%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:7:13: 'should_show_warning_global0' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
... Use "/* verilator lint_off SPLITVAR */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:8:13: 'should_show_warning_global1' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:11:16: 'should_show_warning_ifs0' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:12:16: 'should_show_warning_ifs1' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:38:14: 'cannot_split1' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is accessed from another module via a dot.
38 | i_sub0.cannot_split1[0] = 0;
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
%Warning-SELRANGE: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:83:33: Selection index out of range: 13 outside 12:10
: ... In instance t.i_sub3
83 | assign outwires[12] = inwires[13];
| ^
%Warning-WIDTH: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:39:31: Operator ASSIGN expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS's FUNCREF 'bad_func' generates 32 bits.
%Error: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:72:16: Illegal assignment of constant to unpacked array
: ... In instance t.i_sub2
72 | assign b = a[0];
| ^
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:51:31: 'cannot_split0' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because index cannot be determined statically.
: ... In instance t.i_sub0
51 | rd_data = cannot_split0[addr];
| ^~~~
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:83:34: 'inwires' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because index is out of range.
: ... In instance t.i_sub3
83 | assign outwires[12] = inwires[13];
| ^~
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:17:9: 'should_show_warning0' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:18:11: 'should_show_warning1' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:57:11: 'cannot_split_genvar' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:60:29: 'cannot_split' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because its bit range cannot be determined statically.