2017-09-17 22:52:57 -04:00

331 lines
11 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Waves tracing
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2017 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// V3TraceDecl's Transformations:
// Create trace CFUNCs
// For each VARSCOPE
// If appropriate type of signal, create a TRACE
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3TraceDecl.h"
#include "V3EmitCBase.h"
#include "V3Stats.h"
// TraceDecl state, as a visitor of each AstNode
class TraceDeclVisitor : public EmitCBaseVisitor {
AstScope* m_scopetopp; // Current top scope
AstCFunc* m_initFuncp; // Trace function being built
AstCFunc* m_initSubFuncp; // Trace function being built (under m_init)
int m_initSubStmts; // Number of statements in function
AstCFunc* m_fullFuncp; // Trace function being built
AstCFunc* m_chgFuncp; // Trace function being built
int m_funcNum; // Function number being built
AstVarScope* m_traVscp; // Signal being trace constructed
AstNode* m_traValuep; // Signal being traced's value to trace in it
string m_traShowname; // Signal being traced's component name
V3Double0 m_statSigs; // Statistic tracking
V3Double0 m_statIgnSigs; // Statistic tracking
static int debug() {
static int level = -1;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(level < 0)) level = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel(__FILE__);
return level;
const char* vscIgnoreTrace(AstVarScope* nodep) {
// Return true if this shouldn't be traced
// See also similar rule in V3Coverage::varIgnoreToggle
AstVar* varp = nodep->varp();
if (!varp->isTrace()) {
return "Verilator trace_off";
else if (!nodep->isTrace()) {
return "Verilator cell trace_off";
else if (!v3Global.opt.traceUnderscore()) {
string prettyName = varp->prettyName();
if (prettyName.size()>=1 && prettyName[0] == '_')
return "Leading underscore";
if (prettyName.find("._") != string::npos)
return "Inlined leading underscore";
return NULL;
AstCFunc* newCFunc(AstCFuncType type, const string& name, bool slow) {
AstCFunc* funcp = new AstCFunc(m_scopetopp->fileline(), name, m_scopetopp);
funcp->argTypes(EmitCBaseVisitor::symClassVar()+", "+v3Global.opt.traceClassBase()+"* vcdp, uint32_t code");
UINFO(5," Newfunc "<<funcp<<endl);
return funcp;
AstCFunc* newCFuncSub(AstCFunc* basep) {
string name = basep->name()+"__"+cvtToStr(++m_funcNum);
AstCFunc* funcp = NULL;
if (basep->funcType()==AstCFuncType::TRACE_INIT) {
funcp = newCFunc(AstCFuncType::TRACE_INIT_SUB, name, basep->slow());
} else {
basep->v3fatalSrc("Strange base function type");
// cppcheck-suppress nullPointer // above fatal prevents it
AstCCall* callp = new AstCCall(funcp->fileline(), funcp);
callp->argTypes("vlSymsp, vcdp, code");
return funcp;
void addTraceDecl(const VNumRange& arrayRange,
int widthOverride) { // If !=0, is packed struct/array where basicp size misreflects one element
VNumRange bitRange;
AstBasicDType* bdtypep = m_traValuep->dtypep()->basicp();
if (widthOverride) bitRange = VNumRange(widthOverride-1,0,false);
else if (bdtypep) bitRange = bdtypep->nrange();
AstTraceDecl* declp = new AstTraceDecl(m_traVscp->fileline(), m_traShowname, m_traValuep,
bitRange, arrayRange);
UINFO(9,"Decl "<<declp<<endl);
if (m_initSubStmts && v3Global.opt.outputSplitCTrace()
&& m_initSubStmts > v3Global.opt.outputSplitCTrace()) {
m_initSubFuncp = newCFuncSub(m_initFuncp);
m_initSubStmts = 0;
m_initSubStmts += EmitCBaseCounterVisitor(declp).count();
m_chgFuncp->addStmtsp(new AstTraceInc(m_traVscp->fileline(), declp, m_traValuep->cloneTree(true)));
// The full version will get constructed in V3Trace
void addIgnore(const char* why) {
new AstComment(m_traVscp->fileline(), "Tracing: "+m_traShowname+" // Ignored: "+why));
virtual void visit(AstTopScope* nodep) {
m_scopetopp = nodep->scopep();
// Make containers for TRACEDECLs first
m_initFuncp = newCFunc(AstCFuncType::TRACE_INIT, "traceInitThis", true);
m_fullFuncp = newCFunc(AstCFuncType::TRACE_FULL, "traceFullThis", true);
m_chgFuncp = newCFunc(AstCFuncType::TRACE_CHANGE, "traceChgThis", false);
m_initSubFuncp = newCFuncSub(m_initFuncp);
// And find variables
virtual void visit(AstVarScope* nodep) {
// Avoid updating this if (), instead see varp->isTrace()
if (!nodep->varp()->isTemp() && !nodep->varp()->isFuncLocal()) {
UINFO(5, " vsc "<<nodep<<endl);
AstVar* varp = nodep->varp();
AstScope* scopep = nodep->scopep();
// Compute show name
// This code assumes SPTRACEVCDC_VERSION >= 1330;
// it uses spaces to separate hierarchy components.
