#!/usr/bin/env perl # See copyright, etc in below POD section. ###################################################################### require 5.006_001; use warnings; use Cwd; BEGIN { if (!$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT} && -x "../bin/verilator") { $ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT} = Cwd::getcwd() . "/.."; } $ENV{MAKE} ||= "make"; $ENV{CXX} ||= "c++"; } use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use strict; use vars qw($Debug %Vars $Driver $Fork); use version; use POSIX qw(strftime); use lib "."; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5); $::Driver = 1; $::Have_Forker = 0; eval "use Parallel::Forker; \$Fork=Parallel::Forker->new(use_sig_child=>1, poll_interval=>10*1000); \$::Have_Forker=1;"; $Fork = Forker->new(use_sig_child => 1) if !$Fork; my $forker_Min_Version = 1.258; if ($::Have_Forker && $Parallel::Forker::VERSION < $forker_Min_Version) { print STDERR "driver.pl: Parallel::Forker is older than $forker_Min_Version, suggest 'cpan install Parallel::Forker'\n"; $::Have_Forker = 0; } $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $Fork->sig_child() if $Fork; }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { $Fork->kill_tree_all('TERM') if $Fork; die "Quitting...\n"; }; #====================================================================== # Map of all scenarios, with the names used to enable them our %All_Scenarios = (dist => [ "dist"], atsim => [ "simulator", "simulator_st", "atsim"], ghdl => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "ghdl"], iv => [ "simulator", "simulator_st", "iv"], ms => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "ms"], nc => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "nc"], vcs => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "vcs"], xsim => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "xsim"], vlt => ["linter", "simulator", "simulator_st", "vlt_all", "vlt"], vltmt => [ "simulator", "vlt_all", "vltmt"], ); #====================================================================== # main autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; our @Orig_ARGV = @ARGV; our @Orig_ARGV_Sw; foreach (@Orig_ARGV) { push @Orig_ARGV_Sw, $_ if /^-/ && !/^-j/; } our $Start = time(); our $Vltmt_threads = 3; $Debug = 0; my $opt_benchmark; my @opt_tests; my $opt_dist; my $opt_gdb; my $opt_rr; my $opt_gdbbt; my $opt_gdbsim; my $opt_hashset; my $opt_jobs = 1; my $opt_optimize; my $opt_quiet; my $opt_rerun; my $opt_rrsim; my $opt_sanitize; my %opt_scenarios; my $opt_site; my $opt_stop; my $opt_trace; my $opt_verbose; my $Opt_Verilated_Debug; our $Opt_Unsupported; our $Opt_Verilation = 1; our @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags; Getopt::Long::config("pass_through"); if (! GetOptions( "benchmark:i" => sub { $opt_benchmark = $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1; }, "debug" => \&debug, #debugi see parameter() "gdb!" => \$opt_gdb, "gdbbt!" => \$opt_gdbbt, "gdbsim!" => \$opt_gdbsim, "golden!" => sub { $ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN} = 1; }, "hashset=s" => \$opt_hashset, "help" => \&usage, "j=i" => \$opt_jobs, "optimize:s" => \$opt_optimize, "quiet!" => \$opt_quiet, "rerun!" => \$opt_rerun, "rr!" => \$opt_rr, "rrsim!" => \$opt_rrsim, "sanitize!" => \$opt_sanitize, "site!" => \$opt_site, "stop!" => \$opt_stop, "trace!" => \$opt_trace, "unsupported!"=> \$Opt_Unsupported, "verbose!" => \$opt_verbose, "verilation!" => \$Opt_Verilation, # Undocumented debugging "verilated-debug!" => \$Opt_Verilated_Debug, #W see parameter() # Scenarios "atsim|athdl!"=> sub { $opt_scenarios{atsim} = $_[1]; }, "dist!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{dist} = $_[1]; }, "ghdl!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{ghdl} = $_[1]; }, "iv!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{iv} = $_[1]; }, "ms!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{ms} = $_[1]; }, "nc!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{nc} = $_[1]; }, "vlt!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{vlt} = $_[1]; }, "vltmt!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{vltmt} = $_[1]; }, "vcs!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{vcs} = $_[1]; }, "xsim!" => sub { $opt_scenarios{xsim} = $_[1]; }, "<>" => \¶meter, )) { die "%Error: Bad usage, try '$0 --help'\n"; } $opt_jobs = calc_jobs() if defined $opt_jobs && $opt_jobs == 0; $Fork->max_proc($opt_jobs); if ((scalar keys %opt_scenarios) < 1) { $opt_scenarios{dist} = 1; $opt_scenarios{vlt} = 1; } our @Test_Dirs = "t"; push @Test_Dirs, split(/:/, $ENV{VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE}) if (($#opt_tests < 0 ? $opt_site : 1) && $ENV{VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE}); if ($#opt_tests < 0) { # Run everything my %uniq; foreach my $dir (@Test_Dirs) { my @stats = stat($dir); # Uniquify by inode, so different paths to same place get combined next if !$stats[1] || $uniq{$stats[1]}++; push @opt_tests, sort(glob("${dir}/t_*.pl")); } } @opt_tests = _calc_hashset(@opt_tests) if $opt_hashset; if ($#opt_tests >= 2 && $opt_jobs >= 2) { # Without this tests such as t_debug_sigsegv_bt_bad.pl will occasionally # block on input and cause a SIGSTOP, then a "fg" was needed to resume testing. if (!$::Have_Forker) { print STDERR "driver.pl: NO_FORKER: For faster testing 'sudo cpan install Parallel::Forker'\n"; } print STDERR "== Many jobs; redirecting STDIN\n"; open(STDIN, "+>/dev/null"); } mkdir "obj_dist"; my $timestart = strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", localtime); my $runner; { $runner = Runner->new( driver_log_filename => "obj_dist/driver_${timestart}.log", quiet => $opt_quiet); foreach my $testpl (@opt_tests) { foreach my $scenario (sort keys %opt_scenarios) { next if !$opt_scenarios{$scenario}; $runner->one_test(pl_filename => $testpl, $scenario => 1); } } $runner->wait_and_report; } if ($opt_rerun && $runner->fail_count) { print("=" x 70, "\n"); print("=" x 70, "\n"); print("RERUN ==\n\n"); # Avoid parallel run to ensure that isn't causing problems # If > 10 failures something more wrong and get results quickly $Fork->max_proc(1) unless $runner->fail_count > 10; my $orig_runner = $runner; $runner = Runner->new( driver_log_filename => "obj_dist/driver_${timestart}_rerun.log", quiet => 0, fail1_cnt => $orig_runner->fail_count, ok_cnt => $orig_runner->{ok_cnt}, skip_cnt => $orig_runner->{skip_cnt}, unsup_cnt => $orig_runner->{unsup_cnt}); foreach my $test (@{$orig_runner->{fail_tests}}) { $test->clean; # Reschedule test $runner->one_test(pl_filename => $test->{pl_filename}, $test->{scenario} => 1); } $runner->wait_and_report; } exit(10) if $runner->fail_count; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0, -output => \*STDOUT); exit(1); # Unreachable } sub debug { $Debug = 1; push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, "--debug --no-skip-identical"; } our $_Parameter_Next_Level; sub parameter { my $param = shift; if ($_Parameter_Next_Level) { ($param =~ /^(\d+)$/) or die "%Error: Expected number following $_Parameter_Next_Level: $param\n"; push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param; $_Parameter_Next_Level = undef; } elsif ($param =~ /\.pl/) { push @opt_tests, $param; } elsif ($param =~ /^-?(-debugi|-dump-treei)/) { push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param; $_Parameter_Next_Level = $param; } elsif ($param =~ /^-?(-W||-debug-check)/) { push @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags, $param; } else { die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n"; } } our $_Max_Procs; sub max_procs { if (!defined $_Max_Procs) { $_Max_Procs = `python3 -c 'import multiprocessing\nprint(multiprocessing.cpu_count())'`; chomp $_Max_Procs; if ($_Max_Procs < 2) { $_Max_Procs = 2; warn "driver.pl: Python didn't find at least two CPUs\n"; } } return $_Max_Procs; } sub calc_threads { my $default = shift; my $ok = max_procs(); $ok && !$@ or return $default; return ($ok < $default) ? $ok : $default; } sub calc_jobs { my $ok = max_procs(); $ok && !$@ or die "%Error: Can't use -j: $@\n"; print "driver.pl: Found $ok cores, using -j ", $ok + 1, "\n"; return $ok + 1; } sub _calc_hashset { my @in = @_; return @in if !$opt_hashset; $opt_hashset =~ m!^(\d+)/(\d+)$! or die "%Error: Need number/number format for --hashset: $opt_hashset\n"; my ($set, $nsets) = ($1, $2); my @new; foreach my $t (@opt_tests) { my $checksum = unpack('L', substr(md5($t), 0, 4)); if (($set % $nsets) == ($checksum % $nsets)) { push @new, $t; } } return @new; } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Runner class package Runner; use strict; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { # Parameters driver_log_filename => undef, quiet => 0, # Counts all_cnt => 0, left_cnt => 0, ok_cnt => 0, fail1_cnt => 0, fail_cnt => 0, skip_cnt => 0, unsup_cnt => 0, skip_msgs => [], fail_msgs => [], fail_tests => [], # Per-task identifiers running_ids => {}, @_}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub fail_count { return $_[0]->{fail_cnt}; } sub one_test { my $self = shift; my @params = @_; my %params = (@params); $self->{all_cnt}++; $self->{left_cnt}++; $::Fork->schedule ( test_pl_filename => $params{pl_filename}, run_pre_start => sub { my $process = shift; # Running in context of parent, before run_on_start # Make an identifier that is unique across all current running jobs my $i = 1; while (exists $self->{running_ids}{$i}) { ++$i; } $process->{running_id} = $i; $self->{running_ids}{$process->{running_id}} = 1; }, run_on_start => sub { my $process = shift; # Running in context of child, so can't pass data to parent directly if ($self->{quiet}) { open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); } print("=" x 70, "\n"); my $test = VTest->new(@params, running_id => $process->{running_id}); $test->oprint("=" x 50, "\n"); unlink $test->{status_filename}; $test->_prep; $test->_read; # Don't put anything other than _exit after _read, # as may call _exit via another path $test->_exit; }, run_on_finish => sub { # Running in context of parent my $process = shift; my $test = VTest->new(@params, running_id => $process->{running_id}); $test->_read_status; if ($test->ok) { $self->{ok_cnt}++; } elsif ($test->scenario_off && !$test->errors) { } elsif ($test->skips && !$test->errors) { push @{$self->{skip_msgs}}, ("\t#" . $test->soprint("-Skip: $test->{skips}\n")); $self->{skip_cnt}++; } elsif ($test->unsupporteds && !$test->errors) { $self->{unsup_cnt}++; } else { $test->oprint("FAILED: $test->{errors}\n"); my $j = ($opt_jobs > 1 ? " -j" : ""); my $makecmd = $ENV{VERILATOR_MAKE} || "$ENV{MAKE}$j &&"; my $upperdir = (Cwd::getcwd() =~ /test_regress/ ? 