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synced 2025-01-24 15:24:04 +00:00
Commentary in parser to match Verilog-Perl
This commit is contained in:
@ -369,7 +369,6 @@ class AstSenTree;
// [* is not a operator, as "[ * ]" is legal
// [= and [-> could be repitition operators, but to match [* we don't add them.
// '( is not a operator, as "' (" is legal
// '{ could be an operator. More research needed.
// PSL op precedence
@ -421,11 +420,14 @@ class AstSenTree;
// Feedback to the Lexer
// Note we read a parenthesis ahead, so this may not change the lexer at the right point.
stateExitPsl: /* empty */ { V3Read::stateExitPsl(); }
stateExitPsl: // For PSL lexing, return from PSL state
/* empty */ { V3Read::stateExitPsl(); }
statePushVlg: /* empty */ { V3Read::statePushVlg(); }
statePushVlg: // For PSL lexing, escape current state into Verilog state
/* empty */ { V3Read::statePushVlg(); }
statePop: /* empty */ { V3Read::statePop(); }
statePop: // Return to previous lexing state
/* empty */ { V3Read::statePop(); }
@ -475,8 +477,8 @@ modHeader<modulep>: // IEEE: module_nonansi_header + module_ansi_header
{ $$ = new AstModule($1,*$2); $$->inLibrary(V3Read::inLibrary()||V3Read::inCellDefine());
yMODULE lifetimeE yaID
{ $$ = new AstModule($1,*$3); $$->inLibrary(V3Read::inLibrary()||V3Read::inCellDefine());
V3Read::rootp()->addModulep($$); }
@ -997,35 +999,35 @@ stmt<nodep>:
';' { $$ = NULL; }
| labeledStmt { $$ = $1; }
| yaID ':' labeledStmt { $$ = new AstBegin($2, *$1, $3); } /*S05 block creation rule*/
| delay_control stmtBlock { $$ = $2; $1->v3warn(STMTDLY,"Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n"); }
// // IEEE: operator_assignment
| varRefDotBit '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($2,$1,$4); }
| varRefDotBit '=' yD_FOPEN '(' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFOpen($3,$1,$5,$7); }
| '{' identifier_listLvalue '}' '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($4,$2,$6); }
// // IEEE: nonblocking_assignment
| varRefDotBit yP_LTE delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssignDly($2,$1,$4); }
| '{' identifier_listLvalue '}' yP_LTE delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssignDly($4,$2,$6); }
// // IEEE: procedural_continuous_assignment
| yASSIGN varRefDotBit '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($1,$2,$5); }
// // IEEE: case_statement
| unique_priorityE caseStart caseAttrE case_itemListE yENDCASE { $$ = $2; if ($4) $2->addItemsp($4);
if ($1 == uniq_UNIQUE) $2->parallelPragma(true);
if ($1 == uniq_PRIORITY) $2->fullPragma(true); }
// // IEEE: conditional_statement
| unique_priorityE yIF '(' expr ')' stmtBlock %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE
{ $$ = new AstIf($2,$4,$6,NULL); }
| unique_priorityE yIF '(' expr ')' stmtBlock yELSE stmtBlock
{ $$ = new AstIf($2,$4,$6,$8); }
// // IEEE: subroutine_call_statement (INCOMPLETE)
| taskRef ';' { $$ = $1; }
| yD_C '(' cStrList ')' ';' { $$ = (v3Global.opt.ignc() ? NULL : new AstUCStmt($1,$3)); }
| yD_FCLOSE '(' varRefDotBit ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFClose($1, $3); }
| yD_FFLUSH ';' { $1->v3error("Unsupported: $fflush of all handles does not map to C++.\n"); }
@ -1036,7 +1038,7 @@ stmt<nodep>:
| yD_STOP parenE ';' { $$ = new AstStop($1); }
| yD_STOP '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstStop($1); }
| yVL_COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF); }
| yD_DISPLAY parenE ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::DISPLAY,"", NULL,NULL); }
| yD_DISPLAY '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::DISPLAY,*$3,NULL,$4); }
| yD_WRITE '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::WRITE, *$3,NULL,$4); }
@ -1051,14 +1053,14 @@ stmt<nodep>:
