2020-11-19 21:32:33 -05:00

446 lines
22 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Add Unknown assigns
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// V3Unknown's Transformations:
// Each module:
// TBD: Eliminate tristates by adding __in, __inen, __en wires in parallel
// Need __en in changed list if a signal is on the LHS of a assign
// Constants:
// RHS, Replace 5'bx_1_x with a module global we init to a random value
// CONST(5'bx_1_x) -> VARREF(_{numberedtemp})
// -> VAR(_{numberedtemp})
// -> INITIAL(VARREF(_{numberedtemp}),
// OR(5'bx_1_x,AND(random,5'b0_1_x))
// OPTIMIZE: Must not collapse this initial back into the equation.
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Unknown.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Const.h"
#include "V3Stats.h"
#include <algorithm>
class UnknownVisitor final : public AstNVisitor {
// Cleared on Netlist
// AstSel::user() -> bool. Set true if already processed
// AstArraySel::user() -> bool. Set true if already processed
// AstNode::user2p() -> AstIf* Inserted if assignment for conditional
AstUser1InUse m_inuser1;
AstUser2InUse m_inuser2;
AstNodeModule* m_modp = nullptr; // Current module
AstAssignW* m_assignwp = nullptr; // Current assignment
AstAssignDly* m_assigndlyp = nullptr; // Current assignment
bool m_constXCvt = false; // Convert X's
VDouble0 m_statUnkVars; // Statistic tracking
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
void replaceBoundLvalue(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* condp) {
// Spec says a out-of-range LHS SEL results in a NOP.
// This is a PITA. We could:
// 1. IF(...) around an ASSIGN,
// but that would break a "foo[TOO_BIG]=$fopen(...)".
// 2. Hack to extend the size of the output structure
// by one bit, and write to that temporary, but never read it.
// That makes there be two widths() and is likely a bug farm.
// 3. Make a special SEL to choose between the real lvalue
// and a temporary NOP register.
// 4. Assign to a temp, then IF that assignment.
// This is suspected to be nicest to later optimizations.
// 4 seems best but breaks later optimizations. 3 was tried,
// but makes a mess in the emitter as lvalue switching is needed. So 4.
// SEL(...) -> temp
// if (COND(LTE(bit<=maxlsb))) ASSIGN(SEL(...)),temp)
if (m_assignwp) {
// Wire assigns must become always statements to deal with insertion
// of multiple statements. Perhaps someday make all wassigns into always's?
UINFO(5, " IM_WireRep " << m_assignwp << endl);
VL_DO_CLEAR(pushDeletep(m_assignwp), m_assignwp = nullptr);
bool needDly = (m_assigndlyp != nullptr);
if (m_assigndlyp) {
// Delayed assignments become normal assignments,
// then the temp created becomes the delayed assignment
AstNode* newp = new AstAssign(m_assigndlyp->fileline(),
VL_DO_CLEAR(pushDeletep(m_assigndlyp), m_assigndlyp = nullptr);
AstNode* prep = nodep;
// Scan back to put the condlvalue above all selects (IE top of the lvalue)
while (VN_IS(prep->backp(), NodeSel) || VN_IS(prep->backp(), Sel)) {
prep = prep->backp();
FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline();
VL_DANGLING(nodep); // Zap it so we don't use it by mistake - use prep
// Already exists; rather than IF(a,... IF(b... optimize to IF(a&&b,
// Saves us teaching V3Const how to optimize, and it won't be needed again.
if (AstIf* ifp = VN_CAST(prep->user2p(), If)) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!needDly, prep, "Should have already converted to non-delay");
AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
AstNode* earliercondp = ifp->condp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
AstNode* newp = new AstLogAnd(condp->fileline(), condp, earliercondp);
UINFO(4, "Edit BOUNDLVALUE " << newp << endl);
} else {
string name = (string("__Vlvbound") + cvtToStr(m_modp->varNumGetInc()));
AstVar* varp = new AstVar(fl, AstVarType::MODULETEMP, name, prep->dtypep());
AstNode* abovep = prep->backp(); // Grab above point before lose it w/ next replace
prep->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(fl, varp, VAccess::WRITE));
AstIf* newp = new AstIf(
fl, condp,
(needDly ? static_cast<AstNode*>(
new AstAssignDly(fl, prep, new AstVarRef(fl, varp, VAccess::READ)))
: static_cast<AstNode*>(
new AstAssign(fl, prep, new AstVarRef(fl, varp, VAccess::READ)))),
if (debug() >= 9) newp->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
abovep->addNextStmt(newp, abovep);
prep->user2p(newp); // Save so we may LogAnd it next time
virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep) override {
UINFO(4, " MOD " << nodep << endl);
m_modp = nodep;
m_constXCvt = true;
virtual void visit(AstAssignDly* nodep) override {
m_assigndlyp = nodep;
VL_DO_DANGLING(iterateChildren(nodep), nodep); // May delete nodep.