'test_regress/' : ''); push @{$self->{fail_msgs}}, ("\t#" . $test->soprint("%Error: $test->{errors}\n") . "\t\t$makecmd " . $upperdir . $test->{pl_filename} . " " . join(' ', _manual_args()) . " --" . $test->{scenario} . "\n"); push @{$self->{fail_tests}}, $test; $self->{fail_cnt}++; $self->report($self->{driver_log_filename}); my $other = ""; foreach my $proc ($::Fork->running) { $other .= " " . $proc->{test_pl_filename}; } $test->oprint("Simultaneous running tests:", $other, "\n") if $other && !$opt_quiet; if ($opt_stop) { die "%Error: --stop and errors found\n"; } } $self->{left_cnt}--; $self->print_summary; delete $self->{running_ids}{$process->{running_id}} if $process->{running_id}; }, )->ready(); } sub wait_and_report { my $self = shift; $self->print_summary(force => 1); # Wait for all children to finish while ($::Fork->is_any_left) { $::Fork->poll; if ((time() - ($self->{_last_summary_time} || 0) >= 30) && (!$opt_gdb && !$opt_gdbsim)) { # Don't show for interactive gdb etc $self->print_summary(force => 1, show_running => 1); } Time::HiRes::usleep 100 * 1000; } $runner->report(undef); $runner->report($self->{driver_log_filename}); } sub report { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $fh = \*STDOUT; if ($filename) { $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,"; } $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("=" x 70, "\n"); foreach my $f (sort @{$self->{fail_msgs}}) { chomp $f; $fh->print("$f\n"); } foreach my $f (sort @{$self->{skip_msgs}}) { chomp $f; $fh->print("$f\n"); } my $sum = ($self->{fail_cnt} && "FAILED" || $self->{skip_cnt} && "PASSED w/SKIPS" || "PASSED"); $fh->print("TESTS DONE, $sum: " . $self->sprint_summary . "\n"); } sub print_summary { my $self = shift; my %params = (force => 0, # Force printing show_running => 0, # Show running processes @_); if (!$self->{quiet} || $params{force} || ($self->{left_cnt} < 5) || (time() - ($self->{_last_summary_time} || 0) >= 15)) { # Don't show for interactive gdb etc $self->{_last_summary_time} = time(); print STDERR ("==SUMMARY: " . $self->sprint_summary . "\n"); if ($params{show_running}) { my $other; foreach my $proc ($::Fork->running) { $other .= " " . $proc->{test_pl_filename}; } print STDERR ("==STILL RUNNING: " . $other . "\n"); } } } sub sprint_summary { my $self = shift; my $delta = time() - $::Start; my $leftmsg = $::Have_Forker ? $self->{left_cnt} : "NO-FORKER"; my $pct = int(100 * ($self->{left_cnt} / ($self->{all_cnt} + 0.001)) + 0.999); # Fudge of 120% works out about right so ETA correctly predicts completion time my $eta = 1.2 * (($self->{all_cnt} * ($delta / (($self->{all_cnt} - $self->{left_cnt})+0.001))) - $delta); $eta = 0 if $delta < 10; my $out = ""; $out .= "Left $leftmsg " if $self->{left_cnt}; $out .= "Passed $self->{ok_cnt}"; # Ordered below most severe to least severe $out .= " Failed $self->{fail_cnt}"; $out .= " Failed-First $self->{fail1_cnt}" if $self->{fail1_cnt}; $out .= " Skipped $self->{skip_cnt}" if $self->{skip_cnt}; $out .= " Unsup $self->{unsup_cnt}"; $out .= sprintf(" Eta %d:%02d", int($eta / 60), $eta % 60) if $self->{left_cnt} > 10 && $eta > 10; $out .= sprintf(" Time %d:%02d", int($delta / 60), $delta % 60); return $out; } sub _manual_args { # Return command line with scenarios stripped my @out; arg: foreach my $arg (@Orig_ARGV_Sw) { foreach my $allsc (keys %All_Scenarios) { foreach my $allscarg (@{$All_Scenarios{$allsc}}) { next arg if ("--$allscarg" eq $arg); } } # Also strip certain flags that per-test debugging won't want next arg if $arg eq '--rerun'; next arg if $arg eq '--quiet'; push @out, $arg; } return @out; } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Test class package VTest; use Carp; use Cwd; use Data::Dumper; use File::Spec; use File::Path qw(mkpath); use vars qw($Self $Self); use strict; sub defineOpt { my $xsim = shift; return $xsim ? "--define " : "+define+"; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {@_}; $self->{name} ||= $2 if $self->{pl_filename} =~ m!^(.*/)?([^/]*)\.pl$!; $self->{scenario} = ""; $self->{scenario} ||= "dist" if $self->{dist}; $self->{scenario} ||= "atsim" if $self->{atsim}; $self->{scenario} ||= "ghdl" if $self->{ghdl}; $self->{scenario} ||= "vcs" if $self->{vcs}; $self->{scenario} ||= "vlt" if $self->{vlt}; $self->{scenario} ||= "vltmt" if $self->{vltmt}; $self->{scenario} ||= "nc" if $self->{nc}; $self->{scenario} ||= "ms" if $self->{ms}; $self->{scenario} ||= "iv" if $self->{iv}; $self->{scenario} ||= "xsim" if $self->{xsim}; foreach my $dir (@::Test_Dirs) { # t_dir used both absolutely and under obj_dir if (-e "$dir/$self->{name}.pl") { # Note most tests require error messages of the form t/x.v # Therefore pl_filename must be t/ for local tests $self->{pl_filename} = File::Spec->abs2rel("$dir/$self->{name}.pl"); # t_dir must be absolute - used under t or under obj_dir $self->{t_dir} ||= File::Spec->rel2abs($dir); last; } } $self->{t_dir} or die "%Error: Can't locate dir for $self->{name},"; if (!$self->{obj_dir}) { my $scen_dir = File::Spec->abs2rel("$self->{t_dir}/../obj_$self->{scenario}"); $scen_dir =~ s!^t/\.\./!!; # Simplify filenames on local runs mkdir $scen_dir; # Not a mkpath so find out if trying to build somewhere odd $self->{obj_dir} = "$scen_dir/$self->{name}"; } my $define_opt = defineOpt($self->{xsim}); $self = { name => undef, # Set below, name of this test pl_filename => undef, # Name of .pl file to get setup from make_top_shell => 1, # Make a default __top.v file make_main => 1, # Make __main.cpp make_pli => 0, # need to compile pli sc_time_resolution => "SC_PS", # Keep - PS is SystemC default sim_time => 1100, benchmark => $opt_benchmark, verbose => $opt_verbose, run_env => '', # All compilers v_flags => [split(/\s+/, (($self->{xsim} ? " -f input.xsim.vc " : (-r 'input.vc' ? " -f input.vc " : "")) .($self->{t_dir} !~ m!/test_regress! # Don't include standard dir, only site's ? " +incdir+$self->{t_dir} -y $self->{t_dir}" : "") . " " . $define_opt . "TEST_OBJ_DIR=$self->{obj_dir}" .($opt_verbose ? " " . $define_opt . "TEST_VERBOSE=1" : "") .($opt_benchmark ? " " . $define_opt . "TEST_BENCHMARK=$opt_benchmark" : "") .($opt_trace ? " " . $define_opt . "WAVES=1" : "") ))], v_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files v_other_filenames => [], # After the filename so we can spec multiple files all_run_flags => [], pli_flags => ["-I$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/vltstd -fPIC -shared" . (($^O eq "darwin" ) ? " -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup" : " -export-dynamic") . ($opt_verbose ? " -DTEST_VERBOSE=1" : "") . (cfg_with_m32() ? " -m32" : "") . " -o $self->{obj_dir}/libvpi.so"], tool_c_flags => [], # ATSIM atsim => 0, atsim_define => 'ATSIM', atsim_flags => [split(/\s+/, "-c +sv +define+ATSIM"), "+sv_dir+$self->{obj_dir}/.athdl_compile"], atsim_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files atsim_run_flags => [], # GHDL ghdl => 0, ghdl_define => 'GHDL', ghdl_work_dir => "$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile", ghdl_flags => [($::Debug ? "-v" : ""), "--workdir=$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile", ], ghdl_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files ghdl_run_flags => [], # IV iv => 0, iv_define => 'IVERILOG', iv_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+define+IVERILOG -g2012 -o $self->{obj_dir}/simiv")], iv_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files iv_pli => 0, # need to use pli iv_run_flags => [], # VCS vcs => 0, vcs_define => 'VCS', vcs_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+vcs+lic+wait +cli -debug_access +define+VCS+1 -q -sverilog -CFLAGS '-DVCS' ")], vcs_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files vcs_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+vcs+lic_wait")], # NC nc => 0, nc_define => 'NC', nc_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("+licqueue +nowarn+LIBNOU +define+NC=1 -q +assert +sv -c " . ($opt_trace ? " +access+r" : "")))], nc_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files nc_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, "+licqueue -q +assert +sv -R")], # ModelSim ms => 0, ms_define => 'MS', ms_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("-sv -work $self->{obj_dir}/work +define+MS=1 -ccflags \"-DMS=1\""))], ms_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files ms_pli => 1, # need to use pli ms_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, "-lib $self->{obj_dir}/work -c -do 'run -all;quit' ")], # XSim xsim => 0, xsim_define => 'XSIM', xsim_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("--nolog --sv --define XSIM --work $self->{name}=$self->{obj_dir}/xsim"))], xsim_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files xsim_run_flags => [split(/\s+/, ("--nolog --runall --lib $self->{name}=$self->{obj_dir}/xsim" .($opt_trace ? " --debug all" : "")))], xsim_run_flags2 => [], # Overridden in some sim files # Verilator vlt => 0, vltmt => 0, verilator_define => 'VERILATOR', verilator_flags => ["-cc", "-Mdir $self->{obj_dir}", "-OD", # As currently disabled unless -O3 "--debug-check", "--comp-limit-members 10", ], verilator_flags2 => [], verilator_flags3 => ["--clk clk"], verilator_make_gmake => 1, verilator_make_cmake => 0, verilated_debug => $Opt_Verilated_Debug, stdout_filename => undef, # Redirect stdout %$self}; bless $self, $class; $self->{vlt_all} = $self->{vlt} || $self->{vltmt}; # Any Verilator scenario $self->{VM_PREFIX} ||= "V" . $self->{name}; $self->{stats} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/V" . $self->{name} . "__stats.txt"; $self->{status_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/V" . $self->{name} . ".status"; $self->{run_log_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_sim.log"; $self->{coverage_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/coverage.dat"; $self->{main_filename} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__main.cpp"; ($self->{top_filename} ||= $self->{pl_filename}) =~ s/\.pl$//; ($self->{golden_filename} ||= $self->{pl_filename}) =~ s/\.pl$/.out/; if (-e ($self->{top_filename} . ".vhd")) { # If VHDL file exists $self->{vhdl} = 1; $self->{top_filename} .= ".vhd"; } else { $self->{top_filename} .= ".v"; } if (!