%Warning-UNUSED: t/t_lint_unused_bad.v:16: Bits of signal are not used: assunu1[5:1] %Warning-UNUSED: Use "/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */" and lint_on around source to disable this message. %Warning-UNDRIVEN: t/t_lint_unused_bad.v:20: Bits of signal are not driven: udrb2[14:13,11] %Warning-UNUSED: t/t_lint_unused_bad.v:25: Signal is not driven, nor used: unu3 %Warning-UNUSED: t/t_lint_unused_bad.v:27: Bits of signal are not driven, nor used: mixed[3] %Warning-UNUSED: t/t_lint_unused_bad.v:27: Bits of signal are not used: mixed[2] %Warning-UNDRIVEN: t/t_lint_unused_bad.v:27: Bits of signal are not driven: mixed[1] %Error: Exiting due to