// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Parse syntax tree // // Code available from: http://www.veripool.org/verilator // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2019 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* #include "V3Ast.h" // This must be before V3ParseBison.cpp, as we don't want #defines to conflict //====================================================================== // The guts come from bison output #include "V3ParseBison.c" //====================================================================== // V3ParseImp functions requiring bison state int V3ParseImp::bisonParse() { // Use --debugi-bison 9 to enable this if (PARSEP->debugBison()>=9) yydebug = 1; return yyparse(); } const char* V3ParseImp::tokenName(int token) { #if YYDEBUG || YYERROR_VERBOSE static const char** nameTablep = NULL; if (!nameTablep) { int size; for (size = 0; yytname[size]; ++size) ; nameTablep = new const char* [size]; // Workaround bug in bison's which have '!' in yytname but not token values int iout = 0; for (int i = 0; yytname[i]; ++i) { if (yytname[i][0] == '\'') continue; nameTablep[iout++] = yytname[i]; } } if (token >= 255) { return nameTablep[token-255]; } else { static char ch[2]; ch[0] = token; ch[1] = '\0'; return ch; } #else return ""; #endif } void V3ParseImp::parserClear() { // Clear up any dynamic memory V3Parser required VARDTYPE(NULL); } //====================================================================== // V3ParseGrammar functions requiring bison state void V3ParseGrammar::argWrapList(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep) { // Convert list of expressions to list of arguments AstNode* outp = NULL; while (nodep->pinsp()) { AstNode* exprp = nodep->pinsp()->unlinkFrBack(); // addNext can handle nulls: outp = AstNode::addNext(outp, new AstArg(exprp->fileline(), "", exprp)); } if (outp) nodep->addPinsp(outp); } AstNode* V3ParseGrammar::createSupplyExpr(FileLine* fileline, string name, int value) { return new AstAssignW(fileline, new AstVarRef(fileline, name, true), new AstConst(fileline, AstConst::StringToParse(), (value ? "'1" : "'0"))); } AstRange* V3ParseGrammar::scrubRange(AstNodeRange* nrangep) { // Remove any UnsizedRange's from list for (AstNodeRange* nodep = nrangep, *nextp; nodep; nodep = nextp) { nextp = VN_CAST(nrangep->nextp(), NodeRange); if (!VN_IS(nodep, Range)) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported or syntax error: Unsized range in cell or other declaration"); nodep->unlinkFrBack(); nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep); } } return VN_CAST(nrangep, Range); } AstNodeDType* V3ParseGrammar::createArray(AstNodeDType* basep, AstNodeRange* nrangep, bool isPacked) { // Split RANGE0-RANGE1-RANGE2 // into ARRAYDTYPE0(ARRAYDTYPE1(ARRAYDTYPE2(BASICTYPE3), RANGE), RANGE) AstNodeDType* arrayp = basep; if (nrangep) { // Maybe no range - return unmodified base type while (nrangep->nextp()) nrangep = VN_CAST(nrangep->nextp(), NodeRange); while (nrangep) { AstNodeRange* prevp = VN_CAST(nrangep->backp(), NodeRange); if (prevp) nrangep->unlinkFrBack(); AstRange* rangep = VN_CAST(nrangep, Range); if (!rangep) { if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(!VN_IS(nrangep, UnsizedRange))) { nrangep->v3fatalSrc("Expected range or unsized range"); } arrayp = new AstUnsizedArrayDType (nrangep->fileline(), VFlagChildDType(), arrayp); } else if (isPacked) { arrayp = new AstPackArrayDType (rangep->fileline(), VFlagChildDType(), arrayp, rangep); } else { arrayp = new AstUnpackArrayDType (rangep->fileline(), VFlagChildDType(), arrayp, rangep); } nrangep = prevp; } } return arrayp; } AstVar* V3ParseGrammar::createVariable(FileLine* fileline, string