$self->{make_top_shell}) { $self->{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_filename}; } else { $self->{top_shell_filename} = "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__top.v"; } $self->{pli_filename} ||= $self->{name} . ".cpp"; return $self; } sub benchmarksim_filename { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return $self->{obj_dir} . "/$self->{name}_benchmarksim.csv"; } sub init_benchmarksim { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); # Simulations with benchmarksim enabled append to the same file between runs. # Test files must ensure a clean benchmark data file before executing tests. my $filename = $self->benchmarksim_filename(); my $fh = IO::File->new(">" . $filename) or die "%Error: $! " . $filename; print $fh "# Verilator simulation benchmark data\n"; print $fh "# Test name: " . $self->{name} . "\n"; print $fh "# Top file: " . $self->{top_filename} . "\n"; print $fh "evals, time[s]\n"; } sub soprint { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $str = "$self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . join('', @_); $str =~ s/\n\n+$/\n/s; return $str; } sub oprint { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); print $self->soprint(@_); } sub error { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $msg = join('', @_); # Called from tests as: error("Reason message"[, ...]); warn "%Warning: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n"; $self->{errors} ||= $msg; } sub error_keep_going { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $msg = join('', @_); # Called from tests as: error_keep_going("Reason message"[, ...]); warn "%Warning: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n"; $self->{errors_keep_going} ||= $msg; } sub skip { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $msg = join('', @_); # Called from tests as: skip("Reason message"[, ...]); warn "-Skip: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n"; $self->{skips} ||= "Skip: " . $msg; } sub unsupported { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $msg = join('', @_); # Called from tests as: unsupported("Reason message"[, ...]); warn "-Unsupported: $self->{scenario}/$self->{name}: " . $msg . "\n"; if (!$::Opt_Unsupported) { $self->{unsupporteds} ||= "Unsupported: " . $msg; } } sub scenarios { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %params = (@_); # Called from tests as: scenarios(...); # to specify which scenarios this test runs under. # Where ... is one cases listed in All_Scenarios if ((scalar keys %params) < 1) { $params{simulators} = 1; } my %enabled_scenarios; foreach my $scenario (keys %params) { my $value = $params{$scenario}; my $hit = 0; foreach my $allsc (keys %All_Scenarios) { foreach my $allscarg (@{$All_Scenarios{$allsc}}) { if ($scenario eq $allscarg) { $hit = 1; $enabled_scenarios{$allsc} = 1; } } } if (!$hit) { $self->error("scenarios('$scenario' => ...) has unknown scenario '$scenario',"); } } if (!$enabled_scenarios{$self->{scenario}}) { $self->skip("scenario '$self->{scenario}' not enabled for test"); $self->{scenario_off} ||= 1; $self->_exit(); } } sub _prep { my $self = shift; mkdir $self->{obj_dir}; # Ok if already exists } sub _read { my $self = shift; # Read the control file (-r $self->{pl_filename}) or return $self->error("Can't open $self->{pl_filename}\n"); $Self = $self; delete $INC{$self->{pl_filename}}; require $self->{pl_filename}; } sub _exit { my $self = shift; if ($self->ok) { $self->oprint("Self PASSED\n"); } elsif ($self->skips && !$self->errors) { $self->oprint("-Skip: $self->{skips}\n"); } elsif ($self->unsupporteds && !$self->errors) { $self->oprint("%Unsupported: $self->{unsupporteds}\n"); } else { $self->error("Missing ok\n") if !$self->errors; $self->oprint("%Error: $self->{errors}\n"); } $self->_write_status; exit(0); } sub _write_status { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->{status_filename}; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print $fh Dumper($self); print $fh "1;"; $fh->close(); } sub _read_status { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->{status_filename}; use vars qw($VAR1); local $VAR1; if (!-r $filename) { $self->error("driver.pl _read_status file missing: $filename"); return; } { local %INC = (); require $filename or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; } if ($VAR1) { %{$self} = %{$VAR1}; } else { $self->error("driver.pl _read_status file empty: $filename"); return; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods invoked by tests sub clean { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); # Called on a rerun to cleanup files if ($self->{clean_command}) { system($self->{clean_command}); } if (1) { # Prevents false-failures when switching compilers # Remove old results to force hard rebuild system("rm", "-rf", "$self->{obj_dir}__fail1"); system("mv", "$self->{obj_dir}", "$self->{obj_dir}__fail1"); } } sub clean_objs { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); system("rm", "-rf", glob("$self->{obj_dir}/*")); } sub compile_vlt_cmd { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; my @vlt_cmd = ( "perl", "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin/verilator", $self->compile_vlt_flags(%param), $param{top_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, $param{stdout_filename} ? "> " . $param{stdout_filename} : "" ); return @vlt_cmd; } sub compile_vlt_flags { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; my $checkflags = join(' ', @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, @{$param{verilator_flags}}, @{$param{verilator_flags2}}, @{$param{verilator_flags3}}); $self->{sc} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-sc\b/); $self->{trace} = ($opt_trace || $checkflags =~ /-trace\b/ || $checkflags =~ /-trace-fst\b/); $self->{trace_format} = (($checkflags =~ /-trace-fst/ && $self->{sc} && 'fst-sc') || ($checkflags =~ /-trace-fst/ && !$self->{sc} && 'fst-c') || ($self->{sc} && 'vcd-sc') || (!$self->{sc} && 'vcd-c')); $self->{savable} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-savable\b/); $self->{coverage} = 1 if ($checkflags =~ /-coverage\b/); $self->{sanitize} = $opt_sanitize unless exists($self->{sanitize}); $self->{benchmarksim} = 1 if ($param{benchmarksim}); my @verilator_flags = @{$param{verilator_flags}}; unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdb" if $opt_gdb; unshift @verilator_flags, "--gdbbt" if $opt_gdbbt; unshift @verilator_flags, "--rr" if $opt_rr; unshift @verilator_flags, "--x-assign unique"; # More likely to be buggy unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace" if $opt_trace; my $threads = ::calc_threads($Vltmt_threads); unshift @verilator_flags, "--threads $threads" if $param{vltmt} && $checkflags !~ /-threads /; unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace-threads 1" if $param{vltmt} && $checkflags =~ /-trace /; unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace-threads 2" if $param{vltmt} && $checkflags =~ /-trace-fst /; unshift @verilator_flags, "--debug-partition" if $param{vltmt}; unshift @verilator_flags, "-CFLAGS -ggdb -LDFLAGS -ggdb" if $opt_gdbsim; unshift @verilator_flags, "-CFLAGS -fsanitize=address,undefined -LDFLAGS -fsanitize=address,undefined" if $param{sanitize}; unshift @verilator_flags, "--make gmake" if $param{verilator_make_gmake}; unshift @verilator_flags, "--make cmake" if $param{verilator_make_cmake}; unshift @verilator_flags, "--exe" if $param{make_main} && $param{verilator_make_gmake}; unshift @verilator_flags, "../" . $self->{main_filename} if $param{make_main} && $param{verilator_make_gmake}; if (defined $opt_optimize) { my $letters = ""; if ($opt_optimize =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { $letters = $opt_optimize; } else { # Randomly turn on/off different optimizations foreach my $l ('a' .. 'z') { $letters .= ((rand() > 0.5) ? $l : uc $l); } unshift @verilator_flags, "--trace" if rand() > 0.5; unshift @verilator_flags, "--coverage" if rand() > 0.5; } unshift @verilator_flags, "--O" . $letters; } my @cmdargs = ( "--prefix " . $param{VM_PREFIX}, @verilator_flags, @{$param{verilator_flags2}}, @{$param{verilator_flags3}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, # Flags from driver cmdline override default flags and # flags from the test itself driver_verilator_flags(), ); return @cmdargs; } sub driver_verilator_flags { # my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return @Opt_Driver_Verilator_Flags; } sub lint { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %param = (# %{$self}, # Default arguments are from $self # Lint specific default overrides make_main => 0, make_top_shell => 0, verilator_flags2 => ["--lint-only"], verilator_make_gmake => 0, @_); $self->compile(%param); } sub compile { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %param = (tee => 1, %{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; $self->oprint("Compile\n") if $self->{verbose}; compile_vlt_cmd(%param); if (!$param{make_top_shell}) { $param{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_shell_filename} = ""; } else { $param{top_shell_filename} = $self->{top_shell_filename} = "$self->{obj_dir}/$self->{VM_PREFIX}__top." . $self->v_suffix; } if ($param{atsim}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{atsim_define}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/atsim_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_ATSIM} || "atsim"), @{$param{atsim_flags}}, @{$param{atsim_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, ]); } elsif ($param{ghdl}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{ghdl_define}; mkdir $self->{ghdl_work_dir}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_GHDL} || "ghdl"), # Add -c here, as having -c twice freaks it out ((($ENV{VERILATOR_GHDL} || ' ') =~ / -c\b/) ? "" : "-c"), @{$param{ghdl_flags}}, @{$param{ghdl_flags2}}, #@{$param{v_flags}}, # Not supported #@{$param{v_flags2}}, # Not supported $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, "-e t", ]); } elsif ($param{vcs}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{vcs_define}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/vcs_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_VCS} || "vcs"), @{$param{vcs_flags}}, @{$param{vcs_flags2}}, ($opt_verbose ? " -CFLAGS -DTEST_VERBOSE=1" : ""), @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, ]); } elsif ($param{nc}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{nc_define}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; my @more_args; if ($self->vhdl) { ((my $ts = $param{top_shell_filename}) =~ s!\.v!!); $ts =~ s!.*/!!; push @more_args, "-vhdltop", $ts; } $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/nc_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_NCVERILOG} || "ncverilog"), @{$param{nc_flags}}, @{$param{nc_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}, @more_args ]); } elsif ($param{ms}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{ms_define}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/ms_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[("vlib $self->{obj_dir}/work && "), ($ENV{VERILATOR_MODELSIM} || "vlog"), @{$param{ms_flags}}, @{$param{ms_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}} ]); } elsif ($param{iv}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{iv_define}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; my @cmd = (($ENV{VERILATOR_IVERILOG} || "iverilog"), @{$param{iv_flags}}, @{$param{iv_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}}); @cmd = grep { s/\+define\+/-D /g; $_; } @cmd; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/iv_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>\@cmd); } elsif ($param{xsim}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{xsim_define}; $self->_make_top() if $param{make_top_shell}; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/xsim_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[($ENV{VERILATOR_XVLOG} || "xvlog"), @{$param{xsim_flags}}, @{$param{xsim_flags2}}, @{$param{v_flags}}, @{$param{v_flags2}}, $param{top_filename}, $param{top_shell_filename}, @{$param{v_other_filenames}} ]); } elsif ($param{vlt_all}) { $param{tool_define} ||= $param{verilator_define}; if ($self->sc && !