// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Deals with tristate logic // // Code available from: http://www.veripool.org/verilator // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2014 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* // V3Tristate's Transformations: // // Modify the design to expand tristate logic into its // corresponding two state representation. At the lowest levels, // // In detail: // // Over each module, from child to parent: // Build a graph, connecting signals together so we can propagate tristates // Variable becomes tristate with // VAR->isInout // VAR->isPullup/isPulldown (converted to AstPullup/AstPulldown // BufIf0/1 // All variables on the LHS need to become tristate when there is: // CONST-> with Z value on the RHS of an assignment // AstPin with lower connection a tristate // A tristate signal on the RHS (this can't generally be determined until that signal is resolved) // When LHS becomes tristate, then mark all RHS nodes as tristate // so any tristate varrefs on the right will propagate. // // Walk graph's tristate indication on each logic block with tristates // propagating downstream to every other logic block. // // Expressions that have Z in them are converted into two state // drivers and corresponding output enable signals are generated. // These enable signals get transformed and regenerated through any // logic that they may go through until they hit the module level. At // the module level, all the output enable signals from what can be // many tristate drivers are combined together to produce a single // driver and output enable. If the signal propagates up into higher // modules, then new ports are created with for the signal with // suffixes __en and __out. The original port is turned from an inout // to an input and the __out port carries the output driver signal and // the __en port carried the output enable for that driver. // // Note 1800-2012 adds user defined resolution functions. This suggests // long term this code should be scoped-based and resolve all nodes at once // rather than hierarchically. //************************************************************************* #include "config_build.h" #include "verilatedos.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "V3Global.h" #include "V3Tristate.h" #include "V3Ast.h" #include "V3Const.h" #include "V3Stats.h" #include "V3Inst.h" #include "V3Stats.h" #include "V3Graph.h" //###################################################################### class TristateBaseVisitor : public AstNVisitor { public: // METHODS static int debug() { static int level = -1; if (VL_UNLIKELY(level < 0)) level = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel(__FILE__); return level; } }; //###################################################################### // Graph support classes class TristateVertex : public V3GraphVertex { AstNode* m_nodep; bool m_isTristate; // Logic indicates a tristate bool m_feedsTri; // Propagates to a tristate node (on RHS) bool m_processed; // Tristating was cleaned up public: TristateVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstNode* nodep) : V3GraphVertex(graphp) , m_nodep(nodep), m_isTristate(false), m_feedsTri(false), m_processed(false) {} virtual ~TristateVertex() {} // Accessors AstNode* nodep() const { return m_nodep; } AstVar* varp() const { return nodep()->castVar(); } virtual string name() const { return ((isTristate() ? "tri\\n" :feedsTri() ? "feed\\n" : "-\\n") +(nodep()->prettyTypeName()+" "+cvtToStr((void*)nodep()))); } virtual string dotColor() const { return (varp() ? (isTristate() ? "darkblue" :feedsTri() ? "blue" : "lightblue") : (isTristate() ? "darkgreen" :feedsTri() ? "green" : "lightgreen")); } void isTristate(bool flag) { m_isTristate = flag; } bool isTristate() const { return m_isTristate; } void feedsTri(bool flag) { m_feedsTri = flag; } bool feedsTri() const { return m_feedsTri; } void processed(bool flag) { m_processed = flag; } bool processed() const { return m_processed; } }; //###################################################################### class TristateGraph { // NODE STATE // AstVar::user5p -> TristateVertex* for variable being built //AstUser5InUse m_inuser5; // In visitor below // TYPES public: typedef std::vector VarVec; private: // MEMBERS V3Graph m_graph; // Logic graph public: // CONSTUCTORS TristateGraph() { clear(); } virtual ~TristateGraph() { clear(); } private: // METHODS static int debug() { static int level = -1; if (VL_UNLIKELY(level < 0)) level = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel(__FILE__); return level; } TristateVertex* makeVertex(AstNode* nodep) { TristateVertex* vertexp = (TristateVertex*)(nodep->user5p()); if (!vertexp) { UINFO(6," New vertex "<user5p(vertexp); } return vertexp; } // METHODS - Graph optimization void graphWalkRecurseFwd(TristateVertex* vtxp, int level) { // Propagate tristate forward to all sinks // For example if on a CONST, propagate through CONCATS to ASSIGN to LHS VARREF of signal to tristate if (!vtxp->isTristate()) return; // tristate involved if (vtxp->user() == 1) return; vtxp->user(1); // Recursed UINFO(9," Mark tri "<varp()) { // not a var where we stop the recursion for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vtxp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->outNextp()) { TristateVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->top()); // Doesn't hurt to not check if already set, but by doing so when we // print out the debug messages, we'll see this node at level 0 