m_traShowname = AstNode::vcdName(scopep->name() + " " + varp->name());
if (m_traShowname.substr(0,4) == "TOP ") m_traShowname.replace(0,4,"");
if (!m_initSubFuncp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("NULL");
m_traVscp = nodep;
m_traValuep = NULL;
if (vscIgnoreTrace(nodep)) {
} else {
if (nodep->valuep()) m_traValuep = nodep->valuep()->cloneTree(true);
else m_traValuep = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), nodep, false);
// Recurse into data type of the signal; the visitors will call addTraceDecl()
// Cleanup
if (m_traValuep) { m_traValuep->deleteTree(); m_traValuep=NULL; }
m_traVscp = NULL;
m_traValuep = NULL;
m_traShowname = "";
// VISITORS - Data types when tracing
virtual void visit(AstConstDType* nodep) {
if (m_traVscp) {
virtual void visit(AstRefDType* nodep) {
if (m_traVscp) {
virtual void visit(AstUnpackArrayDType* nodep) {
// Note more specific dtypes above
if (m_traVscp) {
if ((int)nodep->arrayUnpackedElements() > v3Global.opt.traceMaxArray()) {
addIgnore("Wide memory > --trace-max-array ents");
} else if (nodep->subDTypep()->skipRefp()->castBasicDType() // Nothing lower than this array
&& m_traVscp->dtypep()->skipRefp() == nodep) { // Nothing above this array
// Simple 1-D array, use exising V3EmitC runtime loop rather than unrolling
// This will put "(index)" at end of signal name for us
addTraceDecl(nodep->declRange(), 0);
} else {
// Unroll now, as have no other method to get right signal names
AstNodeDType* subtypep = nodep->subDTypep()->skipRefp();
for (int i=nodep->lsb(); i<=nodep->msb(); ++i) {
string oldShowname = m_traShowname;
AstNode* oldValuep = m_traValuep;
m_traShowname += string("(")+cvtToStr(i)+string(")");
m_traValuep = new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(), m_traValuep->cloneTree(true),
i - nodep->lsb());
m_traValuep->deleteTree(); m_traValuep = NULL;
m_traShowname = oldShowname;
m_traValuep = oldValuep;
virtual void visit(AstPackArrayDType* nodep) {
if (m_traVscp) {
if (!v3Global.opt.traceStructs()) {
// Everything downstream is packed, so deal with as one trace unit
// This may not be the nicest for user presentation, but is a much faster way to trace
addTraceDecl(VNumRange(), nodep->width());
} else {
AstNodeDType* subtypep = nodep->subDTypep()->skipRefp();
for (int i=nodep->lsb(); i<=nodep->msb(); ++i) {
string oldShowname = m_traShowname;
AstNode* oldValuep = m_traValuep;
m_traShowname += string("(")+cvtToStr(i)+string(")");
m_traValuep = new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), m_traValuep->cloneTree(true),
(i - nodep->lsb())*subtypep->width(),
m_traValuep->deleteTree(); m_traValuep = NULL;
m_traShowname = oldShowname;
m_traValuep = oldValuep;
virtual void visit(AstNodeClassDType* nodep) {
if (m_traVscp) {
if (nodep->packed() && !v3Global.opt.traceStructs()) {
// Everything downstream is packed, so deal with as one trace unit
// This may not be the nicest for user presentation, but is a much faster way to trace
addTraceDecl(VNumRange(), nodep->width());
} else {
if (!nodep->packed()) {
addIgnore("Unsupported: Unpacked struct/union");
} else {
for (AstMemberDType* itemp = nodep->membersp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castMemberDType()) {
AstNodeDType* subtypep = itemp->subDTypep()->skipRefp();
string oldShowname = m_traShowname;
AstNode* oldValuep = m_traValuep;
m_traShowname += string(" ")+itemp->prettyName();
if (nodep->castStructDType()) {
m_traValuep = new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), m_traValuep->cloneTree(true),
itemp->lsb(), subtypep->width());
m_traValuep->deleteTree(); m_traValuep = NULL;
} else { // Else union, replicate fields
m_traShowname = oldShowname;
m_traValuep = oldValuep;
virtual void visit(AstBasicDType* nodep) {
if (m_traVscp) {
if (nodep->keyword()==AstBasicDTypeKwd::STRING) {
addIgnore("Unsupported: strings");
} else {
addTraceDecl(VNumRange(), 0);
virtual void visit(AstNodeDType* nodep) {
// Note more specific dtypes above
if (!m_traVscp) return;
addIgnore("Unsupported: data type");
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) {
explicit TraceDeclVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep) {
m_scopetopp = NULL;
m_initFuncp = NULL;
m_initSubFuncp = NULL;
m_initSubStmts = 0;
m_fullFuncp = NULL;
m_chgFuncp = NULL;
m_funcNum = 0;
m_traVscp = NULL;
m_traValuep = NULL;
virtual ~TraceDeclVisitor() {
V3Stats::addStat("Tracing, Traced signals", m_statSigs);
V3Stats::addStat("Tracing, Ignored signals", m_statIgnSigs);
// Trace class functions
void V3TraceDecl::traceDeclAll(AstNetlist* nodep) {
UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<<endl);
TraceDeclVisitor visitor (nodep);
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("tracedecl", 0, v3Global.opt.dumpTreeLevel(__FILE__) >= 3);