2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
// $Id$ -*- C++ -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Bison grammer file
// Code available from: http://www.veripool.com/verilator
// Copyright 2003-2006 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// General Public License or the Perl Artistic License.
// Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Original code here by Paul Wasson and Duane Galbi
//General Hints
// 1) {A,B} <= HI; -> expands to two DISTINCT assignment nodes in AST tree
// 2) inv a(in1,out1), b(in2,out2); -> expanded into two AST instance_nodes
/* $Id$ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <string.h>
#include "V3Read.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#define YYMAXDEPTH 500
// Pick up new lexer
#define yylex V3Read::yylex
#define PSLUNSUP(what) NULL; yyerror("Unsupported: PSL language feature not implemented");
extern void yyerror(char* errmsg);
extern void yyerrorf(const char* format, ...);
// Statics (for here only)
class V3Parse {
static bool s_impliedDecl; // Allow implied wire declarations
static AstVarType s_varDecl; // Type for next signal declaration (reg/wire/etc)
static AstVarType s_varIO; // Type for next signal declaration (input/output/etc)
static bool s_varSigned; // Signed state for next signal declaration
static AstVar* s_varAttrp; // Current variable for attribute adding
static AstCase* s_caseAttrp; // Current case statement for attribute adding
static AstRange* s_varRangep; // Pointer to range for next signal declaration
static int s_pinNum; // Pin number currently parsing
static string s_instModule; // Name of module referenced for instantiations
static AstPin* s_instParamp; // Parameters for instantiations
static bool s_trace; // Tracing is turned on
static AstVar* createVariable(FileLine* fileline, string name, AstRange* arrayp);
static AstNode* createSupplyExpr(FileLine* fileline, string name, int value);
static AstText* createTextQuoted(FileLine* fileline, string text);
static string deQuote(FileLine* fileline, string text);
bool V3Parse::s_impliedDecl = false;
bool V3Parse::s_trace = false; // Set on first module creation
AstVarType V3Parse::s_varDecl = AstVarType::UNKNOWN;
AstVarType V3Parse::s_varIO = AstVarType::UNKNOWN;
bool V3Parse::s_varSigned = false;
AstRange* V3Parse::s_varRangep = NULL;
int V3Parse::s_pinNum = -1;
string V3Parse::s_instModule;
AstPin* V3Parse::s_instParamp = NULL;
AstVar* V3Parse::s_varAttrp = NULL;
AstCase* V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = NULL;
#define CRELINE() (V3Read::copyOrSameFileLine())
#define VARDECL(type) { V3Parse::s_varDecl = AstVarType::type; }
#define VARIO(type) { V3Parse::s_varIO = AstVarType::type; }
#define VARSIGNED(value) { V3Parse::s_varSigned = value; }
#define VARRANGE(range) { V3Parse::s_varRangep=(range); }
#define INSTPREP(modname,paramsp) { V3Parse::s_impliedDecl = true; V3Parse::s_instModule = modname; V3Parse::s_instParamp = paramsp; }
class AstSenTree;
# define NEW_SENTREE_BRANCH(a,b) (new AstSenTree((a),(b)))
%union {
FileLine* fileline;
V3Number* nump;
string* strp;
int cint;
double cdouble;
AstNode* nodep;
AstAssignW* assignwp;
AstBegin* beginp;
AstCase* casep;
AstCaseItem* caseitemp;
AstConst* constp;
AstModule* modulep;
AstPin* pinp;
AstRange* rangep;
AstSenItem* senitemp;
AstSenTree* sentreep;
AstTaskRef* taskrefp;
AstVar* varp;
AstVarRef* varrefp;
AstNodeVarRef* varnodep;
%token<nump> yINTNUM
%token<cdouble> yFLOATNUM
%token<strp> yID ySTRING
2006-08-30 17:27:53 +00:00
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
%token<fileline> yBUF yNOT yAND yNAND yNOR yXOR yXNOR
%token<fileline> ySCALARED yVECTORED
%token<fileline> yASSERT "assert"
%token<fileline> yCLOCK "clock"
%token<fileline> yCOVER "cover"
%token<fileline> yFINAL "final"
%token<fileline> yPSL "psl"
%token<fileline> yREPORT "report"
%token<fileline> yTRUE "true"
%token<fileline> yD_BITS "$bits"
%token<fileline> yD_C "$c"
%token<fileline> yD_COUNTONES "$countones"
%token<fileline> yD_DISPLAY "$display"
%token<fileline> yD_FCLOSE "$fclose"
%token<fileline> yD_FDISPLAY "$fdisplay"
%token<fileline> yD_FINISH "$finish"
%token<fileline> yD_FOPEN "$fopen"
%token<fileline> yD_FWRITE "$fwrite"
%token<fileline> yD_ISUNKNOWN "$isunknown"
%token<fileline> yD_ONEHOT "$onehot"
%token<fileline> yD_ONEHOT0 "$onehot0"
%token<fileline> yD_SIGNED "$signed"
%token<fileline> yD_STOP "$stop"
%token<fileline> yD_TIME "$time"
%token<fileline> yD_UNSIGNED "$unsigned"
%token<fileline> yD_WRITE "$write"
%token<fileline> yVL_CLOCK "/*verilator sc_clock*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE "/*verilator clock_enable*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_COVER_OFF "/*verilator coverage_block_off*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_FULL_CASE "/*verilator full_case*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_INLINE_MODULE "/*verilator inline_module*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_NO_INLINE_MODULE "/*verilator no_inline_module*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_ONE_COLD "/*verilator one_cold*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_ONE_HOT "/*verilator one_hot*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_PARALLEL_CASE "/*verilator parallel_case*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_PUBLIC "/*verilator public*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_PUBLIC_MODULE "/*verilator public_module*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_TRACING_OFF "/*verilator tracing_off*/"
%token<fileline> yVL_TRACING_ON "/*verilator tracing_on*/"
%token<fileline> yPLUSCOLON "+:"
%token<fileline> yMINUSCOLON "-:"
%token<fileline> yPSL_BRA "{"
%token<fileline> yPSL_KET "}"
%token<fileline> ';' '=' ',' '(' '.' '!' '~' '[' '@'
// PSL op precedence
%right<fileline> yOP_LOGIF yOP_LOGIFF
%right<fileline> yOR_MINUS_GT yOR_EQ_GT
%left<fileline> prPSLCLK
// Verilog op precedence
%left<fileline> ':'
%left<fileline> '?'
