2019-09-12 07:22:22 -04:00

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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Replicate modules for parameterization
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2019 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Top down traversal:
// For each cell:
// If parameterized,
// Determine all parameter widths, constant values.
// (Interfaces also matter, as if an interface is parameterized
// this effectively changes the width behavior of all that
// reference the iface.)
// Clone module cell calls, renaming with __{par1}_{par2}_...
// Substitute constants for cell's module's parameters.
// Relink pins and cell and ifacerefdtype to point to new module.
// For interface Parent's we have the AstIfaceRefDType::cellp()
// pointing to this module. If that parent cell's interface
// module gets parameterized, AstIfaceRefDType::cloneRelink
// will update AstIfaceRefDType::cellp(), and V3LinkDot will
// see the new interface.
// However if a submodule's AstIfaceRefDType::ifacep() points
// to the old (unparameterized) interface and needs correction.
// To detect this we must walk all pins looking for interfaces
// that the parent has changed and propagate down.
// Then process all modules called by that cell.
// (Cells never referenced after parameters expanded must be ignored.)
// After we complete parameters, the varp's will be wrong (point to old module)
// and must be relinked.
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Param.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Case.h"
#include "V3Const.h"
#include "V3Width.h"
#include "V3Unroll.h"
#include "V3Hashed.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
// Param state, as a visitor of each AstNode
class ParamVisitor : public AstNVisitor {
// AstNodeModule::user5() // bool True if processed
// AstGenFor::user5() // bool True if processed
// AstVar::user5() // bool True if constant propagated
// AstVar::user4() // int Global parameter number (for naming new module)
// // (0=not processed, 1=iterated, but no number,
// // 65+ parameter numbered)
// AstCell::user5p() // string* Generate portion of hierarchical name
AstUser4InUse m_inuser4;
AstUser5InUse m_inuser5;
// User1/2/3 used by constant function simulations
typedef std::deque<std::pair<AstIfaceRefDType*,AstIfaceRefDType*> > IfaceRefRefs; // Note may have duplicate entries
typedef std::map<AstNode*,AstNode*> CloneMap;
struct ModInfo {
AstNodeModule* m_modp; // Module with specified name
CloneMap m_cloneMap; // Map of old-varp -> new cloned varp
explicit ModInfo(AstNodeModule* modp) { m_modp = modp; }
typedef std::map<string,ModInfo> ModNameMap;
ModNameMap m_modNameMap; // Hash of created module flavors by name
typedef std::map<string,string> LongMap;
LongMap m_longMap; // Hash of very long names to unique identity number
int m_longId;
typedef std::pair<int,string> ValueMapValue;
typedef std::map<V3Hash,ValueMapValue> ValueMap;
ValueMap m_valueMap; // Hash of node hash to (param value, name)
int m_nextValue; // Next value to use in m_valueMap
typedef std::multimap<int,AstNodeModule*> LevelModMap;
LevelModMap m_todoModps; // Modules left to process
typedef std::deque<AstCell*> CellList;
CellList m_cellps; // Cells left to process (in this module)
AstNodeModule* m_modp; // Current module being processed
string m_unlinkedTxt; // Text for AstUnlinkedRef
UnrollStateful m_unroller; // Loop unroller
string m_generateHierName; // Generate portion of hierarchical name
