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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2001-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief Verilator coverage analysis
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_cov.h"
#include "verilated_cov_key.h"
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
// VerilatedCovImpBase
/// Implementation base class for constants
struct VerilatedCovImpBase {
enum { MAX_KEYS = 33 }; /// Maximum user arguments + filename+lineno
enum { KEY_UNDEF = 0 }; /// Magic key # for unspecified values
// VerilatedCovImpItem
/// Implementation class for a VerilatedCov item
class VerilatedCovImpItem : VerilatedCovImpBase {
public: // But only local to this file
int m_keys[MAX_KEYS]; ///< Key
int m_vals[MAX_KEYS]; ///< Value for specified key
// Derived classes should call zero() in their constructor
VerilatedCovImpItem() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
m_keys[i] = KEY_UNDEF;
m_vals[i] = 0;
virtual ~VerilatedCovImpItem() {}
virtual vluint64_t count() const = 0;
virtual void zero() const = 0;
/// VerilatedCoverItem templated for a specific class
/// Creates a new coverage item for the specified type.
/// This isn't in the header file for auto-magic conversion because it
/// inlines to too much code and makes compilation too slow.
template <class T> class VerilatedCoverItemSpec : public VerilatedCovImpItem {
T* m_countp; ///< Count value
// cppcheck-suppress truncLongCastReturn
virtual vluint64_t count() const VL_OVERRIDE { return *m_countp; }
virtual void zero() const VL_OVERRIDE { *m_countp = 0; }
2015-10-04 02:33:06 +00:00
// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor
explicit VerilatedCoverItemSpec(T* countp)
: m_countp(countp) {
*m_countp = 0;
virtual ~VerilatedCoverItemSpec() VL_OVERRIDE {}
// VerilatedCovImp
/// Implementation class for VerilatedCov. See that class for public method information.
/// All value and keys are indexed into a unique number. Thus we can greatly reduce
/// the storage requirements for otherwise identical keys.
class VerilatedCovImp : VerilatedCovImpBase {
typedef std::map<std::string, int> ValueIndexMap;
typedef std::map<int, std::string> IndexValueMap;
typedef std::deque<VerilatedCovImpItem*> ItemList;
VerilatedMutex m_mutex; ///< Protects all members
ValueIndexMap m_valueIndexes VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); ///< Unique arbitrary value for values
IndexValueMap m_indexValues VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); ///< Unique arbitrary value for keys
ItemList m_items VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); ///< List of all items
VerilatedCovImpItem* m_insertp VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); ///< Item about to insert
const char* m_insertFilenamep VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); ///< Filename about to insert
int m_insertLineno VL_GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); ///< Line number about to insert
VerilatedCovImp() {
m_insertp = NULL;
m_insertFilenamep = NULL;
m_insertLineno = 0;
~VerilatedCovImp() { clearGuts(); }
static VerilatedCovImp& imp() VL_MT_SAFE {
static VerilatedCovImp s_singleton;
return s_singleton;
int valueIndex(const std::string& value) VL_REQUIRES(m_mutex) {
static int nextIndex = KEY_UNDEF + 1;
ValueIndexMap::iterator iter = m_valueIndexes.find(value);
if (iter != m_valueIndexes.end()) return iter->second;
assert(nextIndex > 0); // Didn't rollover
m_valueIndexes.insert(std::make_pair(value, nextIndex));
m_indexValues.insert(std::make_pair(nextIndex, value));
return nextIndex;
static std::string dequote(const std::string& text) VL_PURE {
// Quote any special characters
std::string rtn;
for (const char* pos = text.c_str(); *pos; ++pos) {
if (!isprint(*pos) || *pos == '%' || *pos == '"') {
char hex[10];
sprintf(hex, "%%%02X", pos[0]);
rtn += hex;
} else {
rtn += *pos;
return rtn;
static bool legalKey(const std::string& key) VL_PURE {
// Because we compress long keys to a single letter, and
// don't want applications to either get confused if they use
// a letter differently, nor want them to rely on our compression...