%left<fileline> yOROR
%left<fileline> yANDAND
%left<fileline> '|' yOP_NOR
%left<fileline> '^'
%left<fileline> yOP_XNOR
%left<fileline> '&' yOP_NAND
%left<fileline> '>' '<' yGTE yLTE
%left<fileline> ySLEFT ySRIGHT ySSRIGHT
%left<fileline> '+' '-'
%left<fileline> '*' '/' '%'
%left<fileline> yPOW
%left<fileline> '{' '}'
%left<fileline> yUNARYARITH
%left<fileline> yREDUCTION
%left<fileline> yNEGATION
%nonassoc yLOWER_THAN_ELSE
%nonassoc yELSE
// Types are in same order as declarations.
// Naming:
// Trailing E indicates this type may have empty match
%type<modulep> mheader
%type<nodep> modportsE portList port
%type<nodep> v2kPortList v2kPortSig
%type<nodep> v2kPort ioDecl varDecl
%type<nodep> modParDecl modParList modParE
%type<nodep> modItem modItemList modItemListOrNone modOrGenItem
2006-09-11 20:42:47 +00:00
%type<nodep> genItem genItemList genItemBegin genItemBlock genTopBlock genCaseList
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
%type<nodep> dterm
%type<varp> onesig sigId sigIdRange paramId sigList regsig regsigList regSigId
%type<varp> netSig netSigList
%type<rangep> rangeListE regrangeE anyrange rangeList delayrange portrangeE
%type<varp> param paramList
%type<nodep> instnameList instname
%type<pinp> cellpinList cellpinlist2 cellpinitemE instparamListE
%type<nodep> defpList defpOne
%type<nodep> ignoreRangeE
%type<sentreep> sensitivityE
%type<senitemp> senList senitem senitemEdge
%type<nodep> stmtBlock stmtList stmt stateCaseForIf
%type<beginp> beginNamed
%type<casep> caseStmt
%type<caseitemp> caseList
%type<nodep> casecondList assignList assignOne
%type<nodep> constExpr exprNoStr expr exprPsl exprStrText
%type<nodep> eList cateList cStrList
%type<strp> pathDotted
%type<varrefp> idVarRef
%type<varnodep> idVarXRef
%type<varrefp> lhIdVarRef
%type<varnodep> lhIdVarXRef
%type<taskrefp> taskRef
%type<nodep> idRanged lhIdRanged
%type<nodep> idArrayed lhIdArrayed
%type<nodep> strAsInt strAsText lhConcIdList
%type<nodep> taskDecl
%type<nodep> varDeclList funcDecl funcVarList funcVar
%type<rangep> funcRange
%type<nodep> gateDecl
%type<nodep> gateBufList gateNotList gateAndList gateNandList
%type<nodep> gateOrList gateNorList gateXorList gateXnorList
%type<assignwp> gateBuf gateNot gateAnd gateNand gateOr gateNor gateXor gateXnor
%type<nodep> gateAndPinList gateOrPinList gateXorPinList
%type<nodep> pslStmt pslDir pslDirOne pslProp
%type<nodep> pslDecl
%type<nodep> pslSequence pslSere pslExpr
%start file
// Feedback to the Lexer
stateExitPsl: { V3Read::stateExitPsl(); }
statePushVlg: { V3Read::statePushVlg(); }
statePop: { V3Read::statePop(); }
// Modules
file: prog
| file prog
prog: mheader modParE modportsE ';' modItemListOrNone yENDMODULE
{ $1->modTrace(V3Parse::s_trace); // Stash for implicit wires, etc
if ($2) $1->addStmtp($2); if ($3) $1->addStmtp($3); if ($5) $1->addStmtp($5); }
mheader: yMODULE { V3Parse::s_trace=v3Global.opt.trace();}
yID { $$ = new AstModule($1,*$3); $$->inLibrary(V3Read::inLibrary());
V3Read::rootp()->addModulep($$); }
modParE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
| '#' '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; }
| '#' '(' modParList ')' { $$ = $3; }
| '#' '(' modParList ';' ')' { $$ = $3; }
modParList: modParDecl { $$ = $1; }
| modParList ';' modParDecl { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
modportsE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
| '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; }
| '(' {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1;} portList ')' { $$ = $3; }
| '(' {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1;} v2kPortList ')' { $$ = $3; }
portList: port { $$ = $1; }
| portList ',' port { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
port: yID portrangeE { $$ = new AstPort(CRELINE(),V3Parse::s_pinNum++,*$1); }
v2kPortList: v2kPort { $$ = $1; }
| v2kPortList ',' v2kPort { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
v2kPortSig: onesig { $$=$1; $$->addNext(new AstPort(CRELINE(),V3Parse::s_pinNum++, V3Parse::s_varAttrp->name())); }
// Variables
varRESET: /* empty */ { VARRESET(); }
varReg: yREG { VARDECL(REG); }
varInput: yINPUT { VARIO(INPUT); }
varOutput: yOUTPUT { VARIO(OUTPUT); }
varInout: yINOUT { VARIO(INOUT); }
varSignedE: /*empty*/ { }
| ySIGNED { VARSIGNED(true); }
v2kNetDeclE: /*empty*/ { }
| varNet { }
v2kVarDecl: v2kNetDeclE { }
| varReg { }
v2kPort: varRESET varInput varSignedE v2kNetDeclE regrangeE v2kPortSig { $$ = $6; }
| varRESET varInout varSignedE v2kNetDeclE regrangeE v2kPortSig { $$ = $6; }
| varRESET varOutput varSignedE v2kVarDecl regrangeE v2kPortSig { $$ = $6; }
ioDecl: varRESET varInput varSignedE v2kNetDeclE regrangeE sigList ';' { $$ = $6; }
| varRESET varInout varSignedE v2kNetDeclE regrangeE sigList ';' { $$ = $6; }
| varRESET varOutput varSignedE v2kVarDecl regrangeE sigList ';' { $$ = $6; }
varDecl: varRESET varReg varSignedE regrangeE regsigList ';' { $$ = $5; }
| varRESET varGParam varSignedE regrangeE paramList ';' { $$ = $5; }
| varRESET varLParam varSignedE regrangeE paramList ';' { $$ = $5; }
| varRESET varNet varSignedE delayrange netSigList ';' { $$ = $5; }
| varRESET varGenVar varSignedE regsigList ';' { $$ = $4; }
modParDecl: varRESET varGParam varSignedE regrangeE paramList { $$ = $5; } /* No semicolon*/
// modItemList
modItemListOrNone: { $$ = NULL; }
| modItemList { $$ = $1; }
modItemList: modItem { $$ = $1; }
| modItemList modItem { $$ = $1->addNextNull($2); }
modItem: modOrGenItem { $$ = $1; }
2006-09-11 20:42:47 +00:00
| yGENERATE genTopBlock yENDGENERATE { $$ = new AstGenerate($1, $2); }
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
| ySCHDR { $$ = new AstScHdr(CRELINE(),*$1); }
| ySCINT { $$ = new AstScInt(CRELINE(),*$1); }
| ySCIMP { $$ = new AstScImp(CRELINE(),*$1); }
| ySCIMPH { $$ = new AstScImpHdr(CRELINE(),*$1); }
| ySCCTOR { $$ = new AstScCtor(CRELINE(),*$1); }
2006-08-30 17:27:53 +00:00
| ySCDTOR { $$ = new AstScDtor(CRELINE(),*$1); }
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
| yVL_INLINE_MODULE { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::INLINE_MODULE); }
| yVL_NO_INLINE_MODULE { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::NO_INLINE_MODULE); }
| yVL_PUBLIC_MODULE { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::PUBLIC_MODULE); }
| yVL_TRACING_OFF { $$ = NULL; V3Parse::s_trace=false; }
| yVL_TRACING_ON { $$ = NULL; V3Parse::s_trace=v3Global.opt.trace(); }
| ySPECIFY specifyJunkList yENDSPECIFY { $$ = NULL; }
modOrGenItem: yALWAYS sensitivityE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstAlways($1,$2,$3); }
| yFINAL stmtBlock { $$ = new AstFinal($1,$2); }
| yINITIAL stmtBlock { $$ = new AstInitial($1,$2); }
| yASSIGN delayE assignList ';' { $$ = $3; }
| yDEFPARAM defpList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yID instparamListE {INSTPREP(*$1,$2);} instnameList ';' { $$ = $4; V3Parse::s_impliedDecl=false;}
| taskDecl { $$ = $1; }
| funcDecl { $$ = $1; }
| gateDecl { $$ = $1; }
| ioDecl { $$ = $1; }
| varDecl { $$ = $1; }
| pslStmt { $$ = $1; }
// genmodItemList
// Because genItemList includes variable declarations, we don't need beginNamed
genItemBlock: genItem { $$ = new AstBegin(CRELINE(),"genblk",$1); }
| genItemBegin { $$ = $1; }
2006-09-11 20:42:47 +00:00
genTopBlock: genItemList { $$ = new AstBegin(CRELINE(),"genblk",$1); }
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
| genItemBegin { $$ = $1; }
genItemBegin: yBBEGIN genItemList yBEND { $$ = new AstBegin($1,"genblk",$2); }
| yBBEGIN yBEND { $$ = NULL; }
| yBBEGIN ':' yID genItemList yBEND { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); }
| yBBEGIN ':' yID yBEND { $$ = NULL; }
genItemList: genItem { $$ = $1; }
| genItemList genItem { $$ = $1->addNextNull($2); }
genItem: modOrGenItem { $$ = $1; }
| yCASE '(' expr ')' genCaseList yENDCASE { $$ = new AstGenCase($1,$3,$5); }
| yIF expr genItemBlock %prec yLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = new AstGenIf($1,$2,$3,NULL); }
| yIF expr genItemBlock yELSE genItemBlock { $$ = new AstGenIf($1,$2,$3,$5); }
| yFOR '(' lhIdVarRef '=' expr ';' expr ';' lhIdVarRef '=' expr ')' genItemBlock
{ $$ = new AstGenFor($1, new AstAssign($4,$3,$5)
,$7, new AstAssign($10,$9,$11)
genCaseList: casecondList ':' genItemBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,$1,$3); }
| yDEFAULT ':' genItemBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3); }
| yDEFAULT genItemBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($1,NULL,$2); }
| genCaseList casecondList ':' genItemBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($3,$2,$4)); }
| genCaseList yDEFAULT genItemBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3)); }
| genCaseList yDEFAULT ':' genItemBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($3,NULL,$4)); }
// modItems
varDeclList: varDecl { $$ = $1; }
| varDecl varDeclList { $$ = $1->addNext($2); }
assignList: assignOne { $$ = $1; }
| assignList ',' assignOne { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
assignOne: lhIdRanged '=' expr { $$ = new AstAssignW($2,$1,$3); }
| '{' lhConcIdList '}' '=' expr { $$ = new AstAssignW($1,$2,$5); }
delayE: /* empty */
| '#' dterm {} /* ignored */
| '#' '(' dterm ')' {} /* ignored */
| '#' '(' dterm ',' dterm ')' {} /* ignored */
| '#' '(' dterm ',' dterm ',' dterm ')' {} /* ignored */
dterm: yID { $$ = NULL; }
| yINTNUM { $$ = NULL; }
| yFLOATNUM { $$ = NULL; }
onesig: sigId { $$=$1; }
| sigId sigAttrList { $$=$1; }
