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* sv_vpi_user.h
* SystemVerilog VPI extensions.
* This file contains the constant definitions, structure definitions, and
* routine declarations used by the SystemVerilog Verification Procedural
* Interface (VPI) access routines.
* The constant values 600 through 999 are reserved for use in this file.
* - the range 600-749 is reserved for SV VPI model extensions
* - the range 750-779 is reserved for the Coverage VPI
* - the range 800-899 is reserved for future use
* Overlaps in the numerical ranges are permitted for different categories
* of identifiers; e.g.
* - object types
* - properties
* - callbacks
#ifndef SV_VPI_USER_H
#define SV_VPI_USER_H
#include "vpi_user.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/****************************** OBJECT TYPES ******************************/
#define vpiPackage 600
#define vpiInterface 601
#define vpiProgram 602
#define vpiInterfaceArray 603
#define vpiProgramArray 604
#define vpiTypespec 605
#define vpiModport 606
#define vpiInterfaceTfDecl 607
#define vpiRefObj 608
#define vpiTypeParameter 609
/* variables */
#define vpiVarBit vpiRegBit
#define vpiLongIntVar 610
#define vpiShortIntVar 611
#define vpiIntVar 612
#define vpiShortRealVar 613
#define vpiByteVar 614
#define vpiClassVar 615
#define vpiStringVar 616
#define vpiEnumVar 617
#define vpiStructVar 618
#define vpiUnionVar 619
#define vpiBitVar 620
#define vpiLogicVar vpiReg
#define vpiArrayVar vpiRegArray
#define vpiClassObj 621
#define vpiChandleVar 622
#define vpiPackedArrayVar 623
#define vpiVirtualInterfaceVar 728
/* typespecs */
#define vpiLongIntTypespec 625
#define vpiShortRealTypespec 626
#define vpiByteTypespec 627
#define vpiShortIntTypespec 628
#define vpiIntTypespec 629
#define vpiClassTypespec 630
#define vpiStringTypespec 631
#define vpiChandleTypespec 632
#define vpiEnumTypespec 633
#define vpiEnumConst 634
#define vpiIntegerTypespec 635
#define vpiTimeTypespec 636
#define vpiRealTypespec 637
#define vpiStructTypespec 638
#define vpiUnionTypespec 639
#define vpiBitTypespec 640
#define vpiLogicTypespec 641
#define vpiArrayTypespec 642
#define vpiVoidTypespec 643
#define vpiTypespecMember 644
#define vpiPackedArrayTypespec 692
#define vpiSequenceTypespec 696
#define vpiPropertyTypespec 697
#define vpiEventTypespec 698
#define vpiInterfaceTypespec 906
#define vpiClockingBlock 650
#define vpiClockingIODecl 651
#define vpiClassDefn 652
#define vpiConstraint 653
#define vpiConstraintOrdering 654
#define vpiDistItem 645
#define vpiAliasStmt 646
#define vpiThread 647
#define vpiMethodFuncCall 648
#define vpiMethodTaskCall 649
/* concurrent assertions */
#define vpiAssert 686
#define vpiAssume 687
#define vpiCover 688
#define vpiRestrict 901
#define vpiDisableCondition 689
#define vpiClockingEvent 690
/* property decl, spec */
#define vpiPropertyDecl 655
#define vpiPropertySpec 656
#define vpiPropertyExpr 657
#define vpiMulticlockSequenceExpr 658
#define vpiClockedSeq 659
#define vpiClockedProp 902
#define vpiPropertyInst 660
#define vpiSequenceDecl 661
#define vpiCaseProperty 662 /* property case */
#define vpiCasePropertyItem 905 /* property case item */
#define vpiSequenceInst 664
#define vpiImmediateAssert 665
#define vpiImmediateAssume 694
#define vpiImmediateCover 695
#define vpiReturn 666
/* pattern */
#define vpiAnyPattern 667
#define vpiTaggedPattern 668
#define vpiStructPattern 669
/* do .. while */
#define vpiDoWhile 670