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
void makeSmallNames(AstNodeModule* modp) {
std::vector<int> usedLetter; usedLetter.resize(256);
// Pass 1, assign first letter to each gparam's name
for (AstNode* stmtp = modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* varp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (varp->isGParam()||varp->isIfaceRef()) {
char ch = varp->name()[0];
ch = toupper(ch); if (ch<'A' || ch>'Z') ch='Z';
varp->user4(usedLetter[static_cast<int>(ch)]*256 + ch);
} else if (AstParamTypeDType* typep = VN_CAST(stmtp, ParamTypeDType)) {
char ch = 'T';
typep->user4(usedLetter[static_cast<int>(ch)]*256 + ch);
string paramSmallName(AstNodeModule* modp, AstNode* varp) {
if (varp->user4()<=1) {
int index = varp->user4()/256;
char ch = varp->user4()&255;
string st = cvtToStr(ch);
while (index) {
st += cvtToStr(char((index%25)+'A'));
index /= 26;
return st;
string paramValueNumber(AstNode* nodep) {
string key = nodep->name();
if (AstIfaceRefDType* ifrtp = VN_CAST(nodep, IfaceRefDType)) {
if (ifrtp->cellp() && ifrtp->cellp()->modp()) {
key = ifrtp->cellp()->modp()->name();
} else if (ifrtp->ifacep()) {
key = ifrtp->ifacep()->name();
} else {
nodep->v3fatalSrc("Can't parameterize interface without module name");
} else if (AstBasicDType* bdtp = VN_CAST(nodep, BasicDType)) {
if (bdtp->isRanged()) {
key += "["+cvtToStr(bdtp->left())+":"+cvtToStr(bdtp->right())+"]";
V3Hash hash = V3Hashed::uncachedHash(nodep);
// Force hash collisions -- for testing only
if (VL_UNLIKELY(v3Global.opt.debugCollision())) {
hash = V3Hash();
int num;
ValueMap::iterator it = m_valueMap.find(hash);
if (it != m_valueMap.end() && it->second.second == key) {
num = it->second.first;
} else {
num = m_nextValue++;
m_valueMap[hash] = make_pair(num, key);
return string("z")+cvtToStr(num);
void collectPins(CloneMap* clonemapp, AstNodeModule* modp) {
// Grab all I/O so we can remap our pins later
for (AstNode* stmtp=modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
if (AstVar* varp = VN_CAST(stmtp, Var)) {
if (varp->isIO() || varp->isGParam() || varp->isIfaceRef()) {
// Cloning saved a pointer to the new node for us, so just follow that link.
AstVar* oldvarp = varp->clonep();
//UINFO(8,"Clone list 0x"<<hex<<(uint32_t)oldvarp<<" -> 0x"<<(uint32_t)varp<<endl);
clonemapp->insert(make_pair(oldvarp, varp));
else if (AstParamTypeDType* ptp = VN_CAST(stmtp, ParamTypeDType)) {
if (ptp->isGParam()) {
AstParamTypeDType* oldptp = ptp->clonep();
clonemapp->insert(make_pair(oldptp, ptp));
void relinkPins(CloneMap* clonemapp, AstPin* startpinp) {
for (AstPin* pinp = startpinp; pinp; pinp=VN_CAST(pinp->nextp(), Pin)) {
if (pinp->modVarp()) {
// Find it in the clone structure
//UINFO(8,"Clone find 0x"<<hex<<(uint32_t)pinp->modVarp()<<endl);
CloneMap::iterator cloneiter = clonemapp->find(pinp->modVarp());
UASSERT_OBJ(cloneiter != clonemapp->end(), pinp,
"Couldn't find pin in clone list");
pinp->modVarp(VN_CAST(cloneiter->second, Var));
else if (pinp->modPTypep()) {
CloneMap::iterator cloneiter = clonemapp->find(pinp->modPTypep());
UASSERT_OBJ(cloneiter != clonemapp->end(), pinp,
"Couldn't find pin in clone list");
pinp->modPTypep(VN_CAST(cloneiter->second, ParamTypeDType));
else {
pinp->v3fatalSrc("Not linked?");
void visitCell(AstCell* nodep, const string& hierName);
void visitModules() {
// Loop on all modules left to process
// Hitting a cell adds to the appropriate level of this level-sorted list,
// so since cells originally exist top->bottom we process in top->bottom order too.
