if (varscp->varp()->isSigPublic()) { // Public signals shouldn't be changed, pli code might be messing with them vertexp->clearReducibleAndDedupable("SigPublic"); vertexp->setConsumed("SigPublic"); } if (varscp->varp()->isIO() && varscp->scopep()->isTop()) { // We may need to convert to/from sysc/reg sigs vertexp->setIsTop(); vertexp->clearReducibleAndDedupable("isTop"); vertexp->setConsumed("isTop"); } if (varscp->varp()->isUsedClock()) vertexp->setConsumed("clock"); } return vertexp; } void optimizeSignals(bool allowMultiIn); bool elimLogicOkOutputs(GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp, const GateOkVisitor& okVisitor); void optimizeElimVar(AstVarScope* varscp, AstNode* substp, AstNode* consumerp); void warnSignals(); void consumedMark(); void consumedMarkRecurse(GateEitherVertex* vertexp); void consumedMove(); void replaceAssigns(); void dedupe(); void mergeAssigns(); void decomposeClkVectors(); // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstNetlist* nodep) { iterateChildren(nodep); //if (debug()>6) m_graph.dump(); if (debug()>6) m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("gate_pre"); warnSignals(); // Before loss of sync/async pointers // Decompose clock vectors -- need to do this before removing redundant edges decomposeClkVectors(); m_graph.removeRedundantEdgesSum(&V3GraphEdge::followAlwaysTrue); m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("gate_simp"); // Find gate interconnect and optimize m_graph.userClearVertices(); // vertex->user(): bool. True indicates we've set it as consumed // Get rid of buffers first, optimizeSignals(false); // Then propagate more complicated equations optimizeSignals(true); // Remove redundant logic if (v3Global.opt.oDedupe()) dedupe(); if (v3Global.opt.oAssemble()) mergeAssigns(); // Consumption warnings consumedMark(); m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("gate_opt"); // Rewrite assignments consumedMove(); replaceAssigns(); } virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) { m_modp = nodep; m_activeReducible = true; iterateChildren(nodep); m_modp = NULL; } virtual void visit(AstScope* nodep) { UINFO(4," SCOPE "<hasClocked()); // Seq logic outputs aren't reducible m_activep = nodep; AstNode::user2ClearTree(); iterateChildren(nodep); AstNode::user2ClearTree(); m_activep = NULL; m_activeReducible = true; } virtual void visit(AstNodeVarRef* nodep) { if (m_scopep) { if (!m_logicVertexp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Var ref not under a logic block"); AstVarScope* varscp = nodep->varScopep(); if (!varscp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Var didn't get varscoped in V3Scope.cpp"); GateVarVertex* vvertexp = makeVarVertex(varscp); UINFO(5," VARREF to "<setIsClock(); // For SYNCASYNCNET if (m_inSenItem) varscp->user2(true); else if (m_activep && m_activep->hasClocked() && !nodep->lvalue()) { if (varscp->user2()) { if (!vvertexp->rstAsyncNodep()) vvertexp->rstAsyncNodep(nodep); } else { if (!vvertexp->rstSyncNodep()) vvertexp->rstSyncNodep(nodep); } } // We use weight of one; if we ref the var more than once, when we simplify, // the weight will increase if (nodep->lvalue()) { new V3GraphEdge(&m_graph, m_logicVertexp, vvertexp, 1); } else { new V3GraphEdge(&m_graph, vvertexp, m_logicVertexp, 1); } } } virtual void visit(AstAlways* nodep) { iterateNewStmt(nodep, (nodep->isJustOneBodyStmt()?NULL:"Multiple Stmts"), NULL); } virtual void visit(AstAlwaysPublic* nodep) { bool lastslow = m_inSlow; m_inSlow = true; iterateNewStmt(nodep, "AlwaysPublic", NULL); m_inSlow = lastslow; } virtual void visit(AstCFunc* nodep) { iterateNewStmt(nodep, "User C Function", "User C Function"); } virtual void visit(AstSenItem* nodep) { // Note we look at only AstSenItems, not AstSenGate's // The gating term of a AstSenGate is normal logic m_inSenItem = true; if (m_logicVertexp) { // Already under logic; presumably a SenGate iterateChildren(nodep); } else { // Standalone item, probably right under a SenTree iterateNewStmt(nodep, NULL, NULL); } m_inSenItem = false; } virtual void visit(AstSenGate* nodep) { // First handle the clock part will be handled in a minute by visit AstSenItem // The logic gating term is delt with as logic iterateNewStmt(nodep, "Clock gater", "Clock gater"); } virtual void visit(AstInitial* nodep) { bool lastslow = m_inSlow; m_inSlow = true; iterateNewStmt(nodep, (nodep->isJustOneBodyStmt()?NULL:"Multiple Stmts"), NULL); m_inSlow = lastslow; } virtual void visit(AstAssignAlias* nodep) { iterateNewStmt(nodep, NULL, NULL); } virtual void visit(AstAssignW* nodep) { iterateNewStmt(nodep, NULL, NULL); } virtual void visit(AstCoverToggle* nodep) { iterateNewStmt(nodep, "CoverToggle", "CoverToggle"); } virtual void visit(AstTraceInc* nodep) { bool lastslow = m_inSlow; m_inSlow = true; iterateNewStmt(nodep, "Tracing", "Tracing"); m_inSlow = lastslow; } virtual void visit(AstConcat* nodep) { if (VN_IS(nodep->backp(), NodeAssign) && VN_CAST(nodep->backp(), NodeAssign)->lhsp()==nodep) { nodep->v3fatalSrc("Concat on LHS of assignment; V3Const should have deleted it"); } iterateChildren(nodep); } //-------------------- // Default virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) { iterateChildren(nodep); if (nodep->isOutputter() && m_logicVertexp) m_logicVertexp->setConsumed("outputter"); } public: // CONSTUCTORS explicit GateVisitor(AstNode* nodep) { AstNode::user1ClearTree(); m_logicVertexp = NULL; m_scopep = NULL; m_modp = NULL; m_activep = NULL; m_activeReducible = true; m_inSenItem = false; m_inSlow = false; iterate(nodep); } virtual ~GateVisitor() { V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Gate sigs deleted", m_statSigs); V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Gate inputs replaced", m_statRefs); V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Gate sigs deduped", m_statDedupLogic); V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Gate assign merged", m_statAssignMerged); } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GateVisitor::optimizeSignals(bool allowMultiIn) { for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { if (vvertexp->inEmpty()) { vvertexp->clearReducibleAndDedupable("inEmpty"); // Can't deal with no sources if (!vvertexp->isTop() // Ok if top inputs are driverless && !vvertexp->varScp()->varp()->valuep() && !vvertexp->varScp()->varp()->isSigPublic()) { UINFO(4, "No drivers "<varScp()<varScp()->varp()->v3warn(UNDRIVEN,"Signal has no drivers " <scopep()->prettyName()<<"." <varScp()->varp()->prettyName()); } } } else if (!vvertexp->inSize1()) { vvertexp->clearReducibleAndDedupable("size!1"); // Can't deal with more than one src } // Reduce it? if (!vvertexp->reducible()) { UINFO(8, "SigNotRed "<name()<name()< (vvertexp->inBeginp()->fromp()); UINFO(8, " From "<name()<nodep(); if (logicVertexp->reducible()) { // Can we eliminate? GateOkVisitor okVisitor(logicp, vvertexp->isClock(), false); bool multiInputs = okVisitor.rhsVarRefs().size() > 1; // Was it ok? bool doit = okVisitor.isSimple(); if (doit && multiInputs) { if (!allowMultiIn) doit = false; // Doit if one input, or not used, or used only once, ignoring traces int n=0; for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vvertexp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->outNextp()) { GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->top()); if (!consumeVertexp->slow()) { // Not tracing or other slow path junk if (edgep->top()->outBeginp()) { // Destination is itself used n += edgep->weight(); } } if (n>1) { doit = false; break; } } } // Process it if (!doit) { if (allowMultiIn && (debug()>=9)) { UINFO(9, "Not ok simp"<outBeginp()<<" on"<<(vvertexp->outBeginp()?vvertexp->outBeginp()->outNextp():0) <<" "<name() <outBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->outNextp()) { GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->top()); UINFO(9, " edge "<nodep()<inBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->inNextp()) { GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->fromp()); UINFO(9, " edge "<nodep()<=5) logicp->dumpTree(cout,"\telimVar: "); if (debug()>=5) substp->dumpTree(cout,"\t subst: "); ++m_statSigs; bool removedAllUsages = true; for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vvertexp->outBeginp(); edgep; ) { GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->top()); AstNode* consumerp = consumeVertexp->nodep(); if (!elimLogicOkOutputs(consumeVertexp, okVisitor/*ref*/)) { // Cannot optimize this replacement removedAllUsages = false; edgep = edgep->outNextp(); } else { optimizeElimVar(vvertexp->varScp(), substp, consumerp); // If the new replacement referred to a signal, // Correct the graph to point to this new generating variable const GateVarRefList& rhsVarRefs = okVisitor.rhsVarRefs(); for (GateVarRefList::const_iterator it = rhsVarRefs.begin(); it != rhsVarRefs.