instead. if (!vvertexp->isTristate()) { vvertexp->isTristate(true); graphWalkRecurseFwd(vvertexp, level+1); } } } else { // A variable is tristated. Find all of the LHS VARREFs that drive this signal now need tristate drivers for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vtxp->inBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->inNextp()) { TristateVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->fromp()); if (AstVarRef* refp = vvertexp->nodep()->castVarRef()) { if (refp->lvalue() // Doesn't hurt to not check if already set, but by doing so when we // print out the debug messages, we'll see this node at level 0 instead. && !vvertexp->isTristate()) { vvertexp->isTristate(true); graphWalkRecurseFwd(vvertexp, level+1); } } } } } void graphWalkRecurseBack(TristateVertex* vtxp, int level) { // Called only on a tristate node; propagate a feedsTri attribute "backwards" // towards any driving nodes, i.e. from a LHS VARREF back to a driving RHS VARREF // This way if the RHS VARREF is also tristated we'll connect the enables up to the LHS VARREF. // Otherwise if not marked feedsTri() we'll drop the LHS' enables, if any if (!(vtxp->isTristate() || vtxp->feedsTri())) return; // tristate involved if (vtxp->user() == 3) return; vtxp->user(3); // Recursed UINFO(9," Mark feedstri "<varp()) { // not a var where we stop the recursion for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vtxp->inBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->inNextp()) { TristateVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast(edgep->fromp()); // Doesn't hurt to not check if already set, but by doing so when we // print out the debug messages, we'll see this node at level 0 instead. if (!vvertexp->feedsTri()) { vvertexp->feedsTri(true); graphWalkRecurseBack(vvertexp, level+1); } } } } public: // METHODS void clear() { for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { TristateVertex* vvertexp = static_cast(itp); if (vvertexp->isTristate() && !vvertexp->processed()) { // Not v3errorSrc as no reason to stop the world vvertexp->nodep()->v3error("Unsupported tristate construct (in graph; not converted): "<nodep()->prettyTypeName()); } } m_graph.clear(); AstNode::user5ClearTree(); // Wipe all node user5p's that point to vertexes } void graphWalk(AstNodeModule* nodep) { //if (debug()>=9) m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("tri_pre__"+nodep->name()); UINFO(9," Walking "<verticesNextp()) { graphWalkRecurseFwd((TristateVertex*)itp, 0); } for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { graphWalkRecurseBack((TristateVertex*)itp, 0); } if (debug()>=9) m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("tri_pos__"+nodep->name()); } void setTristate(AstNode* nodep) { makeVertex(nodep)->isTristate(true); } void associate(AstNode* fromp, AstNode* top) { new V3GraphEdge(&m_graph, makeVertex(fromp), makeVertex(top), 1); } bool isTristate(AstNode* nodep) { TristateVertex* vertexp = (TristateVertex*)(nodep->user5p()); return vertexp && vertexp->isTristate(); } bool feedsTri(AstNode* nodep) { TristateVertex* vertexp = (TristateVertex*)(nodep->user5p()); return vertexp && vertexp->feedsTri(); } void didProcess(AstNode* nodep) { TristateVertex* vertexp = (TristateVertex*)(nodep->user5p()); if (!vertexp) { // Not v3errorSrc as no reason to stop the world nodep->v3error("Unsupported tristate construct (not in propagation graph): "<prettyTypeName()); } else { // We don't warn if no vertexp->isTristate() as the creation process makes midling nodes that don't have it set vertexp->processed(true); } } // ITERATOR METHODS VarVec tristateVars() { // Return all tristate variables VarVec v; for (V3GraphVertex* itp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); itp; itp=itp->verticesNextp()) { TristateVertex* vvertexp = static_cast(itp); if (vvertexp->isTristate()) { if (AstVar* nodep = vvertexp->nodep()->castVar()) { v.push_back(nodep); } } } return v; } }; //###################################################################### // Given a node, flip any VarRef from LValue to RValue (i.e. make it an input) // See also V3LinkLValue::linkLValueSet class TristatePinVisitor : public TristateBaseVisitor { TristateGraph& m_tgraph; bool m_lvalue; // Flip to be an LVALUE // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_lvalue && !nodep->lvalue()) { UINFO(9," Flip-to-LValue "<lvalue(true); } else if (!m_lvalue && nodep->lvalue()) { UINFO(9," Flip-to-RValue "<lvalue(false); // Mark the ex-output as tristated UINFO(9," setTristate-subpin "<varp()<varp()); } } virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Doesn't work because we'd set lvalue on the array index's var if (m_lvalue) nodep->v3fatalSrc("ArraySel conversion to output, under tristate node"); nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } public: // CONSTUCTORS TristatePinVisitor(AstNode* nodep, TristateGraph& tgraph, bool lvalue) : m_tgraph(tgraph), m_lvalue(lvalue) { nodep->accept(*this); } virtual ~TristatePinVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### class TristateVisitor : public TristateBaseVisitor { // NODE STATE // *::user1p -> pointer to output enable __en expressions // *::user2 -> int - already visited, see U2_ enum // AstVar::user3p -> AstPull* pullup/pulldown direction (input Var's user3p) // AstVar::user4p -> AstVar* pointer to output __out var (input Var's user2p) // See TristateGraph: // AstVar::user5p -> TristateVertex* for variable being built // AstStmt*::user5p -> TristateVertex* for this statement AstUser1InUse m_inuser1; AstUser2InUse