sigId: yID { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, NULL); }
sigIdRange: yID rangeList { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, $2); }
regSigId: yID rangeListE { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, $2); }
| yID rangeListE '=' constExpr { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, $2);
$$->addNext(new AstInitial($3,new AstAssign($3, new AstVarRef($3, $$, true), $4))); }
paramId: yID { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, NULL); }
sigAttrListE: /*empty*/ {}
| sigAttrList {}
sigAttrList: sigAttr {}
| sigAttrList sigAttr {}
sigAttr: yVL_CLOCK { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->attrScClocked(true); }
| yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->attrClockEn(true); }
| yVL_PUBLIC { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->sigPublic(true); }
sigList: onesig { $$ = $1; }
| sigList ',' onesig { $$ = $1; $1->addNext($3); }
netSig: sigId sigAttrListE { $$ = $1; }
| sigId sigAttrListE '=' expr { $$ = $1; $1->addNext(new AstAssignW($3,new AstVarRef($3,$1->name(),true),$4)); }
| sigIdRange sigAttrListE { $$ = $1; }
netSigList: netSig { $$ = $1; }
| netSigList ',' netSig { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); }
regsig: regSigId {}
| regSigId sigAttrList {}
regsigList: regsig { $$ = $1; }
| regsigList ',' regsig { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); }
rangeListE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
| rangeList { $$ = $1; }
rangeList: anyrange { $$ = $1; }
| rangeList anyrange { $$ = $1; $1->addNext($2); }
regrangeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; VARRANGE($$); }
| anyrange { $$ = $1; VARRANGE($$); }
anyrange: '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstRange($1,$2,$4); }
delayrange: delayE regrangeE { $$ = $2; }
| ySCALARED delayE regrangeE { $$ = $3; }
| yVECTORED delayE regrangeE { $$ = $3; }
portrangeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
| '[' constExpr ']' { $$ = NULL; $1->v3error("Ranges ignored on port-list.\n"); }
| '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = NULL; $1->v3error("Ranges ignored on port-list.\n"); }
// Parameters
param: paramId '=' expr { $$ = $1; $$->initp($3); }
| paramId sigAttrList '=' expr { $$ = $1; $$->initp($4); }
paramList: param { $$ = $1; }
| paramList ',' param { $$ = $1; $1->addNext($3); }
defpList: defpOne { $$ = $1; }
| defpList ',' defpOne { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
defpOne: yID '.' yID '=' expr { $$ = new AstDefParam($4,*$1,*$3,$5); }
// Instances
instparamListE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
| '#' '(' cellpinList ')' { $$ = $3; }
instnameList: instname { $$ = $1; }
| instnameList ',' instname { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
instname: yID funcRange '(' cellpinList ')' { $$ = new AstCell($3,*$1,V3Parse::s_instModule,$4,V3Parse::s_instParamp,$2); }
cellpinList: {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1;} cellpinlist2 { $$ = $2; }
cellpinlist2: cellpinitemE { $$ = $1; }
| cellpinlist2 ',' cellpinitemE { $$ = $1->addNextNull($3)->castPin(); }
cellpinitemE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; V3Parse::s_pinNum++; }
| '.' yID '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; V3Parse::s_pinNum++; }
| '.' yID '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstPin($1,V3Parse::s_pinNum++,*$2,$4); }
| expr { $$ = new AstPin(CRELINE(),V3Parse::s_pinNum++,"",$1); }
sensitivityE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
| '@' '(' senList ')' { $$ = NEW_SENTREE_BRANCH($1,$3); }
| '@' senitem { $$ = NEW_SENTREE_BRANCH($1,$2); }
| '@' '(' '*' ')' { $$ = NULL; $2->v3error("Use @*. always @ (*) to be depreciated in Verilog 2005.\n"); }
| '@' '*' { $$ = NULL; } /* Verilog 2001 */
senList: senitem { $$ = $1; }
| senList yOR senitem { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); }
| senList ',' senitem { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } /* Verilog 2001 */
senitem: senitemEdge { $$ = $1; }
2006-10-03 13:02:21 +00:00
| idVarXRef ignoreRangeE { $$ = new AstSenItem(CRELINE(),AstEdgeType::ANYEDGE,$1); }
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
2006-10-03 13:02:21 +00:00
senitemEdge: yPOSEDGE idVarXRef ignoreRangeE { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::POSEDGE,$2); }
| yNEGEDGE idVarXRef ignoreRangeE { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::NEGEDGE,$2); }
2006-08-26 11:35:28 +00:00
ignoreRangeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } /* ignored */
| '[' expr ']' { $$ = NULL; } /* ignored */
| '[' expr ':' expr ']' { $$ = NULL; } /* ignored */
stmtBlock: stmt { $$ = $1; }
| yBBEGIN stmtList yBEND { $$ = $2; }
| yBBEGIN yBEND { $$ = NULL; }