m_assigndlyp = nullptr;
virtual void visit(AstAssignW* nodep) override {
m_assignwp = nodep;
VL_DO_DANGLING(iterateChildren(nodep), nodep); // May delete nodep.
m_assignwp = nullptr;
virtual void visit(AstCaseItem* nodep) override {
m_constXCvt = false; // Avoid losing the X's in casex
m_constXCvt = true;
virtual void visit(AstNodeDType* nodep) override {
m_constXCvt = false; // Avoid losing the X's in casex
m_constXCvt = true;
void visitEqNeqCase(AstNodeBiop* nodep) {
UINFO(4, " N/EQCASE->EQ " << nodep << endl);
V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->lhsp()); // lhsp may change
V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->rhsp()); // rhsp may change
if (VN_IS(nodep->lhsp(), Const) && VN_IS(nodep->rhsp(), Const)) {
// Both sides are constant, node can be constant
VL_DO_DANGLING(V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep), nodep);
} else {
AstNode* lhsp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
AstNode* rhsp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
AstNode* newp;
// If we got ==1'bx it can never be true (but 1'bx==1'bx can be!)
if (((VN_IS(lhsp, Const) && VN_CAST(lhsp, Const)->num().isFourState())
|| (VN_IS(rhsp, Const) && VN_CAST(rhsp, Const)->num().isFourState()))) {
newp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue(), 1,
(VN_IS(nodep, EqCase) ? 0 : 1));
VL_DO_DANGLING(lhsp->deleteTree(), lhsp);
VL_DO_DANGLING(rhsp->deleteTree(), rhsp);
} else {
if (VN_IS(nodep, EqCase)) {
newp = new AstEq(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
newp = new AstNeq(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
// Iterate tree now that we may have gotten rid of Xs
void visitEqNeqWild(AstNodeBiop* nodep) {
UINFO(4, " N/EQWILD->EQ " << nodep << endl);
V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->lhsp()); // lhsp may change
V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->rhsp()); // rhsp may change
if (VN_IS(nodep->lhsp(), Const) && VN_IS(nodep->rhsp(), Const)) {
// Both sides are constant, node can be constant
VL_DO_DANGLING(V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep), nodep);
} else {
AstNode* lhsp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
AstNode* rhsp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
AstNode* newp;
if (!VN_IS(rhsp, Const)) {
nodep->v3warn(E_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported: RHS of ==? or !=? must be "
"constant to be synthesizable"); // Says spec.
// Replace with anything that won't cause more errors
newp = new AstEq(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
} else {
// X or Z's become mask, ala case statements.
V3Number nummask(rhsp, rhsp->width());
nummask.opBitsNonX(VN_CAST(rhsp, Const)->num());
V3Number numval(rhsp, rhsp->width());
numval.opBitsOne(VN_CAST(rhsp, Const)->num());
AstNode* and1p = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), lhsp,
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), nummask));
AstNode* and2p = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numval);
if (VN_IS(nodep, EqWild)) {
newp = new AstEq(nodep->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
} else {
newp = new AstNeq(nodep->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
VL_DO_DANGLING(rhsp->deleteTree(), rhsp);
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
// Iterate tree now that we may have gotten rid of the compare
virtual void visit(AstEqCase* nodep) override { visitEqNeqCase(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstNeqCase* nodep) override { visitEqNeqCase(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstEqWild* nodep) override { visitEqNeqWild(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstNeqWild* nodep) override { visitEqNeqWild(nodep); }
virtual void visit(AstIsUnknown* nodep) override {
// Ahh, we're two state, so this is easy
UINFO(4, " ISUNKNOWN->0 " << nodep << endl);
AstConst* newp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), AstConst::LogicFalse());
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
virtual void visit(AstConst* nodep) override {
if (m_constXCvt && nodep->num().isFourState()) {
UINFO(4, " CONST4 " << nodep << endl);
if (debug() >= 9) nodep->dumpTree(cout, " Const_old: ");
// CONST(num) -> VARREF(newvarp)
// -> VAR(newvarp)
// -> INITIAL(VARREF(newvarp, OR(num_No_Xs,AND(random,num_1s_Where_X))
V3Number numb1(nodep, nodep->width());
V3Number numbx(nodep, nodep->width());
if (v3Global.opt.xAssign() != "unique") {
// All X bits just become 0; fastest simulation, but not nice
V3Number numnew(nodep, numb1.width());
if (v3Global.opt.xAssign() == "1") {
numnew.opOr(numb1, numbx);
} else {
AstConst* newp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numnew);
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
UINFO(4, " -> " << newp << endl);
} else {
// Make a Vxrand variable
// We use the special XTEMP type so it doesn't break pure functions
UASSERT_OBJ(m_modp, nodep, "X number not under module");
string newvarname = (string("__Vxrand") + cvtToStr(m_modp->varNumGetInc()));
AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar(nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::XTEMP, newvarname,
VFlagLogicPacked(), nodep->width());
AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
AstNodeVarRef* newref1p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newvarp, VAccess::READ);
replaceHandle.relink(newref1p); // Replace const with varref
AstInitial* newinitp = new AstInitial(
new AstAssign(
new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newvarp, VAccess::WRITE),
new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numb1),
new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(),
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numbx),
new AstRand(nodep->fileline(), AstRand::Reset{},
nodep->dtypep(), true)))));
// Add inits in front of other statement.
