%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:6:13: 'should_show_warning_global0' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:7:13: 'should_show_warning_global1' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:10:16: 'should_show_warning_ifs0' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:11:16: 'should_show_warning_ifs1' has split_var metacomment, but will not be split because it is not declared in a module.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:37:14: 'cannot_split1' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is accessed from another module via a dot.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:50:31: 'cannot_split0' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because index cannot be determined statically.
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:16:9: 'should_show_warning0' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:17:11: 'should_show_warning1' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:56:11: 'cannot_split_genvar' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because it is not an aggregate type of bit nor logic
%Warning-SPLITVAR: t/t_split_var_1_bad.v:59:29: 'cannot_split' has split_var metacomment but will not be split because its bit range cannot be determined statically.