// (Considered using numeric keys, but will remain back compatible.)
if (key.length() < 2) return false;
if (key.length() == 2 && isdigit(key[1])) return false;
return true;
static std::string keyValueFormatter(const std::string& key,
const std::string& value) VL_PURE {
std::string name;
if (key.length() == 1 && isalpha(key[0])) {
name += std::string("\001") + key;
} else {
name += std::string("\001") + dequote(key);
name += std::string("\002") + dequote(value);
return name;
static std::string combineHier(const std::string& old, const std::string& add) VL_PURE {
// (foo.a.x, foo.b.x) => foo.*.x
// (foo.a.x, foo.b.y) => foo.*
// (foo.a.x, foo.b) => foo.*
if (old == add) return add;
if (old.empty()) return add;
if (add.empty()) return old;
const char* a = old.c_str();
const char* b = add.c_str();
// Scan forward to first mismatch
const char* apre = a;
const char* bpre = b;
while (*apre == *bpre) {
// We used to backup and split on only .'s but it seems better to be verbose
// and not assume . is the separator
std::string prefix = std::string(a, apre - a);
// Scan backward to last mismatch
const char* apost = a + strlen(a) - 1;
const char* bpost = b + strlen(b) - 1;
while (*apost == *bpost && apost > apre && bpost > bpre) {
// Forward to . so we have a whole word
std::string suffix = *bpost ? std::string(bpost + 1) : "";
std::string out = prefix + "*" + suffix;
// cout << "\nch pre="<<prefix<<" s="<<suffix<<"\nch a="<<old<<"\nch b="<<add
// <<"\ncho="<<out<<endl;
return out;
bool itemMatchesString(VerilatedCovImpItem* itemp, const std::string& match)
VL_REQUIRES(m_mutex) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
if (itemp->m_keys[i] != KEY_UNDEF) {
// We don't compare keys, only values
std::string val = m_indexValues[itemp->m_vals[i]];
if (std::string::npos != val.find(match)) { // Found
return true;
return false;
static void selftest() VL_MT_SAFE {
// Little selftest
#define VL_CST_CHECK(got, exp) \
do { \
if ((got) != (exp)) VL_FATAL_MT(__FILE__, __LINE__, "", "%Error: selftest\n"); \
} while (0)
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("a.b.c", "a.b.c"), "a.b.c");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("a.b.c", "a.b"), "a.b*");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("a.x.c", "a.y.c"), "a.*.c");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("a.z.z.z.c", "a.b.c"), "a.*.c");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("z", "a"), "*");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("q.a", "q.b"), "q.*");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("", "q.zb"), "q.z*");
VL_CST_CHECK(combineHier("1.2.3.a", "9.8.7.a"), "*.a");
void clearGuts() VL_REQUIRES(m_mutex) {
for (ItemList::const_iterator it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); ++it) {
VerilatedCovImpItem* itemp = *(it);
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete itemp, itemp);
void clear() VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
void clearNonMatch(const char* matchp) VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
if (matchp && matchp[0]) {
ItemList newlist;
for (ItemList::iterator it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); ++it) {
VerilatedCovImpItem* itemp = *(it);
if (!itemMatchesString(itemp, matchp)) {
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete itemp, itemp);
} else {
m_items = newlist;
void zero() VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
for (ItemList::const_iterator it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); ++it) {
// We assume there's always call to i/f/p in that order
