#!/usr/bin/perl -w ###################################################################### # # This program is Copyright 2003-2008 by Wilson Snyder. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the # Perl Artistic License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ###################################################################### require 5.006_001; BEGIN { if (my $Project=($ENV{DIRPROJECT}||$ENV{PROJECT})) { # Magic to allow author testing of perl packages in local directory require "$Project/hw/utils/perltools/boot.pl"; } } use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use Data::Dumper; use strict; use vars qw ($Debug %Vars $Driver $Fork); use POSIX qw(strftime); $::Driver = 1; eval "use Parallel::Forker; \$Fork=Parallel::Forker->new(use_sig_child=>1);"; $Fork = Forker->new(use_sig_child=>1) if !$Fork; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $Fork->sig_child() if $Fork; }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { $Fork->kill_tree_all('TERM') if $Fork; die "Quitting...\n"; }; #====================================================================== #====================================================================== # main autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; our @Orig_ARGV = @ARGV; our @Orig_ARGV_Sw; foreach (@Orig_ARGV) { push @Orig_ARGV_Sw, $_ if /^-/ && !/^-j/; } $Debug = 0; my @opt_tests; my $opt_nc; my $opt_vcs; my $opt_v3; my $opt_stop; my $opt_optimize; my $opt_gdb; my $opt_jobs = 1; my $opt_verbose; my $Opt_Verilated_Debug; if (! GetOptions ( "help" => \&usage, "debug" => \&debug, "vcs!" => \$opt_vcs, "verilated_debug!" => \$Opt_Verilated_Debug, "j=i" => \$opt_jobs, "v3!" => \$opt_v3, "nc!" => \$opt_nc, "gdb!" => \$opt_gdb, "stop!" => \$opt_stop, "optimize:s" => \$opt_optimize, "verbose!" => \$opt_verbose, "<>" => \¶meter, )) { usage(); } $opt_jobs = calc_jobs() if defined $opt_jobs && $opt_jobs==0; $Fork->max_proc($opt_jobs); if (!$opt_vcs && !$opt_nc && !$opt_v3) { $opt_v3 = 1; } if ($#opt_tests<0) { push @opt_tests, glob ("t/t_*.pl"); } mkdir "obj_dir"; mkdir "logs"; my $okcnt=0; my $failcnt=0; my @fails; foreach my $testpl (@opt_tests) { one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, vcs=>1) if $opt_vcs; one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, nc=>1) if $opt_nc; one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, 'v3'=>1) if $opt_v3; } $Fork->wait_all(); # Wait for all children to finish sub one_test { my @params = @_; $Fork->schedule ( run_on_start => sub { print ("="x70,"\n"); my $test = new VTest(@params); $test->oprint("="x50,"\n"); unlink $test->{status_filename}; $test->read; if ($test->ok) { $test->oprint("Test PASSED\n"); } else { $test->error("Missing ok\n") if !$test->errors; $test->oprint("%Error: $test->{errors}\n"); } $test->write_status; }, run_on_finish => sub { my $test = new VTest(@params); $test->read_status; if ($test->ok) { $okcnt++; } else { $test->oprint("FAILED: ","*"x60,"\n"); push @fails, "\t#".$test->soprint("%Error: $test->{errors}\n"); my $j = ($opt_jobs>1?" -j 2":""); push @fails, "\t\tmake$j && test_regress/" .$test->{pl_filename}." ".join(' ',@Orig_ARGV_Sw)."\n"; $failcnt++; if ($opt_stop) { die "%Error: --stop and errors found\n"; } } }, )->ready(); } report(\@fails, undef); report(\@fails, "obj_dir/driver_".strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log", localtime)); exit(10) if $failcnt; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval => 2); exit (1); } sub debug { $Debug = 1; } sub parameter { my $param = shift; if ($param =~ /\.pl/) { push @opt_tests, $param; } else { die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n"; } } sub calc_jobs { my $ok = eval " use Unix::Processors; return Unix::Processors->new->max_online; "; $ok && !$@ or die "%Error: Can't use -j: $@\n"; print "driver.pl: Found $ok cores, using -j ",$ok+1,"\n"; return $ok + 1; } sub report { my $fails = shift; my $filename = shift; my $fh = \*STDOUT; if ($filename) { $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,"; } $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("="x70,"\n"); $fh->print("TESTS Passed $okcnt Failed $failcnt\n"); foreach my $f (@$fails) { chomp $f; $fh->print("$f\n"); } $fh->print("TESTS Passed $okcnt Failed $failcnt\n"); } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Test class package VTest; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use Cwd; use vars qw ($Last_Self); use strict; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { name => undef, # Set below, name of this test mode => "", pl_filename => undef, # Name of .pl file to get setup from make_top_shell => 1, # Make a default __top.v file make_main => 1, # Make __main.cpp # All compilers v_flags => [split(/\s+/,(" -f input.vc --debug-check" .