.. Copyright 2003-2023 by Wilson Snyder.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0

Contributors and Origins


When possible, please instead report bugs at `Verilator Issues

The primary author is Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org>.

Major concepts by Paul Wasson, Duane Galbi, John Coiner, Geza Lore, Yutetsu
Takatsukasa, and Jie Xu.


Many people have provided ideas and other assistance with Verilator.

Verilator is receiving significant development support from the `CHIPS
Alliance <https://chipsalliance.org>`_, `Antmicro Ltd
<https://antmicro.com>`_ and `Shunyao CAD <https://shunyaocad.com>`_.

Previous major corporate sponsors of Verilator, by providing significant
contributions of time or funds include: Atmel Corporation, Cavium
Inc., Compaq Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, Embecosm Ltd.,
Hicamp Systems, Intel Corporation, Mindspeed Technologies Inc., MicroTune
Inc., picoChip Designs Ltd., Sun Microsystems Inc., Nauticus Networks Inc.,
SiCortex Inc, and Shunyao CAD.

The contributors of major functionality are: Krzysztof
Bieganski, Byron Bradley, Jeremy Bennett, Lane Brooks, John Coiner, Duane
Galbi, Geza Lore, Todd Strader, Stefan Wallentowitz, Paul Wasson, Jie Xu,
and Wilson Snyder.  Major testers included Jeff Dutton, Jonathon Donaldson,
Ralf Karge, David Hewson, Iztok Jeras, Wim Michiels, Alex Solomatnikov,
Sebastien Van Cauwenberghe, Gene Weber, and Clifford Wolf.

