
202 lines
8.9 KiB

// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder.
module t;
reg [40:0] quad; initial quad = 41'ha_bbbb_cccc;
reg [80:0] wide; initial wide = 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678;
reg [8:0] nine; initial nine = 12;
reg signed [40:0] quads; initial quads = -(41'sha_bbbb_cccc);
reg signed [80:0] wides; initial wides = -(81'shabc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
reg signed [8:0] nines; initial nines = -12;
reg [31:0] str; initial str = "\000\277\021\n";
reg [47:0] str2; initial str2 = "\000what!";
reg [79:0] str3; initial str3 = "\000hmmm!1234";
int n; initial n = 23;
reg [7:0] m; initial m = 24;
string svs = "sv-str";
reg [31:0] regstr = "meep";
sub sub ();
sub2 sub2 ();
initial begin
$write("[%0t] In %m: Hi\n", $time);
// Escapes
$display("[%0t] Back \\ Quote \"", $time); // Old bug when \" last on the line.
// Display formatting - constants
$display("[%0t] %%b=%b %%0b=%0b %%b=%b %%0b=%0b %%b=%b %%0b=%0b", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%B=%B %%0B=%0B %%B=%B %%0B=%0B %%B=%B %%0B=%0B", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%h=%h %%0h=%0h %%h=%h %%0h=%0h %%h=%h %%0h=%0h", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%H=%H %%0H=%0H %%H=%H %%0H=%0H %%H=%H %%0H=%0H", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%o=%o %%0o=%0o %%o=%o %%0o=%0o %%o=%o %%0o=%0o", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%O=%O %%0O=%0O %%O=%O %%0O=%0O %%O=%O %%0O=%0o", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%x=%x %%0x=%0x %%x=%x %%0x=%0x %%x=%x %%0x=%0x", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%X=%X %%0X=%0X %%X=%X %%0X=%0X %%X=%X %%0X=%0X", $time,
9'd12, 9'd12, 41'habbbbcccc, 41'habbbbcccc,
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d", $time,
9'sd12, 9'sd12, -(41'shabbbbcccc), -(41'shabbbbcccc),
81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678, 81'habc_1234_5678_1234_5678);
$display("[%0t] %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D", $time,
9'sd12, 9'sd12, -(41'shabbbbcccc), -(41'shabbbbcccc),
-(81'shabc_1234_5678_1234_5678), -(81'shabc_1234_5678_1234_5678));
// Display formatting
$display("[%0t] %%b=%b %%0b=%0b %%b=%b %%0b=%0b %%b=%b %%0b=%0b", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%B=%B %%0B=%0B %%B=%B %%0B=%0B %%B=%B %%0B=%0B", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%h=%h %%0h=%0h %%h=%h %%0h=%0h %%h=%h %%0h=%0h", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%H=%H %%0H=%0H %%H=%H %%0H=%0H %%H=%H %%0H=%0H", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%o=%o %%0o=%0o %%o=%o %%0o=%0o %%o=%o %%0o=%0o", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%O=%O %%0O=%0O %%O=%O %%0O=%0O %%O=%O %%0O=%0o", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%x=%x %%0x=%0x %%x=%x %%0x=%0x %%x=%x %%0x=%0x", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%X=%X %%0X=%0X %%X=%X %%0X=%0X %%X=%X %%0X=%0X", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d %%d=%d %%0d=%0d", $time,
nines, nines, quads, quads, wides, wides);
$display("[%0t] %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D %%D=%D %%0D=%0D", $time,
nines, nines, quads, quads, wides, wides);
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
$display("[%0t] %%C=%C %%0C=%0C", $time,
"a"+nine, "a"+nine);
$display("[%0t] %%c=%c %%0c=%0c", $time,
"a"+nine, "a"+nine);
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
$display("[%0t] %%v=%v %%0v=%0v %%v=%v %%0v=%0v %%v=%v %%0v=%0v <", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%V=%V %%0V=%0V %%V=%V %%0V=%0V %%V=%V %%0V=%0V <", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%p=%p %%0p=%0p %%p=%p %%0p=%0p %%p=%p %%0p=%0p", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%P=%P %%0P=%0P %%P=%P %%0P=%0P %%P=%P %%0P=%0P", $time,
nine, nine, quad, quad, wide, wide);
$display("[%0t] %%P=%P", $time,
$display("[%0t] %%u=%u %%0u=%0u", $time,
{"a","b","c","d"}, {"a","b","c","d"}); // Avoid binary output
$display("[%0t] %%U=%U %%0U=%0U", $time,
{"a","b","c","d"}, {"a","b","c","d"}); // Avoid binary output
// %z is tested in t_sys_sformat.v
$display("[%0t] %%D=%D %%d=%d %%01d=%01d %%06d=%06d %%6d=%6d", $time,
nine, nine, nine, nine, nine);
$display("[%0t] %%t=%t %%03t=%03t %%0t=%0t", $time,
$time, $time, $time);
// Not testing %0s, it does different things in different simulators
$display("[%0t] %%s=%s %%s=%s %%s=%s", $time,
str2[7:0], str2, str3);
$display("[%0t] %%6s=:%6s: %%6s=:%6s: %%6s=:%6s:", $time,
str2[7:0], str2, str3);
$display("[%0t] %%8s=:%8s:", $time,
// Displays without format, must use default
$write("d: "); $write(nine); $write(" "); $display(nine);
$writeh("h: "); $writeh(nine); $writeh(" "); $displayh(nine);
$writeo("o: "); $writeo(nine); $writeo(" "); $displayo(nine);
$writeb("b: "); $writeb(nine); $writeb(" "); $displayb(nine);
$display("[%0t] %s%s%s", $time,
"hel", "lo, fr", "om a very long string. Percent %s are literally substituted in.");
$display("hel", "lo, fr", "om a concatenated string.");
$write("hel", "lo, fr", "om a concatenated format string [%0t].\n", $time);
$display("extra argument: ", $time);
$display($time, ": pre argument");
$write("[%0t] Embedded \r return\n", $time);
$display("[%0t] Embedded\
multiline", $time);
// Str check
`ifndef NC // NC-Verilog 5.3 chokes on this test
if (str !== 32'h00_bf_11_0a) $stop;
// Padding
$write("'%0d %2d %8d'\n", 23, 23, 23);
$write("'%-0d %-2d %-8d'\n", 23, 23, 23);
$write("'%0d %2d %8d'\n", n, n, n);
$write("'%-0d %-2d %-8d'\n", n, n, n);
$write("'%8d'\n", m);
$write("'%-8d'\n", m);
$write("'%8t'\n", $time);
$write("'%-8t'\n", $time);
$write("'%8s'\n", svs);
$write("'%-8s'\n", svs);
$write("'%8s'\n", regstr);
$write("'%-8s'\n", regstr);
$write("'%8s'\n", "beep");
$write("'%-8s'\n", "beep");
// $itord conversion bug, note a %d instead of proper float
$display("log10(2) = %d", $log10(100));
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
module sub;
task write_m;
$write("[%0t] In %m (%l)\n", $time);
begin : subblock
$write("[%0t] In %M (%L)\n", $time); // Uppercase %M test
module sub2;
// verilator no_inline_module
task write_m;
$write("[%0t] In %m (%l)\n", $time);
begin : subblock2
$write("[%0t] In %m (%L)\n", $time);