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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Scheduling - replicate combinational logic
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2022 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// Combinational (including hybrid) logic driven from both the 'act' and 'nba'
// region needs to be re-evaluated even if only one of those regions updates
// an input variable. We achieve this by replicating such combinational logic
// in both the 'act' and 'nba' regions.
// Furthermore we also replicate all combinational logic driven from a top
// level input into a separate 'ico' (Input Combinational) region which is
// executed at the beginning of the time step. This allows us to change both
// data and clock signals during the same 'eval' call while maintaining the
// combinational invariant required by V3Order.
// The implementation is a simple graph algorithm, where we build a dependency
// graph of all logic in the design, and then propagate the driving region
// information through it. We then replicate any logic into its additional
// driving regions.
// For more details, please see the internals documentation.
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Error.h"
#include "V3Sched.h"
#include "V3Graph.h"
#include <vector>
namespace V3Sched {
namespace {
// Driving region flags
enum RegionFlags : uint8_t {
NONE = 0x0, //
INPUT = 0x1, // Variable/logic is driven from top level input
ACTIVE = 0x2, // Variable/logic is driven from 'act' region logic
NBA = 0x4 // Variable/logic is driven from 'nba' region logic
// Data structures (graph types)
class Vertex VL_NOT_FINAL : public V3GraphVertex {
RegionFlags m_drivingRegions{NONE}; // The regions driving this vertex
explicit Vertex(V3Graph* graphp)
: V3GraphVertex{graphp} {}
uint8_t drivingRegions() const { return m_drivingRegions; }
void addDrivingRegions(uint8_t regions) {
m_drivingRegions = static_cast<RegionFlags>(m_drivingRegions | regions);
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// LCOV_EXCL_START // Debug code
string dotColor() const override {
switch (static_cast<unsigned>(m_drivingRegions)) {
case NONE: return "black";
case INPUT: return "red";
case ACTIVE: return "green";
case NBA: return "blue";
case INPUT | ACTIVE: return "yellow";
case INPUT | NBA: return "magenta";
case ACTIVE | NBA: return "cyan";
case INPUT | ACTIVE | NBA: return "gray80"; // don't want white on white background
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default: v3fatal("There are only 3 region bits"); return "";
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class LogicVertex final : public Vertex {
AstScope* const m_scopep; // The enclosing AstScope of the logic node
AstSenTree* const m_senTreep; // The sensitivity of the logic node
AstNode* const m_logicp; // The logic node this vertex represents
RegionFlags const m_assignedRegion; // The region this logic is originally assigned to
LogicVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstScope* scopep, AstSenTree* senTreep, AstNode* logicp,
RegionFlags assignedRegion)
: Vertex{graphp}
, m_scopep{scopep}
, m_senTreep{senTreep}
, m_logicp{logicp}
, m_assignedRegion{assignedRegion} {
AstScope* scopep() const { return m_scopep; }
AstSenTree* senTreep() const { return m_senTreep; }
AstNode* logicp() const { return m_logicp; }
RegionFlags assignedRegion() const { return m_assignedRegion; }
// For graph dumping
string name() const override { return m_logicp->fileline()->ascii(); };
string dotShape() const override { return "rectangle"; }
class VarVertex final : public Vertex {
AstVarScope* const m_vscp; // The AstVarScope this vertex represents
VarVertex(V3Graph* graphp, AstVarScope* vscp)
: Vertex{graphp}
, m_vscp{vscp} {
// Top level inputs are
if (varp()->isPrimaryInish() || varp()->isSigUserRWPublic() || varp()->isWrittenByDpi()) {
AstVarScope* vscp() const { return m_vscp; }
AstVar* varp() const { return m_vscp->varp(); }
AstScope* scopep() const { return m_vscp->scopep(); }
// For graph dumping
string name() const override { return m_vscp->name(); }
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string dotShape() const override { return varp()->isPrimaryInish() ? "invhouse" : "ellipse"; }
class Graph final : public V3Graph {};