while (!m_todoModps.empty()) {
LevelModMap::iterator it = m_todoModps.begin();
AstNodeModule* nodep = it->second;
if (!nodep->user5SetOnce()) { // Process once; note clone() must clear so we do it again
m_modp = nodep;
UINFO(4," MOD "<<nodep<<endl);
if (m_modp->hierName().empty()) m_modp->hierName(m_modp->origName());
// Note above iterate may add to m_todoModps
// Process interface cells, then non-interface which may ref an interface cell
for (int nonIf=0; nonIf<2; ++nonIf) {
for (CellList::iterator it=m_cellps.begin(); it!=m_cellps.end(); ++it) {
AstCell* nodep = *it;
if ((nonIf==0 && VN_IS(nodep->modp(), Iface))
|| (nonIf==1 && !VN_IS(nodep->modp(), Iface))) {
string fullName (m_modp->hierName());
if (string* genHierNamep = (string *) nodep->user5p()) {
fullName += *genHierNamep;
visitCell(nodep, fullName);
for (CellList::iterator it=m_cellps.begin(); it!=m_cellps.end(); ++it) {
AstCell* cellp = *it;
if (string* genHierNamep = (string *) cellp->user5p()) {
delete genHierNamep; VL_DANGLING(genHierNamep);
m_modp = NULL;
virtual void visit(AstNetlist* nodep) {
// Modules must be done in top-down-order
virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) {
if (nodep->dead()) {
UINFO(4," MOD-dead. "<<nodep<<endl); // Marked by LinkDot
} else if (nodep->recursiveClone()) {
UINFO(4," MOD-recursive-dead. "<<nodep<<endl); // Fake, made for recursive elimination
nodep->dead(true); // So Dead checks won't count references to it
} else if (nodep->level() <= 2 // Haven't added top yet, so level 2 is the top
|| VN_IS(nodep, Package)) { // Likewise haven't done wrapTopPackages yet
// Add request to END of modules left to process
m_todoModps.insert(make_pair(nodep->level(), nodep));
m_generateHierName = "";
} else if (nodep->user5()) {
UINFO(4," MOD-done "<<nodep<<endl); // Already did it
} else {
UINFO(4," MOD-dead? "<<nodep<<endl); // Should have been done by now, if not dead
virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep) {
// Must do ifaces first, so push to list and do in proper order
string* genHierNamep = new string(m_generateHierName);
// Make sure all parameters are constantified
virtual void visit(AstVar* nodep) {
if (!nodep->user5SetOnce()) { // Process once
if (nodep->isParam()) {
if (!nodep->valuep()) {
nodep->v3error("Parameter without initial value is never given value"
<<" (IEEE 1800-2017 6.20.1): "
} else {
V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep); // The variable, not just the var->init()
if (!VN_IS(nodep->valuep(), Const)) { // Complex init, like an array
// Make a new INITIAL to set the value.
// This allows the normal array/struct handling code to properly
// initialize the parameter.
new AstInitial(nodep->fileline(),
new AstAssign(
new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, true),
// Make sure varrefs cause vars to constify before things above
virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) {
if (nodep->varp()) iterate(nodep->varp());
bool ifaceParamReplace(AstVarXRef* nodep, AstNode* candp) {
for (; candp; candp = candp->nextp()) {
if (nodep->name() == candp->name()) {
if (AstVar* varp = VN_CAST(candp, Var)) {
UINFO(9,"Found interface parameter: "<<varp<<endl);
return true;
} else if (AstPin* pinp = VN_CAST(candp, Pin)) {
UINFO(9,"Found interface parameter: "<<pinp<<endl);
UASSERT_OBJ(pinp->exprp(), pinp, "Interface parameter pin missing expression");
nodep->replaceWith(pinp->exprp()->cloneTree(false)); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
return true;
return false;
virtual void visit(AstVarXRef* nodep) {
// Check to see if the scope is just an interface because interfaces are special
string dotted = nodep->dotted();
if (!dotted.empty() && nodep->varp() && nodep->varp()->isParam()) {
AstNode* backp = nodep;
while ((backp = backp->backp())) {
if (VN_IS(backp, NodeModule)) {
UINFO(9,"Hit module boundary, done looking for interface"<<endl);
if (VN_IS(backp, Var)
&& VN_CAST(backp, Var)->isIfaceRef()
&& VN_CAST(backp, Var)->childDTypep()
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(backp, Var)->childDTypep(), IfaceRefDType)) {
AstIfaceRefDType* ifacerefp
= VN_CAST(VN_CAST(backp, Var)->childDTypep(), IfaceRefDType);
// Interfaces passed in on the port map have ifaces
if (AstIface* ifacep = ifacerefp->ifacep()) {
if (dotted == backp->name()) {
UINFO(9,"Iface matching scope: "<<ifacep<<endl);
if (ifaceParamReplace(nodep, ifacep->stmtsp())) {
// Interfaces declared in this module have cells
else if (AstCell* cellp = ifacerefp->cellp()) {
