|Logo| *************************** Verilator XML Output Format *************************** Introduction ============ This document describes Verilator's XML output. For more general information please see `verilator.org <https://verilator.org>`__. General ======= Verilator's XML output is enabled with the ``--xml-only`` flag. It contains limited information about the elaborated design including files, modules, instance hierarchy, logic and data types. There is no formal schema since part of the structure of the XML document matches the compiled code which would require the schema to describe legal SystemVerilog structure. The intended usage is to enable other downstream tools to take advantage of Verilator's parser. Structure ========= The XML document consists of 4 sections within the top level ``verilator_xml`` element: ``<files>``\ ... ``</files>`` This section contains a list of all design files read, including the built-in constructs and the command line as their own entries. Each ``<file>`` has an attribute ``id`` which is a short ASCII string unique to that file. Other elements' ``loc`` attributes use this id to refer to a particular file. ``<module_files>``\ ... ``</module_files>`` All files containing Verilog module definitions are listed in this section. This element's contents is a subset of the ``<files>`` element's contents. ``<cells>``\ ... ``</cells>`` The cells section of the XML document contains the design instance hierarchy. Each instance is represented with the ``<cell>`` element with the following attributes: - ``loc``: The file id, first line number, last line number, first column number and last column number of the identifier where the module was instanced, separated by commas. - ``name``: The instance name. - ``submodname``: The module name uniquified with particular parameter values (if any). - ``hier``: The full hierarchy path. ``<netlist>``\ ... ``</netlist>`` The netlist section contains a number of ``<module>``\ ... ``</module>`` elements, each describing the contents of that module, and a single ``<typetable>``\ ... ``</typetable>`` element which lists all used types used within the modules. Each type has a numeric ``id`` attribute that is referred to by elements in the ``<module>`` elements using the ``dtype_id`` attribute. Distribution ============ Copyright 2020-2024 by Wilson Snyder. Verilator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 .. |Logo| image:: https://www.veripool.org/img/verilator_256_200_min.png