mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 23:04:14 +00:00
Support --bbox-unsup parsing of 'constraint', 'dist', 'solve'
This commit is contained in:
@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ void V3ParseImp::lexToken() {
|| token == yGLOBAL__LEX //
|| token == yLOCAL__LEX //
|| token == yNEW__LEX //
|| token == ySTATIC__LEX //
|| token == yVIRTUAL__LEX //
|| token == yWITH__LEX //
// Never put yID_* here; below symbol table resolution would break
@ -420,6 +421,12 @@ void V3ParseImp::lexToken() {
} else {
token = yNEW__ETC;
} else if (token == ySTATIC__LEX) {
if (nexttok == yCONSTRAINT) {
} else {
token = ySTATIC__ETC;
} else if (token == yVIRTUAL__LEX) {
if (nexttok == yCLASS) {
token = yVIRTUAL__CLASS;
@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"always" { FL; return yALWAYS; }
"and" { FL; return yAND; }
"assign" { FL; return yASSIGN; }
"before" { FL; return yBEFORE; }
"begin" { FL; return yBEGIN; }
"buf" { FL; return yBUF; }
"bufif0" { FL; return yBUFIF0; }
@ -478,14 +479,14 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"class" { FL; return yCLASS; }
"clocking" { FL; return yCLOCKING; }
"const" { FL; return yCONST__LEX; }
"constraint" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"constraint" { FL; return yCONSTRAINT; }
"context" { FL; return yCONTEXT; }
"continue" { FL; return yCONTINUE; }
"cover" { FL; return yCOVER; }
"covergroup" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"coverpoint" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"cross" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"dist" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"dist" { FL; return yDIST; }
"do" { FL; return yDO; }
"endclass" { FL; return yENDCLASS; }
"endclocking" { FL; return yENDCLOCKING; }
@ -538,8 +539,8 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"sequence" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"shortint" { FL; return ySHORTINT; }
"shortreal" { FL; return ySHORTREAL; }
"solve" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2005"); }
"static" { FL; return ySTATIC__ETC; }
"solve" { FL; return ySOLVE; }
"static" { FL; return ySTATIC__LEX; }
"string" { FL; return ySTRING; }
"struct" { FL; return ySTRUCT; }
"super" { FL; return ySUPER; }
@ -594,7 +595,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"implements" { FL; return yIMPLEMENTS; }
"interconnect" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2012"); }
"nettype" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2012"); }
"soft" { ERROR_RSVD_WORD("SystemVerilog 2012"); }
"soft" { FL; return ySOFT; }
/* System Verilog 2017 */
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ class AstSenTree;
%token<fl> yASSIGN "assign"
%token<fl> yASSUME "assume"
%token<fl> yAUTOMATIC "automatic"
//UNSUP %token<fl> yBEFORE "before"
%token<fl> yBEFORE "before"
%token<fl> yBEGIN "begin"
%token<fl> yBIND "bind"
//UNSUP %token<fl> yBINS "bins"
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class AstSenTree;
//UNSUP %token<fl> yCLOCK "clock"
%token<fl> yCLOCKING "clocking"
%token<fl> yCMOS "cmos"
//UNSUP %token<fl> yCONSTRAINT "constraint"
%token<fl> yCONSTRAINT "constraint"
%token<fl> yCONST__ETC "const"
%token<fl> yCONST__LEX "const-in-lex"
//UNSUP %token<fl> yCONST__LOCAL "const-then-local"
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ class AstSenTree;
%token<fl> yDEFAULT "default"
%token<fl> yDEFPARAM "defparam"
%token<fl> yDISABLE "disable"
//UNSUP %token<fl> yDIST "dist"
%token<fl> yDIST "dist"
%token<fl> yDO "do"
%token<fl> yEDGE "edge"
%token<fl> yELSE "else"
@ -584,13 +584,13 @@ class AstSenTree;
%token<fl> ySHORTINT "shortint"
%token<fl> ySHORTREAL "shortreal"
%token<fl> ySIGNED "signed"
//UNSUP %token<fl> ySOFT "soft"
//UNSUP %token<fl> ySOLVE "solve"
%token<fl> ySOFT "soft"
%token<fl> ySOLVE "solve"
%token<fl> ySPECIFY "specify"
%token<fl> ySPECPARAM "specparam"
//UNSUP %token<fl> ySTATIC__CONSTRAINT "static-then-constraint"
%token<fl> ySTATIC__CONSTRAINT "static-then-constraint"
%token<fl> ySTATIC__ETC "static"
