#!/bin/bash set -e # IMAGE=akilesalreadytaken/analog-xk:latest IMAGE=akilesalreadytaken/analog-tools:latest # IMAGE=git.1159.cl/mario1159/analog-xk-web:latest CALL= function parse () { while getopts ":hsvp:k:" option; do case $option in h) documentation ;; s) CALL="echo [CMD] " ;; #v) ENABLE_VNC=1 ;; # VNC not working rigth now p) DESIGNS=$OPTARG ;; k) PDK=$OPTARG ;; \?) echo "Error: Invalid option"; documentation ;; esac done } function documentation () { echo "Usage: run.bat [ OPTIONS ]" echo "" echo " -h Show usage information" echo " -s See the commands to be executed" echo " -p PATH Link to a directory" # echo " -v Enable the vnc in port "https:\\localhost:8444"" # echo " If vnc is not working, execute:" # echo " $ xfce4-session --display=:1 &" echo " -k PDK Set the PDK to be used (gf180mcuC | sky130A)" echo " By default: gf180mcuC" exit } function run () { # Set fixed parameters #################### [ -z "${DESIGNS+x}" ] && DESIGNS=$PWD DESIGNS=$( realpath $DESIGNS ) [ -z "${PDK+x}" ] && PDK=gf180mcuC [ -z "${DOCKER_USER+x}" ] && DOCKER_USER=git.1159.cl/mario1159 [ -z "${DOCKER_IMAGE+x}" ] && DOCKER_IMAGE=analog-xk [ -z "${DOCKER_TAG+x}" ] && DOCKER_TAG=latest [ -z "${CONTAINER_USER+x}" ] && CONTAINER_USER=$(id -u) [ -z "${CONTAINER_GROUP+x}" ] && CONTAINER_GROUP=$(id -g) [ -z "${CONTAINER_NAME+x}" ] && CONTAINER_NAME=analog-tools [ -z "${JUPYTER_PORT+x}" ] && JUPYTER_PORT=8888 [ -z "${VNC_PORT+x}" ] && VNC_PORT=8444 # Validate parameters ##################### if [[ ${CONTAINER_USER} -ne 0 ]] && [[ ${CONTAINER_USER} -lt 1000 ]]; then prt_str="# [WARNING] Selected User ID ${CONTAINER_USER} is below 1000. This ID might interfere with User-IDs inside the container and cause undefined behavior! #" printf -- '#%.0s' $(seq 1 ${#prt_str}) echo echo "${prt_str}" printf -- '#%.0s' $(seq 1 ${#prt_str}) echo fi if [[ ${CONTAINER_GROUP} -ne 0 ]] && [[ ${CONTAINER_GROUP} -lt 1000 ]]; then prt_str="# [WARNING] Selected Group ID ${CONTAINER_GROUP} is below 1000. This ID might interfere with Group-IDs inside the container and cause undefined behavior! #" printf -- '#%.0s' $(seq 1 ${#prt_str}) echo echo "${prt_str}" printf -- '#%.0s' $(seq 1 ${#prt_str}) echo fi # Check if the container exists and if it is running. if [ "$(docker ps -q -f name="${CONTAINER_NAME}")" ]; then echo "[WARNING] Container is running!" echo "[HINT] It can also be stopped with \"docker stop ${CONTAINER_NAME}\" and removed with \"docker rm ${CONTAINER_NAME}\" if required." echo echo -n "Press \"s\" to stop, and \"r\" to stop & remove: " read -r -n 1 k <&1 echo if [[ $k = s ]] ; then $CALL docker stop "${CONTAINER_NAME}" elif [[ $k = r ]] ; then $CALL docker stop "${CONTAINER_NAME}" $CALL docker rm "${CONTAINER_NAME}" fi exit fi # If the container exists but is exited, it is restarted. if [ "$(docker ps -aq -f name="${CONTAINER_NAME}")" ]; then echo "[WARNING] Container ${CONTAINER_NAME} exists." echo "[HINT] It can also be restarted with \"docker start ${CONTAINER_NAME}\" or removed with \"docker rm ${CONTAINER_NAME}\" if required." echo echo -n "Press \"s\" to start, and \"r\" to remove: " read -r -n 1 k <&1 echo if [[ $k = s ]] ; then $CALL docker start "${CONTAINER_NAME}" elif [[ $k = r ]] ; then $CALL docker rm "${CONTAINER_NAME}" fi exit fi # Set environment, variables and run the container ################################################## echo "[INFO] Container does not exist, creating ${CONTAINER_NAME} ..." PARAMS="-d" PARAMS="$PARAMS --name $CONTAINER_NAME" PARAMS="$PARAMS -e PDK=$PDK" PARAMS="$PARAMS --user ${CONTAINER_USER}:${CONTAINER_GROUP}" PARAMS="$PARAMS --security-opt seccomp=unconfined" PARAMS="$PARAMS -p $JUPYTER_PORT:8888" PARAMS="$PARAMS -v $DESIGNS:/home/designer/shared" PARAMS="$PARAMS -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix" if [ -z "${ENABLE_VNC+x}" ]; then PARAMS="$PARAMS -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" PARAMS="$PARAMS -e WAYLAND_DISPLAY=$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" PARAMS="$PARAMS -e XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" else PARAMS="$PARAMS -p $VNC_PORT:8444" # Should use WSL_DISTRO_NAME ? PARAMS="$PARAMS -v /mnt/wslg:/mnt/wsl" fi if [ -z "${IMAGE+x}" ]; then IMAGE=$DOCKER_USER/$DOCKER_IMAGE:$DOCKER_TAG fi echo "[INFO] Container based on $IMAGE" $CALL docker run $PARAMS $IMAGE $COMMAND attach_shell } function attach_shell () { $CALL docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME bash } function restart_shell () { $CALL docker start $CONTAINER_NAME attach_shell } parse $@ run