($opt_verbose ? " +define+TEST_VERBOSE=1":"") ))], v_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files v_other_filenames => [], # After the filename so we can spec multiple files # VCS vcs => 0, vcs_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+cli -I +define+vcs+1 -q +v2k")], vcs_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files # NC nc => 0, nc_flags => [split(/\s+/,"+licqueue +nowarn+LIBNOU +define+nc=1 -q +assert +sv")], nc_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files # Verilator 'v3' => 0, verilator_flags => [split(/\s+/,"-cc")], verilator_flags2 => [], verilator_make_gcc => 1, verilated_debug => $Opt_Verilated_Debug, stdout_filename => undef, # Redirect stdout @_}; bless $self, $class; $self->{name} ||= $1 if $self->{pl_filename} =~ m!.*/([^/]*)\.pl$!; $self->{mode} ||= "vcs" if $self->{vcs}; $self->{mode} ||= "v3" if $self->{v3}; $self->{mode} ||= "nc" if $self->{nc}; $self->{VM_PREFIX} ||= "V".$self->{name}; $self->{stats} ||= "obj_dir/V".$self->{name}."__stats.txt"; $self->{status_filename} ||= "obj_dir/V".$self->{name}.".status"; $self->{coverage_filename} ||= "obj_dir/V".$self->{name}."_coverage.pl"; ($self->{top_filename} = $self->{pl_filename}) =~ s/\.pl$/\.v/; if (!$self->{make_top_shell}) { $self->{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_filename}; } else { $self->{top_shell_filename} = "obj_dir/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__top.v"; } return $self; } sub soprint { my $self = shift; my $str = "$self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".join('',@_); $str =~ s/\n\n+$/\n/s; return $str; } sub oprint { my $self = shift; print $self->soprint(@_); } sub error { my $self = shift; my $msg = join('',@_); warn "%Warning: $self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".$msg."\n"; $self->{errors} ||= $msg; } sub skip { my $self = shift; my $msg = join('',@_); warn "%Warning: Skip: $self->{mode}/$self->{name}: ".$msg."\n"; $self->{errors} ||= "Skip: ".$msg; } sub read { my $self = shift; # Read the control file (-r $self->{pl_filename}) or return $self->error("Can't open $self->{pl_filename}\n"); $Last_Self = $self; delete $INC{$self->{pl_filename}}; require $self->{pl_filename}; } sub write_status { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->{status_filename}; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; print $fh Dumper($self); print $fh "1;"; $fh->close(); } sub read_status { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->{status_filename}; use vars qw($VAR1); local $VAR1; require $filename or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; %{$self} = %{$VAR1}; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods invoked by tests sub compile { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self return 1 if $self->errors; $self->oprint("Compile\n"); $self->{sc} = 1 if (join(' ',@{$param{v_flags}},@{$param{v_flags2}}) =~ /-sc\b/); $self->{sp} = 1 if (join(' ',@{$param{v_flags}},@{$param{v_flags2}}) =~ /-sp\b/); $self->{trace} = 1 if (join(' ',@{$param{v_flags}},@{$param{v_flags2}}) =~ /-trace\b/); $self->{coverage} = 1 if (join(' ',@{$param{v_flags}},@{$param{v_flags2}}) =~ /-coverage\b/); if ($param{vcs}) { $self->_make_top(); $self->_run(logfile=>"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_vcs_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_VCS}||"vcs"), @{$param{vcs_flags}}, @{$param{vcs_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, ]); } if ($param{nc}) { $self->_make_top(); $self->_run(logfile=>"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_nc_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_NCVERILOG}||"ncverilog"), @{$param{nc_flags}}, @{$param{nc_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, ]); } if ($param{v3}) { $opt_gdb="gdbrun" if defined $opt_gdb; my @verilator_flags = @{$param{verilator_flags}}; unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdb $opt_gdb" if $opt_gdb; unshift @verilator_flags, "--debug" if $::Debug; unshift @verilator_flags, "--x-assign unique"; # More likely to be buggy # unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace"; if (defined $opt_optimize) { my $letters = ""; if ($opt_optimize =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { $letters = $opt_optimize; } else { # Randomly turn on/off different optimizations foreach my $l ('a'..'z') { $letters .= ((rand() > 0.5) ? $l : uc $l); } unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace" if rand() > 0.5; unshift @verilator_flags, "--coverage" if rand() > 0.5; } unshift @verilator_flags, "--O".$letters; } my @v3args = ("perl","../bin/verilator", "--prefix ".$self->{VM_PREFIX}, @verilator_flags, @{$param{verilator_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, ($param{stdout_filename}?"> ".$param{stdout_filename}:""), ); if ($self->sc_or_sp && !defined $ENV{SYSTEMC}) { $self->error("Test requires SystemC; ignore error since not installed\n"); return 1; } $self->_run(logfile=>"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_simx_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, expect=>$param{expect}, cmd=>\@v3args); return 1 if $self->errors; if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_gcc}) { if ($param{make_main}) { $self->_make_main(); } if ($self->sp) { $self->_sp_preproc(%param); } $self->oprint("GCC\n"); $self->_run(logfile=>"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_simx_gcc.log", cmd=>["cd obj_dir && ", "make", "-f".getcwd()."