m_inuser2; AstUser3InUse m_inuser3; AstUser4InUse m_inuser4; AstUser5InUse m_inuser5; // TYPES typedef std::vector RefVec; typedef std::map VarMap; enum { U2_GRAPHING=1, // bit[0] if did m_graphing visit U2_NONGRAPH=2, // bit[1] if did !m_graphing visit U2_BOTH=3 }; // Both bits set // MEMBERS bool m_graphing; // Major mode - creating graph // AstNodeModule* m_modp; // Current module AstCell* m_cellp; // current cell VarMap m_lhsmap; // LHS driver map int m_unique; bool m_alhs; // On LHS of assignment AstNode* m_logicp; // Current logic being built TristateGraph m_tgraph; // Logic graph // STATS V3Double0 m_statTriSigs; // stat tracking // METHODS string dbgState() { string o = (m_graphing?" gr ":" ng "); if (m_alhs) o += "alhs "; return o; } void associateLogic(AstNode* fromp, AstNode* top) { if (m_logicp) { m_tgraph.associate(fromp, top); } } AstNode* getEnp(AstNode* nodep) { // checks if user1p() is null, and if so, adds a constant output // enable driver of all 1's. Otherwise returns the user1p() data. if (!nodep->user1p()) { V3Number num(nodep->fileline(), nodep->width()); num.setAllBits1(); AstNode* enp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), num); nodep->user1p(enp); } return nodep->user1p()->castNode(); } AstVar* getCreateEnVarp(AstVar* invarp) { // Return the master __en for the specified input variable if (!invarp->user1p()) { AstVar* newp = new AstVar(invarp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, invarp->name()+"__en", invarp); UINFO(9," newenv "<v3error("Unsupported: Creating tristate signal not underneath a module: "<prettyName()); } else m_modp->addStmtp(newp); invarp->user1p(newp); // find envar given invarp } return invarp->user1p()->castNode()->castVar(); } AstVar* getCreateOutVarp(AstVar* invarp) { // Return the master __out for the specified input variable if (!invarp->user4p()) { AstVar* newp = new AstVar(invarp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, invarp->name()+"__out", invarp); UINFO(9," newout "<v3error("Unsupported: Creating tristate signal not underneath a module: "<prettyName()); } else m_modp->addStmtp(newp); invarp->user4p(newp); // find outvar given invarp } return invarp->user4p()->castNode()->castVar(); } AstVar* getCreateUnconnVarp(AstNode* fromp, AstNodeDType* dtypep) { AstVar* newp = new AstVar(fromp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, "__Vtriunconn"+cvtToStr(m_unique++), dtypep); UINFO(9," newunc "<v3error("Unsupported: Creating tristate signal not underneath a module"); } else m_modp->addStmtp(newp); return newp; } void mapInsertLhsVarRef(AstVarRef* nodep) { AstVar* key = nodep->varp(); VarMap::iterator it = m_lhsmap.find(key); UINFO(9," mapInsertLhsVarRef "<push_back(nodep); m_lhsmap.insert(make_pair(key, refs)); } else { (*it).second->push_back(nodep); } } AstNode* newEnableDeposit(AstSel* selp, AstNode* enp) { // Form a "deposit" instruction for given enable, using existing select as a template. // Would be nicer if we made this a new AST type AstNode* newp = new AstShiftL(selp->fileline(), new AstExtend(selp->fileline(), enp, selp->fromp()->width()), selp->lsbp()->cloneTree(false), selp->fromp()->width()); return newp; } void setPullDirection(AstVar* varp, AstPull* pullp) { AstPull* oldpullp = (AstPull*)varp->user3p(); if (!oldpullp) { varp->user3p(pullp); //save off to indicate the pull direction } else { if (oldpullp->direction() != pullp->direction()) { pullp->v3error("Unsupported: Conflicting pull directions."); oldpullp->v3error("... Location of conflicting pull."); } } } void checkUnhandled(AstNode* nodep) { // Check for unsupported tristate constructs. This is not a 100% check. // The best way would be to visit the tree again and find any user1p() // pointers that did not get picked up and expanded. if (m_alhs && nodep->user1p()) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported LHS tristate construct: "<prettyTypeName()); } // Ignore Var's because they end up adjacent to statements if ((nodep->op1p() && nodep->op1p()->user1p() && !nodep->op1p()->castVar()) || (nodep->op2p() && nodep->op2p()->user1p() && !nodep->op1p()->castVar()) || (nodep->op3p() && nodep->op3p()->user1p() && !nodep->op1p()->castVar()) || (nodep->op4p() && nodep->op4p()->user1p() && !nodep->op1p()->castVar())) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported tristate construct: "<prettyTypeName()); } } void insertTristates(AstNodeModule* nodep) { // Go through all the vars and find any that are outputs without drivers // or inouts without high-Z logic and put a 1'bz driver on them and add // them to the lhs map so they get expanded correctly. TristateGraph::VarVec vars = m_tgraph.tristateVars(); for (TristateGraph::VarVec::iterator ii = vars.begin(); ii != vars.end(); ++ii) { AstVar* varp = (*ii); if (m_tgraph.isTristate(varp)) { VarMap::iterator it = m_lhsmap.find(varp); if (it == m_lhsmap.end()) { // set output enable to always be off on this assign statement so that this var is floating UINFO(8," Adding driver to var "<fileline(), varp->width()); zeros.setAllBits0(); AstConst* constp = new AstConst(varp->fileline(), zeros); AstVarRef* varrefp = new AstVarRef(varp->fileline(), varp, true); AstNode* newp = new AstAssignW(varp->fileline(), varrefp, constp); UINFO(9," newoev "<user1p(new AstConst(varp->fileline(),zeros)); nodep->addStmtp(newp); mapInsertLhsVarRef(varrefp); // insertTristates will convert // // to a varref to the __out# variable } } } // Now go through the lhs driver map and generate the output // enable logic for any tristates. // Note