void inserti(VerilatedCovImpItem* itemp) VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
m_insertp = itemp;
void insertf(const char* filenamep, int lineno) VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
m_insertFilenamep = filenamep;
m_insertLineno = lineno;
void insertp(const char* ckeyps[MAX_KEYS], const char* valps[MAX_KEYS]) VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
// First two key/vals are filename
ckeyps[0] = "filename";
valps[0] = m_insertFilenamep;
std::string linestr = vlCovCvtToStr(m_insertLineno);
ckeyps[1] = "lineno";
valps[1] = linestr.c_str();
// Default page if not specified
const char* fnstartp = m_insertFilenamep;
while (const char* foundp = strchr(fnstartp, '/')) fnstartp = foundp + 1;
const char* fnendp = fnstartp;
for (; *fnendp && *fnendp != '.'; fnendp++) {}
std::string page_default = "sp_user/" + std::string(fnstartp, fnendp - fnstartp);
ckeyps[2] = "page";
valps[2] = page_default.c_str();
// Keys -> strings
std::string keys[MAX_KEYS];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
if (ckeyps[i] && ckeyps[i][0]) { keys[i] = ckeyps[i]; }
// Ignore empty keys
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
if (!keys[i].empty()) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < MAX_KEYS; ++j) {
if (keys[i] == keys[j]) { // Duplicate key. Keep the last one
keys[i] = "";
// Insert the values
int addKeynum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
const std::string key = keys[i];
if (!keys[i].empty()) {
const std::string val = valps[i];
// cout<<" "<<__FUNCTION__<<" "<<key<<" = "<<val<<endl;
m_insertp->m_keys[addKeynum] = valueIndex(key);
m_insertp->m_vals[addKeynum] = valueIndex(val);
2020-05-16 22:02:54 +00:00
if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(!legalKey(key))) {
std::string msg
= ("%Error: Coverage keys of one character, or letter+digit are illegal: "
2020-05-16 22:02:54 +00:00
+ key); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
VL_FATAL_MT("", 0, "", msg.c_str());
// Prepare for next
m_insertp = NULL;
void write(const char* filename) VL_EXCLUDES(m_mutex) {
const VerilatedLockGuard lock(m_mutex);
VL_FATAL_MT("", 0, "", "%Error: Called VerilatedCov::write when VM_COVERAGE disabled\n");
std::ofstream os(filename);
if ( {
std::string msg = std::string("%Error: Can't write '") + filename + "'";
VL_FATAL_MT("", 0, "", msg.c_str());
os << "# SystemC::Coverage-3\n";
// Build list of events; totalize if collapsing hierarchy
typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, vluint64_t> > EventMap;
EventMap eventCounts;
for (ItemList::iterator it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); ++it) {
VerilatedCovImpItem* itemp = *(it);
std::string name;
std::string hier;
bool per_instance = false;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
if (itemp->m_keys[i] != KEY_UNDEF) {
std::string key = VerilatedCovKey::shortKey(m_indexValues[itemp->m_keys[i]]);
std::string val = m_indexValues[itemp->m_vals[i]];
if (key == VL_CIK_PER_INSTANCE) {
if (val != "0") per_instance = true;
if (key == VL_CIK_HIER) {
hier = val;
} else {
// Print it
name += keyValueFormatter(key, val);
if (per_instance) { // Not collapsing hierarchies
name += keyValueFormatter(VL_CIK_HIER, hier);
hier = "";
// Group versus point labels don't matter here, downstream
// deals with it. Seems bad for sizing though and doesn't
// allow easy addition of new group codes (would be
// inefficient)
// Find or insert the named event
EventMap::iterator cit = eventCounts.find(name);
if (cit != eventCounts.end()) {
const std::string& oldhier = cit->second.first;
cit->second.second += itemp->count();