/Makefile_obj", "VM_PREFIX=$self->{VM_PREFIX}", ($param{make_main}?"":"MAKE_MAIN=0"), "$self->{VM_PREFIX}", # not default, as we don't need archive ($param{make_flags}||""), ]); } } return 1; } sub execute { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); return 1 if $self->errors; my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self $self->oprint("Run\n"); if ($param{vcs}) { #my $fh = IO::File->new(">simv.key") or die "%Error: $! simv.key,"; #$fh->print("quit\n"); $fh->close; $self->_run(logfile=>"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_simv.log", cmd=>["./simv",], %param, expect=>undef, # vcs expect isn't the same ); } if ($param{v3} #&& (!$param{needs_v4} || -r "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/src/V3Gate.cpp") ) { $self->_run(logfile=>"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_simx.log", cmd=>["obj_dir/$param{VM_PREFIX}", ], %param, ); } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accessors sub ok { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); $self->{ok} = $_[0] if defined $_[0]; $self->{ok} = 0 if $self->{errors}; return $self->{ok}; } sub errors { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); return $self->{errors}; } sub top_filename { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); $self->{top_filename} = shift if defined $_[0]; return $self->{top_filename}; } sub sp { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); return $self->{sp}; } sub sc { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); return $self->{sc}; } sub sc_or_sp { return sc($_[0]) || sp($_[0]); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _run { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my %param = (tee=>1, @_); my $command = join(' ',@{$param{cmd}}); print "\t$command\n"; if ($param{logfile}) { open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "%Error: Can't dup stdout"; open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR") or die "%Error: Can't dup stderr"; if (0) {close(SAVEOUT); close(SAVEERR);} # Prevent unused warning if ($param{tee}) { open(STDOUT, "|tee $param{logfile}") or die "%Error: Can't redirect stdout"; } else { open(STDOUT, ">$param{logfile}") or die "%Error: Can't open $param{logfile}"; } open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die "%Error: Can't dup stdout"; autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; } system "$command"; my $status = $?; flush STDOUT; flush STDERR; if ($param{logfile}) { open (STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT"); open (STDERR, ">&SAVEERR"); } if (!$param{fails} && $status) { $self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] failed\n"); } if ($param{fails} && $status) { print "(Exec expected to fail, and did.)\n"; } if ($param{fails} && !$status) { $self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] ok, but expected to fail\n"); } return if $self->errors; # Read the log file a couple of times to allow for NFS delays for (my $try=7; $try>=0; $try--) { sleep 1 if ($try!=7); my $moretry = $try!=0; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{logfile}"); next if !$fh && $moretry; local $/; undef $/; my $wholefile = <$fh>; $fh->close(); # Strip debugging comments $wholefile =~ s/^- [^\n]+\n//mig; $wholefile =~ s/^- [a-z.0-9]+:\d+:[^\n]+\n//mig; $wholefile =~ s/^dot [^\n]+\n//mig; # Finished? if ($param{check_finished} && $wholefile !~ /\*\-\* All Finished \*\-\*/) { next if $moretry; $self->error("Missing All Finished\n"); } if ($param{expect}) { # Compare my $quoted = quotemeta ($param{expect}); my $bad = ($wholefile !~ /$param{expect}/ms && $wholefile !~ /$quoted/ms); if ($bad) { #print "**BAD $self->{name} $param{logfile} MT $moretry $try\n"; next if $moretry; $self->error("Mismatch in output from $param{cmd}[0]\n"); print "GOT:\n"; print $wholefile; print "ENDGOT\n"; print "EXPECT:\n"; print $param{expect}; print "ENDEXPECT\n"; } } last; } } ####################################################################### # Little utilities sub _make_main { my $self = shift; $self->_read_inputs(); my $filename = "obj_dir/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__main.cpp"; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; print $fh "// Test defines\n"; print $fh "#define VL_TIME_MULTIPLIER $self->{vl_time_multiplier}\n" if $self->{vl_time_multiplier}; print $fh "// Generated header\n"; my $VM_PREFIX = $self->{VM_PREFIX}; print $fh "#include \"$VM_PREFIX.h\"\n"; print $fh "// Compile in-place for speed\n"; print $fh "#include \"verilated.cpp\"\n"; print $fh "#include \"systemc.h\"\n" if $self->sc; print $fh "#include \"systemperl.h\"\n" if $self->sp; print $fh "#include \"SpTraceVcdC.cpp\"\n" if $self->{trace} && !