if (dotted == cellp->name()) {
UINFO(9,"Iface matching scope: "<<cellp<<endl);
if (ifaceParamReplace(nodep, cellp->paramsp())) {
nodep->varp(NULL); // Needs relink, as may remove pointed-to var
virtual void visit(AstUnlinkedRef* nodep) {
AstVarXRef* varxrefp = VN_CAST(nodep->op1p(), VarXRef);
AstNodeFTaskRef* taskrefp = VN_CAST(nodep->op1p(), NodeFTaskRef);
if (varxrefp) {
m_unlinkedTxt = varxrefp->dotted();
} else if (taskrefp) {
m_unlinkedTxt = taskrefp->dotted();
} else {
nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unexpected AstUnlinkedRef node");
if (varxrefp) {
} else {
pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
virtual void visit(AstCellArrayRef* nodep) {
if (const AstConst* constp = VN_CAST(nodep->selp(), Const)) {
string index = AstNode::encodeNumber(constp->toSInt());
string replacestr = nodep->name() + "__BRA__??__KET__";
size_t pos = m_unlinkedTxt.find(replacestr);
if (pos == string::npos) {
nodep->v3error("Could not find array index in unlinked text: '"
<<m_unlinkedTxt<<"' for node: "<<nodep);
m_unlinkedTxt.replace(pos, replacestr.length(),
} else {
nodep->v3error("Could not expand constant selection inside dotted reference: "
// Generate Statements
virtual void visit(AstGenerate* nodep) {
if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "-genin: ");
// After expanding the generate, all statements under it can be moved
// up, and the generate block deleted as it's not relevant
if (AstNode* stmtsp = nodep->stmtsp()) {
if (debug()>=9) stmtsp->dumpTree(cout, "-genout: ");
} else {
nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
virtual void visit(AstGenIf* nodep) {
UINFO(9," GENIF "<<nodep<<endl);
// We suppress errors when widthing params since short-circuiting in
// the conditional evaluation may mean these error can never occur. We
// then make sure that short-circuiting is used by constifyParamsEdit.
V3Width::widthGenerateParamsEdit(nodep); // Param typed widthing will
// NOT recurse the body.
V3Const::constifyGenerateParamsEdit(nodep->condp()); // condp may change
if (const AstConst* constp = VN_CAST(nodep->condp(), Const)) {
AstNode* keepp = (constp->isZero()
? nodep->elsesp()
: nodep->ifsp());
if (keepp) {
} else {
nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
// Normal edit rules will now recurse the replacement
} else {
nodep->condp()->v3error("Generate If condition must evaluate to constant");
//! Parameter substitution for generated for loops.
//! @todo Unlike generated IF, we don't have to worry about short-circuiting the conditional
//! expression, since this is currently restricted to simple comparisons. If we ever do
//! move to more generic constant expressions, such code will be needed here.
virtual void visit(AstBegin* nodep) {
if (nodep->genforp()) {
AstGenFor* forp = VN_CAST(nodep->genforp(), GenFor);
UASSERT_OBJ(forp, nodep, "Non-GENFOR under generate-for BEGIN");
// We should have a GENFOR under here. We will be replacing the begin,
// so process here rather than at the generate to avoid iteration problems
UINFO(9," BEGIN "<<nodep<<endl);
UINFO(9," GENFOR "<<forp<<endl);
V3Width::widthParamsEdit(forp); // Param typed widthing will NOT recurse the body
// Outer wrapper around generate used to hold genvar, and to insure genvar
// doesn't conflict in V3LinkDot resolution with other genvars
// Now though we need to change BEGIN("zzz", GENFOR(...)) to
// a BEGIN("zzz__BRA__{loop#}__KET__")
string beginName = nodep->name();
// Leave the original Begin, as need a container for the (possible) GENVAR
// Note V3Unroll will replace some AstVarRef's to the loop variable with constants
// Don't remove any deleted nodes in m_unroller until whole process finishes,
// (are held in m_unroller), as some AstXRefs may still point to old nodes.
m_unroller.unrollGen(forp, beginName); VL_DANGLING(forp);
// Blocks were constructed under the special begin, move them up
// Note forp is null, so grab statements again
if (AstNode* stmtsp = nodep->genforp()) {
// Note this clears nodep->genforp(), so begin is no longer special
} else {
string rootHierName(m_generateHierName);
m_generateHierName += "." + nodep->prettyName();
m_generateHierName = rootHierName;
virtual void visit(AstGenFor* nodep) {
nodep->v3fatalSrc("GENFOR should have been wrapped in BEGIN");
virtual void visit(AstGenCase* nodep) {
UINFO(9," GENCASE "<<nodep<<endl);
AstNode* keepp = NULL;
V3Width::widthParamsEdit(nodep); // Param typed widthing will NOT recurse the body,
// don't trigger errors yet.