| yD_FATAL parenE ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::FATAL, "", NULL,NULL); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); }
| yD_FATAL '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::FATAL, "", NULL,NULL); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); if ($3) $3->deleteTree(); }
| yD_FATAL '(' expr ',' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::FATAL, *$5,NULL,$6); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); if ($3) $3->deleteTree(); }
| yD_READMEMB '(' expr ',' varRefMem ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,false,$3,$5,NULL,NULL); }
| yD_READMEMB '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,false,$3,$5,$7,NULL); }
| yD_READMEMB '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,false,$3,$5,$7,$9); }
| yD_READMEMH '(' expr ',' varRefMem ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,true, $3,$5,NULL,NULL); }
| yD_READMEMH '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,true, $3,$5,$7,NULL); }
| yD_READMEMH '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,true, $3,$5,$7,$9); }
// // IEEE: loop_statement (INCOMPLETE)
| yWHILE '(' expr ')' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstWhile($1,$3,$5);}
| yFOR '(' varRefBase '=' expr ';' expr ';' varRefBase '=' expr ')' stmtBlock
@ -1208,7 +1210,7 @@ exprNoStr<nodep>:
| expr yP_POW expr { $$ = new AstPow ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yP_MINUSGT expr { $$ = new AstLogIf ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yP_LOGIFF expr { $$ = new AstLogIff ($2,$1,$3); }
| '-' expr %prec prUNARYARITH { $$ = new AstUnaryMin ($1,$2); }
| '+' expr %prec prUNARYARITH { $$ = $2; }
| '&' expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedAnd ($1,$2); }
@ -1219,15 +1221,15 @@ exprNoStr<nodep>:
| yP_NOR expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstNot($1,new AstRedOr ($1,$2)); }
| '!' expr %prec prNEGATION { $$ = new AstLogNot ($1,$2); }
| '~' expr %prec prNEGATION { $$ = new AstNot ($1,$2); }
| expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = new AstCond($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
| '_' '(' statePushVlg expr statePop ')' { $$ = $4; } // Arbitrary Verilog inside PSL
// // IEEE: concatenation/constant_concatenation
| '{' cateList '}' { $$ = $2; }
| '{' constExpr '{' cateList '}' '}' { $$ = new AstReplicate($1,$4,$2); }
| yD_BITS '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAttrOf($1,AstAttrType::BITS,$3); }
| yD_C '(' cStrList ')' { $$ = (v3Global.opt.ignc() ? NULL : new AstUCFunc($1,$3)); }
| yD_CLOG2 '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstCLog2($1,$3); }
@ -1247,13 +1249,13 @@ exprNoStr<nodep>:
| yD_STIME { $$ = new AstSel($1,new AstTime($1),0,32); }
| yD_TIME { $$ = new AstTime($1); }
| yD_UNSIGNED '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstUnsigned($1,$3); }
| funcRef { $$ = $1; }
| yaINTNUM { $$ = new AstConst(CRELINE(),*$1); }
| varRefDotBit { $$ = $1; }
| error ';' { $$ = NULL; }
@ -1475,8 +1477,10 @@ idDotted<nodep>:
// we'll assume so and cleanup later.
yaID { $$ = new AstText(CRELINE(),*$1); }
// // IEEE: id + part_select_range/constant_part_select_range
| idArrayed '[' expr ']' { $$ = new AstSelBit($2,$1,$3); } // Or AstArraySel, don't know yet.
| idArrayed '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelExtract($2,$1,$3,$5); }
// // IEEE: id + indexed_range/constant_indexed_range
| idArrayed '[' expr yP_PLUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelPlus($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| idArrayed '[' expr yP_MINUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelMinus($2,$1,$3,$5); }
Reference in New Issue
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