$self->sp; print $fh "#include \"Sp.cpp\"\n" if $self->sp; print $fh "$VM_PREFIX * topp;\n"; if (!$self->sc_or_sp) { print $fh "unsigned int main_time = false;\n"; print $fh "double sc_time_stamp () {\n"; print $fh " return main_time;\n"; print $fh "}\n"; } if ($self->sc_or_sp) { print $fh "extern int sc_main(int argc, char **argv);\n"; print $fh "int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) {\n"; print $fh " sc_signal fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " sc_signal clk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; print $fh " sc_time sim_time (1000, SC_NS);\n"; } else { print $fh "int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) {\n"; print $fh " double sim_time = 1000;\n"; } print $fh " Verilated::debug(".($self->{verilated_debug}?1:0).");\n"; print $fh " Verilated::randReset(".$self->{verilated_randReset}.");\n" if defined $self->{verilated_randReset}; print $fh " topp = new $VM_PREFIX (\"TOP\");\n"; my $set; if ($self->sp) { print $fh " SP_PIN(topp,fastclk,fastclk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " SP_PIN(topp,clk,clk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; $set = ""; } elsif ($self->sc) { print $fh " topp->fastclk(fastclk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " topp->clk(clk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; $set = ""; } else { print $fh " topp->eval();\n"; $set = "topp->"; } my $ctraceit = ($self->{trace} && !$self->{sp}); if ($self->{trace}) { $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n"); $fh->print(" Verilated::traceEverOn(true);\n"); if ($self->{sp}) { $fh->print(" SpTraceFile* tfp = new SpTraceFile;\n"); } else { $fh->print(" SpTraceVcdCFile* tfp = new SpTraceVcdCFile;\n"); } $fh->print(" topp->trace (tfp, 99);\n"); $fh->print(" tfp->open (\"obj_dir/".$self->{name}."_simx.vcd\");\n"); $fh->print("#endif\n"); } print $fh " ${set}fastclk = true;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " ${set}clk = true;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; print $fh " while (sc_time_stamp() < sim_time && !Verilated::gotFinish()) {\n"; for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) { my $action; if ($self->{inputs}{fastclk}) { print $fh " ${set}fastclk=!${set}fastclk;\n"; $action = 1; } if ($i==4 && $self->{inputs}{clk}) { print $fh " ${set}clk=!${set}clk;\n"; $action = 1; } if ($self->sc_or_sp) { print $fh " sc_start(1);\n"; } else { print $fh " main_time+=1;\n"; print $fh " ${set}eval();\n" if $action; if ($ctraceit) { $fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n"); $fh->print(" tfp->dump (main_time);\n"); $fh->print("#endif //VM_TRACE\n"); } } } print $fh " }\n"; print $fh " if (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {\n"; print $fh ' vl_fatal(__FILE__,__LINE__,"main", "%Error: Timeout; never got a $finish");',"\n"; print $fh " }\n"; print $fh " topp->final();\n"; print $fh " SpCoverage::write(\"",$self->{coverage_filename},"\");\n" if $self->{coverage}; if ($self->{trace}) { $fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n"); $fh->print(" tfp->close();\n"); $fh->print("#endif //VM_TRACE\n"); } $fh->print("\n"); print $fh " delete topp; topp=NULL;\n"; print $fh " exit(0L);\n"; print $fh "}\n"; $fh->close(); } ####################################################################### sub _make_top { my $self = shift; $self->_read_inputs(); my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}") or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},"; print $fh "module top;\n"; foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) { print $fh " reg ${inp};\n"; } # Inst print $fh " t t (\n"; my $comma=""; foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) { print $fh "\t${comma}.${inp} (${inp})\n"; $comma=","; } print $fh " );\n"; # Test print $fh " initial begin\n"; print $fh " fastclk=1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " clk=1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; print $fh " while (\$time < 1000) begin\n"; for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) { print $fh " #1;\n"; print $fh " fastclk=!fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " clk=!clk;\n" if $i==4 && $self->{inputs}{clk}; } print $fh " end\n"; print $fh " end\n"; print $fh "endmodule\n"; $fh->close(); } ####################################################################### sub _sp_preproc { my $self = shift; my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self $self->oprint("Preproc\n"); $self->_run(logfile=>"simx.log", fails=>0, cmd=>["cd obj_dir ; sp_preproc", "--preproc", "$self->{VM_PREFIX}.sp", ]); } ####################################################################### sub _read_inputs { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->{top_filename}; $filename = "t/$filename" if !