V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->exprp()); // exprp may change
AstConst* exprp = VN_CAST(nodep->exprp(), Const);
// Constify
for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp();
itemp; itemp = VN_CAST(itemp->nextp(), CaseItem)) {
for (AstNode* ep = itemp->condsp(); ep; ) {
AstNode* nextp = ep->nextp(); // May edit list
V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(ep); VL_DANGLING(ep); // ep may change
ep = nextp;
// Item match
for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp();
itemp; itemp = VN_CAST(itemp->nextp(), CaseItem)) {
if (!itemp->isDefault()) {
for (AstNode* ep = itemp->condsp(); ep; ep=ep->nextp()) {
if (const AstConst* ccondp = VN_CAST(ep, Const)) {
V3Number match (nodep, 1);
match.opEq(ccondp->num(), exprp->num());
if (!keepp && match.isNeqZero()) {
keepp = itemp->bodysp();
} else {
itemp->v3error("Generate Case item does not evaluate to constant");
// Else default match
for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp();
itemp; itemp = VN_CAST(itemp->nextp(), CaseItem)) {
if (itemp->isDefault()) {
if (!keepp) keepp = itemp->bodysp();
// Replace
if (keepp) {
else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
// Default: Just iterate
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) {
explicit ParamVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep) {
m_longId = 0;
m_modp = NULL;
m_nextValue = 1;
virtual ~ParamVisitor() {}
void ParamVisitor::visitCell(AstCell* nodep, const string& hierName) {
// Cell: Check for parameters in the instantiation.
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->modp(), nodep, "Not linked?");
// We always run this, even if no parameters, as need to look for interfaces,
// and remove any recursive references
UINFO(4,"De-parameterize: "<<nodep<<endl);
// Create new module name with _'s between the constants
if (debug()>=10) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "-cell:\t");
// Evaluate all module constants
AstNodeModule* srcModp = nodep->modp();
srcModp->hierName(hierName + "." + nodep->name());
// Make sure constification worked
// Must be a separate loop, as constant conversion may have changed some pointers.
//if (debug()) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "-cel2:\t");
string longname = srcModp->name();
bool any_overrides = false;
if (nodep->recursive()) any_overrides = true; // Must always clone __Vrcm (recursive modules)
longname += "_";
if (debug()>8) nodep->paramsp()->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, "-cellparams:\t");
for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->paramsp(); pinp; pinp=VN_CAST(pinp->nextp(), Pin)) {
if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; // No-connect
if (AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp()) {
if (!modvarp->isGParam()) {
pinp->v3error("Attempted parameter setting of non-parameter: Param "
<<pinp->prettyNameQ()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyNameQ());
} else if (VN_IS(pinp->exprp(), InitArray)
&& VN_IS(modvarp->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
// Array assigned to array
AstNode* exprp = pinp->exprp();
longname += "_" + paramSmallName(srcModp, modvarp) + paramValueNumber(exprp);
any_overrides = true;
} else {
AstConst* exprp = VN_CAST(pinp->exprp(), Const);
AstConst* origp = VN_CAST(modvarp->valuep(), Const);
if (!exprp) {
//if (debug()) pinp->dumpTree(cout, "error:");
pinp->v3error("Can't convert defparam value to constant: Param "
<<pinp->prettyNameQ()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyNameQ());
new AstConst(pinp->fileline(),
AstConst::WidthedValue(), modvarp->width(), 0));
} else if (origp && exprp->sameTree(origp)) {
// Setting parameter to its default value. Just ignore it.
// This prevents making additional modules, and makes coverage more
// obvious as it won't show up under a unique module page name.
