// $Id$ //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Add temporaries, such as for task nodes // // Code available from: http://www.veripool.com/verilator // // AUTHORS: Wilson Snyder with Paul Wasson, Duane Gabli // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2006 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // General Public License or the Perl Artistic License. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* // V3Task's Transformations: // // Each module: // Look for TASKREF // Insert task's statements into the referrer // Look for TASKs // Remove them, they're inlined // //************************************************************************* #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "V3Global.h" #include "V3Task.h" #include "V3Inst.h" #include "V3Ast.h" #include "V3EmitCBase.h" #include "V3Graph.h" //###################################################################### // Graph subclasses class TaskBaseVertex : public V3GraphVertex { AstNode* m_impurep; // Node causing impure function w/ outside references bool m_noInline; // Marked with pragma public: TaskBaseVertex(V3Graph* graphp) : V3GraphVertex(graphp), m_impurep(NULL), m_noInline(false) {} virtual ~TaskBaseVertex() {} bool pure() const { return m_impurep==NULL; } AstNode* impureNode() const { return m_impurep; } void impure(AstNode* nodep) { m_impurep = nodep; } bool noInline() const { return m_noInline; } void noInline(bool flag) { m_noInline = flag; } }; class TaskFTaskVertex : public TaskBaseVertex { // Every task gets a vertex, and we link tasks together based on funcrefs. AstNodeFTask* m_nodep; public: TaskFTaskVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstNodeFTask* nodep) : TaskBaseVertex(graphp), m_nodep(nodep) {} virtual ~TaskFTaskVertex() {} AstNodeFTask* nodep() const { return m_nodep; } virtual string name() const { return nodep()->name(); } virtual string dotColor() const { return pure() ? "black" : "red"; } }; class TaskCodeVertex : public TaskBaseVertex { // Top vertex for all calls not under another task public: TaskCodeVertex(V3Graph* graphp) : TaskBaseVertex(graphp) {} virtual ~TaskCodeVertex() {} virtual string name() const { return "*CODE*"; } virtual string dotColor() const { return "green"; } }; class TaskEdge : public V3GraphEdge { public: TaskEdge(V3Graph* graphp, TaskBaseVertex* fromp, TaskBaseVertex* top) : V3GraphEdge(graphp, fromp, top, 1, false) {} virtual ~TaskEdge() {} virtual string dotLabel() const { return "w"+cvtToStr(weight()); } }; //###################################################################### class TaskStateVisitor : public AstNVisitor { private: // NODE STATE // Output: // AstNodeFTask::user3p // AstScope* this FTask is under // AstNodeFTask::user4p // GraphFTaskVertex* this FTask is under // AstVar::user4p // GraphFTaskVertex* this variable is declared in // TYPES typedef std::map,AstVarScope*> VarToScopeMap; // MEMBERS VarToScopeMap m_varToScopeMap; // Map for Var -> VarScope mappings AstAssignW* m_assignwp; // Current assignment V3Graph m_callGraph; // Task call graph TaskBaseVertex* m_curVxp; // Current vertex we're adding to public: // METHODS AstScope* getScope(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { AstScope* scopep = nodep->user3p()->castNode()->castScope(); if (!scopep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No scope for function"); return scopep; } AstVarScope* findVarScope(AstScope* scopep, AstVar* nodep) { VarToScopeMap::iterator iter = m_varToScopeMap.find(make_pair(scopep,nodep)); if (iter == m_varToScopeMap.end()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No scope for var"); return iter->second; } bool ftaskNoInline(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { return (getFTaskVertex(nodep)->noInline()); } void checkPurity(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { checkPurity(nodep, getFTaskVertex(nodep)); } void checkPurity(AstNodeFTask* nodep, TaskBaseVertex* vxp) { if (!vxp->pure()) { nodep->v3warn(IMPURE,"Unsupported: External variable referenced by non-inlined function/task: "<prettyName()); vxp->impureNode()->v3warn(IMPURE,"... Location of the external reference: "<impureNode()->prettyName()); } // And, we need to check all tasks this task calls for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vxp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->outNextp()) { checkPurity(nodep, static_cast(edgep->top())); } } private: TaskBaseVertex* getFTaskVertex(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { if (!nodep->user4p()) { nodep->user4p(new TaskFTaskVertex(&m_callGraph, nodep)); } return static_cast(nodep->user4p()->castGraphVertex()); } // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstScope* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Each FTask is unique per-scope, so AstNodeFTaskRefs do not need // pointers to what scope the FTask is to be invoked under. // However, to create variables, we need to track the scopes involved. // Find all var->varscope mappings, for later cleanup for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->varsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) { if (AstVarScope* vscp = stmtp->castVarScope()) { if (vscp->varp()->isFuncLocal()) { UINFO(9," funcvsc "<varp()), vscp)); } } } // Likewise, all FTask->scope mappings for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->blocksp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) { if (AstNodeFTask* taskp = stmtp->castNodeFTask()) { taskp->user3p(nodep); } } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } virtual void visit(AstAssignW* nodep, AstNUser*) { m_assignwp = nodep; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); nodep=NULL; // May delete nodep. m_assignwp = NULL; } virtual void visit(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (m_assignwp) { // Wire assigns must become always statements to deal with insertion // of multiple statements. Perhaps someday make all wassigns into always's? UINFO(5," IM_WireRep "<lhsp()->unlinkFrBack(); AstNode* rhsp = m_assignwp->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack(); AstNode* assignp = new AstAssign (m_assignwp->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp); AstNode* alwaysp = new AstAlways (m_assignwp->fileline(), NULL, assignp); m_assignwp->replaceWith(alwaysp); pushDeletep(m_assignwp); m_assignwp=NULL; } // We make multiple edges if a task is called multiple times from another task. new TaskEdge (&m_callGraph, m_curVxp, getFTaskVertex(nodep->taskp())); } virtual void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(9," TASK "<iterateChildren(*this); m_curVxp = lastVxp; } virtual void visit(AstPragma* nodep, AstNUser*) { if (nodep->pragType() == AstPragmaType::NO_INLINE_TASK) { // Just mark for the next steps, and we're done with it. m_curVxp->noInline(true); nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); } else { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } } virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); nodep->user4p(m_curVxp); // Remember what task it's under } virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); if (nodep->varp()->user4p() != m_curVxp) { if (m_curVxp->pure()) { m_curVxp->impure(nodep); } } } //-------------------- // Default: Just iterate virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } public: // CONSTUCTORS TaskStateVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep) { m_assignwp = NULL; m_curVxp = new TaskCodeVertex(&m_callGraph); AstNode::user3ClearTree(); AstNode::user4ClearTree(); // nodep->iterateAndNext(*this, NULL); // m_callGraph.removeRedundantEdgesSum(&TaskEdge::followAlwaysTrue); m_callGraph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("task_call"); } virtual ~TaskStateVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### class TaskRelinkVisitor : public AstNVisitor { // Replace varrefs with new var pointer private: // NODE STATE // Input: // AstVar::user2p // AstVarScope* to replace varref with // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Similar code in V3Inline if (nodep->varp()->user2p()) { // It's being converted to a alias. UINFO(9, " relinkVar "<<(void*)nodep->varp()->user2p()<<" "<varp()->user2p()->castNode()->castVarScope(); if (!newvscp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Null?