there might not be any drivers. for (VarMap::iterator nextit, it = m_lhsmap.begin(); it != m_lhsmap.end(); it = nextit) { nextit = it; ++nextit; AstVar* invarp = (*it).first; RefVec* refs = (*it).second; // Figure out if this var needs tristate expanded. if (!m_tgraph.isTristate(invarp)) { // This var has no tristate logic, so we leave it alone. UINFO(8, " NO TRISTATE ON:" << invarp << endl); m_lhsmap.erase(invarp); delete refs; continue; } ++m_statTriSigs; m_tgraph.didProcess(invarp); UINFO(8, " TRISTATE EXPANDING:" << invarp << endl); // If the lhs var is a port, then we need to create ports for // the output (__out) and output enable (__en) signals. The // original port gets converted to an input. Don't tristate expand // if this is the top level so that we can force the final // tristate resolution at the top. AstVar* envarp = NULL; AstVar* outvarp = NULL; // __out AstVar* lhsp = invarp; // Variable to assign drive-value to ( or __out) if (!nodep->isTop() && invarp->isIO()) { // This var becomes an input invarp->varType2In(); // convert existing port to type input // Create an output port (__out) outvarp = getCreateOutVarp(invarp); outvarp->varType2Out(); lhsp = outvarp; // Must assign to __out, not to normal input signal UINFO(9, " TRISTATE propagates up with "<varType2Out(); // outvarp->user1p(envarp); outvarp->user3p(invarp->user3p()); // AstPull* propagation if (invarp->user3p()) UINFO(9, "propagate pull to "<user1p()) { envarp = invarp->user1p()->castNode()->castVar(); // From CASEEQ, foo === 1'bz } AstNode* orp = NULL; AstNode* andp = NULL; AstNode* enp = NULL; AstNode* undrivenp = NULL; // loop through the lhs drivers to build the driver resolution logic for (RefVec::iterator ii=refs->begin(); ii != refs->end(); ++ii) { AstVarRef* refp = (*ii); int w = lhsp->width(); // create the new lhs driver for this var AstVar* newlhsp = new AstVar(lhsp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, lhsp->name()+"__out"+cvtToStr(m_unique), VFlagBitPacked(), w); // 2-state ok; sep enable UINFO(9," newout "<addStmtp(newlhsp); refp->varp(newlhsp); // assign the new var to the varref refp->name(newlhsp->name()); // create a new var for this drivers enable signal AstVar* newenp = new AstVar(lhsp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, lhsp->name()+"__en"+cvtToStr(m_unique++), VFlagBitPacked(), w); // 2-state ok UINFO(9," newenp "<addStmtp(newenp); AstNode* enassp = new AstAssignW(refp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(refp->fileline(), newenp, true), getEnp(refp)); UINFO(9," newass "<addStmtp(enassp); // now append this driver to the driver logic. AstNode* ref1p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newlhsp,false); AstNode* ref2p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newenp, false); andp = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), ref1p, ref2p); // or this to the others orp = (!orp) ? andp : new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), orp, andp); if (envarp) { AstNode* ref3p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newenp, false); enp = (!enp) ? ref3p : new AstOr(ref3p->fileline(), enp, ref3p); } AstNode* tmp = new AstNot(newenp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(newenp->fileline(), newenp, false)); undrivenp = ((!undrivenp) ? tmp : new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), tmp, undrivenp)); } if (!undrivenp) { // No drivers on the bus V3Number ones(nodep->fileline(), lhsp->width()); ones.setAllBits1(); undrivenp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), ones); } if (!outvarp) { // This is the final resolution of the tristate, so we apply // the pull direction to any undriven pins. V3Number pull(nodep->fileline(), lhsp->width()); AstPull* pullp = (AstPull*)lhsp->user3p(); if (pullp && pullp->direction() == 1) { pull.setAllBits1(); UINFO(9,"Has pullup "<fileline(), undrivenp, new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), pull)); orp = new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), orp, undrivenp); } else { undrivenp->deleteTree(); undrivenp=NULL; } if (envarp) { nodep->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(enp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(envarp->fileline(), envarp, true), enp)); } // __out (child) or (parent) = drive-value expression AstNode* assp = new AstAssignW(lhsp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), lhsp, true), orp); assp->user2(U2_BOTH); // Don't process further; already resolved if (debug()>=9) assp->dumpTree(cout,"-lhsp-eqn: "); nodep->addStmtp(assp); // Delete the map and vector list now that we have expanded it. m_lhsmap.erase(invarp); delete refs; } } // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstConst* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(9,dbgState()<num().hasZ()) { m_tgraph.setTristate(nodep); } } else { // Detect any Z consts and convert them to 0's with an enable that is also 0. if (m_alhs && nodep->user1p()) { // A pin with 1'b0 or similar connection results in an assign with constant on LHS // due to the pinReconnectSimple call in visit AstPin. // We can ignore the output override by making a temporary AstVar* varp = getCreateUnconnVarp(nodep, nodep->dtypep()); AstNode* newp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), varp, true); UINFO(9," const->"<replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep = NULL; } else if (m_tgraph.isTristate(nodep)) { m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline(); V3Number numz (fl,nodep->width()); numz.opBitsZ(nodep->num()); //Z->1, else 