// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); // surefire lint_off _NETNM // surefire lint_off STMINI input clk; integer _mode; initial _mode = 0; wire [2:0] b3; reg [2:0] g3; wire [5:0] b6; reg [5:0] g6; t_func_grey2bin #(3) g2b3 (.b(b3), .g(g3)); t_func_grey2bin #(6) g2b6 (.b(b6), .g(g6)); always @ (posedge clk) begin if (_mode==0) begin _mode <= 1; g3 <= 3'b101; g6 <= 6'b110101; end else if (_mode==1) begin if (b3 !== 3'b110) $stop; if (b6 !== 6'b100110) $stop; _mode <= 2; $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end endmodule // Module gray2bin // convert an arbitrary width gray coded number to binary. The conversion // of a 4 bit gray (represented as "g") to binary ("b") would go as follows: // b[3] = ^g[3] = g[3] // b[2] = ^g[3:2] // b[1] = ^g[3:1] // b[0] = ^g[3:[SZ-1:0] cur0] module t_func_grey2bin (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs b, // Inputs g ); // surefire lint_off STMFOR parameter SZ = 5; output [SZ-1:0] b; input [SZ-1:0] g; /*AUTOREG*/ // Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs) reg [SZ-1:0] b; // End of automatics integer i; always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/g) for (i=0; i> i); // surefire lint_off_line LATASS endmodule