#!/usr/bin/perl if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; } # DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition # # Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you # can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU # Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License # Version 2.0. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 use IO::File; #use Data::Dumper; use strict; use vars qw($Self); scenarios(simulator => 1); my $width = 64*($ENV{VERILATOR_TEST_WIDTH}||4); my $vars = 64; $Self->{cycles} = ($Self->{benchmark} ? 1_000_000 : 100); $Self->{sim_time} = $Self->{cycles} * 10 + 1000; sub gen { my $filename = shift; my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename"); $fh->print("// Generated by t_gate_tree.pl\n"); $fh->print("module t (clk);\n"); $fh->print(" input clk;\n"); $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print(" integer cyc=0;\n"); $fh->print(" reg reset;\n"); $fh->print("\n"); my %tree; my $fanin = 8; my $stages = int(log($vars)/log($fanin)+0.99999)+1; my $result = 0; for (my $n=0; $n<$vars; $n++) { $result += ($n||1); $tree{0}{$n}{$n} = 1; my $nl = $n; for (my $stage=1; $stage<$stages; $stage++) { my $lastn = $nl; $nl = int($nl/$fanin); $tree{$stage}{$nl}{$lastn} = 1; } } #print Dumper(\%tree); $fh->print("\n"); my $workingset = 0; foreach my $stage (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %tree) { foreach my $n (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$tree{$stage}}) { $fh->print( " reg [".($width-1).":0] v${stage}_${n};\n"); $workingset += int($width/8 + 7); } } $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print(" always @ (posedge clk) begin\n"); $fh->print(" cyc <= cyc + 1;\n"); $fh->print("`ifdef TEST_VERBOSE\n"); $fh->print(" \$write(\"[%0t] rst=%0x v0_0=%0x v1_0=%0x result=%0x\\n\"" .", \$time, reset, v0_0, v1_0, v".($stages-1)."_0);\n"); $fh->print("`endif\n"); $fh->print(" if (cyc==0) begin\n"); $fh->print(" reset <= 1;\n"); $fh->print(" end\n"); $fh->print(" else if (cyc==10) begin\n"); $fh->print(" reset <= 0;\n"); $fh->print(" end\n"); $fh->print("`ifndef SIM_CYCLES\n"); $fh->print(" `define SIM_CYCLES 99\n"); $fh->print("`endif\n"); $fh->print(" else if (cyc==`SIM_CYCLES) begin\n"); $fh->print(" if (v".($stages-1)."_0 != ${width}'d${result}) \$stop;\n"); $fh->print(" \$write(\"VARS=${vars} WIDTH=${width}" ." WORKINGSET=".(int($workingset/1024))."KB\\n\");\n"); $fh->print(' $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");',"\n"); $fh->print(' $finish;',"\n"); $fh->print(" end\n"); $fh->print(" end\n"); $fh->print("\n"); for (my $n=0; $n<$vars; $n++) { $fh->print(" always @ (posedge clk)" ." v0_${n} <= reset ? ${width}'d".(${n}||1)." : v0_" .((int($n/$fanin)*$fanin) + (($n+1) % $fanin)).";\n"); } foreach my $stage (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %tree) { next if $stage == 0; $fh->print("\n"); foreach my $n (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$tree{$stage}}) { $fh->print(" always @ (posedge clk)" ." v${stage}_${n} <="); my $op = ""; foreach my $ni (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$tree{$stage}{$n}}) { $fh->print($op." v".(${stage}-1)."_${ni}"); $op = " +"; } $fh->print(";\n"); } } $fh->print("endmodule\n"); } top_filename("$Self->{obj_dir}/t_gate_tree.v"); gen($Self->{top_filename}); compile( v_flags2 => ["+define+SIM_CYCLES=$Self->{cycles}",], verilator_flags2=>["--stats --x-assign fast --x-initial fast", "-Wno-UNOPTTHREADS"], ); execute( all_run_flags => ["+verilator+prof+threads+start+100", " +verilator+prof+threads+window+2", " +verilator+prof+threads+file+$Self->{obj_dir}/profile_threads.dat", ], check_finished => 1, ); ok(1); 1;