/* waits */
#define vpiOrderedWait 671
#define vpiWaitFork 672
/* disables */
#define vpiDisableFork 673
#define vpiExpectStmt 674
#define vpiForeachStmt 675
#define vpiReturnStmt 691
#define vpiFinal 676
#define vpiExtends 677
#define vpiDistribution 678
#define vpiSeqFormalDecl 679
#define vpiPropFormalDecl 699
#define vpiArrayNet vpiNetArray
#define vpiEnumNet 680
#define vpiIntegerNet 681
#define vpiLogicNet vpiNet
#define vpiTimeNet 682
#define vpiUnionNet 525
#define vpiShortRealNet 526
#define vpiRealNet 527
#define vpiByteNet 528
#define vpiShortIntNet 529
#define vpiIntNet 530
#define vpiLongIntNet 531
#define vpiBitNet 532
#define vpiInterconnectNet 533
#define vpiInterconnectArray 534
#define vpiStructNet 683
#define vpiBreak 684
#define vpiContinue 685
#define vpiPackedArrayNet 693
#define vpiNettypeDecl 523
#define vpiConstraintExpr 747
#define vpiElseConst 748
#define vpiImplication 749
#define vpiConstrIf 738
#define vpiConstrIfElse 739
#define vpiConstrForEach 736
#define vpiSoftDisable 733
#define vpiLetDecl 903
#define vpiLetExpr 904
/******************************** METHODS *********************************/
/************* methods used to traverse 1 to 1 relationships **************/
#define vpiActual 700
#define vpiTypedefAlias 701
#define vpiIndexTypespec 702
#define vpiBaseTypespec 703
#define vpiElemTypespec 704
#define vpiNetTypedefAlias 705
#define vpiInputSkew 706
#define vpiOutputSkew 707
#define vpiGlobalClocking 708
#define vpiDefaultClocking 709
#define vpiDefaultDisableIff 710
#define vpiOrigin 713
#define vpiPrefix 714
#define vpiWith 715
#define vpiProperty 718
#define vpiValueRange 720
#define vpiPattern 721
#define vpiWeight 722
#define vpiConstraintItem 746
/************ methods used to traverse 1 to many relationships ************/
#define vpiTypedef 725
#define vpiImport 726
#define vpiDerivedClasses 727
#define vpiInterfaceDecl vpiVirtualInterfaceVar /* interface decl deprecated */
#define vpiMethods 730
#define vpiSolveBefore 731
#define vpiSolveAfter 732
#define vpiWaitingProcesses 734
#define vpiMessages 735
#define vpiLoopVars 737
#define vpiConcurrentAssertion 740
#define vpiConcurrentAssertions vpiConcurrentAssertion
#define vpiMatchItem 741
#define vpiMember 742
#define vpiElement 743
/************* methods used to traverse 1 to many relationships ***************/
#define vpiAssertion 744
/*********** methods used to traverse both 1-1 and 1-many relations ***********/
#define vpiInstance 745
/************************ generic object properties ***********************/
#define vpiTop 600
#define vpiUnit 602
#define vpiJoinType 603
#define vpiJoin 0
#define vpiJoinNone 1
#define vpiJoinAny 2
#define vpiAccessType 604
#define vpiForkJoinAcc 1
#define vpiExternAcc 2
#define vpiDPIExportAcc 3
#define vpiDPIImportAcc 4
#define vpiArrayType 606
#define vpiStaticArray 1
#define vpiDynamicArray 2
#define vpiAssocArray 3
#define vpiQueueArray 4
#define vpiArrayMember 607
#define vpiIsRandomized 608
#define vpiLocalVarDecls 609
#define vpiOpStrong 656 /* strength of temporal operator */
#define vpiRandType 610
#define vpiNotRand 1
#define vpiRand 2
#define vpiRandC 3
#define vpiPortType 611
#define vpiInterfacePort 1
#define vpiModportPort 2
/* vpiPort is also a port type. It is defined in vpi_user.h */
#define vpiConstantVariable 612
#define vpiStructUnionMember 615
#define vpiVisibility 620
#define vpiPublicVis 1
#define vpiProtectedVis 2
#define vpiLocalVis 3