name, AstNodeRange* arrayp, AstNode* attrsp) { AstNodeDType* dtypep = GRAMMARP->m_varDTypep; UINFO(5," creVar "<m_varIO == VDirection::NONE && GRAMMARP->m_varDecl == AstVarType::PORT) { // Just a port list with variable name (not v2k format); AstPort already created if (dtypep) fileline->v3error("Unsupported: Ranges ignored in port-lists"); return NULL; } if (GRAMMARP->m_varDecl == AstVarType::WREAL) { // dtypep might not be null, might be implicit LOGIC before we knew better dtypep = new AstBasicDType(fileline, AstBasicDTypeKwd::DOUBLE); } if (!dtypep) { // Created implicitly dtypep = new AstBasicDType(fileline, LOGIC_IMPLICIT); } else { // May make new variables with same type, so clone dtypep = dtypep->cloneTree(false); } //UINFO(0,"CREVAR "<ascii()<<" decl="<m_varDecl.ascii()<<" io="<m_varIO.ascii()<m_varDecl; if (type == AstVarType::UNKNOWN) { if (GRAMMARP->m_varIO.isAny()) { type = AstVarType::PORT; } else { fileline->v3fatalSrc("Unknown signal type declared"); } } if (type == AstVarType::GENVAR) { if (arrayp) fileline->v3error("Genvars may not be arrayed: "<addAttrsp(attrsp); nodep->ansi(m_pinAnsi); nodep->declTyped(m_varDeclTyped); if (GRAMMARP->m_varDecl != AstVarType::UNKNOWN) nodep->combineType(GRAMMARP->m_varDecl); if (GRAMMARP->m_varIO != VDirection::NONE) { nodep->declDirection(GRAMMARP->m_varIO); nodep->direction(GRAMMARP->m_varIO); } if (GRAMMARP->m_varDecl == AstVarType::SUPPLY0) { nodep->addNext(V3ParseGrammar::createSupplyExpr(fileline, nodep->name(), 0)); } if (GRAMMARP->m_varDecl == AstVarType::SUPPLY1) { nodep->addNext(V3ParseGrammar::createSupplyExpr(fileline, nodep->name(), 1)); } if (VN_IS(dtypep, ParseTypeDType)) { // Parser needs to know what is a type AstNode* newp = new AstTypedefFwd(fileline, name); nodep->addNext(newp); SYMP->reinsert(newp); } // Don't set dtypep in the ranging; // We need to autosize parameters and integers separately // // Propagate from current module tracing state if (nodep->isGenVar()) nodep->trace(false); else if (nodep->isParam() && !v3Global.opt.traceParams()) nodep->trace(false); else nodep->trace(allTracingOn(nodep->fileline())); // Remember the last variable created, so we can attach attributes to it in later parsing GRAMMARP->m_varAttrp = nodep; PARSEP->tagNodep(GRAMMARP->m_varAttrp); return nodep; } string V3ParseGrammar::deQuote(FileLine* fileline, string text) { // Fix up the quoted strings the user put in, for example "\"" becomes " // Reverse is V3OutFormatter::quoteNameControls(...) bool quoted = false; string newtext; unsigned char octal_val = 0; int octal_digits = 0; for (string::const_iterator cp = text.begin(); cp != text.end(); ++cp) { if (quoted) { if (isdigit(*cp)) { octal_val = octal_val*8 + (*cp-'0'); if (++octal_digits == 3) { octal_digits = 0; quoted = false; newtext += octal_val; } } else { if (octal_digits) { // Spec allows 1-3 digits octal_digits = 0; quoted = false; newtext += octal_val; --cp; // Backup to reprocess terminating character as non-escaped continue; } quoted = false; if (*cp == 'n') newtext += '\n'; else if (*cp == 'a') newtext += '\a'; // SystemVerilog 3.1 else if (*cp == 'f') newtext += '\f'; // SystemVerilog 3.1 else if (*cp == 'r') newtext += '\r'; else if (*cp == 't') newtext += '\t'; else if (*cp == 'v') newtext += '\v'; // SystemVerilog 3.1 else if (*cp == 'x' && isxdigit(cp[1]) && isxdigit(cp[2])) { // SystemVerilog 3.1 #define vl_decodexdigit(c) ((isdigit(c)?((c)-'0'):(tolower((c))-'a'+10))) newtext += (char)(16*vl_decodexdigit(cp[1]) + vl_decodexdigit(cp[2])); cp += 2; } else if (isalnum(*cp)) { fileline->v3error("Unknown escape sequence: \\"<<*cp); break; } else newtext += *cp; } } else if (*cp == '\\') { quoted = true; octal_digits = 0; } else if (*cp != '"') { newtext += *cp; } } return newtext; }