Some of the people who have provided ideas, and feedback for Verilator

David Addison, Tariq B. Ahmad, Nikana Anastasiadis, Vasu Arasanipalai, Jens
Arm, Sharad Bagri, Matthew Ballance, Andrew Bardsley, Matthew Barr, Geoff
Barrett, Kaleb Barrett, Julius Baxter, Jeremy Bennett, Michael Berman, Jean
Berniolles, Victor Besyakov, Moinak Bhattacharyya, Krzysztof Bieganski,
David Binderman, Piotr Binkowski, Johan Bjork, David Black, Tymoteusz
Blazejczyk, Daniel Bone, Gregg Bouchard, Christopher Boumenot, Nick Bowler,
Byron Bradley, Bryan Brady, Maarten De Braekeleer, Charlie Brej, J Briquet,
Lane Brooks, John Brownlee, Jeff Bush, Lawrence Butcher, Tony Bybell, Iru
Cai, Ted Campbell, Chris Candler, Lauren Carlson, Donal Casey, Alex
Chadwick, Marcel Chang, Aliaksei Chapyzhenka, Guokai Chen, Terry Chen,
Yi-Chung Chen, Enzo Chi, Robert A. Clark, Ryan Clarke, Allan Cochrane, John
Coiner, Keith Colbert, Gianfranco Costamagna, Sean Cross, George Cuan, Joe
DErrico, Lukasz Dalek, Gunter Dannoritzer, Ashutosh Das, Bernard Deadman,
John Demme, Mike Denio, John Deroo, Philip Derrick, John Dickol, Ruben
Diez, Danny Ding, Jacko Dirks, Ivan Djordjevic, Jonathon Donaldson, Larry
Doolittle, Sebastian Dressler, Jonathan Drolet, Alex Duller, Jeff Dutton,
Tomas Dzetkulic, Usuario Eda, Charles Eddleston, Chandan Egbert, Joe Eiler,
Ahmed El-Mahmoudy, Trevor Elbourne, Mats Engstrom, Robert Farrell, Eugen
Fekete, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Udi Finkelstein, Brian Flachs, Bill Flynn,
Andrea Foletto, Bob Fredieu, Duane Galbi, Mostafa Gamal, Benjamin Gartner,
Christian Gelinek, Richard E George, Peter Gerst, Glen Gibb, Michael
Gielda, Barbara Gigerl, Shankar Giri, Dan Gisselquist, Petr Gladkikh, Sam
Gladstone, Mariusz Glebocki, Andrew Goessling, Amir Gonnen, Chitlesh
Goorah, Tomasz Gorochowik, Kai Gossner, Sergi Granell, Al Grant, Nathan
Graybeal, Alexander Grobman, Graham Rushton, Xuan Guo, Driss Hafdi, Neil
Hamilton, James Hanlon, Oyvind Harboe, Jannis Harder, Junji Hashimoto,
Thomas Hawkins, Mitch Hayenga, Harald Heckmann, Robert Henry, Stephen
Henry, David Hewson, Jamey Hicks, Joel Holdsworth, Andrew Holme, Hiroki
Honda, Alex Hornung, Pierre-Henri Horrein, David Horton, Peter Horvath, Jae
Hossell, Kuoping Hsu, Teng Huang, Steven Hugg, Alan Hunter, James
Hutchinson, Ehab Ibrahim, Edgar E. Iglesias, Jamie Iles, Vighnesh Iyer, Ben
Jackson, Shareef Jalloq, Marlon James, Krzysztof Jankowski, HyungKi Jeong,
Iztok Jeras, Alexandre Joannou, James Johnson, Christophe Joly, Franck
Jullien, James Jung, Mike Kagen, Arthur Kahlich, Kaalia Kahn, Guy-Armand
Kamendje, Vasu Kandadi, Kanad Kanhere, Patricio Kaplan, Pieter Kapsenberg,
Rafal Kapuscik, Ralf Karge, Per Karlsson, Dan Katz, Sol Katzman, Ian
Kennedy, Michael Killough, Sun Kim, Jonathan Kimmitt, Olof Kindgren, Kevin
Kiningham, Dan Kirkham, Aleksander Kiryk, Sobhan Klnv, Gernot Koch, Jack
Koenig, Soon Koh, Nathan Kohagen, Steve Kolecki, Brett Koonce, Will
Korteland, Wojciech Koszek, Varun Koyyalagunta, Arkadiusz Kozdra, Markus
Krause, David Kravitz, Roland Kruse, Andreas Kuster, Sergey Kvachonok,
Charles Eric LaForest, Ed Lander, Steve Lang, Stephane Laurent, Walter
Lavino, Christian Leber, Larry Lee, Yoda Lee, Michaƫl Lefebvre, Igor Lesik,
John Li, Eivind Liland, Yu Sheng Lin, Charlie Lind, Andrew Ling, Jiuyang
Liu, Paul Liu, Derek Lockhart, Jake Longo, Geza Lore, Arthur Low, Stefan
Ludwig, Dan Lussier, Fred Ma, Duraid Madina, Affe Mao, Julien Margetts,
Mark Marshall, Alfonso Martinez, Unai Martinez-Corral, Adrien Le Masle,
Yves Mathieu, Patrick Maupin, Conor McCullough, Jason McMullan, Elliot
Mednick, David Metz, Wim Michiels, Miodrag Milanovic, Kevin Millis, Wai Sum
Mong, Peter Monsson, Sean Moore, Dennis Muhlestein, John Murphy, Matt
Myers, Nathan Myers, Richard Myers, Dimitris Nalbantis, Peter Nelson, Bob
Newgard, Rachit Nigam, Paul Nitza, Yossi Nivin, Pete Nixon, Lisa Noack,
Mark Nodine, Kuba Ober, Andreas Olofsson, Baltazar Ortiz, Aleksander Osman,
Don Owen, James Pallister, Vassilis Papaefstathiou, Brad Parker, Morten
Borup Petersen, Dan Petrisko, Maciej Piechotka, David Pierce, Cody
Piersall, Michael Platzer, Dominic Plunkett, David Poole, Mike Popoloski,
Roman Popov, Rich Porter, Stefan Post, Niranjan Prabhu, Damien Pretet, Usha
Priyadharshini, Mark Jackson Pulver, Prateek Puri, Marshal Qiao, Nandu Raj,
Kamil Rakoczy, Danilo Ramos, Drew Ranck, Chris Randall, Anton Rapp, Josh
Redford, Odd Magne Reitan, Frederic Requin, Dustin Richmond, Samuel Riedel,
Alberto Del Rio, Eric Rippey, Oleg Rodionov, Ludwig Rogiers, Paul Rolfe,
Arjen Roodselaar, Tobias Rosenkranz, Ryszard Rozak, Huang Rui, Graham
Rushton, Jan Egil Ruud, Denis Rystsov, John Sanguinetti, Martin Schmidt,
Julie Schwartz, Galen Seitz, Joseph Shaker, Salman Sheikh, Hao Shi, Mike
Shinkarovsky, Rafael Shirakawa, Jeffrey Short, Fan Shupei, Anderson Ignacio
da Silva, Rodney Sinclair, Ameya Vikram Singh, Steven Slatter, Mladen
Slijepcevic, Brian Small, Garrett Smith, Tim Snyder, Wilson Snyder, Maciej
Sobkowski, Stan Sokorac, Alex Solomatnikov, Flavien Solt, Wei Song, Trefor
Southwell, Martin Stadler, Art Stamness, David Stanford, John Stevenson,
Pete Stevenson, Patrick Stewart, Rob Stoddard, Todd Strader, John Stroebel,
Sven Stucki, Howard Su, Emerson Suguimoto, Gene Sullivan, Qingyao Sun,
Renga Sundararajan, Gustav Svensk, Rupert Swarbrick, Yutetsu Takatsukasa,
Thierry Tambe, Drew Taussig, Jose Tejada, Peter Tengstrand, Wesley
Terpstra, Rui Terra, Stefan Thiede, Gary Thomas, Ian Thompson, Kevin
Thompson, Mike Thyer, Hans Tichelaar, Viktor Tomov, Steve Tong, Topa
Topino, Alex Torregrosa, Michael Tresidder, David Turner, Neil Turton, Mike
Urbach, Hans Van Antwerpen, Sebastien Van Cauwenberghe, Laurens van Dam,
Leendert van Doorn, Cong Van Nguyen, Jan Van Winkel, Srini Vemuri, Yuri
Victorovich, Bogdan Vukobratovic, Holger Waechtler, Philipp Wagner, Stefan
Wallentowitz, Shawn Wang, Zhanglei Wang, Paul Wasson, Greg Waters, Thomas
Watts, Eugene Weber, David Welch, Thomas J Whatson, Martin Whitaker, Marco
Widmer, Leon Wildman, Daniel Wilkerson, Gerald Williams, Trevor Williams,
Jeff Winston, Joshua Wise, Clifford Wolf, Tobias Wolfel, Johan Wouters,
Paul Wright, Junyi Xi, Ding Xiaoliang, Jie Xu, Mandy Xu, Yinan Xu, Luke
Yang, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Keyi Zhang, and Xi Zhang.