/* Return values for vpiConstType property */
#define vpiOneStepConst 9
#define vpiUnboundedConst 10
#define vpiNullConst 11
#define vpiAlwaysType 624
#define vpiAlwaysComb 2
#define vpiAlwaysFF 3
#define vpiAlwaysLatch 4
#define vpiDistType 625
#define vpiEqualDist 1 /* constraint equal distribution */
#define vpiDivDist 2 /* constraint divided distribution */
#define vpiPacked 630
#define vpiTagged 632
#define vpiRef 6 /* Return value for vpiDirection property */
#define vpiVirtual 635
#define vpiHasActual 636
#define vpiIsConstraintEnabled 638
#define vpiSoft 639
#define vpiClassType 640
#define vpiMailboxClass 1
#define vpiSemaphoreClass 2
#define vpiUserDefinedClass 3
#define vpiProcessClass 4
#define vpiMethod 645
#define vpiIsClockInferred 649
#define vpiIsDeferred 657
#define vpiIsFinal 670
#define vpiIsCoverSequence 659
#define vpiQualifier 650
#define vpiNoQualifier 0
#define vpiUniqueQualifier 1
#define vpiPriorityQualifier 2
#define vpiTaggedQualifier 4
#define vpiRandQualifier 8
#define vpiInsideQualifier 16
#define vpiInputEdge 651 /* returns vpiNoEdge, vpiPosedge,
vpiNegedge */
#define vpiOutputEdge 652 /* returns vpiNoEdge, vpiPosedge,
vpiNegedge */
#define vpiGeneric 653
/* Compatibility-mode property and values (object argument == NULL) */
#define vpiCompatibilityMode 654
#define vpiMode1364v1995 1
#define vpiMode1364v2001 2
#define vpiMode1364v2005 3
#define vpiMode1800v2005 4
#define vpiMode1800v2009 5
#define vpiPackedArrayMember 655
#define vpiStartLine 661
#define vpiColumn 662
#define vpiEndLine 663
#define vpiEndColumn 664
/* memory allocation scheme for transient objects */
#define vpiAllocScheme 658
#define vpiAutomaticScheme 1
#define vpiDynamicScheme 2
#define vpiOtherScheme 3
#define vpiObjId 660
#define vpiDPIPure 665
#define vpiDPIContext 666
#define vpiDPICStr 667
#define vpiDPI 1
#define vpiDPIC 2
#define vpiDPICIdentifier 668
#define vpiIsModPort 669
/******************************** Operators *******************************/
#define vpiImplyOp 50 /* -> implication operator */
#define vpiNonOverlapImplyOp 51 /* |=> nonoverlapped implication */
#define vpiOverlapImplyOp 52 /* |-> overlapped implication operator */
#define vpiAcceptOnOp 83 /* accept_on operator */
#define vpiRejectOnOp 84 /* reject_on operator */
#define vpiSyncAcceptOnOp 85 /* sync_accept_on operator */
#define vpiSyncRejectOnOp 86 /* sync_reject_on operator */
#define vpiOverlapFollowedByOp 87 /* overlapped followed_by operator */
#define vpiNonOverlapFollowedByOp 88 /* nonoverlapped followed_by operator */
#define vpiNexttimeOp 89 /* nexttime operator */
#define vpiAlwaysOp 90 /* always operator */
#define vpiEventuallyOp 91 /* eventually operator */
#define vpiUntilOp 92 /* until operator */
#define vpiUntilWithOp 93 /* until_with operator */
#define vpiUnaryCycleDelayOp 53 /* binary cycle delay (##) operator */
#define vpiCycleDelayOp 54 /* binary cycle delay (##) operator */
#define vpiIntersectOp 55 /* intersection operator */
#define vpiFirstMatchOp 56 /* first_match operator */
#define vpiThroughoutOp 57 /* throughout operator */
#define vpiWithinOp 58 /* within operator */
#define vpiRepeatOp 59 /* [=] nonconsecutive repetition */
#define vpiConsecutiveRepeatOp 60 /* [*] consecutive repetition */
#define vpiGotoRepeatOp 61 /* [->] goto repetition */
#define vpiPostIncOp 62 /* ++ post-increment */
#define vpiPreIncOp 63 /* ++ pre-increment */
#define vpiPostDecOp 64 /* -- post-decrement */