// In the future, we should stuff the initp into the module's constructor.
AstNode* afterp = m_modp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
if (debug() >= 9) newref1p->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
if (debug() >= 9) newvarp->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
if (debug() >= 9) newinitp->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->deleteTree(), nodep);
virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) {
// Guard against reading/writing past end of bit vector array
AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep);
bool lvalue = false;
if (const AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = VN_CAST(basefromp, NodeVarRef)) {
lvalue = varrefp->access().isWriteOrRW();
// Find range of dtype we are selecting from
// Similar code in V3Const::warnSelect
int maxmsb = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->width() - 1;
if (debug() >= 9) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "sel_old: ");
// If (maxmsb >= selected), we're in bound
AstNode* condp = new AstGte(nodep->fileline(),
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue(),
nodep->lsbp()->width(), maxmsb),
// See if the condition is constant true (e.g. always in bound due to constant select)
// Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
if (condp->isOne()) {
// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
VL_DO_DANGLING(condp->deleteTree(), condp);
} else if (!lvalue) {
// SEL(...) -> COND(LTE(bit<=maxmsb), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
V3Number xnum(nodep, nodep->width());
AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound(nodep->fileline(), condp, nodep,
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
if (debug() >= 9) newp->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
// Link in conditional
// Added X's, tristate them too
} else { // lvalue
replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);
// visit(AstSliceSel) not needed as its bounds are constant and checked
// in V3Width.
virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) override {
if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) {
if (debug() == 9) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "-in: ");
// Guard against reading/writing past end of arrays
AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep->fromp());
bool lvalue = false;
if (const AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = VN_CAST(basefromp, NodeVarRef)) {
lvalue = varrefp->access().isWriteOrRW();
} else if (VN_IS(basefromp, Const)) {
// If it's a PARAMETER[bit], then basefromp may be a constant instead of a varrefp
} else {
nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef or Const under ArraySel");
// Find range of dtype we are selecting from
int declElements = -1;
AstNodeDType* dtypep = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp();
UASSERT_OBJ(dtypep, nodep, "Select of non-selectable type");
if (const AstNodeArrayDType* adtypep = VN_CAST(dtypep, NodeArrayDType)) {
declElements = adtypep->elementsConst();
} else {
nodep->v3error("Select from non-array " << dtypep->prettyTypeName());
if (debug() >= 9) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "arraysel_old: ");
// See if the condition is constant true
AstNode* condp = new AstGte(nodep->fileline(),
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue(),
nodep->bitp()->width(), declElements - 1),
// Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
if (condp->isOne()) {
// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
VL_DO_DANGLING(condp->deleteTree(), condp);
} else if (!lvalue
// Making a scalar would break if we're making an array
&& !VN_IS(nodep->dtypep()->skipRefp(), NodeArrayDType)) {
// ARRAYSEL(...) -> COND(LT(bit<maxbit), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
V3Number xnum(nodep, nodep->width());
if (nodep->isString()) {
xnum = V3Number(V3Number::String(), nodep, "");
} else {
AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound(nodep->fileline(), condp, nodep,
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
if (debug() >= 9) newp->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
// Link in conditional, can blow away temp xor
// Added X's, tristate them too
} else if (!lvalue) { // Mid-multidimension read, just use zero
// ARRAYSEL(...) -> ARRAYSEL(COND(LT(bit<maxbit), bit, 0))
AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
AstNode* bitp = nodep->bitp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound(
bitp->fileline(), condp, bitp,
new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue(), bitp->width(), 0));
// Added X's, tristate them too
if (debug() >= 9) newp->dumpTree(cout, " _new: ");
} else { // lvalue
replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
explicit UnknownVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep) { iterate(nodep); }
virtual ~UnknownVisitor() override { //
V3Stats::addStat("Unknowns, variables created", m_statUnkVars);
// Unknown class functions
void V3Unknown::unknownAll(AstNetlist* nodep) {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
{ UnknownVisitor visitor(nodep); } // Destruct before checking
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("unknown", 0, v3Global.opt.dumpTreeLevel(__FILE__) >= 3);