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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2017 by Matt Myers.
`define checkd(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got=%0d exp=%0d\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); $stop; end while(0);
package config_pkg;
typedef struct packed {
int UPPER0;
struct packed {
int USE_QUAD0;
int USE_QUAD1;
int USE_QUAD2;
} mac;
int UPPER2;
} config_struct;
function automatic config_struct static_config(int selector);
config_struct return_config;
return_config = '0;
return_config.UPPER0 = 10;
return_config.UPPER2 = 20;
return_config.mac.USE_QUAD0 = 4;
return_config.mac.USE_QUAD2 = 6;
case (selector)
1: return_config.mac.USE_QUAD1 = 5;
return (return_config);
endpackage : config_pkg
module t;
import config_pkg::*;
localparam config_struct MY_CONFIG = static_config(1);
struct_submodule #(.MY_CONFIG(MY_CONFIG)) a_submodule_I ();
endmodule : t
module struct_submodule
import config_pkg::*;
#(parameter config_struct MY_CONFIG = '0);
initial begin
`checkd(MY_CONFIG.UPPER0, 10);
`checkd(MY_CONFIG.mac.USE_QUAD0, 4);
`checkd(MY_CONFIG.mac.USE_QUAD1, 5);
`checkd(MY_CONFIG.mac.USE_QUAD2, 6);
`checkd(MY_CONFIG.UPPER2, 20);
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
endmodule : struct_submodule