//UNSUP %token<fl> ySTATIC__LEX "static-in-lex"
%token<fl> ySTATIC__LEX "static-in-lex"
%token<fl> ySTRING "string"
//UNSUP %token<fl> ySTRONG "strong"
%token<fl> ySTRUCT "struct"
@ -910,8 +910,7 @@ class AstSenTree;
%left '^' yP_XNOR
%left '&' yP_NAND
%left '>' '<' yP_GTE yP_LTE yP_LTE__IGNORE yINSIDE
//UNSUP yDIST in above
%left '>' '<' yP_GTE yP_LTE yP_LTE__IGNORE yINSIDE yDIST
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' '%'
@ -3403,9 +3402,8 @@ function_subroutine_callNoMethod<nodep>: // IEEE: function_subroutine_call (as f
// // IEEE: randomize_call
// // We implement randomize as a normal funcRef, since randomize isn't a keyword
// // Note yNULL is already part of expressions, so they come for free
//UNSUP funcRef yWITH__CUR constraint_block { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: randomize() 'with'"); }
//UNSUP remove the next line, temporary until have constraint_block (but enough for UVM parsing)
| funcRef yWITH__CUR '{' '}' { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: randomize() 'with'"); }
| funcRef yWITH__CUR constraint_block { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: randomize() 'with'"); }
| funcRef yWITH__CUR '{' '}' { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: randomize() 'with'"); }
system_t_call<nodep>: // IEEE: system_tf_call (as task)
@ -4094,7 +4092,7 @@ expr<nodep>: // IEEE: part of expression/constant_expression/primary
// // IEEE: expression_or_dist - here to avoid reduce problems
// // "expr yDIST '{' dist_list '}'"
//UNSUP ~l~expr yDIST '{' dist_list '}' { UNSUP }
| ~l~expr yDIST '{' dist_list '}' { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: dist"); }
fexpr<nodep>: // For use as first part of statement (disambiguates <=)
@ -5880,7 +5878,7 @@ class_itemList<nodep>:
class_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: class_item
class_property { $$ = $1; }
| class_method { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP class_constraint { $$ = $1; }
| class_constraint { $$ = $1; }
| class_declaration { $$ = NULL; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: class within class"); }
| timeunits_declaration { $$ = $1; }
@ -5943,86 +5941,86 @@ memberQualOne<nodep>: // IEEE: property_qualifier + method_qualifier
// Constraints
//UNSUPclass_constraint<nodep>: // ==IEEE: class_constraint
//UNSUP // // IEEE: constraint_declaration
//UNSUP constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny constraint_block { }
//UNSUP // // IEEE: constraint_prototype + constraint_prototype_qualifier
//UNSUP | constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny ';' { }
//UNSUP | yEXTERN constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny ';' { }
//UNSUP | yPURE constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny ';' { }
class_constraint<nodep>: // ==IEEE: class_constraint
// // IEEE: constraint_declaration
constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny constraint_block { $$ = NULL; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: constraint"); /*and audit all rules below for UNSUP*/ }
// // IEEE: constraint_prototype + constraint_prototype_qualifier
| constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny ';' { $$ = NULL; }
| yEXTERN constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny ';' { $$ = NULL; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: extern constraint"); }
| yPURE constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT idAny ';' { $$ = NULL; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: pure constraint"); }
//UNSUPconstraint_block<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_block
//UNSUP '{' constraint_block_itemList '}' { $$ = $1; }
constraint_block<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_block
'{' constraint_block_itemList '}' { $$ = $2; }
//UNSUPconstraint_block_itemList<nodep>: // IEEE: { constraint_block_item }
//UNSUP constraint_block_item { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | constraint_block_itemList constraint_block_item { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $2); }