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* newvarscp = (*it)->varScopep(); UINFO(9," Point-to-new vertex "<propagateAttrClocksFrom(vvertexp); } // Remove the edge edgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(edgep); ++m_statRefs; edgep = vvertexp->outBeginp(); } } if (removedAllUsages) { // Remove input links while (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vvertexp->inBeginp()) { edgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(edgep); } // Clone tree so we remember it for tracing, and keep the pointer // to the "ALWAYS" part of the tree as part of this statement // That way if a later signal optimization that retained a pointer to the always // can optimize it further logicp->unlinkFrBack(); vvertexp->varScp()->valuep(logicp); logicp = NULL; // Mark the vertex so we don't mark it as being unconsumed in the next step vvertexp->user(true); logicVertexp->user(true); } } } } } } } bool GateVisitor::elimLogicOkOutputs(GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp, const GateOkVisitor& okVisitor) { // Return true if can optimize // Return false if the consuming logic has an output signal that the replacement logic has as an input typedef vl_unordered_set VarScopeSet; // Use map to find duplicates between two lists VarScopeSet varscopes; // Replacement logic usually has shorter input list, so faster to build list based on it const GateVarRefList& rhsVarRefs = okVisitor.rhsVarRefs(); for (GateVarRefList::const_iterator it = rhsVarRefs.begin(); it != rhsVarRefs.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* vscp = (*it)->varScopep(); if (varscopes.find(vscp) == varscopes.end()) varscopes.insert(vscp); } for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = consumeVertexp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->outNextp()) { GateVarVertex* consVVertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->top()); AstVarScope* vscp = consVVertexp->varScp(); if (varscopes.find(vscp) != varscopes.end()) { UINFO(9," Block-unopt, insertion generates input vscp "<verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { // Take the Comments/assigns that were moved to the VarScope and change them to a // simple value assignment AstVarScope* vscp = vvertexp->varScp(); if (vscp->valuep() && !VN_IS(vscp->valuep(), NodeMath)) { //if (debug()>9) vscp->dumpTree(cout, "-vscPre: "); while (AstNode* delp=VN_CAST(vscp->valuep(), Comment)) { delp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(delp); } if (AstInitial* delp=VN_CAST(vscp->valuep(), Initial)) { AstNode* bodyp=delp->bodysp(); bodyp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); delp->replaceWith(bodyp); delp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(delp); } if (AstAlways* delp=VN_CAST(vscp->valuep(), Always)) { AstNode* bodyp=delp->bodysp(); bodyp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); delp->replaceWith(bodyp); delp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(delp); } if (AstNodeAssign* delp=VN_CAST(vscp->valuep(), NodeAssign)) { AstNode* rhsp=delp->rhsp(); rhsp->unlinkFrBack(); delp->replaceWith(rhsp); delp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(delp); } //if (debug()>9) {vscp->dumpTree(cout, "-vscDone: "); cout<valuep(), NodeMath) || vscp->valuep()->nextp()) { vscp->dumpTree(std::cerr, "vscStrange: "); vscp->v3fatalSrc("Value of varscope not mathematical"); } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GateVisitor::consumedMark() { // Propagate consumed signals backwards to all producers into a consumed node m_graph.userClearVertices(); for (V3GraphVertex* vertexp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); vertexp; vertexp=vertexp->verticesNextp()) { GateEitherVertex* evertexp = static_cast(vertexp); if (!evertexp->user() && evertexp->consumed()) { consumedMarkRecurse(evertexp); } } } void GateVisitor::consumedMarkRecurse(GateEitherVertex* vertexp) { if (vertexp->user()) return; // Already marked vertexp->user(true); if (!vertexp->consumed()) vertexp->setConsumed("propagated"); // Walk sources and mark them too for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vertexp->inBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->inNextp()) { GateEitherVertex* eFromVertexp = static_cast(edgep->fromp()); consumedMarkRecurse(eFromVertexp); } } void GateVisitor::consumedMove() { // Remove unused logic (logic that doesn't hit a combo block or a display statement) // We need the "usually" block logic to do a better job at this for (V3GraphVertex* vertexp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); vertexp; vertexp=vertexp->verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(vertexp)) { if (!vvertexp->consumed() && !vvertexp->user()) { UINFO(8, "Unconsumed "<varScp()<(vertexp)) { AstNode* nodep = lvertexp->nodep(); AstActive* oldactp = lvertexp->activep(); // NULL under cfunc if (!lvertexp->consumed() && oldactp) { // Eventually: Move the statement to a new active block with "tracing-on" sensitivity UINFO(8," Remove unconsumed "<unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GateVisitor::warnSignals() { AstNode::user2ClearTree(); for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { AstVarScope* vscp = vvertexp->varScp(); AstNode* sp = vvertexp->rstSyncNodep(); AstNode* ap = vvertexp->rstAsyncNodep(); if (ap && sp && !vscp->varp()->user2()) { // This is somewhat wrong, as marking one flop as ok for sync // may mean a different flop now fails. However it's a pain to // then report a warning in a new place - we should report them all at once. // Instead we'll disable if any disabled if (!vscp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::SYNCASYNCNET) && !ap->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::SYNCASYNCNET) && !sp->fileline()->warnIsOff(V3ErrorCode::SYNCASYNCNET) ) { vscp->varp()->user2(true); // Warn only once per signal vscp->v3warn(SYNCASYNCNET,"Signal flopped as both synchronous and async: "<prettyName()<warnMore()<<"... Location of async usage"<warnMore()<<"... Location of sync usage"<varScopep() == m_elimVarScp) { // Substitute in the new tree // It's possible we substitute into something that will be reduced more later // however, as we never delete the top Always/initial statement, all should be well. m_didReplace = true; if (nodep->lvalue()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Can't replace lvalue assignments with const var"); AstNode* substp = m_replaceTreep->cloneTree(false); if (VN_IS(nodep, NodeVarRef) && VN_IS(substp, NodeVarRef) && nodep->same(substp)) { // Prevent a infinite loop... substp->v3fatalSrc("Replacing node with itself; perhaps circular logic?"); } // Which fileline() to use? // If replacing with logic, an error/warning is likely to want to point to the logic // IE what we're replacing with. // However a VARREF should point to the original as it's otherwise confusing // to throw warnings that point to a PIN rather than where the pin us used. if (VN_IS(substp, VarRef)) substp->fileline(nodep->fileline()); // Make the substp an rvalue like nodep. This facilitate the hashing in dedupe. if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = VN_CAST(substp, NodeVarRef)) varrefp->lvalue(false); nodep->replaceWith(substp); nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep); } } virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) { iterateChildren(nodep); } public: // CONSTUCTORS virtual ~GateElimVisitor() {} GateElimVisitor(AstNode* nodep, AstVarScope* varscp, AstNode* replaceTreep) { m_didReplace = false; m_elimVarScp = varscp; m_replaceTreep = replaceTreep; iterate(nodep); } bool didReplace() const { return m_didReplace; } }; void GateVisitor::optimizeElimVar(AstVarScope* varscp, AstNode* substp, AstNode* consumerp) { if (debug()>=5) consumerp->dumpTree(cout,"\telimUsePre: "); GateElimVisitor elimVisitor (consumerp, varscp, substp); if (elimVisitor.didReplace()) { if (debug()>=9) consumerp->dumpTree(cout,"\telimUseCns: "); //Caution: Can't let V3Const change our handle to consumerp, such as by // optimizing away this assignment, etc. consumerp = V3Const::constifyEdit(consumerp); if (debug()>=5) consumerp->dumpTree(cout,"\telimUseDne: "); // Some previous input edges may have disappeared, perhaps all of them. // If we remove the edges we can further optimize // See e.g t_var_overzero.v. } } //###################################################################### // Auxiliary hash class for GateDedupeVarVisitor class GateDedupeHash : public V3HashedUserCheck { private: // NODE STATE // Ast*::user2p -> parent AstNodeAssign* for this rhsp // Ast*::user3p -> AstNode* checked in test for duplicate // Ast*::user5p -> AstNode* checked in test for duplicate // AstUser2InUse m_inuser2; (Allocated for use in GateVisitor) AstUser3InUse m_inuser3; AstUser5InUse m_inuser5; V3Hashed m_hashed; // Hash, contains rhs of assigns void hash(AstNode* nodep) { // !NULL && the object is hashable if (nodep && !nodep->sameHash().isIllegal()) { m_hashed.hash(nodep); } } bool sameHash(AstNode* node1p, AstNode* node2p) { return (node1p && node2p && !node1p->sameHash().isIllegal() && !node2p->sameHash().isIllegal() && m_hashed.sameNodes(node1p,node2p)); } bool same(AstNode* node1p, AstNode* node2p) { return node1p == node2p || sameHash(node1p,node2p); } public: bool check(AstNode* node1p,AstNode* node2p) { return same(node1p->user3p(),node2p->user3p()) && same(node1p->user5p(),node2p->user5p()) && node1p->user2p()->type() == node2p->user2p()->type() ; } AstNodeAssign* hashAndFindDupe(AstNodeAssign* assignp, AstNode* extra1p, AstNode* extra2p) { AstNode *rhsp = assignp->rhsp(); rhsp->user2p(assignp); rhsp->user3p(extra1p); rhsp->user5p(extra2p); hash(extra1p); hash(extra2p); V3Hashed::iterator inserted = m_hashed.hashAndInsert(rhsp); V3Hashed::iterator dupit = m_hashed.findDuplicate(rhsp, this); // Even though rhsp was just inserted, V3Hashed::findDuplicate doesn't // return anything in the hash that has the same pointer (V3Hashed.cpp::findDuplicate) // So dupit is either a different, duplicate rhsp, or the end of the hash. if (dupit != m_hashed.end()) { m_hashed.erase(inserted); return VN_CAST(m_hashed.iteratorNodep(dupit)->user2p(), NodeAssign); } return NULL; } }; //###################################################################### // Have we seen the rhs of this assign before? class GateDedupeVarVisitor : public GateBaseVisitor { // Given a node, it is visited to try to find the AstNodeAssign under it that can used for dedupe. // Right now, only the following node trees are supported for dedupe. // 1. AstNodeAssign // 2. AstAlways -> AstNodeAssign // (Note, the assign must also be the only node under the always) // 3. AstAlways -> AstNodeIf -> AstNodeAssign // (Note, the IF must be the only node under the always, // and the assign must be the only node under the if, other than the ifcond) // Any other ordering or node type, except for an AstComment, makes it not dedupable private: // STATE GateDedupeHash m_hash; // Hash used to find dupes of rhs of assign AstNodeAssign* m_assignp; // Assign found for dedupe AstNode* m_ifCondp; // IF condition that assign is under bool m_always; // Assign is under an always bool m_dedupable; // Determined the assign to be dedupable // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstNodeAssign* assignp) { if (m_dedupable) { // I think we could safely dedupe an always block with multiple non-blocking statements, but erring on side of caution here if (!m_assignp) { m_assignp = assignp; } else { m_dedupable = false; } } } virtual void visit(AstAlways* alwaysp) { if (m_dedupable) { if (!m_always) { m_always = true; iterateAndNextNull(alwaysp->bodysp()); } else { m_dedupable = false; } } } // Ugly support for latches of the specific form - // always @(...) // if (...) // foo = ...; // or foo <= ...; virtual void visit(AstNodeIf* ifp) { if (m_dedupable) { if (m_always && !m_ifCondp && !ifp->elsesp()) { //we're under an always, this is the first IF, and there's no else m_ifCondp = ifp->condp(); iterateAndNextNull(ifp->ifsp()); } else { m_dedupable = false; } } } virtual void visit(AstComment*) {} // NOP //-------------------- // Default virtual void visit(AstNode*) { m_dedupable = false; } public: // CONSTUCTORS GateDedupeVarVisitor() { m_assignp = NULL; m_ifCondp = NULL; m_always = false; m_dedupable = true; } // PUBLIC METHODS AstNodeVarRef* findDupe(AstNode* nodep, AstVarScope* consumerVarScopep, AstActive* activep) { m_assignp = NULL; m_ifCondp = NULL; m_always = false; m_dedupable = true; iterate(nodep); if (m_dedupable && m_assignp) { AstNode* lhsp = m_assignp->lhsp(); // Possible todo, handle more complex lhs expressions if (AstNodeVarRef* lhsVarRefp = VN_CAST(lhsp, NodeVarRef)) { if (lhsVarRefp->varScopep() != consumerVarScopep) consumerVarScopep->v3fatalSrc("Consumer doesn't match lhs of assign"); if (AstNodeAssign* dup = m_hash.hashAndFindDupe(m_assignp,activep,m_ifCondp)) { return static_cast(dup->lhsp()); } } } return NULL; } }; //###################################################################### // Recurse through the graph, looking for duplicate expressions on the rhs of an assign class GateDedupeGraphVisitor : public GateGraphBaseVisitor { private: // NODE STATE // AstVarScope::user2p -> bool: already visited // AstUser2InUse m_inuser2; (Allocated for use in GateVisitor) V3Double0 m_numDeduped; // Statistic tracking GateDedupeVarVisitor m_varVisitor; // Looks