\n"); nodep->varScopep(newvscp); nodep->varp(nodep->varScopep()->varp()); nodep->name(nodep->varp()->name()); } nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } //-------------------- virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } public: // CONSTUCTORS TaskRelinkVisitor(AstNode* nodep) { nodep->iterateAndNext(*this, NULL); } virtual ~TaskRelinkVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### // Task state, as a visitor of each AstNode class TaskVisitor : public AstNVisitor { private: // NODE STATE // Each module: // AstNodeFTask::user // True if its been expanded // Each funccall // AstVar::user2p // AstVarScope* to replace varref with // AstNodeFTask::user5p // AstCFunc* created for non-inlined tasks // TYPES enum InsertMode { IM_BEFORE, // Pointing at statement ref is in, insert before this IM_AFTER, // Pointing at last inserted stmt, insert after IM_WHILE_PRECOND // Pointing to for loop, add to body end }; // STATE TaskStateVisitor* m_statep; // Common state between visitors AstModule* m_modp; // Current module AstScope* m_scopep; // Current scope InsertMode m_insMode; // How to insert AstNode* m_insStmtp; // Where to insert statement int m_modNCalls; // Incrementing func # for making symbols //int debug() { return 9; } // METHODS AstVarScope* createVarScope(AstVar* invarp, const string& name) { // We could create under either the ref's scope or the ftask's scope. // It shouldn't matter, as they are only local variables. // We choose to do it under whichever called this function, which results // in more cache locality. AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (invarp->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, invarp); newvarp->funcLocal(false); m_modp->addStmtp(newvarp); AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope (newvarp->fileline(), m_scopep, newvarp); m_scopep->addVarp(newvscp); return newvscp; } AstNode* createInlinedFTask(AstNodeFTaskRef* refp, string namePrefix, AstVarScope* outvscp) { // outvscp is the variable for functions only, if NULL, it's a task if (!refp->taskp()) refp->v3fatalSrc("Unlinked?"); AstNode* newbodysp = refp->taskp()->stmtsp()->cloneTree(true); // Maybe NULL AstNode* beginp = new AstComment(refp->fileline(), (string)("Function: ")+refp->name()); if (newbodysp) beginp->addNext(newbodysp); if (debug()>=9) { beginp->dumpTree(cout,"-newbody:"); } // // Create input variables AstNode::user2ClearTree(); { AstNode* pinp = refp->pinsp(); AstNode* nextpinp = pinp; AstNode* nextstmtp; for (AstNode* stmtp = newbodysp; stmtp; pinp=nextpinp, stmtp=nextstmtp) { nextstmtp = stmtp->nextp(); if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) { portp->unlinkFrBack(); // Remove it from the clone (not original) pushDeletep(portp); if (portp->isIO()) { if (pinp==NULL) { refp->v3error("Too few arguments in function call"); pinp = new AstConst(refp->fileline(), 0); m_modp->addStmtp(pinp); // For below unlink } UINFO(9, " Port "<nextp(); pinp->unlinkFrBack(); // Relinked to assignment below // if (portp->isInout()) { if (AstVarRef* varrefp = pinp->castVarRef()) { // Connect to this exact variable AstVarScope* localVscp = varrefp->varScopep(); if (!localVscp) varrefp->v3fatalSrc("Null var scope"); portp->user2p(localVscp); } else { pinp->v3error("Unsupported: Function/task input argument is not simple variable"); } } else if (portp->isOutput() && outvscp) { refp->v3error("Outputs not allowed in function declarations"); } else if (portp->isOutput()) { // Make output variables // Correct lvalue; we didn't know when we linked if (AstVarRef* varrefp = pinp->castVarRef()) { varrefp->lvalue(true); } else { pinp->v3error("Unsupported: Task output pin connected to non-variable"); } // Even if it's referencing a varref, we still make a temporary // Else task(x,x,x) might produce incorrect results AstVarScope* outvscp = createVarScope (portp, namePrefix+"__"+portp->shortName()); portp->user2p(outvscp); AstAssign* assp = new AstAssign (pinp->fileline(), pinp, new AstVarRef(outvscp->fileline(), outvscp, false)); // Put assignment BEHIND of all other statements beginp->addNext(assp); } else if (portp->isInput()) { // Make input variable AstVarScope* inVscp = createVarScope (portp, namePrefix+"__"+portp->shortName()); portp->user2p(inVscp); AstAssign* assp = new AstAssign (pinp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(inVscp->fileline(), inVscp, true), pinp); // Put assignment in FRONT of all other statements if (AstNode* afterp = beginp->nextp()) { afterp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); assp->addNext(afterp); } beginp->addNext(assp); } } else { // Var is not I/O // Move it to a new localized variable AstVarScope* localVscp = createVarScope (portp, namePrefix+"__"+portp->shortName()); portp->user2p(localVscp); } } } if (pinp!