0 V3Number numz0(fl,nodep->width()); numz0.opNot(numz); // Z->0, else 1 V3Number num1 (fl,nodep->width()); num1.opAnd(nodep->num(),numz0); // 01X->01X, Z->0 AstConst* newconstp = new AstConst(fl, num1); AstConst* enp = new AstConst(fl, numz0); nodep->replaceWith(newconstp); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep = NULL; newconstp->user1p(enp); // propagate up constant with non-Z bits as 1 } } } virtual void visit(AstCond* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_graphing) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); if (m_alhs) { associateLogic(nodep, nodep->expr1p()); associateLogic(nodep, nodep->expr2p()); } else { associateLogic(nodep->expr1p(), nodep); associateLogic(nodep->expr2p(), nodep); } } else { if (m_alhs && nodep->user1p()) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported LHS tristate construct: "<prettyTypeName()); return; } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<condp(); if (condp->user1p()) { condp->v3error("Unsupported: don't know how to deal with tristate logic in the conditional expression"); } AstNode* expr1p = nodep->expr1p(); AstNode* expr2p = nodep->expr2p(); if (expr1p->user1p() || expr2p->user1p()) { // else no tristates m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); AstNode* en1p = getEnp(expr1p); AstNode* en2p = getEnp(expr2p); // The output enable of a cond is a cond of the output enable of the // two expressions with the same conditional. AstNode* enp = new AstCond(nodep->fileline(), condp->cloneTree(false), en1p, en2p); UINFO(9," newcond "<user1p(enp); // propagate up COND(lhsp->enable, rhsp->enable) expr1p->user1p(NULL); expr2p->user1p(NULL); } } } virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_graphing) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); if (m_alhs) { associateLogic(nodep, nodep->fromp()); } else { associateLogic(nodep->fromp(), nodep); } } else { if (m_alhs) { UINFO(9,dbgState()<user1p()) { // Form a "deposit" instruction. Would be nicer if we made this a new AST type AstNode* newp = newEnableDeposit(nodep, nodep->user1p()->castNode()); nodep->fromp()->user1p(newp); // Push to varref (etc) if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"-assign-sel; "); m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } else { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<lsbp()->user1p()) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported RHS tristate construct: "<prettyTypeName()); } if (nodep->fromp()->user1p()) { // SEL(VARREF,lsb) AstNode* en1p = getEnp(nodep->fromp()); AstNode* enp = new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), en1p, nodep->lsbp()->cloneTree(true), nodep->widthp()->cloneTree(true)); UINFO(9," newsel "<user1p(enp); // propagate up SEL(fromp->enable, value) m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); } } } } virtual void visit(AstConcat* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_graphing) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); if (m_alhs) { associateLogic(nodep, nodep->lhsp()); associateLogic(nodep, nodep->rhsp()); } else { associateLogic(nodep->lhsp(), nodep); associateLogic(nodep->rhsp(), nodep); } } else { if (m_alhs) { UINFO(9,dbgState()<user1p()) { // Each half of the concat gets a select of the enable expression AstNode* enp = nodep->user1p()->castNode(); nodep->user1p(NULL); nodep->lhsp()->user1p(new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), enp->cloneTree(true), nodep->rhsp()->width(), nodep->lhsp()->width())); nodep->rhsp()->user1p(new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), enp, 0, nodep->rhsp()->width())); m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } else { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<lhsp(); AstNode* expr2p = nodep->rhsp(); if (expr1p->user1p() || expr2p->user1p()) { // else no tristates m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); AstNode* en1p = getEnp(expr1p); AstNode* en2p = getEnp(expr2p); AstNode* enp = new AstConcat(nodep->fileline(), en1p, en2p); UINFO(9," newconc "<user1p(enp); // propagate up CONCAT(lhsp->enable, rhsp->enable) expr1p->user1p(NULL); expr2p->user1p(NULL); } } } } virtual void visit(AstBufIf1* nodep, AstNUser*) { // For BufIf1, the enable is the LHS expression nodep->iterateChildren(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<rhsp(), nodep); m_tgraph.setTristate(nodep); } else { if (debug()>=9) nodep->backp()->dumpTree(cout,"-bufif: "); if (m_alhs) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported LHS tristate construct: "<prettyTypeName()); return; } m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); AstNode* expr1p = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack(); AstNode* expr2p = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack(); AstNode* enp; if (AstNode* en2p = expr2p->user1p()->castNode()) { enp = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), expr1p, en2p); } else { enp = expr1p; } expr1p->user1p(NULL); expr2p->user1p(enp); // Becomes new node // Don't need the BufIf any more, can just have the data direct nodep->replaceWith(expr2p); UINFO(9," bufif datap="<prettyTypeName()); return; } // ANDs and Z's have issues. Earlier optimizations convert // expressions like "(COND) ? 1'bz : 1'b0" to "COND & 1'bz". So we // have to define what is means to AND 1'bz with other // expressions. I don't think this is spec, but here I take the // approach that when one expression is 1, that the Z passes. This // makes the COND's work. It is probably better to not perform the // conditional optimization if the bits are Z. // // ORs have the same issues as ANDs. Earlier optimizations convert // expressions like "(COND) ? 