for a dupe of the logic int m_depth; // Iteration depth virtual VNUser visit(GateVarVertex* vvertexp, VNUser) { // Check that we haven't been here before if (m_depth > GATE_DEDUP_MAX_DEPTH) return VNUser(0); // Break loops; before user2 set so hit this vertex later if (vvertexp->varScp()->user2()) return VNUser(0); vvertexp->varScp()->user2(true); m_depth++; if (vvertexp->inSize1()) { AstNodeVarRef* dupVarRefp = static_cast (vvertexp->iterateInEdges(*this, VNUser(vvertexp)).toNodep()); if (dupVarRefp) { V3GraphEdge* edgep = vvertexp->inBeginp(); GateLogicVertex* lvertexp = static_cast(edgep->fromp()); if (!vvertexp->dedupable()) vvertexp->varScp()->v3fatalSrc("GateLogicVertex* visit should have returned NULL if consumer var vertex is not dedupable."); GateOkVisitor okVisitor(lvertexp->nodep(), false, true); if (okVisitor.isSimple()) { AstVarScope* dupVarScopep = dupVarRefp->varScopep(); GateVarVertex* dupVvertexp = reinterpret_cast(dupVarScopep->user1p()); UINFO(4,"replacing " << vvertexp << " with " << dupVvertexp << endl); ++m_numDeduped; // Replace all of this varvertex's consumers with dupVarRefp for (V3GraphEdge* outedgep = vvertexp->outBeginp(); outedgep; ) { GateLogicVertex* consumeVertexp = dynamic_cast(outedgep->top()); AstNode* consumerp = consumeVertexp->nodep(); GateElimVisitor elimVisitor(consumerp,vvertexp->varScp(),dupVarRefp); outedgep = outedgep->relinkFromp(dupVvertexp); } // Propagate attributes dupVvertexp->propagateAttrClocksFrom(vvertexp); // Remove inputs links while (V3GraphEdge* inedgep = vvertexp->inBeginp()) { inedgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(inedgep); } // replaceAssigns() does the deleteTree on lvertexNodep in a later step AstNode* lvertexNodep = lvertexp->nodep(); lvertexNodep->unlinkFrBack(); vvertexp->varScp()->valuep(lvertexNodep); lvertexNodep = NULL; vvertexp->user(true); lvertexp->user(true); } } } m_depth--; return VNUser(0); } // Given iterated logic, starting at vu which was consumer's GateVarVertex // Returns a varref that has the same logic input; or NULL if none virtual VNUser visit(GateLogicVertex* lvertexp, VNUser vu) { lvertexp->iterateInEdges(*this); GateVarVertex* consumerVvertexpp = static_cast(vu.toGraphVertex()); if (lvertexp->dedupable() && consumerVvertexpp->dedupable()) { AstNode* nodep = lvertexp->nodep(); AstVarScope* consumerVarScopep = consumerVvertexpp->varScp(); // TODO: Doing a simple pointer comparison of activep won't work // optimally for statements under generated clocks. Statements under // different generated clocks will never compare as equal, even if the // generated clocks are deduped into one clock. AstActive* activep = lvertexp->activep(); return VNUser(m_varVisitor.findDupe(nodep, consumerVarScopep, activep)); } return VNUser(0); } public: GateDedupeGraphVisitor() { m_depth = 0; } void dedupeTree(GateVarVertex* vvertexp) { vvertexp->accept(*this); } V3Double0 numDeduped() { return m_numDeduped; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GateVisitor::dedupe() { AstNode::user2ClearTree(); GateDedupeGraphVisitor deduper; // Traverse starting from each of the clocks for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { if (vvertexp->isClock()) { deduper.dedupeTree(vvertexp); } } } // Traverse starting from each of the outputs for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { if (vvertexp->isTop() && vvertexp->varScp()->varp()->isWritable()) { deduper.dedupeTree(vvertexp); } } } m_statDedupLogic += deduper.numDeduped(); } //###################################################################### // Recurse through the graph, try to merge assigns class GateMergeAssignsGraphVisitor : public GateGraphBaseVisitor { private: // NODE STATE AstNodeAssign* m_assignp; AstActive* m_activep; GateLogicVertex* m_logicvp; V3Graph* m_graphp; V3Double0 m_numMergedAssigns; // Statistic tracking // assemble two Sel into one if possible AstSel* merge(AstSel* pre, AstSel* cur) { AstVarRef* preVarRefp = VN_CAST(pre->fromp(), VarRef); AstVarRef* curVarRefp = VN_CAST(cur->fromp(), VarRef); if (!preVarRefp || !curVarRefp || !curVarRefp->same(preVarRefp)) return NULL; // not the same var const AstConst* pstart = VN_CAST(pre->lsbp(), Const); const AstConst* pwidth = VN_CAST(pre->widthp(), Const); const AstConst* cstart = VN_CAST(cur->lsbp(), Const); const AstConst* cwidth = VN_CAST(cur->widthp(), Const); if (!pstart || !pwidth || !cstart || !cwidth) return NULL; // too complicated if (cur->lsbConst()+cur->widthConst() == pre->lsbConst()) { return new AstSel(curVarRefp->fileline(), curVarRefp->cloneTree(false), cur->lsbConst(), pre->widthConst()+cur->widthConst()); } else return NULL; } virtual VNUser visit(GateVarVertex *vvertexp, VNUser) { for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vvertexp->inBeginp(); edgep; ) { V3GraphEdge* oldedgep = edgep; edgep = edgep->inNextp(); // for recursive since the edge could be deleted if (GateLogicVertex* lvertexp = dynamic_cast(oldedgep->fromp())) { if (AstNodeAssign* assignp = VN_CAST(lvertexp->nodep(), NodeAssign)) { //if (lvertexp->outSize1() && VN_IS(assignp->lhsp(), Sel)) { if (VN_IS(assignp->lhsp(), Sel) && lvertexp->outSize1()) { UINFO(9, "assing to the nodep["<lhsp(), Sel)->lsbConst()<<"]"<activep(); if (!m_logicvp) m_logicvp = lvertexp; if (!m_assignp) m_assignp = assignp; // not under the same active if (m_activep != lvertexp->activep()) { m_activep = lvertexp->activep(); m_logicvp = lvertexp; m_assignp = assignp; continue; } AstSel* preselp = VN_CAST(m_assignp->lhsp(), Sel); AstSel* curselp = VN_CAST(assignp->lhsp(), Sel); if (!preselp || !curselp) continue; if (AstSel* newselp = merge(preselp, curselp)) { UINFO(5, "assemble to new sel: "<replaceWith(newselp); preselp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(preselp); // create new rhs for pre assignment AstNode* newrhsp = new AstConcat(m_assignp->rhsp()->fileline(), m_assignp->rhsp()->cloneTree(false), assignp->rhsp()->cloneTree(false)); AstNode* oldrhsp = m_assignp->rhsp(); oldrhsp->replaceWith(newrhsp); oldrhsp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(oldrhsp); m_assignp->dtypeChgWidthSigned(m_assignp->width()+assignp->width(), m_assignp->width()+assignp->width(), AstNumeric::fromBool(true)); // don't need to delete, will be handled //assignp->unlinkFrBack(); assignp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(assignp); // update the graph { // delete all inedges to lvertexp if (!lvertexp->inEmpty()) { for (V3GraphEdge* ledgep = lvertexp->inBeginp(); ledgep; ) { V3GraphEdge* oedgep = ledgep; ledgep = ledgep->inNextp(); GateEitherVertex* fromvp = dynamic_cast(oedgep->fromp()); new V3GraphEdge(m_graphp, fromvp, m_logicvp, 1); oedgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(oedgep); } } // delete all outedges to lvertexp, only one oldedgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(oldedgep); } ++m_numMergedAssigns; } else { m_assignp = assignp; m_logicvp = lvertexp; } } } } } return VNUser(0); } virtual VNUser visit(GateLogicVertex* lvertexp, VNUser vu) { return VNUser(0); } public: explicit GateMergeAssignsGraphVisitor(V3Graph* graphp) { m_assignp = NULL; m_activep = NULL; m_logicvp = NULL; m_numMergedAssigns = 0; m_graphp = graphp; } void mergeAssignsTree(GateVarVertex* vvertexp) { vvertexp->accept(*this); } V3Double0 numMergedAssigns() { return m_numMergedAssigns; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GateVisitor::mergeAssigns() { GateMergeAssignsGraphVisitor merger(&m_graph); for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { merger.mergeAssignsTree(vvertexp); } } m_statAssignMerged += merger.numMergedAssigns(); } //###################################################################### // Find a var's offset in a concatenation class GateConcatVisitor : public GateBaseVisitor { private: // STATE AstVarScope* m_vscp; // Varscope we're trying to find int m_offset; // Current offset of varscope int m_found_offset; // Found offset of varscope bool m_found; // Offset found // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstNodeVarRef* nodep) { UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Concat search var (off = "<varScopep() == m_vscp && !nodep->user2() && !m_found) { // A concatenation may use the same var multiple times // But the graph will initially have an edge per instance nodep->user2(true); m_found_offset = m_offset; m_found = true; UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Concat found var (off = "<dtypep()->width(); } virtual void visit(AstConcat* nodep) { UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Concat search (off = "<rhsp()); iterate(nodep->lhsp()); } //-------------------- // Default virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) { iterateChildren(nodep); } public: // CONSTUCTORS GateConcatVisitor() { m_vscp = NULL; m_offset = 0; m_found_offset = 0; m_found = false; } virtual ~GateConcatVisitor() {} // PUBLIC METHODS bool