$self->have_sc) { $self->skip("Test requires SystemC; ignore error since not installed\n"); return 1; } if ($self->{vltmt} && !$self->cfg_with_threaded) { $self->skip("Test requires Verilator configured with threads\n"); return 1; } if ($param{verilator_make_cmake} && !$self->have_cmake) { $self->skip("Test requires CMake; ignore error since not available or version too old\n"); return 1; } if (!$param{fails} && $param{make_main}) { $self->_make_main(); } if ($param{verilator_make_gmake} || (!$param{verilator_make_gmake} && !$param{verilator_make_cmake})) { my @vlt_cmd = $self->compile_vlt_cmd(%param); $self->oprint("Running Verilator (gmake)\n") if $self->{verbose}; $self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_compile.log", fails => $param{fails}, tee => $param{tee}, expect => $param{expect}, expect_filename => $param{expect_filename}, verilator_run => 1, cmd => \@vlt_cmd) if $::Opt_Verilation; return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; } if ($param{verilator_make_cmake}) { my @vlt_args = $self->compile_vlt_flags(%param); $self->oprint("Running cmake\n") if $self->{verbose}; mkdir $self->{obj_dir}; my @csources = (); unshift @csources, $self->{main_filename} if $param{make_main}; $self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_cmake.log", fails => $param{fails}, tee => $param{tee}, expect => $param{expect}, expect_filename => $param{expect_filename}, verilator_run => 1, cmd => ["cd \"" . $self->{obj_dir} . "\" && cmake", "\"" . $self->{t_dir} . "/..\"", "-DTEST_VERILATOR_ROOT=$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}", "-DTEST_NAME=$self->{name}", "-DTEST_CSOURCES=\"@csources\"", "-DTEST_VERILATOR_ARGS=\"@vlt_args\"", "-DTEST_VERILATOR_SOURCES=\"$param{top_filename} @{$param{v_other_filenames}}\"", "-DTEST_VERBOSE=\"" . ($self->{verbose} ? 1 : 0) . "\"", "-DTEST_SYSTEMC=\"" . ($self->sc ? 1 : 0) . "\"", "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=\"" . (($ENV{SYSTEMC_INCLUDE} || $ENV{SYSTEMC} || '') . "/..\""), "-DTEST_OPT_FAST=\"" . ($param{benchmark} ? "-Os" : "-O0") . "\"", "-DTEST_OPT_GLOBAL=\"" . ($param{benchmark} ? "-Os" : "-O0") . "\"", "-DTEST_VERILATION=\"" . $::Opt_Verilation . "\"", ]); return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; } if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_gmake}) { $self->oprint("Running make (gmake)\n") if $self->{verbose}; $self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_gcc.log", entering => "$self->{obj_dir}", cmd => [$ENV{MAKE}, "-C " . $self->{obj_dir}, "-f " . $FindBin::RealBin . "/Makefile_obj", ($self->{verbose} ? "" : "--no-print-directory"), "VM_PREFIX=$self->{VM_PREFIX}", "TEST_OBJ_DIR=$self->{obj_dir}", "CPPFLAGS_DRIVER=-D" . uc($self->{name}), ($self->{verbose} ? "CPPFLAGS_DRIVER2=-DTEST_VERBOSE=1" : ""), ($param{benchmark} ? "" : "OPT_FAST=-O0"), ($param{benchmark} ? "" : "OPT_GLOBAL=-O0"), "$self->{VM_PREFIX}", # bypass default rule, as we don't need archive ($param{make_flags} || ""), ]); } if (!$param{fails} && $param{verilator_make_cmake}) { $self->oprint("Running cmake --build\n") if $self->{verbose}; $self->_run(logfile => "$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_cmake_build.log", cmd => ["cmake", "--build", $self->{obj_dir}, ($self->{verbose} ? "--verbose" : ""), ]); } } else { $self->error("No compile step defined for '$self->{scenario}' scenario"); } if ($param{make_pli}) { $self->oprint("Compile vpi\n") if $self->{verbose}; my @cmd = ($ENV{CXX}, @{$param{pli_flags}}, "-D" . $param{tool_define}, "-DIS_VPI", ($ENV{CFLAGS} || ''), "$self->{t_dir}/$self->{pli_filename}"); $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/pli_compile.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>\@cmd); } return 1; } sub execute { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self # params may be expect or {tool}_expect $self->oprint("Run\n") if $self->{verbose}; delete $ENV{SYSTEMC_DISABLE_COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE}; $ENV{SYSTEMC_DISABLE_COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE} = "DISABLE" if !$self->{verbose}; my $run_env = $param{run_env}; $run_env .= ' ' if $run_env; if ($param{atsim}) { $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/atsim_sim.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . "$self->{obj_dir}/athdl_sv", @{$param{atsim_run_flags}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, ], %param, expect=>$param{atsim_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{atsim_run_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{ghdl}) { $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/ghdl_sim.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[$run_env . "$self->{obj_dir}/simghdl", @{$param{ghdl_run_flags}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, ], %param, expect=>$param{ghdl_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{ghdl_run_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{iv}) { my @cmd = ($run_env . "$self->{obj_dir}/simiv", @{$param{iv_run_flags}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, ); if ($param{use_libvpi}) { # don't enter command line on $stop, include vpi unshift @cmd, "vvp -n -m $self->{obj_dir}/libvpi.so"; } $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/iv_sim.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=> \@cmd, %param, expect=>$param{iv_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{iv_run_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{ms}) { my @pli_opt = (); if ($param{use_libvpi}) { unshift @pli_opt, "-pli $self->{obj_dir}/libvpi.so"; } $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/ms_sim.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . ($ENV{VERILATOR_MODELSIM} || "vsim"), @{$param{ms_run_flags}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, @{pli_opt}, (" top") ], %param, expect=>$param{ms_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{ms_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{nc}) { $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/nc_sim.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . ($ENV{VERILATOR_NCVERILOG} || "ncverilog"), @{$param{nc_run_flags}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, ], %param, expect=>$param{nc_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{nc_run_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{vcs}) { #my $fh = IO::File->new(">simv.key") or die "%Error: $! simv.key,"; #$fh->print("quit\n"); $fh->close; $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/vcs_sim.log", cmd=>["echo q | " . $run_env . "./simv", @{$param{vcs_run_flags}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, ], %param, expect=>$param{vcs_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{vcs_run_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{xsim}) { $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/xsim_sim.log", fails=>$param{fails}, cmd=>[$run_env.($ENV{VERILATOR_XELAB} || "xelab"), @{$param{xsim_run_flags}}, @{$param{xsim_run_flags2}}, @{$param{all_run_flags}}, (" $self->{name}.top") ], %param, expect=>$param{xsim_run_expect}, # non-verilator expect isn't the same expect_filename=>$param{xsim_expect_filename}, ); } elsif ($param{vlt_all} #&& (!$param{needs_v4} || -r "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/src/V3Gate.cpp") ) { $param{executable} ||= "$self->{obj_dir}/$param{VM_PREFIX}"; my $debugger = ""; if ($opt_gdbsim) { $debugger = ($ENV{VERILATOR_GDB} || "gdb") . " "; } elsif ($opt_rrsim) { $debugger = "rr record "; } $self->_run(logfile=>"$self->{obj_dir}/vlt_sim.log", cmd=>[($run_env .$debugger .$param{executable} .($opt_gdbsim ? " -ex 'run " : "")), @{$param{all_run_flags}}, ($opt_gdbsim ? "'" : ""), ], %param, expect=>$param{expect}, # backward compatible name expect_filename=>$param{expect_filename}, # backward compatible name ); } else { $self->error("No execute step for this simulator"); } } sub setenv { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $var = shift; my $val = shift; print "\texport $var='$val'\n"; $ENV{$var} = $val; } sub inline_checks { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; return 1 if !$self->{vlt_all}; my %param = (%{$self}, @_); # Default arguments are from $self my $covfn = $Self->{coverage_filename}; my $contents = $self->file_contents($covfn); $self->oprint("Extract checks\n") if $self->{verbose}; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$self->{top_filename}"); while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { if ($line =~ /CHECK/) { if ($line =~ /CHECK_COVER *\( *([---0-9]+) *, *"([^"]+)" *, *("([^"]+)" *,|) *(\d+) *\)/) { my $lineno = ($. + $1); my $hier = $2; my $comment = $4; my $count = $5; my $regexp = "\001l\002" . $lineno; $regexp .= ".*\001o\002" . quotemeta($comment) if $comment; $regexp .= ".*\001h\002" . quotemeta($hier) if $hier; $regexp .= ".*' " . $count; if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) { $self->error("CHECK_COVER: $covfn: Regexp not found: $regexp\n" . "From $self->{top_filename}:$.: $line"); } } elsif ($line =~ /CHECK_COVER_MISSING *\( *([---0-9]+) *\)/) { my $lineno = ($. + $1); my $regexp = "\001l\002" . $lineno; if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) { $self->error("CHECK_COVER_MISSING: $covfn: Regexp found: $regexp\n" . "From $self->{top_filename}:$.: $line"); } } else { $self->error("$self->{top_filename}:$.: Unknown CHECK request: $line"); } } } $fh->close; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accessors sub ok { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->{ok} = $_[0] if defined $_[0]; $self->{ok} = 0 if $self->{errors} || $self->{errors_keep_going} || $self->{skips} || $self->unsupporteds; return $self->{ok}; } sub continuing { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return !