constraint_block_itemList<nodep>: // IEEE: { constraint_block_item }
constraint_block_item { $$ = $1; }
| constraint_block_itemList constraint_block_item { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $2); }
//UNSUPconstraint_block_item: // ==IEEE: constraint_block_item
//UNSUP ySOLVE solve_before_list yBEFORE solve_before_list ';' { }
//UNSUP | constraint_expression { $$ = $1; }
constraint_block_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_block_item
constraint_expression { $$ = $1; }
| ySOLVE solve_before_list yBEFORE solve_before_list ';' { $$ = NULL; BBUNSUP($2, "Unsupported: solve before"); }
//UNSUPsolve_before_list: // ==IEEE: solve_before_list
//UNSUP constraint_primary { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | solve_before_list ',' constraint_primary { }
solve_before_list<nodep>: // ==IEEE: solve_before_list
constraint_primary { $$ = $1; }
| solve_before_list ',' constraint_primary { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $3); }
//UNSUPconstraint_primary: // ==IEEE: constraint_primary
//UNSUP // // exprScope more general than: [ implicit_class_handle '.' | class_scope ] hierarchical_identifier select
//UNSUP exprScope { $$ = $1; }
constraint_primary<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_primary
// // exprScope more general than: [ implicit_class_handle '.' | class_scope ] hierarchical_identifier select
exprScope { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUPconstraint_expressionList<nodep>: // ==IEEE: { constraint_expression }
//UNSUP constraint_expression { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | constraint_expressionList constraint_expression { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $2); }
constraint_expressionList<nodep>: // ==IEEE: { constraint_expression }
constraint_expression { $$ = $1; }
| constraint_expressionList constraint_expression { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $2); }
//UNSUPconstraint_expression<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_expression
//UNSUP expr/*expression_or_dist*/ ';' { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP // // 1800-2012:
//UNSUP | ySOFT expr/*expression_or_dist*/ ';' { }
//UNSUP // // 1800-2012:
//UNSUP // // IEEE: uniqueness_constraint ';'
//UNSUP | yUNIQUE '{' open_range_list '}' { }
//UNSUP // // IEEE: expr yP_MINUSGT constraint_set
//UNSUP // // Conflicts with expr:"expr yP_MINUSGT expr"; rule moved there
//UNSUP //
//UNSUP | yIF '(' expr ')' constraint_set %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE { }
//UNSUP | yIF '(' expr ')' constraint_set yELSE constraint_set { }
//UNSUP // // IEEE says array_identifier here, but dotted accepted in VMM + 1800-2009
//UNSUP | yFOREACH '(' idClassForeach/*array_id[loop_variables]*/ ')' constraint_set { }
//UNSUP // // soft is 1800-2012
//UNSUP | yDISABLE ySOFT expr/*constraint_primary*/ ';' { }
constraint_expression<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_expression
expr/*expression_or_dist*/ ';' { $$ = $1; }
// // 1800-2012:
| ySOFT expr/*expression_or_dist*/ ';' { $$ = NULL; /*UNSUP*/ }
// // 1800-2012:
// // IEEE: uniqueness_constraint ';'
| yUNIQUE '{' open_range_list '}' { $$ = NULL; /*UNSUP*/ }
// // IEEE: expr yP_MINUSGT constraint_set
// // Conflicts with expr:"expr yP_MINUSGT expr"; rule moved there
| yIF '(' expr ')' constraint_set %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = NULL; /*UNSUP*/ }
| yIF '(' expr ')' constraint_set yELSE constraint_set { $$ = NULL; /*UNSUP*/ }
// // IEEE says array_identifier here, but dotted accepted in VMM + 1800-2009
| yFOREACH '(' idClassForeach '[' loop_variables ']' ')' constraint_set { $$ = NULL; /*UNSUP*/ }
// // soft is 1800-2012
| yDISABLE ySOFT expr/*constraint_primary*/ ';' { $$ = NULL; /*UNSUP*/ }
//UNSUPconstraint_set<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_set
//UNSUP constraint_expression { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | '{' constraint_expressionList '}' { $$ = $2; }