=NULL) refp->v3error("Too many arguments in function call"); } // Create function output variables if (outvscp) { //UINFO(0, "setflag on "<fvarp()<<" to "<taskp()->castFunc()->fvarp()->user2p(outvscp); } // Replace variable refs TaskRelinkVisitor visit (beginp); // if (debug()>=9) { beginp->dumpTree(cout,"-iotask: "); } return beginp; } AstNode* createNonInlinedFTask(AstNodeFTaskRef* refp, string namePrefix, AstVarScope* outvscp) { // outvscp is the variable for functions only, if NULL, it's a task if (!refp->taskp()) refp->v3fatalSrc("Unlinked?"); AstCFunc* cfuncp = refp->taskp()->user5p()->castNode()->castCFunc(); if (!cfuncp) refp->v3fatalSrc("No non-inline task associated with this task call?"); // AstNode* beginp = new AstComment(refp->fileline(), (string)("Function: ")+refp->name()); AstCCall* ccallp = new AstCCall(refp->fileline(), cfuncp, NULL); beginp->addNext(ccallp); // Convert complicated outputs to temp signals { AstNode* pinp = refp->pinsp(); AstNode* nextpinp = pinp; AstNode* nextstmtp; for (AstNode* stmtp = refp->taskp()->stmtsp(); stmtp; pinp=nextpinp, stmtp=nextstmtp) { nextstmtp = stmtp->nextp(); if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) { if (portp->isIO()) { UINFO(9, " Port "<nextp(); // if (portp->isInout()) { if (pinp->castVarRef()) { // Connect to this exact variable } else { pinp->v3error("Unsupported: Function/task input argument is not simple variable"); } } else if (portp->isOutput()) { // Make output variables // Correct lvalue; we didn't know when we linked if (AstVarRef* varrefp = pinp->castVarRef()) { varrefp->lvalue(true); } else { pinp->v3error("Unsupported: Task output pin connected to non-variable"); } } } } } if (pinp!=NULL) refp->v3error("Too many arguments in function call"); } // First argument is symbol table, then output if a function ccallp->argTypes("vlSymsp"); if (outvscp) { ccallp->addArgsp(new AstVarRef(refp->fileline(), outvscp, true)); } // Create connections AstNode* nextpinp; for (AstNode* pinp = refp->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=nextpinp) { nextpinp = pinp->nextp(); // Move pin to the CCall pinp->unlinkFrBack(); ccallp->addArgsp(pinp); } if (debug()>=9) { beginp->dumpTree(cout,"-nitask: "); } return beginp; } AstCFunc* makeUserFunc(AstNodeFTask* nodep, bool forUser) { // Given a already cloned node, make a public C function, or a non-inline C function // Probably some of this work should be done later, but... // should the type of the function be bool/uint32/64 etc (based on lookup) or IData? AstNode::user2ClearTree(); AstVar* rtnvarp = NULL; AstVarScope* rtnvscp = NULL; if (nodep->castFunc()) { AstVar* portp = NULL; if (NULL!=(portp = nodep->castFunc()->fvarp()->castVar())) { if (!portp->isFuncReturn()) nodep->v3error("Not marked as function return var"); if (portp->isWide()) nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Public functions with return > 64 bits wide. (Make it a output instead.)"); if (!forUser) portp->funcReturn(false); // Converting return to 'outputs' portp->unlinkFrBack(); rtnvarp = portp; rtnvarp->funcLocal(true); rtnvscp = new AstVarScope (rtnvarp->fileline(), m_scopep, rtnvarp); m_scopep->addVarp(rtnvscp); rtnvarp->user2p(rtnvscp); } else { nodep->v3fatalSrc("function without function output variable"); } } AstCFunc* cfuncp = new AstCFunc(nodep->fileline(), string(forUser?"":"__VnoInFunc_") + nodep->name(), m_scopep, ((forUser && rtnvarp)?rtnvarp->cType():"")); cfuncp->dontCombine(true); cfuncp->entryPoint(true); cfuncp->funcPublic(forUser); cfuncp->isStatic(!forUser); if (forUser) { // We need to get a pointer to all of our variables (may have eval'ed