1'bz : 1'b1" to "COND | 1'bz". So we // have to define what is means to OR 1'bz with other // expressions. Here I take the approach that when one expression // is 0, that is passes the other. AstNode* expr1p = nodep->lhsp(); AstNode* expr2p = nodep->rhsp(); if (!expr1p->user1p() && !expr2p->user1p()) { return; // no tristates in either expression, so nothing to do } m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); AstNode* en1p = getEnp(expr1p); AstNode* en2p = getEnp(expr2p); AstNode* subexpr1p = expr1p->cloneTree(false); AstNode* subexpr2p = expr2p->cloneTree(false); if (isAnd) { subexpr1p = new AstNot(nodep->fileline(), subexpr1p); subexpr2p = new AstNot(nodep->fileline(), subexpr2p); } // calc new output enable AstNode* enp = new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), en1p, en2p), new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), en1p->cloneTree(false), subexpr1p), new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), en2p->cloneTree(false), subexpr2p))); UINFO(9," neweqn "<user1p(enp); expr1p->user1p(NULL); expr2p->user1p(NULL); } } virtual void visit(AstAnd* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitAndOr(nodep,true); } virtual void visit(AstOr* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitAndOr(nodep,false); } void visitAssign(AstNodeAssign* nodep) { if (m_graphing) { if (nodep->user2() & U2_GRAPHING) return; nodep->user2(U2_GRAPHING); m_logicp = nodep; nodep->rhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this); m_alhs = true; nodep->lhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this); m_alhs = false; associateLogic(nodep->rhsp(), nodep); associateLogic(nodep, nodep->lhsp()); m_logicp = NULL; } else { if (nodep->user2() & U2_NONGRAPH) return; // Iterated here, or created assignment to ignore nodep->user2(U2_NONGRAPH); nodep->rhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-assign: "); // if the rhsp of this assign statement has an output enable driver, // then propage the corresponding output enable assign statement. // down the lvalue tree by recursion for eventual attachment to // the appropriate output signal's VarRef. if (nodep->rhsp()->user1p()) { nodep->lhsp()->user1p(nodep->rhsp()->user1p()); nodep->rhsp()->user1p(NULL); UINFO(9," enp<-rhs "<lhsp()->user1p()<lhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this); m_alhs = false; } } virtual void visit(AstAssignW* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitAssign(nodep); } virtual void visit(AstAssign* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitAssign(nodep); } void visitCaseEq(AstNodeBiop* nodep, bool neq) { if (m_graphing) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } else { checkUnhandled(nodep); // Unsupported: A === 3'b000 should compare with the enables, but we don't do // so at present, we only compare if there is a z in the equation. // Otherwise we'd need to attach an enable to every signal, then optimize them // away later when we determine the signal has no tristate nodep->iterateChildren(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<lhsp()->castConst(); // Constification always moves const to LHS AstVarRef* varrefp = nodep->rhsp()->castVarRef(); // Input variable if (constp && constp->user1p() && varrefp) { // 3'b1z0 -> ((3'b101 == in__en) && (3'b100 == in)) varrefp->unlinkFrBack(); FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline(); V3Number oneIfEn = constp->user1p()->castNode()->castConst()->num(); // visit(AstConst) already split into en/ones V3Number oneIfEnOne = constp->num(); AstVar* envarp = getCreateEnVarp(varrefp->varp()); AstNode* newp = new AstLogAnd (fl, new AstEq (fl, new AstConst(fl, oneIfEn), new AstVarRef(fl, envarp, false)), // Keep the caseeq if there are X's present new AstEqCase(fl, new AstConst(fl, oneIfEnOne), varrefp)); if (neq) newp = new AstLogNot(fl, newp); UINFO(9," newceq "<=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-caseeq-old: "); if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"-caseeq-new: "); nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL; } else { checkUnhandled(nodep); } } } void visitEqNeqWild(AstNodeBiop* nodep) { if (!nodep->rhsp()->castConst()) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported: RHS of ==? or !=? must be constant to be synthesizable"); // Says spec. // rhs we want to keep X/Z intact, so otherwise ignore } nodep->lhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this); if (nodep->lhsp()->user1p()) { nodep->v3error("Unsupported LHS tristate construct: "<prettyTypeName()); return; } } virtual void visit(AstEqCase* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitCaseEq(nodep,false); } virtual void visit(AstNeqCase* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitCaseEq(nodep,true); } virtual void visit(AstEqWild* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitEqNeqWild(nodep); } virtual void visit(AstNeqWild* nodep, AstNUser*) { visitEqNeqWild(nodep); } virtual void visit(AstPull* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(9,dbgState()<lhsp()->castVarRef()) { lhsp->lvalue(true); m_logicp = nodep; m_tgraph.setTristate(nodep); associateLogic(nodep, lhsp->varp()); m_logicp = NULL; } else { nodep->v3error("Unsupported pullup/down (weak driver) construct."); } } else { // Replace any pullup/pulldowns with assignw logic and set the // direction of the pull in the user3() data on the