Internals: Rename pexpr. No functional change intended.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2019-12-24 16:04:28 -05:00
parent f540dead79
commit ea5b01d9f3

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@ -4254,21 +4254,20 @@ elseStmtBlock<nodep>: // Part of concurrent_assertion_statement
property_spec<nodep>: // IEEE: property_spec
//UNSUP: This rule has been super-specialized to what is supported now
'@' '(' senitemEdge ')' yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' property_expr
'@' '(' senitemEdge ')' yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' pexpr
{ $$ = new AstPropClocked($1, $3, $8, $10); }
| '@' '(' senitemEdge ')' property_expr { $$ = new AstPropClocked($1, $3, NULL, $5); }
| yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' property_expr { $$ = new AstPropClocked($4->fileline(), NULL, $4, $6); }
| property_expr { $$ = new AstPropClocked($1->fileline(), NULL, NULL, $1); }
| '@' '(' senitemEdge ')' pexpr { $$ = new AstPropClocked($1, $3, NULL, $5); }
| yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' pexpr { $$ = new AstPropClocked($4->fileline(), NULL, $4, $6); }
| pexpr { $$ = new AstPropClocked($1->fileline(), NULL, NULL, $1); }
property_expr<nodep>: // IEEE: property_expr
pexpr<nodep>: // IEEE: property_expr (The name pexpr is important as regexps just add an "p" to expr.)
//UNSUP: This rule has been super-specialized to what is supported now
expr yP_ORMINUSGT property_expr { $$ = new AstLogOr($2,new AstLogNot($2,$1),$3); }
//UNSUP expr yP_OREQGT property_expr { $$ = new AstLogOr($2,new AstLogNot($2,new AstPast($2,$1, NULL)),$3); } // This handles disable iff in the past time step incorrectly
| expr { $$ = $1; }
expr yP_ORMINUSGT pexpr { $$ = new AstLogOr($2, new AstLogNot($2, $1), $3); }
//UNSUP expr yP_OREQGT pexpr { $$ = new AstLogOr($2, new AstLogNot($2, new AstPast($2, $1, NULL)), $3); } // This handles disable iff in the past time step incorrectly
| expr { $$ = $1; }
// Let