// Algorithm implementation
std::unique_ptr<Graph> buildGraph(const LogicRegions& logicRegions) {
std::unique_ptr<Graph> graphp{new Graph};
// AstVarScope::user1() -> VarVertx
const VNUser1InUse user1InUse;
const auto getVarVertex = [&](AstVarScope* vscp) {
if (!vscp->user1p()) vscp->user1p(new VarVertex{graphp.get(), vscp});
return vscp->user1u().to<VarVertex*>();
const auto addEdge = [&](Vertex* fromp, Vertex* top) {
new V3GraphEdge{graphp.get(), fromp, top, 1};
const auto addLogic = [&](RegionFlags region, AstScope* scopep, AstActive* activep) {
AstSenTree* const senTreep = activep->sensesp();
// Predicate for whether a read of the given variable triggers this block
std::function<bool(AstVarScope*)> readTriggersThisLogic;
const VNUser4InUse user4InUse; // bool: Explicit sensitivity of hybrid logic just below
if (senTreep->hasClocked()) {
// Clocked logic is never triggered by reads
readTriggersThisLogic = [](AstVarScope*) { return false; };
} else if (senTreep->hasCombo()) {
// Combinational logic is always triggered by reads
readTriggersThisLogic = [](AstVarScope*) { return true; };
} else {
UASSERT_OBJ(senTreep->hasHybrid(), activep, "unexpected");
// Hybrid logic is triggered by all reads, except for reads of the explicit
// sensitivities
readTriggersThisLogic = [](AstVarScope* vscp) { return !vscp->user4(); };
senTreep->foreach<AstVarRef>([](const AstVarRef* refp) { //
for (AstNode* nodep = activep->stmtsp(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
LogicVertex* const lvtxp
= new LogicVertex{graphp.get(), scopep, senTreep, nodep, region};
const VNUser2InUse user2InUse;
const VNUser3InUse user3InUse;
nodep->foreach<AstVarRef>([&](AstVarRef* refp) {
AstVarScope* const vscp = refp->varScopep();
VarVertex* const vvtxp = getVarVertex(vscp);
// If read, add var -> logic edge
// Note: Use same heuristic as ordering does to ignore written variables
// TODO: Use live variable analysis.
if (refp->access().isReadOrRW() && !vscp->user3SetOnce()
&& readTriggersThisLogic(vscp) && !vscp->user2()) { //
addEdge(vvtxp, lvtxp);
// If written, add logic -> var edge
// Note: See V3Order for why AlwaysPostponed is safe to be ignored. We ignore it
// as otherwise we would end up with a false cycle.
if (refp->access().isWriteOrRW() && !vscp->user2SetOnce()
&& !VN_IS(nodep, AlwaysPostponed)) { //
addEdge(lvtxp, vvtxp);
for (const auto& pair : logicRegions.m_pre) addLogic(ACTIVE, pair.first, pair.second);
for (const auto& pair : logicRegions.m_act) addLogic(ACTIVE, pair.first, pair.second);
for (const auto& pair : logicRegions.m_nba) addLogic(NBA, pair.first, pair.second);
return graphp;
void propagateDrivingRegions(Vertex* vtxp) {
// Note: The graph is always acyclic, so the recursion will terminate
// Nothing to do if already visited
if (vtxp->user()) return;
// Compute union of driving regions of all inputs
uint8_t drivingRegions = 0;
for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vtxp->inBeginp(); edgep; edgep = edgep->inNextp()) {
Vertex* const srcp = static_cast<Vertex*>(edgep->fromp());
drivingRegions |= srcp->drivingRegions();
// Add any new driving regions
// Mark as visited
LogicReplicas replicate(Graph* graphp) {
LogicReplicas result;
for (V3GraphVertex* vtxp = graphp->verticesBeginp(); vtxp; vtxp = vtxp->verticesNextp()) {
if (LogicVertex* const lvtxp = dynamic_cast<LogicVertex*>(vtxp)) {
const auto replicateTo = [&](LogicByScope& lbs) {
lbs.add(lvtxp->scopep(), lvtxp->senTreep(), lvtxp->logicp()->cloneTree(false));
const uint8_t targetRegions = lvtxp->drivingRegions() & ~lvtxp->assignedRegion();
UASSERT(!lvtxp->senTreep()->hasClocked() || targetRegions == 0,
"replicating clocked logic");
if (targetRegions & INPUT) replicateTo(result.m_ico);
if (targetRegions & ACTIVE) replicateTo(result.m_act);
if (targetRegions & NBA) replicateTo(result.m_nba);
return result;
} // namespace
LogicReplicas replicateLogic(LogicRegions& logicRegionsRegions) {
// Build the dataflow (dependency) graph
const std::unique_ptr<Graph> graphp = buildGraph(logicRegionsRegions);
// Dump for debug
// Propagate driving region flags
for (V3GraphVertex* vtxp = graphp->verticesBeginp(); vtxp; vtxp = vtxp->verticesNextp()) {
// Dump for debug
// Replicate the necessary logic
return replicate(graphp.get());
} // namespace V3Sched