var. Given // the complexity of merging tristate drivers at any level, the // current limitation of this implementation is that a pullup/down // gets applied to all bits of a bus and a bus cannot have drivers // in opposite directions on indvidual pins. if (AstVarRef* lhsp = nodep->lhsp()->castVarRef()) { lhsp->lvalue(true); m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); m_tgraph.didProcess(lhsp->varp()); AstVar* varp = lhsp->varp(); setPullDirection(varp, nodep); } else { nodep->v3error("Unsupported pullup/down (weak driver) construct."); } nodep->unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep = NULL; // Node must persist as user3p points to it } } void iteratePinGuts(AstPin* nodep) { if (m_graphing) { m_logicp = nodep; if (nodep->exprp()) { associateLogic(nodep->exprp(), nodep); associateLogic(nodep, nodep->exprp()); } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); m_logicp = NULL; } else { // All heavy lifting completed in graph visitor. if (nodep->exprp()) { m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } } // .tri(SEL(trisig,x)) becomes // INPUT: -> (VARREF(trisig__pinin)), // trisig__pinin = SEL(trisig,x) // via pinReconnectSimple // OUTPUT: -> (VARREF(trisig__pinout)) // SEL(trisig,x) = trisig__pinout // ^-- ->user1p() == trisig__pinen // ENABLE: -> (VARREF(trisig__pinen) // Added complication is the signal may be an output/inout or just input with tie off (or not) up top // PIN PORT NEW PORTS AND CONNECTIONS // N/C input in(from-resolver), __en(to-resolver-only), __out(to-resolver-only) // N/C inout Spec says illegal // N/C output Unsupported; Illegal? // wire input in(from-resolver-with-wire-value), __en(from-resolver-wire), __out(to-resolver-only) // wire inout in, __en, __out // wire output in, __en, __out // const input in(from-resolver-with-const-value), __en(from-resolver-const), __out(to-resolver-only) // const inout Spec says illegal // const output Unsupported; Illegal? virtual void visit(AstPin* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_graphing) { if (nodep->user2() & U2_GRAPHING) return; // This pin is already expanded nodep->user2(U2_GRAPHING); // Find child module's new variables. AstVar* enModVarp = (AstVar*) nodep->modVarp()->user1p(); if (!enModVarp) { if (nodep->exprp()) { // May have an output only that later connects to a tristate, so simplify now. V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(nodep, m_cellp, m_modp, false); } iteratePinGuts(nodep); return; // No __en signals on this pin } // Tristate exists: UINFO(9,dbgState()<=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-pre: "); // Empty/in-only; need Z to propagate bool inDeclProcessing = (nodep->exprp() && nodep->modVarp()->isInOnly() // Need to consider the original state instead of current state // as we converted tristates to inputs, which do not want to have this. && !nodep->modVarp()->isDeclOutput()); if (!nodep->exprp()) { // No-connect; covert to empty connection UINFO(5,"Unconnected pin terminate "<modVarp()->dtypep()); nodep->exprp(new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), ucVarp, nodep->modVarp()->isOutput())); m_tgraph.setTristate(ucVarp); // We don't need a driver on the wire; the lack of one will default to tristate } else if (inDeclProcessing) { // Not an input that was a converted tristate // Input only may have driver in underneath module which would stomp // the input value. So make a temporary connection. AstAssignW* reAssignp = V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(nodep, m_cellp, m_modp, true, true); UINFO(5,"Input pin buffering: "<lhsp()); } // pinReconnectSimple needs to presume input or output behavior; we need both // Therefore, create the enable, output and separate input pin, then pinReconnectSimple all // Create the output enable pin, connect to new signal AstNode* enrefp; { AstVar* enVarp = new AstVar(nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, nodep->name() + "__en" + cvtToStr(m_unique++), VFlagBitPacked(), enModVarp->width()); UINFO(9," newenv "<fileline(), nodep->pinNum(), enModVarp->name(), // should be {var}"__en" new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enVarp, true)); enpinp->modVarp(enModVarp); UINFO(9," newpin "<user2(U2_BOTH); // don't iterate the pin later nodep->addNextHere(enpinp); m_modp->addStmtp(enVarp); enrefp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enVarp, false); UINFO(9," newvrf "<=9) enpinp->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-ena: "); } // Create new output pin AstAssignW* outAssignp = NULL; // If reconnected, the related assignment AstPin* outpinp; { AstVar* outModVarp = (AstVar*) nodep->modVarp()->user4p(); AstNode* outexprp = nodep->exprp()->cloneTree(false); // Note has lvalue() set outpinp = new AstPin(nodep->fileline(), nodep->pinNum(), outModVarp->name(), // should be {var}"__out" outexprp); outpinp->modVarp(outModVarp); UINFO(9," newpin "<user2(U2_BOTH); // don't iterate the pin later nodep->addNextHere(outpinp); // Simplify if (inDeclProcessing) { // Not an input that was a converted tristate // The pin is an input, but we need an output // The if() above is needed because the Visitor is simple, it will flip ArraySel's and such, // but if the pin is an input the earlier reconnectSimple made it a VarRef without any ArraySel, etc TristatePinVisitor visitor (outexprp, m_tgraph, true); } if (debug()>=9) outpinp->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-opr: "); outAssignp = V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(outpinp, m_cellp, m_modp, true); // Note