
This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2024-11-24 20:16:54 -05:00
parent f58aee2ff2
commit 6f35fec5ce
2 changed files with 23 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -516,8 +516,7 @@ int V3ParseImp::tokenPipelineId(int token) {
&& m_tokenLastBison.token != '.') {
if (const size_t depth = tokenPipeScanIdCell(0)) return yaID__aCELL;
if (nexttok == '#') {
VL_RESTORER(yylval); // Remember value, as about to read ahead
if (nexttok == '#') { // e.g. class_type parameter_value_assignment '::'
const size_t depth = tokenPipeScanParam(0, false);
if (tokenPeekp(depth)->token == yP_COLONCOLON) return yaID__CC;

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@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ parameter_value_assignmentInst<pinp>: // IEEE: parameter_value_assignment
// // '#' delay_value { UNSUP }
parameter_value_assignmentClass<pinp>: // IEEE: [ parameter_value_assignment ] (for classes)
parameter_value_assignmentClass<pinp>: // IEEE: parameter_value_assignment (for classes)
// // Like parameter_value_assignment, but for classes only, which always have #()
'#' '(' cellparamListE ')' { $$ = $3; }
@ -1695,8 +1695,8 @@ interface_item<nodep>: // IEEE: interface_item + non_port_interface_ite
interface_or_generate_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: interface_or_generate_item
// // module_common_item in interface_item, as otherwise duplicated
// // with module_or_generate_item's module_common_item
// // module_common_item in interface_item, as otherwise duplicated
// // with module_or_generate_item's module_common_item
modport_declaration { $$ = $1; }
| extern_tf_declaration { $$ = $1; }
@ -3060,9 +3060,9 @@ assignOne<nodep>:
delay_or_event_controlE<nodep>: // IEEE: delay_or_event_control plus empty
/* empty */ { $$ = nullptr; }
| delay_control { $$ = $1; }
| event_control { $$ = $1; }
| yREPEAT '(' expr ')' event_control
| delay_control { $$ = $1; }
| event_control { $$ = $1; }
| yREPEAT '(' expr ')' event_control
{ $$ = $5; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: repeat event control"); }
@ -3936,11 +3936,11 @@ range_list<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: range_list/open_range_list + value_range/o
value_range<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE: value_range/open_value_range
expr { $$ = $1; }
| '[' expr ':' expr ']' { $$ = new AstInsideRange{$1, $2, $4}; }
// // IEEE-2023: added all four:
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' '$' ':' expr ']'
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' expr ':' '$' ']'
// // IEEE-2023: added all four:
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' '$' ':' expr ']'
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' expr ':' '$' ']'
| '[' expr yP_PLUSSLASHMINUS expr ']'
{ $$ = nullptr; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: +/- range"); }
| '[' expr yP_PLUSPCTMINUS expr ']'
@ -3951,11 +3951,11 @@ covergroup_value_range<nodeExprp>: // ==IEEE-2012: covergroup_value_range
cgexpr { $$ = $1; }
| '[' cgexpr ':' cgexpr ']'
{ $$ = nullptr; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: covergroup value range"); }
// // IEEE-2023: added all four:
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' '$' ':' cgexpr ']'
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' cgexpr ':' '$' ']'
// // IEEE-2023: added all four:
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' '$' ':' cgexpr ']'
// // Skipped as '$' is part of our expr
// // IEEE-2023: '[' cgexpr ':' '$' ']'
| '[' cgexpr yP_PLUSSLASHMINUS cgexpr ']'
{ $$ = nullptr; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: covergroup value range"); }
| '[' cgexpr yP_PLUSPCTMINUS cgexpr ']'
@ -5834,7 +5834,7 @@ variable_lvalue<nodeExprp>: // IEEE: variable_lvalue or net_lvalue
| streaming_concatenation { $$ = $1; }
variable_lvalueConcList<nodeExprp>: // IEEE: part of variable_lvalue: '{' variable_lvalue { ',' variable_lvalue } '}'
variable_lvalueConcList<nodeExprp>: // IEEE: part of variable_lvalue: '{' variable_lvalue { ',' variable_lvalue } '}'
variable_lvalue { $$ = $1; }
| variable_lvalueConcList ',' variable_lvalue { $$ = new AstConcat{$2, $1, $3}; }
@ -6228,7 +6228,7 @@ property_port_item<nodep>: // IEEE: property_port_item/sequence_port_item
property_port_itemFront property_port_itemAssignment { $$ = $2; }
property_port_itemFront: // IEEE: part of property_port_item/sequence_port_item
property_port_itemFront: // IEEE: part of property_port_item/sequence_port_item
property_port_itemDirE property_formal_typeNoDt { VARDTYPE($2); }
// // data_type_or_implicit
| property_port_itemDirE data_type
@ -6266,7 +6266,7 @@ property_declarationBody<nodep>: // IEEE: part of property_declaration
| property_spec ';' { $$ = $1; }
assertion_variable_declarationList<nodep>: // IEEE: part of assertion_variable_declaration
assertion_variable_declarationList<nodep>: // IEEE: part of assertion_variable_declaration
assertion_variable_declaration { $$ = $1; }
| assertion_variable_declarationList assertion_variable_declaration
{ $$ = addNextNull($1, $2); }
@ -6332,8 +6332,8 @@ property_spec<propSpecp>: // IEEE: property_spec
'@' '(' senitemEdge ')' yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' pexpr
{ $$ = new AstPropSpec{$1, $3, $8, $10}; }
| '@' '(' senitemEdge ')' pexpr { $$ = new AstPropSpec{$1, $3, nullptr, $5}; }
// // Disable applied after the event occurs,
// // so no existing AST can represent this
// // Disable applied after the event occurs,
// // so no existing AST can represent this
| yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' '@' '(' senitemEdge ')' pexpr
{ $$ = new AstPropSpec{$1, $8, nullptr, new AstLogOr{$1, $4, $10}};
BBUNSUP($<fl>1, "Unsupported: property '(disable iff (...) @ (...)'\n"
@ -7525,7 +7525,7 @@ dist_item<distItemp>: // ==IEEE: dist_item + dist_weight
{ $$ = new AstDistItem{$2, $1, $3}; }
| value_range yP_COLONDIV expr
{ $$ = new AstDistItem{$2, $1, $3}; $$->isWhole(true); }
// // IEEE 1800-2023 added:
// // IEEE 1800-2023 added:
{ BBUNSUP($<fl>2, "Unsupported: 'default :/' constraint");
$$ = nullptr; }