| beginNamed stmtList yBEND { $$ = $1; $1->addStmtp($2); }
| beginNamed yBEND { $$ = $1; }
beginNamed: yBBEGIN ':' yID varDeclList { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); }
| yBBEGIN ':' yID { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,NULL); }
stmtList: stmtBlock { $$ = $1; }
| stmtList stmtBlock { $$ = ($2==NULL)?($1):($1->addNext($2)); }
stmt: ';' { $$ = NULL; }
| lhIdRanged yLTE delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssignDly($2,$1,$4); }
| lhIdRanged '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($2,$1,$4); }
| lhIdRanged '=' yD_FOPEN '(' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFOpen($3,$1,$5,$7); }
| yASSIGN lhIdRanged '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($1,$2,$5); }
| '{' lhConcIdList '}' yLTE delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssignDly($4,$2,$6); }
| '{' lhConcIdList '}' '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($4,$2,$6); }
| yD_C '(' cStrList ')' ';' { $$ = (v3Global.opt.ignc() ? NULL : new AstUCStmt($1,$3)); }
| yD_FCLOSE '(' idVarXRef ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFClose($1, $3); }
| yD_FINISH ';' { $$ = new AstFinish($1); }
| yD_STOP ';' { $$ = new AstStop($1); }
| yVL_COVER_OFF { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF); }
| stateCaseForIf { $$ = $1; }
| taskRef ';' { $$ = $1; }
| yD_DISPLAY ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\n',"",NULL,NULL); }
| yD_DISPLAY '(' ySTRING ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\n',*$3,NULL,NULL); }
| yD_DISPLAY '(' ySTRING ',' eList ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\n',*$3,NULL,$5); }
| yD_WRITE '(' ySTRING ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\0',*$3,NULL,NULL); }
| yD_WRITE '(' ySTRING ',' eList ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\0',*$3,NULL,$5); }
| yD_FDISPLAY '(' idVarXRef ',' ySTRING ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\n',*$5,$3,NULL); }
| yD_FDISPLAY '(' idVarXRef ',' ySTRING ',' eList ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\n',*$5,$3,$7); }
| yD_FWRITE '(' idVarXRef ',' ySTRING ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\0',*$5,$3,NULL); }
| yD_FWRITE '(' idVarXRef ',' ySTRING ',' eList ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,'\0',*$5,$3,$7); }
stateCaseForIf: caseStmt caseAttrE caseList yENDCASE { $$ = $1; $1->addItemsp($3); }
| yIF expr stmtBlock %prec yLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = new AstIf($1,$2,$3,NULL); }
| yIF expr stmtBlock yELSE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstIf($1,$2,$3,$5); }
| yFOR '(' lhIdVarRef '=' expr ';' expr ';' lhIdVarRef '=' expr ')' stmtBlock
{ $$ = new AstFor($1, new AstAssign($4,$3,$5)
,$7, new AstAssign($10,$9,$11)
caseStmt: yCASE '(' expr ')' { $$ = V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = new AstCase($1,false,$3,NULL); }
| yCASEX '(' expr ')' { $$ = V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = new AstCase($1,true,$3,NULL); $1->v3warn(CASEX,"Suggest casez (with ?'s) in place of casex (with X's)\n"); }
| yCASEZ '(' expr ')' { $$ = V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = new AstCase($1,true,$3,NULL); }
caseAttrE: /*empty*/ { }
| caseAttrE yVL_FULL_CASE { V3Parse::s_caseAttrp->fullPragma(true); }
| caseAttrE yVL_PARALLEL_CASE { V3Parse::s_caseAttrp->parallelPragma(true); }
caseList: casecondList ':' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,$1,$3); }
| yDEFAULT ':' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3); }
| yDEFAULT stmtBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($1,NULL,$2); }
| caseList casecondList ':' stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($3,$2,$4)); }
| caseList yDEFAULT stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3)); }
| caseList yDEFAULT ':' stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($3,NULL,$4)); }
casecondList: expr { $$ = $1; }
| casecondList ',' expr { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); }
taskDecl: yTASK yID ';' stmtBlock yENDTASK { $$ = new AstTask ($1,*$2,$4);}
| yTASK yID ';' funcVarList stmtBlock yENDTASK { $$ = new AstTask ($1,*$2,$4); $4->addNextNull($5); }
funcDecl: yFUNCTION funcRange yID ';' funcVarList stmtBlock yENDFUNCTION { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$3,$5,$2); $5->addNextNull($6);}
| yFUNCTION ySIGNED funcRange yID ';' funcVarList stmtBlock yENDFUNCTION { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$6,$3); $6->addNextNull($7); $$->isSigned(true); }
funcRange: '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstRange($1,$2,$4); }
| { $$ = NULL; }
funcVarList: funcVar { $$ = $1; }
| funcVarList funcVar { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($2); }
