forked from github/verilator
This is a major re-design of the way code is scheduled in Verilator, with the goal of properly supporting the Active and NBA regions of the SystemVerilog scheduling model, as defined in IEEE 1800-2017 chapter 4. With this change, all internally generated clocks should simulate correctly, and there should be no more need for the `clock_enable` and `clocker` attributes for correctness in the absence of Verilator generated library models (`--lib-create`). Details of the new scheduling model and algorithm are provided in docs/internals.rst. Implements #3278
199 lines
6.6 KiB
199 lines
6.6 KiB
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2019 by Todd Strader.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
`define DRIVE(sig) \
/* Just throw a bunch of bits at the input */ \
/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ \
sig``_in <= {8{crc}}; \
/* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
`define CHECK(sig) \
if (cyc > 0 && sig``_in != sig``_out) begin \
$display(`"%%Error (%m) sig``_in (0x%0x) != sig``_out (0x%0x)`", \
sig``_in, sig``_out); \
$stop; \
module t #(parameter GATED_CLK = 0) (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
localparam last_cyc =
genvar x;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x = x + 1) begin: gen_loop
integer cyc = 0;
reg [63:0] crc = 64'h5aef0c8d_d70a4497;
logic [31:0] accum_in;
logic [31:0] accum_out;
logic accum_bypass;
logic [31:0] accum_bypass_out;
logic [31:0] accum_out_expect;
logic [31:0] accum_bypass_out_expect;
logic s1_in;
logic s1_out;
logic s1up_in[2];
logic s1up_out[2];
logic [1:0] s2_in;
logic [1:0] s2_out;
logic [7:0] s8_in;
logic [7:0] s8_out;
logic [32:0] s33_in;
logic [32:0] s33_out;
logic [63:0] s64_in;
logic [63:0] s64_out;
logic [64:0] s65_in;
logic [64:0] s65_out;
logic [128:0] s129_in;
logic [128:0] s129_out;
logic [3:0] [31:0] s4x32_in;
logic [3:0] [31:0] s4x32_out;
/*verilator lint_off LITENDIAN*/
logic [0:15] s6x16up_in[0:1][2:0];
logic [0:15] s6x16up_out[0:1][2:0];
/*verilator lint_on LITENDIAN*/
logic [15:0] s8x16up_in[1:0][0:3];
logic [15:0] s8x16up_out[1:0][0:3];
logic [15:0] s8x16up_3d_in[1:0][0:1][0:1];
logic [15:0] s8x16up_3d_out[1:0][0:1][0:1];
wire clk_en = crc[0];
secret (
always @(posedge clk) begin
$display("[%0t] x=%0d, cyc=%0d accum_in=%0d accum_out=%0d accum_bypass_out=%0d",
$time, x, cyc, accum_in, accum_out, accum_bypass_out);
cyc <= cyc + 1;
crc <= {crc[62:0], crc[63] ^ crc[2] ^ crc[0]};
accum_in <= accum_in + 5;
{s1up_in[1], s1up_in[0]} <= {^crc, ~(^crc)};
{s6x16up_in[0][0], s6x16up_in[0][1], s6x16up_in[0][2]} <= crc[47:0];
{s6x16up_in[1][0], s6x16up_in[1][1], s6x16up_in[1][2]} <= ~crc[63:16];
{s8x16up_in[0][0], s8x16up_in[0][1], s8x16up_in[0][2], s8x16up_in[0][3]} <= crc;
{s8x16up_in[1][0], s8x16up_in[1][1], s8x16up_in[1][2], s8x16up_in[1][3]} <= ~crc;
{s8x16up_3d_in[0][0][0], s8x16up_3d_in[0][0][1]} <= ~crc[31:0];
{s8x16up_3d_in[0][1][0], s8x16up_3d_in[0][1][1]} <= ~crc[63:32];
{s8x16up_3d_in[1][0][0], s8x16up_3d_in[1][0][1]} <= crc[31:0];
{s8x16up_3d_in[1][1][0], s8x16up_3d_in[1][1][1]} <= crc[63:32];
if (cyc == 0) begin
accum_in <= x*100;
accum_bypass <= '0;
end else if (cyc > 0) begin
if (accum_out_expect != accum_out) begin
$display("%%Error: (%m) accum_out expected %0d got %0d",
accum_out_expect, accum_out);
if (accum_bypass_out_expect != accum_bypass_out) begin
$display("%%Error: (%m) accum_bypass_out expected %0d got %0d",
accum_bypass_out_expect, accum_bypass_out);
if (cyc == 5) accum_bypass <= '1;
if (x == 0 && cyc == last_cyc) begin
$display("final cycle = %0d", cyc);
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
logic possibly_gated_clk;
if (GATED_CLK != 0) begin: yes_gated_clock
logic clk_en_latch;
/* verilator lint_off COMBDLY */
/* verilator lint_off LATCH */
always_comb if (clk == '0) clk_en_latch <= clk_en;
/* verilator lint_on LATCH */
/* verilator lint_on COMBDLY */
assign possibly_gated_clk = clk & clk_en_latch;
end else begin: no_gated_clock
assign possibly_gated_clk = clk;
always @(posedge possibly_gated_clk) begin
// 7 is the secret_value inside the secret module
accum_out_expect <= accum_in + accum_out_expect + 7;
always @(*) begin
// XSim (and maybe all event simulators?) sees the moment where
// s1_in has not yet propagated to s1_out, however, they do always
// both change at the same time
/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */
/* verilator lint_on STMTDLY */
assign accum_bypass_out_expect = accum_bypass ? accum_in :