($self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds); } sub errors { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return $self->{errors}; } sub golden_filename { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->{golden_filename} = shift if defined $_[0]; return $self->{golden_filename}; } sub scenario_off { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return $self->{scenario_off}; } sub skips { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return $self->{skips}; } sub unsupporteds { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return $self->{unsupporteds}; } sub top_filename { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->{top_filename} = shift if defined $_[0]; return $self->{top_filename}; } sub vhdl { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->{vhdl} = shift if defined $_[0]; if ($self->{vhdl}) { $self->{top_filename} =~ s/\.v$/\.vhdl/; } return $self->{vhdl}; } sub v_suffix { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); # Suffix for file type, e.g. .vhdl or .v return $self->{vhdl} ? "vhdl" : "v"; } sub sc { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return $self->{sc}; } sub have_sc { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); return 1 if (defined $ENV{SYSTEMC} || defined $ENV{SYSTEMC_INCLUDE} || $ENV{CFG_HAVE_SYSTEMC}); return 1 if $self->verilator_version =~ /systemc found *= *1/i; return 0; } sub make_version { my $ver = `$ENV{MAKE} --version`; if ($ver =~ /make ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/i) { return $1; } else { return -1; } } sub have_cmake { return cmake_version() >= version->declare("3.8"); } sub cmake_version { chomp(my $cmake_bin = `which cmake`); if (!$cmake_bin) { return undef; } my $cmake_version = `cmake --version`; if ($cmake_version !~ /cmake version (\d+)\.(\d+)/) { return undef; } $cmake_version = "$1.$2"; return version->declare($cmake_version); } sub trace_filename { my $self = shift; return "$self->{obj_dir}/simx.fst" if $self->{trace_format} =~ /^fst/; return "$self->{obj_dir}/simx.vcd"; } sub obj_dir { my $self = shift; return $self->{obj_dir}; } sub get_default_vltmt_threads { return $Vltmt_threads; } sub pli_filename { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->{pli_filename} = shift if defined $_[0]; return $self->{pli_filename}; } sub too_few_cores { my $threads = ::calc_threads($Vltmt_threads); return $threads < $Vltmt_threads; } sub skip_if_too_few_cores { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); if (too_few_cores()) { $self->skip("Skipping due to too few cores\n"); } } sub wno_unopthreads_for_few_cores { if (too_few_cores()) { warn "Too few cores, using -Wno-UNOPTTHREADS\n"; return "-Wno-UNOPTTHREADS"; } return ""; } sub VM_PREFIX { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->{VM_PREFIX} = shift if defined $_[0]; return $self->{VM_PREFIX}; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); $self->_run(@_); } sub _run { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %param = (tee => 1, #entering => # Print entering directory information #verilator_run => # Move gcov data to parallel area @_); my $command = join(' ', @{$param{cmd}}); $command = "time $command" if $opt_benchmark && $command !~ /^cd /; if ($param{verilator_run}) { # Gcov fails when parallel jobs write same data file, # so we make sure .gcda output dir is unique across all running jobs. # We can't just put each one in a unique obj_dir as it uses too much disk. # Must use absolute path as some execute()s have different PWD $ENV{GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP} = 99; $ENV{GCOV_PREFIX} = File::Spec->rel2abs("$FindBin::RealBin/obj_dist/gcov_$self->{running_id}"); mkdir $ENV{GCOV_PREFIX}; print "export GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=99 GCOV_PREFIX=$ENV{GCOV_PREFIX}\n" if $self->{verbose}; } else { delete $ENV{GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP}; delete $ENV{GCOV_PREFIX}; } print "\t$command"; print " > $param{logfile}" if $param{logfile}; print "\n"; # Execute command redirecting output, keeping order between stderr and stdout. # Must do low-level IO so GCC interaction works (can't be line-based) my $status; { pipe(PARENTRD, CHILDWR) or die "%Error: Can't Pipe, stopped"; autoflush PARENTRD 1; autoflush CHILDWR 1; my $logfh; if ($param{logfile}) { $logfh = IO::File->new(">$param{logfile}") or die "%Error: Can't open $param{logfile}"; } my $pid = fork(); if ($pid) { # Parent close CHILDWR; print "driver: Entering directory '", File::Spec->rel2abs($param{entering}), "'\n" if $param{entering}; while (1) { my $buf = ''; my $got = sysread PARENTRD, $buf, 10000; last if defined $got && $got == 0; print $buf if $param{tee}; print $logfh $buf if $logfh; } close PARENTRD; close $logfh if $logfh; print "driver: Leaving directory '", File::Spec->rel2abs($param{entering}), "'\n" if $param{entering}; } else { # Child close PARENTRD; close $logfh if $logfh; # Reset signals $SIG{ALRM} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; # Logging open(STDOUT, ">&CHILDWR") or croak "%Error: Can't redirect stdout, stopped"; open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or croak "%Error: Can't dup stdout, stopped"; autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; system "$command"; my $status = $?; if (($status & 127) == 4 # SIGILL || ($status & 127) == 8 # SIGFPA || ($status & 127) == 11) { # SIGSEGV $Self->error("Exec failed with core dump"); } exit($? ? 10 : 0); # $?>>8 misses coredumps } waitpid($pid, 0); $status = $? || 0; } flush STDOUT; flush STDERR; if (!$param{fails} && $status) { my $firstline = ""; if (my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{logfile}")) { $firstline = $fh->getline || ''; chomp $firstline; } $self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] failed: $firstline\n"); } if ($param{fails} && $status) { print "(Exec expected to fail, and did.)\n"; } if ($param{fails} && !$status) { $self->error("Exec of $param{cmd}[0] ok, but expected to fail\n"); } return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; # Read the log file a couple of times to allow for NFS delays if ($param{check_finished} || $param{expect}) { for (my $try = $self->tries - 1; $try >= 0; $try--) { sleep 1 if ($try != $self->tries - 1); my $moretry = $try != 0; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{logfile}"); next if !$fh && $moretry; local $/; undef $/; my $wholefile = <$fh>; $fh->close(); # Finished? if ($param{check_finished} && $wholefile !~ /\*\-\* All Finished \*\-\*/) { next if $moretry; $self->error("Missing All Finished\n"); } if ($param{expect}) { # Strip debugging comments # See also files_identical $wholefile =~ s/^- [^\n]+\n//mig; $wholefile =~ s/^- [a-z.0-9]+:\d+:[^\n]+\n//mig; $wholefile =~ s/^dot [^\n]+\n//mig; # Compare my $quoted = quotemeta($param{expect}); my $ok = ($wholefile eq $param{expect} || _try_regex($wholefile, $param{expect}) == 1 || $wholefile =~ /$quoted/ms); if (!$ok) { #print "**BAD $self->{name} $param{logfile} MT $moretry $try\n"; next if $moretry; $self->error("Miscompares in output from $param{cmd}[0]\n"); $self->error("Might be error in regexp format\n") if $ok < 1; print "GOT:\n"; print $wholefile; print "ENDGOT\n"; print "EXPECT:\n"; print $param{expect}; print "ENDEXPECT\n"; } } last; } } if ($param{expect_filename}) { files_identical($param{logfile}, $param{expect_filename}, 'logfile'); } } ####################################################################### # Little utilities sub _try_regex { # Try to eval a regexp # Returns: # 1 if $text ~= /$regex/ms # 0 if no match # -1 if $regex is invalid, doesn't compile my ($text, $regex) = @_; my $result; { local $@; eval { $result = ($text =~ /$regex/ms); }; $result = -1 if $@; } return $result; } sub _make_main { my $self = shift; if ($self->vhdl) { $self->_read_inputs_vhdl(); } else { $self->_read_inputs_v(); } my $filename = $self->{main_filename}; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; print $fh "// Test defines\n"; print $fh "#define MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER " . ($self->{main_time_multiplier} || 1) . "\n"; print $fh "#include \n"; print $fh "#include \n" if $self->{benchmarksim}; print $fh "#include \n" if $self->{benchmarksim}; print $fh "#include \n" if $self->{benchmarksim}; print $fh "// OS header\n"; print $fh "#include \"verilatedos.h\"\n"; print $fh "// Generated header\n"; my $VM_PREFIX = $self->{VM_PREFIX}; print $fh "#include \"$VM_PREFIX.h\"\n"; print $fh "// General headers\n"; print $fh "#include \"verilated.h\"\n"; print $fh "#include \"systemc.h\"\n" if $self->sc; print $fh "#include \"verilated_fst_c.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-c'; print $fh "#include \"verilated_fst_sc.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-sc'; print $fh "#include \"verilated_vcd_c.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-c'; print $fh "#include \"verilated_vcd_sc.h\"\n" if $self->{trace} && $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-sc'; print $fh "#include \"verilated_save.h\"\n" if $self->{savable}; print $fh "std::unique_ptr<$VM_PREFIX> topp;\n"; if ($self->{savable}) { $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("void save_model(const char* filenamep) {\n"); $fh->print(" VL_PRINTF(\"Saving model to '%s'\\n\", filenamep);\n"); $fh->print(" VerilatedSave os;\n"); $fh->print(" os.open(filenamep);\n"); $fh->print(" os << *topp;\n"); $fh->print(" os.close();\n"); $fh->print("}\n"); $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("void restore_model(const char* filenamep) {\n"); $fh->print(" VL_PRINTF(\"Restoring model from '%s'\\n\", filenamep);\n"); $fh->print(" VerilatedRestore os;\n"); $fh->print(" os.open(filenamep);\n"); $fh->print(" os >> *topp;\n"); $fh->print(" os.close();\n"); $fh->print("}\n"); } #### Main if ($self->sc) { print $fh "extern int sc_main(int argc, char** argv);\n"; print $fh "int sc_main(int argc, char** argv) {\n"; print $fh " sc_signal fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " sc_signal clk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; print $fh " sc_set_time_resolution(1, $Self->{sc_time_resolution});\n"; print $fh " sc_time sim_time($self->{sim_time}, $Self->{sc_time_resolution});\n"; } else { print $fh "int main(int argc, char** argv, char** env) {\n"; print $fh " vluint64_t sim_time = $self->{sim_time};\n"; } print $fh " const std::unique_ptr contextp{new VerilatedContext};\n"; print $fh " contextp->commandArgs(argc, argv);\n"; print $fh " contextp->debug(" . ($self->{verilated_debug} ? 