funcVar: ioDecl { $$ = $1; }
| varDecl { $$ = $1; }
| yVL_PUBLIC { $$ = new AstPragma ($1,AstPragmaType::PUBLIC_TASK); }
constExpr: expr { $$ = $1; }
exprNoStr: expr yOROR expr { $$ = new AstLogOr ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yANDAND expr { $$ = new AstLogAnd ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '&' expr { $$ = new AstAnd ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '|' expr { $$ = new AstOr ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yOP_NAND expr { $$ = new AstNot($2,new AstAnd ($2,$1,$3)); }
| expr yOP_NOR expr { $$ = new AstNot($2,new AstOr ($2,$1,$3)); }
| expr '^' expr { $$ = new AstXor ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yOP_XNOR expr { $$ = new AstXnor ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstEq ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yNOTEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstNeq ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yCASEEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstEqCase ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yCASENOTEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstNeqCase ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '>' expr { $$ = new AstGt ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '<' expr { $$ = new AstLt ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yGTE expr { $$ = new AstGte ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yLTE expr { $$ = new AstLte ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr ySLEFT expr { $$ = new AstShiftL ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr ySRIGHT expr { $$ = new AstShiftR ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr ySSRIGHT expr { $$ = new AstShiftRS ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '+' expr { $$ = new AstAdd ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '-' expr { $$ = new AstSub ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '*' expr { $$ = new AstMul ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '/' expr { $$ = new AstDiv ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr '%' expr { $$ = new AstModDiv ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yPOW expr { $$ = new AstPow ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yOP_LOGIF expr { $$ = new AstLogIf ($2,$1,$3); }
| expr yOP_LOGIFF expr { $$ = new AstLogIff ($2,$1,$3); }
| '-' expr %prec yUNARYARITH { $$ = new AstUnaryMin ($1,$2); }
| '+' expr %prec yUNARYARITH { $$ = $2; }
| '&' expr %prec yREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedAnd ($1,$2); }
| '|' expr %prec yREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedOr ($1,$2); }
| '^' expr %prec yREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedXor ($1,$2); }
| yOP_XNOR expr %prec yREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedXnor ($1,$2); }
| yOP_NAND expr %prec yREDUCTION { $$ = new AstNot($1,new AstRedAnd($1,$2)); }
| yOP_NOR expr %prec yREDUCTION { $$ = new AstNot($1,new AstRedOr ($1,$2)); }
| '!' expr %prec yNEGATION { $$ = new AstLogNot ($1,$2); }
| '~' expr %prec yNEGATION { $$ = new AstNot ($1,$2); }
| expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = new AstCond($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
| '_' '(' statePushVlg expr statePop ')' { $$ = $4; } // Arbitrary Verilog inside PSL
| '{' cateList '}' { $$ = $2; }
| '{' constExpr '{' cateList '}' '}' { $$ = new AstReplicate($1,$4,$2); }
| yD_BITS '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAttrOf($1,AstAttrType::BITS,$3); }
| yD_C '(' cStrList ')' { $$ = (v3Global.opt.ignc() ? NULL : new AstUCFunc($1,$3)); }
| yD_COUNTONES '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstCountOnes($1,$3); }
| yD_ISUNKNOWN '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstIsUnknown($1,$3); }
| yD_ONEHOT '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstOneHot($1,$3); }
| yD_ONEHOT0 '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstOneHot0($1,$3); }
| yD_SIGNED '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstSigned($1,$3); }
| yD_TIME { $$ = new AstTime($1); }
| yD_UNSIGNED '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstUnsigned($1,$3); }
| yID '(' eList ')' { $$ = new AstFuncRef($2,*$1,"",$3); }
| pathDotted '.' yID '(' eList ')' { $$ = new AstFuncRef($4,*$3,*$1,$5); }
| yINTNUM { $$ = new AstConst(CRELINE(),*$1); }
| idRanged { $$ = $1; }
// Generic expressions
expr: exprNoStr { $$ = $1; }
| strAsInt { $$ = $1; }
// Psl excludes {}'s by lexer converting to different token
exprPsl: exprNoStr { $$ = $1; }
| strAsInt { $$ = $1; }
// PLI calls exclude "" as integers, they're strings
// For $c("foo","bar") we want "bar" as a string, not a Verilog integer.