} else if (exprp->num().isDouble()
|| exprp->num().isString()
|| exprp->num().isFourState()) {
longname += ("_" + paramSmallName(srcModp, modvarp)
+ paramValueNumber(exprp));
any_overrides = true;
} else {
longname += ("_" + paramSmallName(srcModp, modvarp)
+ exprp->num().ascii(false));
any_overrides = true;
} else if (AstParamTypeDType* modvarp = pinp->modPTypep()) {
AstNodeDType* exprp = VN_CAST(pinp->exprp(), NodeDType);
AstNodeDType* origp = modvarp->subDTypep();
if (!exprp) {
pinp->v3error("Parameter type pin value isn't a type: Param "
<<pinp->prettyNameQ()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyNameQ());
} else if (!origp) {
pinp->v3error("Parameter type variable isn't a type: Param "
} else {
UINFO(9,"Parameter type assignment expr="<<exprp<<" to "<<origp<<endl);
if (origp && exprp->sameTree(origp)) {
// Setting parameter to its default value. Just ignore it.
// This prevents making additional modules, and makes coverage more
// obvious as it won't show up under a unique module page name.
} else {
longname += "_" + paramSmallName(srcModp, modvarp) + paramValueNumber(exprp);
any_overrides = true;
} else {
pinp->v3error("Parameter not found in sub-module: Param "
<<pinp->prettyNameQ()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyNameQ());
IfaceRefRefs ifaceRefRefs;
for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=VN_CAST(pinp->nextp(), Pin)) {
AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
if (modvarp->isIfaceRef()) {
AstIfaceRefDType* portIrefp = VN_CAST(modvarp->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType);
if (!portIrefp && VN_IS(modvarp->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)) {
portIrefp = VN_CAST(VN_CAST(modvarp->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType);
AstIfaceRefDType* pinIrefp = NULL;
AstNode* exprp = pinp->exprp();
if (exprp
&& VN_IS(exprp, VarRef)
&& VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()
&& VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep()
&& VN_IS(VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType)) {
pinIrefp = VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType);
} else if (exprp
&& exprp->op1p()
&& VN_IS(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)
&& VN_CAST(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)->varp()
&& VN_CAST(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep()
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep()
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType)) {
pinIrefp = VN_CAST(VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp->op1p(), VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType);
} else if (exprp
&& VN_IS(exprp, VarRef)
&& VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()
&& VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep()
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep()
&& VN_CAST(VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType)) {
pinIrefp = VN_CAST(VN_CAST(VN_CAST(exprp, VarRef)->varp()->subDTypep(), UnpackArrayDType)->subDTypep(), IfaceRefDType);
UINFO(9," portIfaceRef "<<portIrefp<<endl);
if (!portIrefp) {
pinp->v3error("Interface port "<<modvarp->prettyNameQ()
<<" is not an interface " << modvarp);
} else if (!pinIrefp) {
pinp->v3error("Interface port "<<modvarp->prettyNameQ()
<<" is not connected to interface/modport pin expression");
} else {
UINFO(9," pinIfaceRef "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
if (portIrefp->ifaceViaCellp() != pinIrefp->ifaceViaCellp()) {
UINFO(9," IfaceRefDType needs reconnect "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
longname += ("_" + paramSmallName(srcModp, pinp->modVarp())
+ paramValueNumber(pinIrefp));
any_overrides = true;
ifaceRefRefs.push_back(make_pair(portIrefp, pinIrefp));
if (portIrefp->ifacep() != pinIrefp->ifacep()
// Might be different only due to param cloning, so check names too
&& portIrefp->ifaceName() != pinIrefp->ifaceName()) {
pinp->v3error("Port "<<pinp->prettyNameQ()<<" expects "
<<" interface but pin connects "
<<" interface");
if (!any_overrides) {
UINFO(8,"Cell parameters all match original values, skipping expansion.\n");
} else {
// If the name is very long, we don't want to overwhelm the filename limit
// We don't do this always, as it aids debugability to have intuitive naming.
// TODO can use new V3Name hash replacement instead of this
string newname = longname;
if (longname.length()>30) {
LongMap::iterator iter = m_longMap.find(longname);
if (iter != m_longMap.end()) {
newname = iter->second;
} else {
newname = srcModp->name();
newname += "__pi"+cvtToStr(++m_longId); // We use all upper case above, so lower here can't conflict
m_longMap.insert(make_pair(longname, newname));
UINFO(4,"Name: "<<srcModp->name()<<"->"<<longname<<"->"<<newname<<endl);
// Already made this flavor?