1 : 0) . ");\n"; print $fh " srand48(5);\n"; # Ensure determinism print $fh " contextp->randReset(" . $self->{verilated_randReset} . ");\n" if defined $self->{verilated_randReset}; print $fh " topp.reset(new $VM_PREFIX(\"top\"));\n"; print $fh " contextp->internalsDump()\n;" if $self->{verilated_debug}; my $set; if ($self->sc) { print $fh " topp->fastclk(fastclk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " topp->clk(clk);\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; $set = ""; } else { print $fh " topp->eval();\n"; $set = "topp->"; } if ($self->{benchmarksim}) { $fh->print(" std::chrono::time_point starttime;\n"); $fh->print(" bool warm = false;\n"); $fh->print(" uint64_t n_evals = 0;\n"); } if ($self->{trace}) { $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n"); $fh->print(" contextp->traceEverOn(true);\n"); $fh->print(" std::unique_ptr tfp{new VerilatedFstC};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-c'; $fh->print(" std::unique_ptr tfp{new VerilatedFstSc};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'fst-sc'; $fh->print(" std::unique_ptr tfp{new VerilatedVcdC};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-c'; $fh->print(" std::unique_ptr tfp{new VerilatedVcdSc};\n") if $self->{trace_format} eq 'vcd-sc'; $fh->print(" sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME); // Finish elaboration before trace and open\n") if $self->sc; $fh->print(" topp->trace(tfp.get(), 99);\n"); $fh->print(" tfp->open(\"" . $self->trace_filename . "\");\n"); if ($self->{trace} && !$self->sc) { $fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->dump(contextp->time());\n"); } $fh->print("#endif\n"); } if ($self->{savable}) { $fh->print(" const char* save_time_strp = contextp->commandArgsPlusMatch(\"save_time=\");\n"); $fh->print(" unsigned int save_time = !save_time_strp[0] ? 0 : atoi(save_time_strp+strlen(\"+save_time=\"));\n"); $fh->print(" const char* save_restore_strp = contextp->commandArgsPlusMatch(\"save_restore=\");\n"); $fh->print(" unsigned int save_restore = !save_restore_strp[0] ? 0 : 1;\n"); } if ($self->{savable}) { $fh->print(" if (save_restore) {\n"); $fh->print(" restore_model(\"$self->{obj_dir}/saved.vltsv\");\n"); $fh->print(" } else {\n"); } else { $fh->print(" {\n"); } print $fh " ${set}fastclk = false;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " ${set}clk = false;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; _print_advance_time($self, $fh, 10); print $fh " }\n"; my $time = $self->sc ? "sc_time_stamp()" : "contextp->time()"; print $fh " while ((${time} < sim_time * MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER)\n"; print $fh " && !contextp->gotFinish()) {\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { my $action = 0; if ($self->{inputs}{fastclk}) { print $fh " ${set}fastclk = !${set}fastclk;\n"; $action = 1; } if ($i == 0 && $self->{inputs}{clk}) { print $fh " ${set}clk = !${set}clk;\n"; $action = 1; } if ($self->{savable}) { $fh->print(" if (save_time && ${time} == save_time) {\n"); $fh->print(" save_model(\"$self->{obj_dir}/saved.vltsv\");\n"); $fh->print(" printf(\"Exiting after save_model\\n\");\n"); $fh->print(" return 0;\n"); $fh->print(" }\n"); } _print_advance_time($self, $fh, 1, $action); } if ($self->{benchmarksim}) { $fh->print(" if (VL_UNLIKELY(!warm)) {\n"); $fh->print(" starttime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();\n"); $fh->print(" warm = true;\n"); $fh->print(" } else {\n"); $fh->print(" ++n_evals;\n"); $fh->print(" }\n"); } print $fh " }\n"; if ($self->{benchmarksim}) { $fh->print(" {\n"); $fh->print(" const std::chrono::duration exec_s = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - starttime;\n"); $fh->print(" std::ofstream benchfile(\"" . $self->benchmarksim_filename() . "\", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);\n"); $fh->print(" benchfile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9) << n_evals << \",\" << exec_s.count() << std::endl;\n"); $fh->print(" benchfile.close();\n"); $fh->print(" }\n"); } print $fh " if (!contextp->gotFinish()) {\n"; print $fh ' vl_fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "main", "%Error: Timeout; never got a $finish");', "\n"; print $fh " }\n"; print $fh " topp->final();\n"; if ($self->{coverage}) { $fh->print("#if VM_COVERAGE\n"); $fh->print(" VerilatedCov::write(\"", $self->{coverage_filename}, "\");\n"); $fh->print("#endif // VM_COVERAGE\n"); } if ($self->{trace}) { $fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n"); $fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->close();\n"); $fh->print(" tfp.reset();\n"); $fh->print("#endif // VM_TRACE\n"); } $fh->print("\n"); print $fh " topp.reset();\n"; print $fh " return 0;\n"; print $fh "}\n"; $fh->close(); } sub _print_advance_time { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my $time = shift; my $action = shift; my $set; if ($self->sc) { $set = ""; } else { $set = "topp->"; } if ($self->sc) { print $fh " sc_start(${time}, $Self->{sc_time_resolution});\n"; } else { if ($action) { print $fh " ${set}eval();\n"; if ($self->{trace} && !$self->sc) { $fh->print("#if VM_TRACE\n"); $fh->print(" if (tfp) tfp->dump(contextp->time());\n"); $fh->print("#endif // VM_TRACE\n"); } } print $fh " contextp->timeInc(${time} * MAIN_TIME_MULTIPLIER);\n"; } } ####################################################################### sub _make_top { my $self = shift; if ($self->vhdl) { $self->_make_top_vhdl; } else { $self->_make_top_v; } } sub _make_top_v { my $self = shift; $self->_read_inputs_v(); my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}") or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},"; print $fh "module top;\n"; foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) { print $fh " reg ${inp};\n"; } # Inst print $fh " t t (\n"; my $comma = ""; foreach my $inp (sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}})) { print $fh " ${comma}.${inp} (${inp})\n"; $comma = ","; } print $fh " );\n"; # Waves print $fh "\n"; print $fh "`ifdef WAVES\n"; print $fh " initial begin\n"; print $fh " \$display(\"-Tracing Waves to Dumpfile: " . $self->trace_filename . "\");\n"; print $fh " \$dumpfile(\"" . $self->trace_filename . "\");\n"; print $fh " \$dumpvars(0, top);\n"; print $fh " end\n"; print $fh "`endif\n"; # Test print $fh "\n"; print $fh " initial begin\n"; print $fh " fastclk = 0;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " clk = 0;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; print $fh " #10;\n"; print $fh " fastclk = 1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " clk = 1;\n" if $self->{inputs}{clk}; print $fh " while (\$time < $self->{sim_time}) begin\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { print $fh " #1;\n"; print $fh " fastclk = !fastclk;\n" if $self->{inputs}{fastclk}; print $fh " clk = !clk;\n" if $i == 4 && $self->{inputs}{clk}; } print $fh " end\n"; print $fh " end\n"; print $fh "endmodule\n"; $fh->close(); } sub _make_top_vhdl { my $self = shift; $self->_read_inputs_vhdl(); my $fh = IO::File->new(">$self->{top_shell_filename}") or die "%Error: $! $self->{top_shell_filename},"; print $fh "library ieee;\n"; my @ports = sort (keys %{$self->{inputs}}); print $fh "entity t_ent is\n"; if ($#ports >= 0) { print $fh " port(\n"; my $semi = ""; foreach my $inp (@ports) { print $fh " ${semi}${inp} : in std_logic\n"; $semi = ";"; } print $fh " );\n"; } print $fh "end;\n"; print $fh "entity top is\n"; print $fh "end;\n"; # Inst print $fh "architecture t_beh of t_ent is\n"; if ($#ports >= 0) { foreach my $inp (@ports) { print $fh " signal ${inp} : std_logic := '0';\n"; } } print $fh " begin\n"; print $fh " t : t_ent\n"; if ($#ports >= 0) { print $fh " port map(\n"; my $comma = ""; foreach my $inp (@ports) { print $fh "\t${comma}${inp} => ${inp}\n"; $comma = ","; } print $fh " )\n"; } print $fh " ;\n"; print $fh " end;\n"; # Waves TBD # Test TBD print $fh "end;\n"; $fh->close(); } ####################################################################### sub _read_inputs_v { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->top_filename; $filename = "$self->{t_dir}/$filename" if !-r $filename; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; my $get_sigs = 1; my %inputs; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { if ($get_sigs) { if ($line =~ /^\s*input\s*(\S+)\s*(\/[^\/]+\/|)\s*;/) { $inputs{$1} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*(function|task|endmodule)/) { $get_sigs = 0; } } if ($line =~ /^\s*module\s+t\b/) { # Ignore any earlier inputs; Module 't' has precedence %inputs = (); $get_sigs = 1; } } $self->{inputs}{$_} = $inputs{$_} foreach keys %inputs; $fh->close(); } ####################################################################### sub _read_inputs_vhdl { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->top_filename; $filename = "$self->{t_dir}/$filename" if !-r $filename; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename,"; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { # Only supports this form right now: # signal: in ... # signal: out ... if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(in)\b\s*/) { $self->{inputs}{$1} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\s*(architecture)/) { last; } } $fh->close(); } ####################################################################### # Verilator utilities our $_Verilator_Version; sub verilator_version { # Returns verbose version, line 1 contains actual version if (!defined $_Verilator_Version) { my @args = ("perl", "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin/verilator", "-V"); my $args = join(' ', @args); $_Verilator_Version = `$args`; $_Verilator_Version or die "can't fork: $! " . join(' ', @args); chomp $_Verilator_Version; } return $_Verilator_Version if defined $_Verilator_Version; } ####################################################################### # File utilities sub files_identical { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; my $fn1_is_logfile = shift; return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; try: for (my $try = $self->tries - 1; $try >= 0; $try--) { sleep 1 if ($try != $self->tries - 1); my $moretry = $try != 0; my $f1 = IO::File->new("<$fn1"); my $f2 = IO::File->new("<$fn2"); if (!$f1) { next try if $moretry; $self->error("Files_identical file does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; } if (!$f2 && !$ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { next try if $moretry; $self->error("Files_identical file does not exist $fn2\n"); return 0; } my @l1 = $f1 && $f1->getlines(); my @l2 = $f2 && $f2->getlines(); if ($fn1_is_logfile) { @l1 = grep { !/^- [^\n]+\n/ && !/^- [a-z.0-9]+:\d+:[^\n]+\n/ && !/^-node:/ && !/^dot [^\n]+\n/ && !/^In file: .*\/sc_.*:\d+/ && !/^libgcov.*/ && !/--- \/tmp\// # t_difftree.pl && !/\+\+\+ \/tmp\// # t_difftree.pl } @l1; @l1 = map { s/(Internal Error: [^\n]+\.cpp):[0-9]+:/$1:#:/; s/^-V\{t[0-9]+,[0-9]+\}/-V{t#,#}/; # --vlt vs --vltmt run differences $_; } @l1; for (my $l = 0; $l <= $#l1; ++$l) { # Don't put control chars into our source repository $l1[$l] =~ s/\r/<#013>/mig; $l1[$l] =~ s/Command Failed[^\n]+/Command Failed/mig; $l1[$l] =~ s/Version: Verilator[^\n]+/Version: Verilator ###/mig; $l1[$l] =~ s/CPU Time: +[0-9.]