
171 lines
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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2009 by Iztok Jeras.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
2013-02-02 14:28:45 +00:00
`define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); $stop; end while(0);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// parameters for array sizes
localparam WA = 4;
localparam WB = 6;
localparam WC = 8;
// 2D packed arrays
logic [WA+1:2] [WB+1:2] [WC+1:2] array_dsc; // descending range array
/* verilator lint_off ASCRANGE */
logic [2:WA+1] [2:WB+1] [2:WC+1] array_asc; // ascending range array
/* verilator lint_on ASCRANGE */
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
logic [1:0] array_unpk [3:2][1:0];
integer cnt = 0;
integer slc = 0; // slice type
integer dim = 0; // dimension
integer wdt = 0; // width
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
initial begin
2013-02-02 14:28:45 +00:00
`checkh($dimensions (array_unpk), 3);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
`ifndef VCS
2013-02-02 14:28:45 +00:00
`checkh($unpacked_dimensions (array_unpk), 2); // IEEE 2009
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
2013-02-02 14:28:45 +00:00
`checkh($bits (array_unpk), 2*2*2);
`checkh($low (array_unpk), 2);
`checkh($high (array_unpk), 3);
`checkh($left (array_unpk), 3);
`checkh($right(array_unpk), 2);
`checkh($increment(array_unpk), 1);
`checkh($size (array_unpk), 2);
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// event counter
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// finish report
always @ (posedge clk)
if ( (cnt[30:4]==3) && (cnt[3:2]==2'd3) && (cnt[1:0]==2'd3) ) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
integer slc_next;
// calculation of dimention sizes
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
always @ (posedge clk) begin
// slicing type counter
case (cnt[3:2])
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
2'd0 : begin slc_next = 0; end // full array
2'd1 : begin slc_next = 1; end // single array element
2'd2 : begin slc_next = 2; end // half array
default: begin slc_next = 0; end
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
slc <= slc_next;
// dimension counter
case (cnt[1:0])
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
2'd0 : begin dim <= 1; wdt <= (slc_next==1) ? WA/2 : (slc_next==2) ? WA/2 : WA; end
2'd1 : begin dim <= 2; wdt <= WB; end
2'd2 : begin dim <= 3; wdt <= WC; end
default: begin dim <= 0; wdt <= 0; end
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
always @ (posedge clk) begin
$write("cnt[30:4]=%0d slc=%0d dim=%0d wdt=%0d\n", cnt[30:4], slc, dim, wdt);
if (cnt[30:4]==1) begin
// descending range
if (slc==0) begin
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// full array
`checkh($dimensions (array_dsc), 3);
`checkh($bits (array_dsc), WA*WB*WC);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
`checkh($left (array_dsc, dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($right (array_dsc, dim), 2 );
`checkh($low (array_dsc, dim), 2 );
`checkh($high (array_dsc, dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($increment (array_dsc, dim), 1 );
`checkh($size (array_dsc, dim), wdt );
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
end else if (slc==1) begin
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// single array element
`checkh($dimensions (array_dsc[2]), 2);
`checkh($bits (array_dsc[2]), WB*WC);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
if ((dim>=2)&&(dim<=3)) begin
`checkh($left (array_dsc[2], dim-1), wdt+1);
`checkh($right (array_dsc[2], dim-1), 2 );
`checkh($low (array_dsc[2], dim-1), 2 );
`checkh($high (array_dsc[2], dim-1), wdt+1);
`checkh($increment (array_dsc[2], dim-1), 1 );
`checkh($size (array_dsc[2], dim-1), wdt );
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
`ifndef VERILATOR // Unsupported slices don't maintain size correctly
end else if (slc==2) begin
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// half array
`checkh($dimensions (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2]), 3);
`checkh($bits (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2]), WA/2*WB*WC);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
`checkh($left (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2], dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($right (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2], dim), 2 );
`checkh($low (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2], dim), 2 );
`checkh($high (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2], dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($increment (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2], dim), 1 );
`checkh($size (array_dsc[WA/2+1:2], dim), wdt);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
end else if (cnt[30:4]==2) begin
// ascending range
if (slc==0) begin
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// full array
`checkh($dimensions (array_asc), 3);
`checkh($bits (array_asc), WA*WB*WC);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
`checkh($left (array_asc, dim), 2 );
`checkh($right (array_asc, dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($low (array_asc, dim), 2 );
`checkh($high (array_asc, dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($increment (array_asc, dim), -1 );
`checkh($size (array_asc, dim), wdt );
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
end else if (slc==1) begin
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// single array element
`checkh($dimensions (array_asc[2]), 2);
`checkh($bits (array_asc[2]), WB*WC);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
if ((dim>=2)&&(dim<=3)) begin
`checkh($left (array_asc[2], dim-1), 2 );
`checkh($right (array_asc[2], dim-1), wdt+1);
`checkh($low (array_asc[2], dim-1), 2 );
`checkh($high (array_asc[2], dim-1), wdt+1);
`checkh($increment (array_asc[2], dim-1), -1 );
`checkh($size (array_asc[2], dim-1), wdt );
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
`ifndef VERILATOR // Unsupported slices don't maintain size correctly
end else if (slc==2) begin
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
// half array
`checkh($dimensions (array_asc[2:WA/2+1]), 3);
`checkh($bits (array_asc[2:WA/2+1]), WA/2*WB*WC);
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
if ((dim>=1)&&(dim<=3)) begin
`checkh($left (array_asc[2:WA/2+1], dim), 2 );
`checkh($right (array_asc[2:WA/2+1], dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($low (array_asc[2:WA/2+1], dim), 2 );
`checkh($high (array_asc[2:WA/2+1], dim), wdt+1);
`checkh($increment (array_asc[2:WA/2+1], dim), -1 );
`checkh($size (array_asc[2:WA/2+1], dim), wdt );
2013-01-18 03:45:35 +00:00
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