-r $filename; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { if ($line =~ /^\s*input\s*(\S+)\s*(\/[^\/]+\/|)\s*;/) { $self->{inputs}{$1} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*(function|task|endmodule)/) { last; } } $fh->close(); } ####################################################################### # Verilator utilities our $_Verilator_Version; sub verilator_version { if (!defined $_Verilator_Version) { my @args = ("perl","../bin/verilator", "--version"); my $args = join(' ',@args); $_Verilator_Version = `$args`; $_Verilator_Version or die "can't fork: $! ".join(' ',@args); chomp $_Verilator_Version; } return $_Verilator_Version if defined $_Verilator_Version; } ####################################################################### # File utilities sub files_identical { my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; my $f1 = IO::File->new ("<$fn1"); if (!$f1) { warn "%Error: $! $fn1\n"; return 0; } my $f2 = IO::File->new ("<$fn2"); if (!$f2) { warn "%Error: $! $fn2\n"; return 0; } my @l1 = $f1->getlines(); my @l2 = $f2->getlines(); my $nl = $#l1; $nl = $#l2 if ($#l2 > $nl); for (my $l=0; $l<=$nl; $l++) { if (($l1[$l]||"") ne ($l2[$l]||"")) { warn ("%Warning: Line ".($l+1)." mismatches; $fn1 != $fn2\n" ."F1: ".($l1[$l]||"*EOF*\n") ."F2: ".($l2[$l]||"*EOF*\n")); return 0; } } return 1; } sub vcd_identical { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; if (!-r $fn1) { $self->error("File does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; } if (!-r $fn2) { $self->error("File does not exist $fn2\n"); return 0; } my $out = `vcddiff --help`; if ($out !~ /Usage:/) { $self->skip("No vcddiff installed\n"); return 0; } $out = `vcddiff "$fn1" "$fn2"`; if ($out ne '') { print $out; $self->error("VCD miscompare $fn1 $fn2\n"); return 0; } return 1; } sub file_grep_not { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my $filename = shift; my $regexp = shift; my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename); return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_"); if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) { $self->error("File_grep_not: $filename: Regexp found: $regexp\n"); } } sub file_grep { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my $filename = shift; my $regexp = shift; my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename); return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_"); if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) { $self->error("File_grep: $filename: Regexp not found: $regexp\n"); } } my %_File_Contents_Cache; sub file_contents { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my $filename = shift; if (!$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}) { my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename"); if (!$fh) { $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = "_Already_Errored_"; $self->error("File_grep file not found: ".$filename."\n"); return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}; } local $/; undef $/; my $wholefile = <$fh>; $fh->close(); $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = $wholefile; } return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}; } sub write_wholefile { my $self = (ref $_[0]? shift : $Last_Self); my $filename = shift; my $contents = shift; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,"; print $fh $contents; $fh->close; } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Forker class package Forker; use strict; # This is a shell that matches Parallel::Forker. # If that package is not installed, this runs the tests in *series* sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {@_}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub schedule { my $self = shift; my %params = (@_); &{$params{run_on_start}}(); &{$params{run_on_finish}}(); return $self; } sub max_proc {} sub sig_child {} sub kill_tree_all {} sub wait_all {} sub ready {} ####################################################################### 1; package main; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME driver.pl - Run regression tests =head1 SYNOPSIS driver.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION driver.pl invokes Verilator or another simulator on each little test file. =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item --gdb Run verilator under the debugger. =item --help Displays this message and program version and exits. =item --j # Run number of parallel tests, or 0 to determine the count based on the number of cores installed. Requires Parallel::Forker project. =item --optimize Randomly turn on/off different optimizations. With specific flags, use those optimization settings =item --nc Run using NC-Verilog. =item --stop Stop on the first error =item --vcs Run using VCS. =item --verbose Enable test verbose messages. =item --v3 Run using Verilator. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 4 =item SYSTEMC Root directory name of SystemC kit. =item VERILATOR_NCVERILOG Command to use to invoke ncverilog. =item VERILATOR_VCS Command to use to invoke VCS. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHORS Wilson Snyder =cut ######################################################################