cit->second.first = combineHier(oldhier, hier);
} else {
eventCounts.insert(std::make_pair(name, make_pair(hier, itemp->count())));
// Output body
for (EventMap::const_iterator it = eventCounts.begin(); it != eventCounts.end(); ++it) {
os << "C '" << std::dec;
os << it->first;
if (!it->second.first.empty()) os << keyValueFormatter(VL_CIK_HIER, it->second.first);
os << "' " << it->second.second;
os << std::endl;
// VerilatedCov
void VerilatedCov::clear() VL_MT_SAFE { VerilatedCovImp::imp().clear(); }
void VerilatedCov::clearNonMatch(const char* matchp) VL_MT_SAFE {
void VerilatedCov::zero() VL_MT_SAFE { VerilatedCovImp::imp().zero(); }
void VerilatedCov::write(const char* filenamep) VL_MT_SAFE {
void VerilatedCov::_inserti(vluint32_t* itemp) VL_MT_SAFE {
VerilatedCovImp::imp().inserti(new VerilatedCoverItemSpec<vluint32_t>(itemp));
void VerilatedCov::_inserti(vluint64_t* itemp) VL_MT_SAFE {
VerilatedCovImp::imp().inserti(new VerilatedCoverItemSpec<vluint64_t>(itemp));
void VerilatedCov::_insertf(const char* filename, int lineno) VL_MT_SAFE {
VerilatedCovImp::imp().insertf(filename, lineno);
#define K(n) const char* key##n
#define A(n) const char *key##n, const char *valp##n // Argument list
#define C(n) key##n, valp##n // Calling argument list
#define N(n) "", "" // Null argument list
void VerilatedCov::_insertp(A(0), A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5), A(6), A(7), A(8), A(9), A(10),
A(11), A(12), A(13), A(14), A(15), A(16), A(17), A(18), A(19), A(20),
A(21), A(22), A(23), A(24), A(25), A(26), A(27), A(28),
A(29)) VL_MT_SAFE {
const char* keyps[VerilatedCovImpBase::MAX_KEYS]
= {NULL, NULL, NULL, // filename,lineno,page
key0, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, key6, key7, key8, key9,
key10, key11, key12, key13, key14, key15, key16, key17, key18, key19,
key20, key21, key22, key23, key24, key25, key26, key27, key28, key29};
const char* valps[VerilatedCovImpBase::MAX_KEYS]
= {NULL, NULL, NULL, // filename,lineno,page
valp0, valp1, valp2, valp3, valp4, valp5, valp6, valp7, valp8, valp9,
valp10, valp11, valp12, valp13, valp14, valp15, valp16, valp17, valp18, valp19,
valp20, valp21, valp22, valp23, valp24, valp25, valp26, valp27, valp28, valp29};
VerilatedCovImp::imp().insertp(keyps, valps);
// And versions with fewer arguments (oh for a language with named parameters!)
void VerilatedCov::_insertp(A(0), A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5), A(6), A(7), A(8),
A(9)) VL_MT_SAFE {
_insertp(C(0), C(1), C(2), C(3), C(4), C(5), C(6), C(7), C(8), C(9), N(10), N(11), N(12),
N(13), N(14), N(15), N(16), N(17), N(18), N(19), N(20), N(21), N(22), N(23), N(24),
N(25), N(26), N(27), N(28), N(29));
void VerilatedCov::_insertp(A(0), A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5), A(6), A(7), A(8), A(9), A(10),
A(11), A(12), A(13), A(14), A(15), A(16), A(17), A(18),
A(19)) VL_MT_SAFE {
_insertp(C(0), C(1), C(2), C(3), C(4), C(5), C(6), C(7), C(8), C(9), C(10), C(11), C(12),
C(13), C(14), C(15), C(16), C(17), C(18), C(19), N(20), N(21), N(22), N(23), N(24),
N(25), N(26), N(27), N(28), N(29));
// Backward compatibility for Verilator
void VerilatedCov::_insertp(A(0), A(1), K(2), int val2, K(3), int val3, K(4),
const std::string& val4, A(5), A(6)) VL_MT_SAFE {
std::string val2str = vlCovCvtToStr(val2);
std::string val3str = vlCovCvtToStr(val3);
_insertp(C(0), C(1), key2, val2str.c_str(), key3, val3str.c_str(), key4, val4.c_str(), C(5),
C(6), N(7), N(8), N(9), N(10), N(11), N(12), N(13), N(14), N(15), N(16), N(17), N(18),
N(19), N(20), N(21), N(22), N(23), N(24), N(25), N(26), N(27), N(28), N(29));
#undef A
#undef C
#undef N
#undef K