constraint_set<nodep>: // ==IEEE: constraint_set
constraint_expression { $$ = $1; }
| '{' constraint_expressionList '}' { $$ = $2; }
//UNSUPdist_list<nodep>: // ==IEEE: dist_list
//UNSUP dist_item { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | dist_list ',' dist_item { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $3); }
dist_list<nodep>: // ==IEEE: dist_list
dist_item { $$ = $1; }
| dist_list ',' dist_item { $$ = AstNode::addNextNull($1, $3); }
//UNSUPdist_item: // ==IEEE: dist_item + dist_weight
//UNSUP value_range { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP | value_range yP_COLONEQ expr { }
//UNSUP | value_range yP_COLONDIV expr { }
dist_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: dist_item + dist_weight
value_range { $$ = $1; }
| value_range yP_COLONEQ expr { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: dist :="); }
| value_range yP_COLONDIV expr { $$ = $1; BBUNSUP($1, "Unsupported: dist :/"); }
//UNSUPextern_constraint_declaration: // ==IEEE: extern_constraint_declaration
//UNSUP constraintStaticE yCONSTRAINT class_scope_id constraint_block { }
//UNSUPconstraintStaticE<bool>: // IEEE: part of extern_constraint_declaration
//UNSUP /* empty */ { $$ = false; }
//UNSUP | ySTATIC__CONSTRAINT { $$ = true; }
constraintStaticE<cbool>: // IEEE: part of extern_constraint_declaration
/* empty */ { $$ = false; }
| ySTATIC__CONSTRAINT { $$ = true; }
// Constants
@ -1,4 +1,40 @@
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:25:25: Unsupported: randomize() 'with'
25 | v = p.randomize() with {};
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:11:4: Unsupported: extern constraint
11 | extern constraint ex;
| ^~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:13:4: Unsupported: constraint
13 | constraint a { header > 0 && header < 1000; }
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:14:4: Unsupported: constraint
14 | constraint b {
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:19:4: Unsupported: constraint
19 | constraint b {
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:23:4: Unsupported: constraint
23 | constraint c {
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:29:29: Unsupported: solve before
29 | constraint order { solve length before header; }
| ^~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:29:4: Unsupported: constraint
29 | constraint order { solve length before header; }
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:32:16: Unsupported: dist :/
32 | x dist { [100:102] :/ 1, 200 := 2, 300 := 5};
| ^
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:32:32: Unsupported: dist :=
32 | x dist { [100:102] :/ 1, 200 := 2, 300 := 5};
| ^~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:32:42: Unsupported: dist :=
32 | x dist { [100:102] :/ 1, 200 := 2, 300 := 5};
| ^~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:32:9: Unsupported: dist
32 | x dist { [100:102] :/ 1, 200 := 2, 300 := 5};
| ^~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:30:4: Unsupported: constraint
30 | constraint dis {
| ^~~~~~~~~~
%Error: t/t_randomize.v:50:25: Unsupported: randomize() 'with'
50 | v = p.randomize() with {};
| ^~~~
%Error: Exiting due to
@ -7,6 +7,31 @@
class Packet;
rand int header;
rand int length;
extern constraint ex;
constraint a { header > 0 && header < 1000; }
constraint b {
if (64 > header) {
header < (64'h1 << length);
constraint b {
header >= length - 10;
header <= length;
constraint c {
foreach (in_use[i]) {
!(start_offset <= in_use[i].Xend_offsetX &&
start_offset + len - 1 >= in_use[i].Xstart_offsetX);
constraint order { solve length before header; }
constraint dis {
disable soft x;
x dist { [100:102] :/ 1, 200 := 2, 300 := 5};
module t (/*AUTOARG*/);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/bootstrap.pl", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2019 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
scenarios(vlt => 1);
verilator_flags => ["--bbox-unsup"],
fails => 1,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user