#!/usr/bin/perl -w ###################################################################### # # Copyright 2007-2016 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free software; you # can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU # Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License # Version 2.0. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ###################################################################### # DESCRIPTION: Debugging of bison output use strict; my $Debug; my %declared; my %used; my $body = 0; my $rule = ""; my $lineno = 0; foreach my $line (<STDIN>) { $lineno++; chomp $line; $line =~ s!//.*$!!g; $line =~ s!\s+! !g; next if $line eq ''; if ($line =~ m!^\%\%!) { $body++; } elsif ($body == 1) { $rule .= $line; if ($line =~ m!^\s*;\s*$!) { #print "Rule: $rule\n"; ($rule =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(<\S+>)?:(.*)$/) or die "%Error: No rule name: $1\n"; my $rulename = $1; my $preaction = $3; $declared{$rulename} = $lineno; $preaction =~ s/\{[^\}]*\}/ /g; #print "RULEN $rulename PA $preaction\n" if $Debug; $rule = ''; foreach my $ref (split /\s+/, $preaction) { next if $ref !~ /^[a-zA-Z]/; next if $ref eq $rulename; if (!$used{$ref} && $declared{$ref}) { print " %Warning: $lineno: $ref used by $rulename after declaration\n"; } $used{$ref} = $lineno; print " ref $ref\n" if $Debug; } } } } # Local Variables: # compile-command: "./bisonreader < ../src/verilog.y" # End: