
575 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* $Id$ -*- C++ -*- */
* DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Flex input file
* Code available from:
* Copyright 2003-2006 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License or the Perl Artistic License.
* Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
%option interactive c++ stack noyywrap
/* %option nodefault */
/* $Id$ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "V3Read.h"
#include "V3Number.h"
#include ""
extern void yyerror(char*);
extern void yyerrorf(const char* format, ...);
#define NEXTLINE() {V3Read::incLineno();}
#define CRELINE() (V3Read::copyOrSameFileLine())
void V3Read::ppline (const char* textp) {
// Handle `line directive
void V3Read::verilatorCmtLint(const char* textp, bool warnOff) {
const char* sp = textp;
while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++;
while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++;
string msg = sp;
string::size_type pos;
if ((pos=msg.find("*")) != string::npos) { msg.erase(pos); }
if (!(V3Read::fileline()->warnOff(msg, warnOff))) {
yyerrorf("Unknown verilator lint message code: %s, in %s",msg.c_str(), textp);
void V3Read::verilatorCmtBad(const char* textp) {
yyerrorf("Unknown verilator comment: %s",textp);
// See V3Read.cpp
//void V3Read::stateExitPsl() { BEGIN VLG; }
//void V3Read::statePushVlg() { yy_push_state(VLG); }
//void V3Read::statePop() { yy_pop_state(); }
void yyerror(char* errmsg) {
void yyerrorf(const char* format, ...) {
char msg[1024];
va_list ap;
%e 2000
%p 5000
%n 2500
%k 1000
%a 15000
%o 25000
ws [ \t\f\r]+
/* identifier */
id [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*
/* escaped identifier */
escid \\[^ \t\f\r\n]+
<INITIAL>.|\n {BEGIN VLG; yyless(0); }
<VLG,PSL>{ws} ; /* ignore white-space */
<VLG,PSL>\n {NEXTLINE();} /* Count line numbers */
<VLG,PSL>always {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yALWAYS;}
<VLG,PSL>always_comb {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yALWAYS;}
<VLG,PSL>always_ff {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yALWAYS;}
<VLG,PSL>always_latch {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yALWAYS;}
<VLG,PSL>and {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yAND;}
<VLG,PSL>assign {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yASSIGN;}
<VLG,PSL>begin {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yBBEGIN;}
<VLG,PSL>buf {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yBUF;}
<VLG,PSL>case {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCASE;}
<VLG,PSL>casex {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCASEX;}
<VLG,PSL>casez {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCASEZ;}
<VLG,PSL>default {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yDEFAULT;}
<VLG,PSL>defparam {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yDEFPARAM;}
<VLG,PSL>else {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yELSE;}
<VLG,PSL>end {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yBEND;}
<VLG,PSL>endcase {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yENDCASE;}
<VLG,PSL>endfunction {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yENDFUNCTION;}
<VLG,PSL>endgenerate {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yENDGENERATE;}
<VLG,PSL>endmodule {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yENDMODULE;}
<VLG,PSL>endspecify {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yENDSPECIFY;}
<VLG,PSL>endtask {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yENDTASK;}
<VLG,PSL>final {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yFINAL;}
<VLG,PSL>for {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yFOR;}
<VLG,PSL>function {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yFUNCTION;}
<VLG,PSL>generate {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yGENERATE;}
<VLG,PSL>genvar {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yGENVAR;}
<VLG,PSL>if {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yIF;}
<VLG,PSL>initial {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yINITIAL;}
<VLG,PSL>inout {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yINOUT;}
<VLG,PSL>input {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yINPUT;}
<VLG,PSL>integer {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yINTEGER;}
<VLG,PSL>localparam {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yLOCALPARAM;}
<VLG,PSL>macromodule {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yMODULE;}
<VLG,PSL>module {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yMODULE;}
<VLG,PSL>nand {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNAND;}
<VLG,PSL>negedge {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNEGEDGE;}
<VLG,PSL>nor {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNOR;}
<VLG,PSL>not {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNOT;}
<VLG,PSL>or {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOR;}
<VLG,PSL>output {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOUTPUT;}
<VLG,PSL>parameter {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPARAM;}
<VLG,PSL>posedge {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPOSEDGE;}
<VLG,PSL>reg {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yREG;}
<VLG,PSL>scalared {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySCALARED;}
<VLG,PSL>signed {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySIGNED;}
<VLG,PSL>specify {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySPECIFY;}
<VLG,PSL>specparam {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>supply0 {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySUPPLY0;}
<VLG,PSL>supply1 {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySUPPLY1;}
<VLG,PSL>task {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTASK;}
<VLG,PSL>tri {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTRI;}
<VLG,PSL>vectored {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVECTORED;}
<VLG,PSL>wire {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yWIRE;}
<VLG,PSL>xnor {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yXNOR;}
<VLG,PSL>xor {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yXOR;}
<VLG,PSL>"$bits" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_BITS;}
<VLG,PSL>"$c"[0-9]* {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_C;}
<VLG,PSL>"$countones" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_COUNTONES;}
<VLG,PSL>"$display" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_DISPLAY;}
<VLG,PSL>"$fclose" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_FCLOSE;}
<VLG,PSL>"$fdisplay" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_FDISPLAY;}
<VLG,PSL>"$finish" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_FINISH;}
<VLG,PSL>"$fopen" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_FOPEN;}
<VLG,PSL>"$fullskew" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$fwrite" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_FWRITE;}
<VLG,PSL>"$hold" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$isunknown" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_ISUNKNOWN;}
<VLG,PSL>"$nochange" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$onehot" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_ONEHOT;}
<VLG,PSL>"$onehot0" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_ONEHOT0;}
<VLG,PSL>"$period" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$realtime" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_TIME;}
<VLG,PSL>"$recovery" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$recrem" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$removal" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$setup" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$setuphold" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$signed" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_SIGNED;}
<VLG,PSL>"$skew" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$stop" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_STOP;}
<VLG,PSL>"$time" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_TIME;}
<VLG,PSL>"$timeskew" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$unsigned" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_UNSIGNED;}
<VLG,PSL>"$width" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTIMINGSPEC;}
<VLG,PSL>"$write" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_WRITE;}
<VLG,PSL>"$"[a-zA-Z_$]+ {yyerrorf("Unsupported or unknown PLI call: %s",yytext);}
/*PSL Implemented */
<VLG>psl { BEGIN PSL; yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPSL; }
<PSL>psl { ; } // 'psl' may occur in middle of statement, so easier just to suppress
<PSL>assert {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yASSERT;}
<PSL>assume {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yASSERT;} //==assert
<PSL>before_! {yyerrorf("Illegal syntax, use before!_ instead of %s",yytext);}
<PSL>clock {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCLOCK;}
<PSL>countones {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_COUNTONES;}
<PSL>cover {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCOVER;}
<PSL>isunknown {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_ISUNKNOWN;}
<PSL>onehot {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_ONEHOT; }
<PSL>onehot0 {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yD_ONEHOT0; }
<PSL>until_! {yyerrorf("Illegal syntax, use until!_ instead of %s",yytext);}
<PSL>report {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yREPORT; }
<PSL>true {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yTRUE; }
/*Verilog Reserved*/
<VLG,PSL>bufif0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>bufif1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>cmos {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>deassign {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>disable {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endprimitive {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endtable {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>event {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>force {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>forever {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>fork {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>highz0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>highz1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>join {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>large {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>medium {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>nmos {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>notif0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>notif1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pmos {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>primitive {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pulldown {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pullup {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pull0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pull1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rcmos {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>real {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>realtime {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>release {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>repeat {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rnmos {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rpmos {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rtran {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rtranif0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rtranif1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>small {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>strong0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>strong1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>table {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>time {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>tran {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>tranif0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>tranif1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>triand {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>trior {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>trireg {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>tri0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>tri1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>wait {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>wand {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>weak0 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>weak1 {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>while {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>wor {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
/* Verilog 2001 */
<VLG,PSL>automatic {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>cell {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>config {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>design {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>edge {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endconfig {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>ifnone {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>instance {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>liblist {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>noshowcancelled {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pulsestyle_ondetect {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pulsestyle_onevent {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>showcancelled {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>strength {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>unsigned {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>use {yyerrorf("Unsupported: Verilog 2001 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
/* System Verilog */
<VLG,PSL>alias {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>assert_strobe {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>bind {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>bit {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>break {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>byte {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>chandle {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>class {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>clocking {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>constraint {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>context {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>continue {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>dist {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>do {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endcass {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endclocking {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endinterface {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endprogram {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endproperty {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>endsequence {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>enum {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>export {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>extends {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>extern {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>first_match {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>forkjoin {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>iff {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>import {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>inside {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>int {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>interface {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>intersect {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>join_any {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>join_none {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>local {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>logic {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>longint {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>modport {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>new {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>null {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>packed {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>priority {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>program {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>protected {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>pure {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>rand {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>randc {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>ref {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>shortint {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>shortreal {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>solve {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>static {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>string {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>struct {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>super {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>this {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>throughout {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>timeprecision {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>timeunit {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>type {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>typedef {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>unique {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>var {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>virtual {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>void {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>wait_order {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<VLG,PSL>with {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
/* Verilog, also as PSL below PSL */
<VLG>assert {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>before {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>const {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>cover {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>property {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>sequence {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>union {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
<VLG>within {yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext);}
/* PSL reserved */
/*<PSL>A {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>AF {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>AG {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>AX {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>E {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>EF {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>EG {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>EX {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} */
/*<PSL>F {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yEVENTUALLYB; } */
/*<PSL>G {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yALWAYS; } */
/*<PSL>U {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yUNTILB; } */
/*<PSL>W {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yUNTIL; } */
/*<PSL>X {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNEXT; } */
/*<PSL>X! {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNEXTB; } */
<PSL>%for {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>%if {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>abort {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>assume_guarantee {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>before {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>before! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>before!_ {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>before_ {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>boolean {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>const {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>endpoint {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>eventually! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>fairness {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>fell {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>forall {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>in {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>inf {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>inherit {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>never {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_a {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_a! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_e {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_e! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_event {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_event! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_event_a {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_event_a! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_event_e {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>next_event_e! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>prev {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>property {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>restrict {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>restrict_guarantee {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>rose {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>sequence {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>stable {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>strong {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>union {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>until {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>until! {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>until!_ {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>until_ {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>vmode {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>vprop {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>vunit {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
<PSL>within {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext);}
/* Converted from //{cmt}verilator ...{cmt} by vpp */
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator clock_enable*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator coverage_block_off*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_COVER_OFF;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator full_case*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_FULL_CASE;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator inline_module*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_INLINE_MODULE;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator no_inline_module*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_NO_INLINE_MODULE;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator one_cold*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_ONE_COLD;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator one_hot*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_ONE_HOT;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator parallel_case*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_PARALLEL_CASE;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator public*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_PUBLIC;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator public_module*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_PUBLIC_MODULE;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator sc_clock*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_CLOCK;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator systemc_clock*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_CLOCK;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator tracing_off*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_TRACING_OFF;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator tracing_on*/" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yVL_TRACING_ON;}
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator lint_off"[^*]*"*/" {V3Read::verilatorCmtLint(yytext, true); }
<VLG,PSL>"/*verilator lint_on"[^*]*"*/" {V3Read::verilatorCmtLint(yytext, false); }
<VLG,PSL>"/*"[^*]*"*/" {V3Read::verilatorCmtBad(yytext); }
<VLG,PSL>"&&" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yANDAND;}
<VLG,PSL>"||" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOROR;}
<VLG,PSL>"<=" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yLTE;}
<VLG,PSL>">=" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yGTE;}
<VLG,PSL>"<<<" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySLEFT;}
<VLG,PSL>"<<" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySLEFT;}
<VLG,PSL>">>>" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySSRIGHT;}
<VLG,PSL>">>" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return ySRIGHT;}
<VLG,PSL>"==" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yEQUAL;}
<VLG,PSL>"!=" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yNOTEQUAL;}
<VLG,PSL>"===" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCASEEQUAL;}
<VLG,PSL>"!==" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yCASENOTEQUAL;}
<VLG,PSL>"^~" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOP_XNOR;}
<VLG,PSL>"~^" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOP_XNOR;}
<VLG,PSL>"~&" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOP_NAND;}
<VLG,PSL>"~|" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOP_NOR;}
<VLG,PSL>"**" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPOW;}
<VLG,PSL>"+:" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPLUSCOLON;}
<VLG,PSL>"-:" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yMINUSCOLON;}
<PSL>"{" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPSL_BRA;} // Avoid parser hitting concatenate.
<PSL>"}" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yPSL_KET;} // Avoid parser hitting concatenate.