AstNodeModule* cellmodp = NULL;
ModNameMap::iterator iter = m_modNameMap.find(newname);
if (iter != m_modNameMap.end()) cellmodp = iter->second.m_modp;
if (!cellmodp) {
// Deep clone of new module
// Note all module internal variables will be re-linked to the new modules by clone
// However links outside the module (like on the upper cells) will not.
cellmodp = srcModp->cloneTree(false);
cellmodp->user5(false); // We need to re-recurse this module once changed
// Recursion may need level cleanups
if (cellmodp->level() <= m_modp->level()) cellmodp->level(m_modp->level()+1);
if ((cellmodp->level() - srcModp->level())
>= (v3Global.opt.moduleRecursionDepth() - 2)) {
nodep->v3error("Exceeded maximum --module-recursion-depth of "
// Keep tree sorted by level
AstNodeModule* insertp = srcModp;
while (VN_IS(insertp->nextp(), NodeModule)
&& VN_CAST(insertp->nextp(), NodeModule)->level() < cellmodp->level()) {
insertp = VN_CAST(insertp->nextp(), NodeModule);
m_modNameMap.insert(make_pair(cellmodp->name(), ModInfo(cellmodp)));
iter = m_modNameMap.find(newname);
CloneMap* clonemapp = &(iter->second.m_cloneMap);
UINFO(4," De-parameterize to new: "<<cellmodp<<endl);
// Grab all I/O so we can remap our pins later
// Note we allow multiple users of a parameterized model,
// thus we need to stash this info.
collectPins(clonemapp, cellmodp);
// Relink parameter vars to the new module
relinkPins(clonemapp, nodep->paramsp());
// Fix any interface references
for (IfaceRefRefs::iterator it=ifaceRefRefs.begin();
it!=ifaceRefRefs.end(); ++it) {
AstIfaceRefDType* portIrefp = it->first;
AstIfaceRefDType* pinIrefp = it->second;
AstIfaceRefDType* cloneIrefp = portIrefp->clonep();
UINFO(8," IfaceOld "<<portIrefp<<endl);
UINFO(8," IfaceTo "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
UASSERT_OBJ(cloneIrefp, portIrefp,
"parameter clone didn't hit AstIfaceRefDType");
UINFO(8," IfaceClo "<<cloneIrefp<<endl);
UINFO(8," IfaceNew "<<cloneIrefp<<endl);
// Assign parameters to the constants specified
// DOES clone() so must be finished with module clonep() before here
for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->paramsp(); pinp; pinp=VN_CAST(pinp->nextp(), Pin)) {
if (pinp->exprp()) {
if (AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp()) {
AstNode* newp = pinp->exprp(); // Const or InitArray
// Remove any existing parameter
if (modvarp->valuep()) modvarp->valuep()->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree();
// Set this parameter to value requested by cell
else if (AstParamTypeDType* modptp = pinp->modPTypep()) {
AstNodeDType* dtypep = VN_CAST(pinp->exprp(), NodeDType);
UASSERT_OBJ(dtypep, pinp, "unlinked param dtype");
if (modptp->childDTypep()) {
// Set this parameter to value requested by cell
// Later V3LinkDot will convert the ParamDType to a Typedef
// Not done here as may be localparams, etc, that also need conversion
} else {
UINFO(4," De-parameterize to old: "<<cellmodp<<endl);
// Have child use this module instead.
// We need to relink the pins to the new module
CloneMap* clonemapp = &(iter->second.m_cloneMap);
relinkPins(clonemapp, nodep->pinsp());
UINFO(8," Done with "<<cellmodp<<endl);
} // if any_overrides
// Delete the parameters from the cell; they're not relevant any longer.
if (nodep->paramsp()) nodep->paramsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree();
UINFO(8," Done with "<<nodep<<endl);
//if (debug()>=10) v3Global.rootp()->dumpTreeFile(v3Global.debugFilename("param-out.tree"));
// Now remember to process the child module at the end of the module
m_todoModps.insert(make_pair(nodep->modp()->level(), nodep->modp()));
// Param class functions
void V3Param::param(AstNetlist* rootp) {
UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<<endl);
ParamVisitor visitor (rootp);
} // Destruct before checking
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("param", 0, v3Global.opt.dumpTreeLevel(__FILE__) >= 6);