#define vpiPreDecOp 65 /* -- pre-decrement */
#define vpiMatchOp 66 /* match() operator */
#define vpiCastOp 67 /* type'() operator */
#define vpiIffOp 68 /* iff operator */
#define vpiWildEqOp 69 /* ==? operator */
#define vpiWildNeqOp 70 /* !=? operator */
#define vpiStreamLROp 71 /* left-to-right streaming {>>} operator */
#define vpiStreamRLOp 72 /* right-to-left streaming {<<} operator */
#define vpiMatchedOp 73 /* the .matched sequence operation */
#define vpiTriggeredOp 74 /* the .triggered sequence operation */
#define vpiAssignmentPatternOp 75 /* '{} assignment pattern */
#define vpiMultiAssignmentPatternOp 76 /* '{n{}} multi assignment pattern */
#define vpiIfOp 77 /* if operator */
#define vpiIfElseOp 78 /* if-else operator */
#define vpiCompAndOp 79 /* Composite and operator */
#define vpiCompOrOp 80 /* Composite or operator */
#define vpiImpliesOp 94 /* implies operator */
#define vpiInsideOp 95 /* inside operator */
#define vpiTypeOp 81 /* type operator */
#define vpiAssignmentOp 82 /* Normal assignment */
/*********************** task/function properties ***********************/
#define vpiOtherFunc 6 /* returns other types; for property vpiFuncType */
/* vpiValid and vpiValidUnknown were deprecated in 1800-2009 */
/*********************** value for vpiValid *****************************/
#define vpiValidUnknown 2 /* Validity of variable is unknown */
/************************** STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS *************************/
/***************************** structure *****************************/
/**************************** CALLBACK REASONS ****************************/
#define vpiMethodFuncCall 648
#define cbStartOfThread 600 /* callback on thread creation */
#define cbEndOfThread 601 /* callback on thread termination */
#define cbEnterThread 602 /* callback on reentering thread */
#define cbStartOfFrame 603 /* callback on frame creation */
#define cbEndOfFrame 604 /* callback on frame exit */
#define cbSizeChange 605 /* callback on array variable size change */
#define cbCreateObj 700 /* callback on class object creation */
#define cbReclaimObj 701 /* callback on class object reclaimed by
automatic memory management */
#define cbEndOfObject 702 /* callback on transient object deletion */
/************************* FUNCTION DECLARATIONS **************************/
/*************************** Coverage VPI *********************************/
/* coverage control */
#define vpiCoverageStart 750
#define vpiCoverageStop 751
#define vpiCoverageReset 752
#define vpiCoverageCheck 753
#define vpiCoverageMerge 754
#define vpiCoverageSave 755
/* coverage type properties */
#define vpiAssertCoverage 760
#define vpiFsmStateCoverage 761
#define vpiStatementCoverage 762
#define vpiToggleCoverage 763
/* coverage status properties */
#define vpiCovered 765
#define vpiCoverMax 766 /* preserved for backward compatibility */
#define vpiCoveredMax 766
#define vpiCoveredCount 767
/* assertion-specific coverage status properties */
#define vpiAssertAttemptCovered 770
#define vpiAssertSuccessCovered 771
#define vpiAssertFailureCovered 772
#define vpiAssertVacuousSuccessCovered 773
#define vpiAssertDisableCovered 774
#define vpiAssertKillCovered 777
/* FSM-specific coverage status properties */
#define vpiFsmStates 775
#define vpiFsmStateExpression 776
/* FSM handle types */
#define vpiFsm 758
#define vpiFsmHandle 759