something else earlier) cfuncp->addInitsp( new AstCStmt(nodep->fileline(), " "+EmitCBaseVisitor::symClassVar()+" = this->__VlSymsp;\n")); } else { // Need symbol table cfuncp->argTypes(EmitCBaseVisitor::symClassVar()); } // Fake output variable if was a function if (rtnvarp) cfuncp->addArgsp(rtnvarp); cfuncp->addInitsp(new AstCStmt(nodep->fileline()," "+EmitCBaseVisitor::symTopAssign()+"\n")); // Create list of arguments and move to function for (AstNode* nextp, *stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp=nextp) { nextp = stmtp->nextp(); if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) { if (portp->isIO()) { // Move it to new function portp->unlinkFrBack(); portp->funcLocal(true); cfuncp->addArgsp(portp); } else { // "Normal" variable, mark inside function portp->funcLocal(true); } AstVarScope* newvscp = new AstVarScope (portp->fileline(), m_scopep, portp); m_scopep->addVarp(newvscp); portp->user2p(newvscp); } } // Move body AstNode* bodysp = nodep->stmtsp(); if (bodysp) { bodysp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); cfuncp->addStmtsp(bodysp); } // Return statement if (rtnvscp && forUser) { cfuncp->addFinalsp(new AstCReturn(rtnvscp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(rtnvscp->fileline(), rtnvscp, false))); } // Replace variable refs TaskRelinkVisitor visit (cfuncp); // Delete rest of cloned task and return new func pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL; if (debug()>=9 && forUser) { cfuncp->dumpTree(cout,"-userFunc: "); } if (debug()>=9 && !forUser) { cfuncp->dumpTree(cout,"-noInFunc: "); } return cfuncp; } void iterateIntoFTask(AstNodeFTask* nodep) { // Iterate into the FTask we are calling. Note it may be under a different // scope then the caller, so we need to restore state. AstScope* oldscopep = m_scopep; m_scopep = m_statep->getScope(nodep); nodep->accept(*this); m_scopep = oldscopep; } void insertBeforeStmt(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* newp) { if (debug()>=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-newstmt:"); } if (!m_insStmtp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Function not underneath a statement"); if (m_insMode == IM_BEFORE) { // Add the whole thing before insertAt UINFO(5," IM_Before "<unlinkFrBackWithNext(&handle); if (debug()>=9) { newp->dumpTree(cout,"-newfunc:"); } newp->addNext(m_insStmtp); handle.relink(newp); } else if (m_insMode == IM_AFTER) { UINFO(5," IM_After "<addNextHere(newp); } else if (m_insMode == IM_WHILE_PRECOND) { UINFO(5," IM_While_Precond "<castWhile(); if (!whilep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Insert should be under WHILE"); whilep->addPrecondsp(newp); } else { nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unknown InsertMode"); } m_insMode = IM_AFTER; m_insStmtp = newp; } // VISITORS virtual void visit(AstModule* nodep, AstNUser*) { m_modp = nodep; m_insStmtp = NULL; m_modNCalls = 0; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); m_modp = NULL; } virtual void visit(AstScope* nodep, AstNUser*) { m_scopep = nodep; m_insStmtp = NULL; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); m_scopep = NULL; } virtual void visit(AstTaskRef* nodep, AstNUser*) { iterateIntoFTask(nodep->taskp()); // First, do hierarchical funcs UINFO(4," Task REF "<=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-inltask:"); } // Create cloned statements string namePrefix = "__Vtask_"+nodep->taskp()->shortName()+"__"+cvtToStr(m_modNCalls++); AstNode* beginp; if (m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep->taskp())) { beginp = createNonInlinedFTask(nodep, namePrefix, NULL); } else { beginp = createInlinedFTask(nodep, namePrefix, NULL); } // Replace the ref nodep->replaceWith(beginp); nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL; } virtual void visit(AstFuncRef* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(4," Func REF "<=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-preref:"); } // First, do hierarchical funcs AstFunc* funcp = nodep->taskp()->castFunc(); if (!funcp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("unlinked"); // Inline func refs in the function iterateIntoFTask(funcp); // Create output