Thanks to them, and all those we've missed mentioning above, and to those
whom have wished to remain anonymous.

Historical Origins

Verilator was conceived in 1994 by Paul Wasson at the Core Logic Group at
Digital Equipment Corporation.  The Verilog code that was converted to C
was then merged with a C-based CPU model of the Alpha processor and
simulated in a C-based environment called CCLI.

In 1995 Verilator started being used for Multimedia and Network Processor
development inside Digital.  Duane Galbi took over the active development
of Verilator, and added several performance enhancements, and CCLI was
still being used as the shell.

In 1998, through the efforts of existing DECies, mainly Duane Galbi,
Digital graciously agreed to release the source code.  (Subject to the code
not being resold, which is compatible with the GNU Public License.)

In 2001, Wilson Snyder took the kit, added a SystemC mode, and called
it Verilator2.  This was the first packaged public release.

In 2002, Wilson Snyder created Verilator 3.000 by rewriting Verilator from
scratch in C++.  This added many optimizations, yielding about a 2-5x
performance gain.

In 2009, major SystemVerilog and DPI language support was added.

In 2018, Verilator 4.000 was released with multithreaded support.

In 2019, Verilator joined the `CHIPS Alliance

In 2022, Verilator 5.000 was released with IEEE scheduling semantics,
fork/join, delay handling, DFG performance optimizations, and other

Currently, various language features and performance enhancements are added
as the need arises, focusing on completing Universal Verification
Methodology (UVM, IEEE 1800.2-2017) support.