<PSL>"->" {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yOP_LOGIF;}
<PSL>"<->" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} //Unsup in other tools
<PSL>"[*" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yBRA_STAR
<PSL>"[*]" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yBRA_STAR_KET
<PSL>"[+]" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yBRA_PLUS_KET
<PSL>"[->" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yBRA_MINUS_GT
<PSL>"[->]" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yBRA_MINUS_GT_KET
<PSL>"[=" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yBRA_EQ
<PSL>"|->" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yOR_MINUS_GT
<PSL>"|=>" {yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext);} // yOR_EQ_GT
<VLG,PSL>{escid} { int i;
for (i=0; yytext[i] != 0; i++)
if (!isalnum(yytext[i]))
yytext[i] = '_';
if (isalpha(yytext[1])) {
yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext+1); // +1 to skip the backslash
} else {
yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); // Need _ as "6..." isn't legal ID
return yID;
<VLG,PSL>{id} { yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext);
return yID;
<VLG,PSL>\"[^\"\\]*\" { yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext+1,yyleng-2);
return ySTRING;
<VLG,PSL>\" { yy_push_state(STRING); yymore(); }
<VLG,PSL>[0-9]*?['']s?[bcodhBCODH][ \t]*[A-Fa-f0-9xXzZ_?]* {
yylval.nump = V3Read::newNumber(V3Read::fileline(),(char*)yytext);
return yINTNUM;
<VLG,PSL>[0-9]*?['']s?[01xXzZ] { /* SystemVerilog */
yylval.nump = V3Read::newNumber(V3Read::fileline(),(char*)yytext);
return yINTNUM;
<VLG,PSL>[0-9]+[_0-9]*[ \t]*['']s?[bcodhBCODH]?[ \t]*[A-Fa-f0-9xXzZ_?]* {
yylval.nump = V3Read::newNumber(V3Read::fileline(),(char*)yytext);
return yINTNUM;
<VLG,PSL>[0-9]* { yylval.nump = V3Read::newNumber(V3Read::fileline(),(char*)yytext);
return yINTNUM;
<VLG,PSL>[-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)? {
yylval.cdouble = 0; /* Only for delays, not used yet */
return yFLOATNUM;
<VLG,PSL>[-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+) {
yylval.cdouble = 0; /* Only for delays, not used yet */
return yFLOATNUM;
<VLG,PSL>"`timescale"{ws}+[^\n]* {}
<VLG,PSL>"`line"{ws}+[^\n]*\n {V3Read::ppline(yytext);}
<STRING>\n { yyerror("Unterminated string\n"); }
<STRING>\r ;
<STRING>[^\"\\]* { yymore(); }
<STRING>\\. { yymore(); }
<STRING>\" { yy_pop_state();
yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext+1,yyleng-2);
return ySTRING; }
/* Common for all SYSC header states */
/* OPTIMIZE: we return one per line, make it one for the entire block */
[ \t]*"`verilog" { BEGIN VLG; }
[ \t]*"`psl" { if (V3Read::optPsl()) { BEGIN PSL; } else { BEGIN IGNORE; } }
[ \t]*"`systemc_header" { BEGIN SYSCHDR; }
[ \t]*"`systemc_ctor" { BEGIN SYSCCTOR; }
[ \t]*"`systemc_dtor" { BEGIN SYSCDTOR; }
[ \t]*"`systemc_interface" { BEGIN SYSCINT; }
[ \t]*"`systemc_implementation" { BEGIN SYSCIMP; }
[ \t]*"`systemc_imp_header" { BEGIN SYSCIMPH; }
"`line"[ \t][^\n]*\n {V3Read::ppline(yytext);}
<SYSCHDR>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); return ySCHDR;}
<SYSCINT>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); return ySCINT;}
<SYSCIMP>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); return ySCIMP;}
<SYSCIMPH>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); return ySCIMPH;}
<SYSCCTOR>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); return ySCCTOR;}
<SYSCDTOR>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); yylval.strp = V3Read::newString(yytext); return ySCDTOR;}
<IGNORE>[ \t]*[^` \t\n][^\n]*\n { NEXTLINE(); }
/* Default rules - leave last */
<VLG,PSL>"`"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+ { yyerrorf("Define or directive not defined: %s",yytext); }
<VLG,PSL>"//"[^\n]+ { } /* throw away single line comments */
<VLG,PSL>. {yylval.fileline = CRELINE(); return yytext[0];} /* return single char ops. */
<*>.|\n { yyerrorf("Missing verilog.l rule: Default rule invoked in state %d: %s", YY_START, yytext); }