Add SystemVerilog end labels

git-svn-id: file://localhost/svn/verilator/trunk/verilator@947 77ca24e4-aefa-0310-84f0-b9a241c72d87
This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2007-07-18 17:58:53 +00:00
parent a681a6a6d5
commit 822956e769
2 changed files with 16 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ file: mod { }
// Module headers
mod: modHdr modParE modPortsE ';' modItemListE yENDMODULE
mod: modHdr modParE modPortsE ';' modItemListE yENDMODULE endLabelE
{ $1->modTrace(V3Parse::s_trace); // Stash for implicit wires, etc
if ($2) $1->addStmtp($2); if ($3) $1->addStmtp($3); if ($5) $1->addStmtp($5); }
@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ genTopBlock: genItemList { $$ = $1; }
genItemBegin: yBEGIN genItemList yEND { $$ = new AstBegin($1,"genblk",$2); }
| yBEGIN yEND { $$ = NULL; }
| yBEGIN ':' yaID genItemList yEND { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); }
| yBEGIN ':' yaID yEND { $$ = NULL; }
| yBEGIN ':' yaID genItemList yEND endLabelE { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); }
| yBEGIN ':' yaID yEND endLabelE { $$ = NULL; }
genItemList: genItem { $$ = $1; }
@ -755,8 +755,8 @@ senitemEdge: yPOSEDGE varRefDotBit { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::POSED
stmtBlock: stmt { $$ = $1; }
| yBEGIN stmtList yEND { $$ = $2; }
| yBEGIN yEND { $$ = NULL; }
| beginNamed stmtList yEND { $$ = $1; $1->addStmtp($2); }
| beginNamed yEND { $$ = $1; }
| beginNamed stmtList yEND endLabelE { $$ = $1; $1->addStmtp($2); }
| beginNamed yEND endLabelE { $$ = $1; }
beginNamed: yBEGIN ':' yaID varDeclList { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); }
@ -858,13 +858,14 @@ taskRef: idDotted { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),new AstParseRef($1->fileli
funcRef: idDotted '(' exprList ')' { $$ = new AstFuncRef($2,new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::FUNC, $1), $3); }
taskDecl: yTASK taskAutoE yaID funcGuts yENDTASK { $$ = new AstTask ($1,*$3,$4);}
taskDecl: yTASK taskAutoE yaID funcGuts yENDTASK endLabelE
{ $$ = new AstTask ($1,*$3,$4);}
funcDecl: yFUNCTION taskAutoE funcTypeE yaID funcGuts yENDFUNCTION { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$5,$3); }
| yFUNCTION taskAutoE ySIGNED funcTypeE yaID funcGuts yENDFUNCTION { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$5,$6,$4); $$->isSigned(true); }
| yFUNCTION taskAutoE funcTypeE yaID yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS funcGuts yENDFUNCTION { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$6,$3); $$->attrIsolateAssign(true);}
| yFUNCTION taskAutoE ySIGNED funcTypeE yaID yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS funcGuts yENDFUNCTION { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$5,$7,$4); $$->attrIsolateAssign(true); $$->isSigned(true); }
funcDecl: yFUNCTION taskAutoE funcTypeE yaID funcGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$5,$3); }
| yFUNCTION taskAutoE ySIGNED funcTypeE yaID funcGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$5,$6,$4); $$->isSigned(true); }
| yFUNCTION taskAutoE funcTypeE yaID yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS funcGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$6,$3); $$->attrIsolateAssign(true);}
| yFUNCTION taskAutoE ySIGNED funcTypeE yaID yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS funcGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$5,$7,$4); $$->attrIsolateAssign(true); $$->isSigned(true); }
taskAutoE: /* empty */ { }
@ -1162,6 +1163,10 @@ concIdList: varRefDotBit { $$ = $1; }
| concIdList ',' varRefDotBit { $$ = new AstConcat($2,$1,$3); }
endLabelE: /* empty */ { }
| ':' yaID { }
// Asserts

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module t;
reg [31:0] flocal;
flocal = 1;
global = global + flocal;
end : named // SystemVerilog end labels