exprStrText: exprNoStr { $$ = $1; }
| strAsText { $$ = $1; }
cStrList: exprStrText { $$ = $1; }
| exprStrText ',' cStrList { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); }
cateList: expr { $$ = $1; }
| cateList ',' expr { $$ = new AstConcat($2,$1,$3); }
eList: expr { $$ = $1; }
| eList ',' expr { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); }
// Gate declarations
gateDecl: yBUF gateBufList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yNOT gateNotList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yAND gateAndList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yNAND gateNandList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yOR gateOrList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yNOR gateNorList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yXOR gateXorList ';' { $$ = $2; }
| yXNOR gateXnorList ';' { $$ = $2; }
gateBufList: gateBuf { $$ = $1; }
| gateBuf ',' gateBuf { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateNotList: gateNot { $$ = $1; }
| gateNot ',' gateNot { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateAndList: gateAnd { $$ = $1; }
| gateAnd ',' gateAnd { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateNandList: gateNand { $$ = $1; }
| gateNand ',' gateNand { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateOrList: gateOr { $$ = $1; }
| gateOr ',' gateOr { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateNorList: gateNor { $$ = $1; }
| gateNor ',' gateNor { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateXorList: gateXor { $$ = $1; }
| gateXor ',' gateXor { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateXnorList: gateXnor { $$ = $1; }
| gateXnor ',' gateXnor { $$ = $1->addNext($3); }
gateIdE: /*empty*/ {}
| yID {}
gateBuf: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,$5); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateNot: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,new AstNot($4,$5)); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateAnd: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' gateAndPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,$5); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateNand: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' gateAndPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,new AstNot($4,$5)); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateOr: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' gateOrPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,$5); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateNor: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' gateOrPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,new AstNot($4,$5)); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateXor: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' gateXorPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,$5); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateXnor: gateIdE '(' lhIdRanged ',' gateXorPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($2,$3,new AstNot($4,$5)); $$->allowImplicit(true); }
gateAndPinList: expr { $$ = $1; }
| gateAndPinList ',' expr { $$ = new AstAnd($2,$1,$3); }
gateOrPinList: expr { $$ = $1; }
| gateOrPinList ',' expr { $$ = new AstOr($2,$1,$3); }
gateXorPinList: expr { $$ = $1; }
| gateXorPinList ',' expr { $$ = new AstXor($2,$1,$3); }
// Specify
specifyJunkList: specifyJunk /* ignored */
| specifyJunkList specifyJunk /* ignored */
specifyJunk: dterm {} /* ignored */
| ySTRING {}
| ';' {}
| '!' {}
| '&' {}
| '(' {}
| ')' {}
| '*' {} | '/' {} | '%' {} | yPOW {}
| '+' {} | '-' {}
| ',' {}
| ':' {}
| '$' {}
| '=' {}
| '>' {} | '<' {}
| '?' {}
| '^' {}
| '{' {} | '}' {}
| '[' {} | ']' {}
| '|' {}
| '~' {}
| yANDAND {} | yGTE {} | yLTE {}
| yEQUAL {} | yNOTEQUAL {}
| yIF {}
| yOP_XNOR {} | yOP_NOR {} | yOP_NAND {}
| yOROR {}
| ySLEFT {} | ySRIGHT {} | ySSRIGHT {}
| yOP_LOGIF {}
| yBRA_STAR {}
| yBRA_EQ {}
| yPSL_BRA {}
| yPSL_KET {}
| yOR_EQ_GT {}
// IDs
pathDotted: yID { $$ = $1; }
| pathDotted '.' yID { $$ = V3Read::newString(*$1+string(".")+*$3); }
lhIdVarRef: yID { $$ = new AstVarRef(CRELINE(),*$1,true);}
lhIdVarXRef: lhIdVarRef { $$ = $1; }
| pathDotted '.' yID { $$ = new AstVarXRef(CRELINE(),*$3,*$1,true);}
idVarRef: yID { $$ = new AstVarRef(CRELINE(),*$1,false);}
idVarXRef: idVarRef { $$ = $1; }
| pathDotted '.' yID { $$ = new AstVarXRef(CRELINE(),*$3,*$1,false);}
taskRef: yID { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),*$1,"",NULL);}
| yID '(' eList ')' { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),*$1,"",$3);}
| pathDotted '.' yID { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),*$3,*$1,NULL);}
| pathDotted '.' yID '(' eList ')' { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),*$3,*$1,$5);}
idArrayed: idVarXRef { $$ = $1; }
| idArrayed '[' expr ']' { $$ = new AstSelBit($2,$1,$3); } // Or AstArraySel, don't know yet.
lhIdArrayed: lhIdVarXRef { $$ = $1; }
| lhIdArrayed '[' expr ']' { $$ = new AstSelBit($2,$1,$3); } // Or AstArraySel, don't know yet.
idRanged: idArrayed { $$ = $1; }
| idArrayed '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelExtract($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| idArrayed '[' expr yPLUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelPlus($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| idArrayed '[' expr yMINUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelMinus($2,$1,$3,$5); }
lhIdRanged: lhIdArrayed { $$ = $1; }
| lhIdArrayed '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelExtract($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| lhIdArrayed '[' expr yPLUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelPlus($2,$1,$3,$5); }
| lhIdArrayed '[' expr yMINUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelMinus($2,$1,$3,$5); }
strAsInt: ySTRING { $$ = new AstConst(CRELINE(),V3Number(V3Number::VerilogString(),CRELINE(),V3Parse::deQuote(CRELINE(),*$1)));}
strAsText: ySTRING { $$ = V3Parse::createTextQuoted(CRELINE(),*$1);}
lhConcIdList: lhIdRanged { $$ = $1; }
| lhConcIdList ',' lhIdRanged { $$ = new AstConcat($2,$1,$3); }
// PSL Statements
pslStmt: yPSL pslDir stateExitPsl { $$ = $2; }
| yPSL pslDecl stateExitPsl { $$ = $2; }
pslDir: yID ':' pslDirOne { $$ = $3; } // ADD: Create label on $1
| pslDirOne { $$ = $1; }
//ADD: | yRESTRICT pslSequence ';' { $$ = PSLUNSUP(new AstPslRestrict($1,$2)); }
pslDirOne: yASSERT pslProp ';' { $$ = new AstPslAssert($1,$2); }
| yASSERT pslProp yREPORT ySTRING ';' { $$ = new AstPslAssert($1,$2,*$4); }
| yCOVER pslProp ';' { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$2); }
| yCOVER pslProp yREPORT ySTRING ';' { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$2,*$4); }
pslDecl: yDEFAULT yCLOCK '=' senitemEdge ';' { $$ = new AstPslDefClock($3, $4); }
| yDEFAULT yCLOCK '=' '(' senitemEdge ')' ';' { $$ = new AstPslDefClock($3, $5); }
// PSL Properties, Sequences and SEREs
// Don't use '{' or '}'; in PSL they're yPSL_BRA and yPSL_KET to avoid expr concatenates
pslProp: pslSequence { $$ = $1; }
| pslSequence '@' %prec prPSLCLK '(' senitemEdge ')' { $$ = new AstPslClocked($2, $4, $1); } // or pslSequence @ ...?