/***************************** Assertion VPI *******************************/
/* assertion callback types */
#define cbAssertionStart 606
#define cbAssertionSuccess 607
#define cbAssertionFailure 608
#define cbAssertionVacuousSuccess 657
#define cbAssertionDisabledEvaluation 658
#define cbAssertionStepSuccess 609
#define cbAssertionStepFailure 610
#define cbAssertionLock 661
#define cbAssertionUnlock 662
#define cbAssertionDisable 611
#define cbAssertionEnable 612
#define cbAssertionReset 613
#define cbAssertionKill 614
#define cbAssertionEnablePassAction 645
#define cbAssertionEnableFailAction 646
#define cbAssertionDisablePassAction 647
#define cbAssertionDisableFailAction 648
#define cbAssertionEnableNonvacuousAction 649
#define cbAssertionDisableVacuousAction 650
/* assertion "system" callback types */
#define cbAssertionSysInitialized 615
#define cbAssertionSysOn 616
#define cbAssertionSysOff 617
#define cbAssertionSysKill 631
#define cbAssertionSysLock 659
#define cbAssertionSysUnlock 660
#define cbAssertionSysEnd 618
#define cbAssertionSysReset 619
#define cbAssertionSysEnablePassAction 651
#define cbAssertionSysEnableFailAction 652
#define cbAssertionSysDisablePassAction 653
#define cbAssertionSysDisableFailAction 654
#define cbAssertionSysEnableNonvacuousAction 655
#define cbAssertionSysDisableVacuousAction 656
/* assertion control constants */
#define vpiAssertionLock 645
#define vpiAssertionUnlock 646
#define vpiAssertionDisable 620
#define vpiAssertionEnable 621
#define vpiAssertionReset 622
#define vpiAssertionKill 623
#define vpiAssertionEnableStep 624
#define vpiAssertionDisableStep 625
#define vpiAssertionClockSteps 626
#define vpiAssertionSysLock 647
#define vpiAssertionSysUnlock 648
#define vpiAssertionSysOn 627
#define vpiAssertionSysOff 628
#define vpiAssertionSysKill 632
#define vpiAssertionSysEnd 629
#define vpiAssertionSysReset 630
#define vpiAssertionDisablePassAction 633
#define vpiAssertionEnablePassAction 634
#define vpiAssertionDisableFailAction 635
#define vpiAssertionEnableFailAction 636
#define vpiAssertionDisableVacuousAction 637
#define vpiAssertionEnableNonvacuousAction 638
#define vpiAssertionSysEnablePassAction 639
#define vpiAssertionSysEnableFailAction 640
#define vpiAssertionSysDisablePassAction 641
#define vpiAssertionSysDisableFailAction 642
#define vpiAssertionSysEnableNonvacuousAction 643
#define vpiAssertionSysDisableVacuousAction 644
typedef struct t_vpi_assertion_step_info {
PLI_INT32 matched_expression_count;
vpiHandle *matched_exprs; /* array of expressions */
PLI_INT32 stateFrom, stateTo; /* identify transition */
} s_vpi_assertion_step_info, *p_vpi_assertion_step_info;
typedef struct t_vpi_attempt_info {
union {
vpiHandle failExpr;
p_vpi_assertion_step_info step;
} detail;
s_vpi_time attemptStartTime; /* Time attempt triggered */
} s_vpi_attempt_info, *p_vpi_attempt_info;
/* typedef for vpi_register_assertion_cb callback function */
typedef PLI_INT32(vpi_assertion_callback_func)(
PLI_INT32 reason, /* callback reason */
p_vpi_time cb_time, /* callback time */
vpiHandle assertion, /* handle to assertion */
p_vpi_attempt_info info, /* attempt related information */
PLI_BYTE8 *user_data /* user data entered upon registration */
vpiHandle vpi_register_assertion_cb(
vpiHandle assertion, /* handle to assertion */
PLI_INT32 reason, /* reason for which callbacks needed */
vpi_assertion_callback_func *cb_rtn,
PLI_BYTE8 *user_data /* user data to be supplied to cb */
#ifdef __cplusplus