variabls string namePrefix = "__Vfunc_"+funcp->shortName()+"__"+cvtToStr(m_modNCalls++); AstVarScope* outvscp = createVarScope (funcp->fvarp()->castVar(), namePrefix+"__out"); // Create cloned statements if (debug()>=9) { nodep->taskp()->dumpTree(cout,"-oldfunc:"); } if (!nodep->taskp()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unlinked?"); AstNode* beginp; if (m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep->taskp())) { // This may share VarScope's with a public task, if any. Yuk. beginp = createNonInlinedFTask(nodep, namePrefix, outvscp); } else { beginp = createInlinedFTask(nodep, namePrefix, outvscp); } // Replace the ref AstVarRef* outrefp = new AstVarRef (nodep->fileline(), outvscp, false); nodep->replaceWith(outrefp); // Insert new statements insertBeforeStmt(nodep, beginp); // Cleanup nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL; UINFO(4," Func REF Done.\n"); } virtual void visit(AstNodeFTask* nodep, AstNUser*) { UINFO(4," Inline "<stmtsp(); // Might be null if no statements, but we won't use it if (!nodep->user()) { // Expand functions in it nodep->user(true); if (nodep->taskPublic()) { // Clone it first, because we may have later FTaskRef's that still need // the original version. AstNodeFTask* clonedFuncp = nodep->cloneTree(false)->castNodeFTask(); AstCFunc* cfuncp = makeUserFunc(clonedFuncp, true); nodep->addNextHere(cfuncp); iterateIntoFTask(clonedFuncp); // Do the clone too } if (m_statep->ftaskNoInline(nodep)) { m_statep->checkPurity(nodep); AstNodeFTask* clonedFuncp = nodep->cloneTree(false)->castNodeFTask(); AstCFunc* cfuncp = makeUserFunc(clonedFuncp, false); nodep->user5p(cfuncp); nodep->addNextHere(cfuncp); iterateIntoFTask(clonedFuncp); // Do the clone too } // Any variables inside the function still have varscopes pointing to them. // We're going to delete the vars, so delete the varscopes. if (nodep->castFunc()) { if (AstVar* portp = nodep->castFunc()->fvarp()->castVar()) { AstVarScope* vscp = m_statep->findVarScope(m_scopep, portp); UINFO(9," funcremovevsc "<unlinkFrBack()); vscp=NULL; } } for (AstNode* nextp, *stmtp = nodep->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp=nextp) { nextp = stmtp->nextp(); if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) { AstVarScope* vscp = m_statep->findVarScope(m_scopep, portp); UINFO(9," funcremovevsc "<unlinkFrBack()); vscp=NULL; } } // Just push, as other references to func may remain until visitor exits nodep->unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL; } m_insMode = prevInsMode; m_insStmtp = prevInsStmtp; } virtual void visit(AstWhile* nodep, AstNUser*) { // Special, as statements need to be put in different places // Preconditions insert first just before themselves (the normal rule for other statement types) m_insStmtp = NULL; // First thing should be new statement nodep->precondsp()->iterateAndNext(*this); // Conditions insert first at end of precondsp. m_insMode = IM_WHILE_PRECOND; m_insStmtp = nodep; nodep->condp()->iterateAndNext(*this); // Body insert just before themselves m_insStmtp = NULL; // First thing should be new statement nodep->bodysp()->iterateAndNext(*this); // Done the loop m_insStmtp = NULL; // Next thing should be new statement } virtual void visit(AstNodeFor* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->v3fatalSrc("For statements should have been converted to while statements in V3Begin.cpp\n"); } virtual void visit(AstNodeStmt* nodep, AstNUser*) { m_insMode = IM_BEFORE; m_insStmtp = nodep; nodep->iterateChildren(*this); m_insStmtp = NULL; // Next thing should be new statement } //-------------------- // Default: Just iterate virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser*) { nodep->iterateChildren(*this); } public: // CONSTUCTORS TaskVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep, TaskStateVisitor* statep) : m_statep(statep) { m_modp = NULL; m_scopep = NULL; m_insStmtp = NULL; AstNode::userClearTree(); AstNode::user5ClearTree(); nodep->accept(*this); } virtual ~TaskVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### // Task class functions void V3Task::taskAll(AstNetlist* nodep) { UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<