+ seconds[^\n]+/CPU Time: ###/mig; $l1[$l] =~ s/\?v=[0-9.]+/?v=latest/mig; # warning URL $l1[$l] =~ s/_h[0-9a-f]{8}_/_h########_/mg; if ($l1[$l] =~ s/Exiting due to.*/Exiting due to/mig) { splice @l1, $l+1; # Trunc rest last; } } } my $nl = $#l1; $nl = $#l2 if ($#l2 > $nl); for (my $l=0; $l<=$nl; ++$l) { if (($l1[$l] || "") ne ($l2[$l] || "")) { next try if $moretry; $self->error_keep_going("Line " . ($l+1) . " miscompares; $fn1 != $fn2"); warn("F1: " . ($l1[$l] || "*EOF*\n") . "F2: " . ($l2[$l] || "*EOF*\n")); if ($ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { # Update golden files with current warn "%Warning: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN set: cp $fn1 $fn2\n"; my $fhw = IO::File->new(">$fn2") or $self->error("Files_identical $! $fn2\n"); $fhw->print(join('', @l1)); } else { warn "To update reference: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN=1 {command} or --golden\n"; } return 0; } } return 1; } } sub files_identical_sorted { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; my $fn1_is_logfile = shift; return 1 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; # Set LC_ALL as suggested in the sort manpage to avoid sort order # changes from the locale. setenv('LC_ALL', "C"); my $fn1sort = "$fn1.sort"; run(cmd => ["sort", "$fn1", "> $fn1sort"]); return $self->files_identical($fn1sort, $fn2, $fn1_is_logfile); } sub copy_if_golden { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; if ($ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { # Update golden files with current warn "%Warning: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN set: cp $fn1 $fn2\n"; eval "use File::Copy;"; File::Copy::copy($fn1, $fn2); } } sub vcd_identical { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; return 0 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; if (!-r $fn1) { $self->error("Vcd_identical file does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; } if (!-r $fn2) { $self->error("Vcd_identical file does not exist $fn2\n"); return 0; } { # vcddiff to check transitions, if installed my $cmd = qq{vcddiff --help}; print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug; my $out = `$cmd`; if (!$out || $out !~ /Usage:/) { $self->skip("No vcddiff installed\n"); return 1; } $cmd = qq{vcddiff "$fn1" "$fn2"}; print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug; $out = `$cmd`; if ($? != 0 || $out ne '') { print $out; $self->error("VCD miscompares $fn1 $fn2\n"); $self->copy_if_golden($fn1, $fn2); return 0; } } { # vcddiff doesn't check module and variable scope, so check that # Also provides backup if vcddiff not installed my $h1 = $self->_vcd_read($fn1); my $h2 = $self->_vcd_read($fn2); $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; my $a = Dumper($h1); my $b = Dumper($h2); if ($a ne $b) { print "$a\n$b\n" if $::Debug; $self->error("VCD hier miscompares $fn1 $fn2\n"); $self->copy_if_golden($fn1, $fn2); return 0; } } return 1; } sub fst2vcd { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; if (!-r $fn1) { $self->error("File does not exist $fn1\n"); return 0; } my $cmd = qq{fst2vcd -h}; print "\t$cmd\n" if $::Debug; my $out = `$cmd`; if (!$out || $out !~ /Usage:/) { $self->skip("No fst2vcd installed\n"); return 1; } $cmd = qq{fst2vcd -e -f "$fn1" -o "$fn2"}; print "\t$cmd\n"; # Always print to help debug race cases $out = `$cmd`; return 1; } sub fst_identical { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $fn1 = shift; my $fn2 = shift; return 0 if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; my $tmp = $fn1 . ".vcd"; fst2vcd($fn1, $tmp); return vcd_identical($tmp, $fn2); } sub _vcd_read { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $filename = shift; my $data = {}; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename"); if (!$fh) { warn "%Error: $! $filename\n"; return $data; } my @hier = ($data); my $lasthier; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { if ($line =~ /\$scope (module|struct|interface)\s+(\S+)/) { $hier[$#hier]->{$1} ||= {}; push @hier, $hier[$#hier]->{$1}; $lasthier = $hier[$#hier]; } elsif ($line =~ /(\$var \S+\s+\d+\s+)\S+\s+(\S+)/) { $hier[$#hier]->{$1 . $2} ||= {}; $lasthier = $hier[$#hier]; } elsif ($line =~ /(\$attrbegin .* \$end)/) { if ($lasthier) { $lasthier->{$1} ||= 1; } } elsif ($line =~ /\$enddefinitions/) { last; } while ($line =~ s/\$upscope//) { pop @hier; $lasthier = undef; } } return $data; } our $_Cxx_Version; sub cxx_version { $_Cxx_Version ||= `$ENV{MAKE} -C $ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/test_regress -f Makefile print-cxx-version`; return $_Cxx_Version; } sub cfg_with_threaded { return 1; # C++11 now always required } our $_Cfg_with_ccache; sub cfg_with_ccache { $_Cfg_with_ccache ||= `grep "OBJCACHE \?= ccache" "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/verilated.mk"` ne ""; return $_Cfg_with_ccache; } our $_Cfg_with_m32; sub cfg_with_m32 { $_Cfg_with_m32 ||= `grep "CXX.*=.*-m32" "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/include/verilated.mk"` ne ""; return $_Cfg_with_m32; } sub tries { # Number of retries when reading logfiles, generally only need many # retries when system is busy running a lot of tests return 2 if !$::Fork->running; return 7 if (scalar($::Fork->running)) > 1; return 2; } sub glob_all { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $pattern = shift; return glob($pattern); } sub glob_one { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $pattern = shift; return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; my @files = glob($pattern); my $n = scalar @files; if ($n == 0) { $self->error("glob_one: pattern '$pattern' does not match any files\n"); } elsif ($n != 1) { my $msg = "glob_one: pattern '$pattern' matches multiple files:\n"; foreach my $file (@files) { $msg .= $file . "\n"; } $self->error($msg); } else { return $files[0]; } } sub file_grep_not { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $filename = shift; my $regexp = shift; my $expvalue = shift; return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; !defined $expvalue or $self->error("file_grep_not: Unexpected 3rd argument: $expvalue"); my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename); return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_"); if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) { $self->error("File_grep_not: $filename: Regexp found: $regexp\n"); } } sub file_grep { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $filename = shift; my $regexp = shift; my $expvalue = shift; return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename); return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_"); if ($contents !~ /$regexp/) { $self->error("File_grep: $filename: Regexp not found: $regexp\n"); } elsif (defined($expvalue) && $expvalue ne $1) { $self->error("File_grep: $filename: Got='$1' Expected='$expvalue' in regexp: $regexp\n"); } } sub file_grep_any { my $self = $Self; my @filenames = @{$_[0]}; shift; my $regexp = shift; my $expvalue = shift; return if $self->errors || $self->skips || $self->unsupporteds; foreach my $filename (@filenames) { my $contents = $self->file_contents($filename); return if ($contents eq "_Already_Errored_"); if ($contents =~ /$regexp/) { if ($expvalue && $expvalue ne $1) { $self->error("file_grep: $filename: Got='$1' Expected='$expvalue' in regexp: $regexp\n"); } return; } } my $msg = "file_grep_any: Regexp '$regexp' not found in any of the following files:\n"; foreach my $filename (@filenames) { $msg .= $filename . "\n"; } $self->error($msg); } my %_File_Contents_Cache; sub file_contents { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $filename = shift; if (!$_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}) { my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename"); if (!$fh) { $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = "_Already_Errored_"; $self->error("File_grep file not found: " . $filename . "\n"); return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}; } local $/; undef $/; my $wholefile = <$fh>; $fh->close(); $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename} = $wholefile; } return $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}; } sub write_wholefile { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $filename = shift; my $contents = shift; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! writing $filename,"; print $fh $contents; $fh->close; delete $_File_Contents_Cache{$filename}; } sub file_sed { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my $infilename = shift; my $outfilename = shift; my $editcb = shift; my $contents = $self->file_contents($infilename); { $_ = $contents; $editcb->($contents); $contents = $_; } $self->write_wholefile($outfilename, $contents); } sub extract { my $self = (ref $_[0] ? shift : $Self); my %param = ( #in =>, #out => regexp => qr/.*/, lineno_adjust => -9999, lines => undef, #'#, #-#', @_); my $temp_fn = $param{out}; $temp_fn =~ s!.*/!!g; $temp_fn = $self->{obj_dir} . "/" . $temp_fn; my @out; my $emph = ""; my $lineno = 0; my $lineno_out = 0; { my $fh = IO::File->new("<$param{in}") or die "%Error: $! $param{in},"; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { ++$lineno; if ($line =~ /$param{regexp}/ && _lineno_match($lineno, $param{lines})) { if ($line =~ m!t/[A-Za-z0-9_]+.v:(\d+):(\d+):!) { my $lineno = $1; my $col = $2; $lineno += $param{lineno_adjust}; $lineno = 1 if $lineno < 1; $line =~ s!t/[A-Za-z0-9_]+.v:(\d+):(\d+):!example.v:${lineno}:${col}!; } push @out, " " . $line; ++$lineno_out; if ($line =~ /<--/) { $emph .= "," if $emph; $emph .= $lineno_out; } } } } { my $fhw = IO::File->new(">$temp_fn") or die "%Error: $! $temp_fn,"; my $lang = ""; $lang = " sv" if $param{in} =~ /\.s?vh?$/; $fhw->print(".. comment: generated by " . $self->{name} . "\n"); $fhw->print(".. code-block::${lang}\n"); $fhw->print(" :linenos:\n") if $lang && $#out > 0; $fhw->print(" :emphasize-lines: ${emph}\n") if $emph; $fhw->print("\n"); foreach my $line (@out) { $fhw->print($line); } } $self->files_identical($temp_fn, $param{out}); } sub _lineno_match { my $lineno = shift; my $lines = shift; return 1 if !defined $lines; foreach my $lc (split /,/, $lines) { if ($lc =~ /^(\d+)$/) { return 1 if $1 == $lineno; } elsif ($lc =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { return 1 if $1 <= $lineno && $2 >= $lineno; } } return 0; } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Forker class package Forker; use strict; # This is a shell that matches Parallel::Forker. # If that package is not installed, this runs the tests in *series* sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {@_}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub schedule { my $self = shift; my %params = (@_); $params{run_pre_start}->($self); if (my $pid = fork()) { # Parent waitpid($pid, 0); } else { # Child $params{run_on_start}->($self); exit(0); # Don't close anything } $params{run_on_finish}->($self); return $self; } sub max_proc { } sub sig_child { } sub kill_tree_all { } sub wait_all { } sub ready { } sub running { } sub is_any_left { return 0; } ####################################################################### 1; package main; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME driver.pl - Run regression tests =head1 SYNOPSIS driver.