//ADD: | pslCallSeq { $$ = PSLUNSUP($1); }
//ADD: | pslRepeat { $$ = PSLUNSUP($1); }
pslSequence: yPSL_BRA pslSere yPSL_KET { $$ = $2; }
//ADD: | pslSere ';' pslSere %prec prPSLCONC { $$ = PSLUNSUP(new AstPslSeqConcat($2, $1, $3)); }
//ADD: | pslSere ':' pslSere %prec prPSLFUS { $$ = PSLUNSUP(new AstPslSeqFusion($2, $1, $3)); }
//ADD: | pslSereCpnd { $$ = $1; }
pslSere: pslExpr { $$ = $1; }
| pslSequence { $$ = $1; } // Sequence containing sequence
// Undocumented PSL rule is that {} is always a SERE; concatenation is not allowed.
// This can be bypassed with the _(...) embedding of any arbitrary expression.
//ADD: | pslFunc { $$ = UNSUP($1); }
//ADD: | pslExpr yUNION pslExpr { $$ = UNSUP(new AstPslUnion($2, $1, $3)); }
pslExpr: exprPsl { $$ = new AstPslBool($1->fileline(), $1); }
| yTRUE { $$ = new AstPslBool($1, new AstConst($1, V3Number($1,1,1))); }
AstNode* V3Parse::createSupplyExpr(FileLine* fileline, string name, int value) {
FileLine* newfl = new FileLine (fileline);
newfl->warnOff(V3ErrorCode::WIDTH, true);
AstNode* nodep = new AstConst(newfl, V3Number(fileline));
// Adding a NOT is less work then figuring out how wide to make it
if (value) nodep = new AstNot(newfl, nodep);
nodep = new AstAssignW(newfl, new AstVarRef(fileline, name, true),
return nodep;
AstVar* V3Parse::createVariable(FileLine* fileline, string name, AstRange* arrayp) {
AstVarType type = V3Parse::s_varIO;
AstRange* rangep = V3Parse::s_varRangep;
if (type == AstVarType::UNKNOWN) type = V3Parse::s_varDecl;
if (type == AstVarType::UNKNOWN) fileline->v3fatalSrc("Unknown signal type declared");
// Linting, because we allow parsing of a superset of the language
if (type == AstVarType::INTEGER || type == AstVarType::GENVAR) {
if (rangep) fileline->v3error("Integers may not be ranged: "<<name);
rangep = new AstRange(fileline, 31, 0); // Integer == REG[31:0]
if (type == AstVarType::GENVAR) {
if (arrayp) fileline->v3error("Genvars may not be arrayed: "<<name);
AstVar* nodep = new AstVar(fileline, type, name,
if (type == AstVarType::INTEGER) nodep->isSigned(true);
if (V3Parse::s_varDecl != AstVarType::UNKNOWN) nodep->combineType(V3Parse::s_varDecl);
if (V3Parse::s_varIO != AstVarType::UNKNOWN) nodep->combineType(V3Parse::s_varIO);
if (V3Parse::s_varDecl == AstVarType::SUPPLY0) {
nodep->addNext(V3Parse::createSupplyExpr(fileline, nodep->name(), 0));
if (V3Parse::s_varDecl == AstVarType::SUPPLY1) {
nodep->addNext(V3Parse::createSupplyExpr(fileline, nodep->name(), 1));
// Clear any widths that got presumed by the ranging;
// We need to autosize parameters and integers separately
// Propagate from current module tracing state
if (nodep->isGenVar() || nodep->isParam()) nodep->trace(false);
else nodep->trace(V3Parse::s_trace);
// Remember the last variable created, so we can attach attributes to it in later parsing
V3Parse::s_varAttrp = nodep;
return nodep;
string V3Parse::deQuote(FileLine* fileline, string text) {
// Fix up the quoted strings the user put in, for example "\"" becomes "
bool quoted = false;
string newtext;
unsigned char octal_val = 0;
int octal_digits = 0;
for (const char* cp=text.c_str(); *cp; ++cp) {
if (quoted) {
if (isdigit(*cp)) {
octal_val = octal_val*8 + (*cp-'0');
if (++octal_digits == 3) {
octal_digits = 0;
quoted = false;
newtext += octal_val;
} else {
if (octal_digits) {
fileline->v3error("Non-three digit octal escape code (\\###)");
octal_digits = 0;
quoted = false;
if (*cp == 'n') newtext += '\n';
else if (*cp == 'a') newtext += '\a'; // SystemVerilog 3.1
else if (*cp == 'f') newtext += '\f'; // SystemVerilog 3.1
else if (*cp == 'r') newtext += '\r';
else if (*cp == 't') newtext += '\t';
else if (*cp == 'v') newtext += '\v'; // SystemVerilog 3.1
else if (*cp == 'x' && isxdigit(cp[1]) && isxdigit(cp[2])) { // SystemVerilog 3.1
#define vl_decodexdigit(c) ((isdigit(c)?((c)-'0'):(tolower((c))-'a'+10)))
newtext += (char)(16*vl_decodexdigit(cp[1]) + vl_decodexdigit(cp[2]));
cp += 2;
else if (isalnum(*cp)) {
fileline->v3error("Unknown escape sequence: \\"<<*cp);
else newtext += *cp;
else if (*cp == '\\') {
quoted = true;
octal_digits = 0;
else if (*cp != '"') {
newtext += *cp;
return newtext;
AstText* V3Parse::createTextQuoted(FileLine* fileline, string text) {
string newtext = deQuote(fileline, text);
return new AstText(fileline, newtext);