concatOffset(AstConcat* concatp, AstVarScope* vscp, int& offsetr) { m_vscp = vscp; m_offset = 0; m_found = false; // Iterate iterate(concatp); UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Concat Offset (found = "< bool: already visited V3Graph* m_graphp; int m_seen_clk_vectors; AstVarScope* m_clk_vsp; GateVarVertex* m_clk_vvertexp; GateConcatVisitor m_concat_visitor; int m_total_seen_clk_vectors; int m_total_decomposed_clk_vectors; virtual VNUser visit(GateVarVertex* vvertexp, VNUser vu) { // Check that we haven't been here before AstVarScope* vsp = vvertexp->varScp(); if (vsp->user2SetOnce()) return VNUser(0); UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Var - "<varp()->width() > 1) { m_seen_clk_vectors++; m_total_seen_clk_vectors++; } GateClkDecompState* currState = reinterpret_cast(vu.c()); GateClkDecompState nextState(currState->m_offset, vsp); vvertexp->iterateCurrentOutEdges(*this, VNUser(&nextState)); if (vsp->varp()->width() > 1) { m_seen_clk_vectors--; } vsp->user2(false); return VNUser(0); } virtual VNUser visit(GateLogicVertex* lvertexp, VNUser vu) { GateClkDecompState* currState = reinterpret_cast(vu.c()); int clk_offset = currState->m_offset; if (const AstAssignW* assignp = VN_CAST(lvertexp->nodep(), AssignW)) { UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Logic (off = "<rhsp(), Sel)) { if (VN_IS(rselp->lsbp(), Const) && VN_IS(rselp->widthp(), Const)) { if (clk_offset < rselp->lsbConst() || clk_offset > rselp->msbConst()) { UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Sel [ "<msbConst()<<" : "<lsbConst()<<" ] dropped clock ("<lsbConst(); } else { return VNUser(0); } } else if (AstConcat* catp = VN_CAST(assignp->rhsp(), Concat)) { UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Concat searching - "<lhsp()<m_last_vsp, concat_offset)) { return VNUser(0); } clk_offset += concat_offset; } if (const AstSel* lselp = VN_CAST(assignp->lhsp(), Sel)) { if (VN_IS(lselp->lsbp(), Const) && VN_IS(lselp->widthp(), Const)) { clk_offset += lselp->lsbConst(); } else { return VNUser(0); } } else if (const AstVarRef* vrp = VN_CAST(assignp->lhsp(), VarRef)) { if (vrp->dtypep()->width() == 1 && m_seen_clk_vectors) { if (clk_offset != 0) { UINFO(9,"Should only make it here with clk_offset = 0"<lhsp()<<" <-> "<rhsp(); rhsp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(rhsp->fileline(), m_clk_vsp, false)); for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = lvertexp->inBeginp(); edgep; ) { edgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(edgep); } new V3GraphEdge(m_graphp, m_clk_vvertexp, lvertexp, 1); m_total_decomposed_clk_vectors++; } } GateClkDecompState nextState(clk_offset, currState->m_last_vsp); return lvertexp->iterateCurrentOutEdges(*this, VNUser(&nextState)); } return VNUser(0); } public: explicit GateClkDecompGraphVisitor(V3Graph* graphp) { m_graphp = graphp; m_seen_clk_vectors = 0; m_clk_vsp = NULL; m_clk_vvertexp = NULL; m_total_seen_clk_vectors = 0; m_total_decomposed_clk_vectors = 0; } virtual ~GateClkDecompGraphVisitor() { V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Clocker seen vectors", m_total_seen_clk_vectors); V3Stats::addStat("Optimizations, Clocker decomposed vectors", m_total_decomposed_clk_vectors); } void clkDecomp(GateVarVertex* vvertexp) { UINFO(9,"CLK DECOMP Starting Var - "<varScp(); m_clk_vvertexp = vvertexp; GateClkDecompState nextState(0, m_clk_vsp); vvertexp->accept(*this, VNUser(&nextState)); } }; void GateVisitor::decomposeClkVectors() { UINFO(9,"Starting clock decomposition"<verticesNextp()) { if (GateVarVertex* vertp = dynamic_cast(itp)) { AstVarScope* vsp = vertp->varScp(); if (vsp->varp()->attrClocker() == AstVarAttrClocker::CLOCKER_YES) { if (vsp->varp()->width() > 1) { UINFO(9,"Clocker > 1 bit, not decomposing: "<valuep(), NodeAssign)) { UINFO(5," Removeassign "<rhsp(); valuep->unlinkFrBack(); assp->replaceWith(valuep); assp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(assp); } } // Speedups virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep) {} virtual void visit(AstActive* nodep) {} virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) { iterateChildren(nodep); } public: // CONSTUCTORS explicit GateDeassignVisitor(AstNode* nodep) { iterate(nodep); } virtual ~GateDeassignVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### // Gate class functions void V3Gate::gateAll(AstNetlist* nodep) { UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<= 3); }