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION driver.pl invokes Verilator or another simulator on each test file. The driver reports the number of tests which pass, fail, skipped (some resource required by the test is not available, such as SystemC), or are unsupported (buggy or require a feature change before will pass.) There are hundreds of tests, and for faster completion you may want to run the regression tests with OBJCACHE enabled and in parallel on a machine with many cores. See the -j option and OBJCACHE environment variable. =head1 TEST CONFIGURATION The test configuration script (e.g. C) controls how the test will run by driver.pl. In general it includes a call to the C subroutine to compile the test with Verilator (or an alternative simulator), followed by a call to the C subroutine to run the test. Compile-only tests omit the call to C. If those complete, the script calls C to increment the count of successful tests and then returns 1 as its result. Both C and C take an optional argument hash table to control their behavior. For example: compile( verilator_flags2 => ["--lint-only"], fails => 1, ); indicates that when compiling this test, the C<--lint-only> flag should be passed and that the test is expected to fail. The full list of arguments can be found by looking at the C source code. Some commonly used arguments are: =over 4 =item all_run_flags A list of flags to be passed when running the simulator (Verilated model or one of the other simulators). =item check_finished Set to 1 to indicate successful completion of the test is indicated by the string C<*-* All Finished *-*> being printed on standard output. This is the normal way for successful tests to finish. =item expect A quoted list of strings or regular expression to be matched in the output. See for more detail on how this argument should be used. =item fails Set to 1 to indicate this step (C or C or C) is expected to fail. Tests that are expected to fail generally have _bad in their filename. =item make_main Set to 0 to disable the automatic creation of a C++ test wrapper (for example when a hand-written test wrapper is provided using C<--exe>). =item make_top_shell Set to 0 to disable the automatic creation of a top level shell to run the executable (for example when a hand-written test wrapper is provided using C<--exe>). =item ms_flags =item ms_flags2 =item ms_run_flags The equivalent of C, C and C, but only for use with the ModelSim simulator. =item nc_flags =item nc_flags2 =item nc_run_flags The equivalent of C, C and C, but only for use with the Cadence NC simulator. =item iv_flags =item iv_flags2 =item iv_run_flags The equivalent of C, C and C, but only for use with the Icarus Verilog simulator. =item v_flags A list of standard Verilog simulator flags to be passed to the simulator compiler (Verilator or one of the other simulators). This list is create by the driver and rarely changed, use v_flags2 instead. =item v_flags2 A list of standard Verilog simulator flags to be passed to the simulator compiler (Verilator or one of the other simulators). Unlike v_flags, these options may be overridden in some simulation files. Similar sets of flags exist for atsim, GHDL, Cadence NC, Modelsim and Synopsys VCS. =item vcs_flags =item vcs_flags2 =item vcs_run_flags The equivalent of C, C and C, but only for use with the Synopsys VCS simulator. =item verilator_flags =item verilator_flags2 The equivalent of C and C, but only for use with Verilator. If a flag is a standard flag (+incdir for example) v_flags2 should be used instead. =item benchmarksim Output the number of model evaluations and execution time of a test to I/I_benchmarksim.csv. Multiple invocations of the same test file will append to to the same .csv file. =item xsim_flags =item xsim_flags2 =item xsim_run_flags The equivalent of C, C and C, but only for use with the Xilinx XSim simulator. =back =head2 HINTS ON WRITING TESTS There is generally no need for the test to create its own main program or top level shell as the driver creates one automatically, however some tests require their own C++ or SystemC test harness. This is commonly given the same name as the test, but with .cpp as suffix (C). This can be specified as follows: compile( make_top_shell => 0, make_main => 0, verilator_flags2 => ["--exe $Self->{t_dir}/$Self->{name}.cpp"], ); Tests should be self-checking, rather than producing lots of output. If a test succeeds it should print C<*-* All Finished *-*> to standard output and terminate (in Verilog C<$finish>), if not it should just stop (in Verilog C<$stop>) as that signals an error. If termination should be triggered from the C++ wrapper, the following code can be used: vl_fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "dut", ""); exit(1); This can be particularly useful if checking that the Verilator model has not unexpectedly terminated. if (contextp->gotFinish()) { vl_fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "dut", ""); exit(1); } Where it might be useful for a test to produce output, it should qualify this with C. For example in Verilog: `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $write("Conditional generate if MASK [%1d] = %d\n", g, MASK[g]); `endif Or in a hand-written C++ wrapper: #ifdef TEST_VERBOSE cout << "Read a = " << a << endl; #endif The C specifies a filename that should be used to check the output results. This should not generally be used to decide if a test has succeeded. However, in the case of tests that are designed to fail at compile time, it is the only option. For example: compile( fails => 1, expect_filename => $Self->{golden_filename}, ); Note expect_filename strips some debugging information from the logfile when comparing. The C argument specifies a regular expression which must match the output. =head1 DRIVER ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item --benchmark [] Show execution times of each step. If an optional number is given, specifies the number of simulation cycles (for tests that support it). =item --debug Same as C: Use the debug version of Verilator which enables additional assertions, debugging messages, and structure dump files. =item --debugi(-) Same as C: Set Verilator internal debugging level globally to the specified debug level (1-10) or set the specified source file to the specified level. Higher levels produce more detailed messages (plain C<--debug> is equivalent to C<--debugi 4>). =item --dump-tree Same as C: Enable Verilator writing .tree debug files with dumping level 3, which dumps the standard critical stages. For details on the format see the Verilator Internals manual. =item --gdb Same as C: Run Verilator under the debugger. =item --gdbbt Same as C: Run Verilator under the debugger, only to print backtrace information. Requires --debug. =item --gdbsim Run Verilator generated executable under the debugger. =item --golden Update golden files, equivalent to setting HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN=1. =item --hashset I/I Split tests based on a hash of the test names into I and run only tests in set number I (0..I-1). =item --help Displays this message and program version and exits. =item --j # Run number of parallel tests, or 0 to determine the count based on the number of cores installed. Requires Perl's Parallel::Forker package. =item --optimize Randomly turn on/off different optimizations. With specific flags, use those optimization settings =item --quiet Suppress all output except for failures and progress messages every 15 seconds. Intended for use only in automated regressions. See also C<--rerun>, and C<--verbose> which is not the opposite of C<--quiet>. =item --rerun Rerun all tests that failed in this run. Reruns force the flags C<--no-quiet --j 1>. =item --rr Same as C: Run Verilator and record with rr. =item --rrsim Run Verilator generated executable and record with rr. =item --sanitize Enable address sanitizer to compile Verilated C++ code. This may detect misuses of memory, such as out-of-bound accesses, use-after-free, and memory leaks. =item --site Run site specific tests also. =item --stop Stop on the first error. =item --trace Set the simulator specific flags to request waveform tracing. =item --unsupported Run tests even if marked as unsupported. =item --verbose Compile and run the test in verbose mode. This means C will be defined for the test (Verilog and any C++/SystemC wrapper). =back =head1 SCENARIO ARGUMENTS The following options control which simulator is used, and which tests are run. Multiple flags may be used to run multiple simulators/scenarios simultaneously. =over 4 =item --atsim Run ATSIM simulator tests. =item --dist Run simulator-agnostic distribution tests. =item --ghdl Run GHDL simulator tests. =item --iv Run Icarus Verilog simulator tests. =item --ms Run ModelSim simulator tests. =item --nc Run Cadence NC-Verilog simulator tests. =item --vcs Run Synopsys VCS simulator tests. =item --vlt Run Verilator tests in single-threaded mode. Default unless another scenario flag is provided. =item --vltmt Run Verilator tests in multithreaded mode. =item --xsim Run Xilinx XSim simulator tests. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 4 =item SYSTEMC Root directory name of SystemC kit. Only used if SYSTEMC_INCLUDE not set. =item SYSTEMC_INCLUDE Directory name with systemc.h in it. =item VERILATOR_GHDL Command to use to invoke GHDL. =item VERILATOR_IVERILOG Command to use to invoke Icarus Verilog. =item VERILATOR_MAKE Command to use to rebuild Verilator and run single test. Defaults to "make &&". =item VERILATOR_MODELSIM Command to use to invoke ModelSim. =item VERILATOR_NCVERILOG Command to use to invoke ncverilog. =item VERILATOR_TESTS_SITE Used with --site, a colon-separated list of directories with tests to be added to testlist. =item VERILATOR_VCS Command to use to invoke VCS. =item VERILATOR_XELAB Command to use to invoke XSim xelab =item VERILATOR_XVLOG Command to use to invoke XSim xvlog =back =head1 DISTRIBUTION The latest version is available from L. Copyright 2003-2022 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 =head1 AUTHORS Wilson Snyder =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut ######################################################################