may change outpinp->exprp() if (debug()>=9) outpinp->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-out: "); if (debug()>=9 && outAssignp) outAssignp->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-out: "); // Must still iterate the outAssignp, as need to build output equation } // Existing pin becomes an input, and we mark each resulting signal as tristate TristatePinVisitor visitor (nodep->exprp(), m_tgraph, false); AstNode* inAssignp = V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(nodep, m_cellp, m_modp, true); // Note may change nodep->exprp() if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-in: "); if (debug()>=9 && inAssignp) inAssignp->dumpTree(cout,"-pin-as: "); // Connect enable to output signal AstVarRef* exprrefp; // Tristate variable that the Pin's expression refers to if (!outAssignp) { exprrefp = outpinp->exprp()->castVarRef(); } else { exprrefp = outAssignp->rhsp()->castVarRef(); // This should be the same var as the output pin } if (!exprrefp) { // deal with simple varref port // pinReconnect should have converted this nodep->v3error("Unsupported tristate port expression: "<exprp()->prettyTypeName()); } else { UINFO(9,"outref "<user1p(enrefp); // Mark as now tristated; iteration will pick it up from there if (!outAssignp) { mapInsertLhsVarRef(exprrefp); // insertTristates will convert // // to a varref to the __out# variable } // else the assignment deals with the connection } // Propagate any pullups/pulldowns upwards if necessary if (exprrefp) { if (AstPull* pullp = (AstPull*) nodep->modVarp()->user3p()) { UINFO(9, "propagate pull on "<varp(), pullp); } } // Don't need to visit the created assigns, as it was added at the end of the next links // and normal iterateChild recursion will come back to them eventually. // Mark the original signal as tristated iteratePinGuts(nodep); } // Not graph building else { if (nodep->user2() & U2_NONGRAPH) return; // This pin is already expanded nodep->user2(U2_NONGRAPH); UINFO(9," "<lvalue()) { associateLogic(nodep, nodep->varp()); } else { associateLogic(nodep->varp(), nodep); } } else { if (nodep->user2() & U2_NONGRAPH) return; // Processed nodep->user2(U2_NONGRAPH); // Detect all var lhs drivers and adds them to the // VarMap so that after the walk through the module we can expand // any tristate logic on the driver. if (nodep->lvalue() && m_tgraph.isTristate(nodep->varp())) { UINFO(9," Ref-to-lvalue "<lvalue() && !nodep->user1p() // Not already processed, nor varref from visit(AstPin) creation // Reference to another tristate variable && m_tgraph.isTristate(nodep->varp()) // and in a position where it feeds upstream to another tristate && m_tgraph.feedsTri(nodep)) { // Then propage the enable from the original variable UINFO(9," Ref-to-tri "<varp()); nodep->user1p(new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enVarp, false)); } if (m_alhs) {} // NOP; user1() already passed down from assignment } } virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); UINFO(9,dbgState()<user2() & U2_GRAPHING) return; // Already processed nodep->user2(U2_GRAPHING); if (nodep->isPulldown() || nodep->isPullup()) { AstNode* newp = new AstPull(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, true), nodep->isPullup()); UINFO(9," newpul "<addNextHere(newp); // We'll iterate on the new AstPull later } if (nodep->isInout() //|| varp->isOutput() // Note unconnected output only changes behavior vs. previous versions and causes outputs // that don't come from anywhere to possibly create connection errors. // One example of problems is this: "output z; task t; z <= {something}; endtask" ) { UINFO(9," setTristate-inout "<isPulldown() || nodep->isPullup() handled in TristateGraphVisitor m_tgraph.didProcess(nodep); } } } virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(8, nodep<v3fatalSrc("Modules under modules not supported"); // Lots of per-module state breaks // Clear state m_tgraph.clear(); m_unique = 0; m_logicp = NULL; m_lhsmap.clear(); m_modp = nodep; // Walk the graph, finding all variables and tristate constructs { m_graphing = true; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); m_graphing = false; } // Use graph to find tristate signals m_tgraph.graphWalk(nodep); // Build the LHS drivers map for this module nodep->iterateChildren(*this); // Insert new logic for all tristates insertTristates(nodep); m_modp = NULL; } virtual void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstNUser*) { // don't deal with functions } virtual void visit(AstCaseItem* nodep, AstNUser*) { // don't deal with casez compare '???? values nodep->bodysp()->iterateAndNext(*this); } virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep, AstNUser*) { m_cellp = nodep; m_alhs = false; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); m_cellp = NULL; } virtual void visit(AstNetlist* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildrenBackwards(*this); } // Default: Just iterate virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); checkUnhandled(nodep); } public: // CONSTUCTORS TristateVisitor(AstNode* nodep) { m_graphing = false; m_modp = NULL; m_cellp = NULL; m_unique = 0; m_alhs = false; m_logicp = NULL; m_tgraph.clear(); nodep->accept(*this); } virtual ~TristateVisitor() { V3Stats::addStat("Tristate, Tristate resolved nets", m_statTriSigs); } }; //###################################################################### // Tristate class functions void V3Tristate::tristateAll(AstNetlist* nodep) { UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<