forked from github/verilator
679 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
679 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.
#require 5.006_001;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;
use vars qw ($Debug @Types %Classes %Children %ClassRefs %Stages);
# main
$Debug = 0;
my $opt_classes;
my $opt_report;
my @Opt_Cpt;
my @Opt_I;
Getopt::Long::config ("pass_through", "no_auto_abbrev");
if (! GetOptions (
"help" => \&usage,
"debug" => sub { $Debug = 1; },
"classes!" => \$opt_classes,
"report!" => \$opt_report,
"<>" => \¶meter,
)) {
read_refs(glob("$Opt_I[0]/*.y"), glob("$Opt_I[0]/*.h"), glob("$Opt_I[0]/*.cpp"));
if ($opt_report) {
if ($opt_classes) {
foreach my $cpt (@Opt_Cpt) {
Cpt::process(in_filename=>"$Opt_I[0]/${cpt}.cpp", out_filename=>"${cpt}__gen.cpp");
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>2, -output=>\*STDOUT);
exit (1);
sub parameter {
my $param = shift;
if ($param =~ /^-+I(\S+)/) {
push @Opt_I, $1;
} elsif ($param =~ s/\.cpp$//) {
push @Opt_Cpt, $param;
} else {
die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param,";
sub read_types {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($filename) or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
while (defined (my $line = $fh->getline())) {
$line =~ s/\/\/.*$//;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
if ($line =~ /^\s*(class|struct)\s*(\S+)/) {
my $class = $2;
my $inh = "";
$inh = $1 if ($line =~ /:\s*public\s+(\S+)/);
print "class $class : $inh\n" if $Debug;
$inh = "" if $class eq "AstNode";
if ($inh =~ /Ast/ || $class eq "AstNode") {
$class =~ s/^Ast//;
$inh =~ s/^Ast//;
$Classes{$class} = $inh;
$Children{$inh}{$class} = 1;
sub read_stages {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($filename) or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
my $n = 0;
while (defined (my $line = $fh->getline())) {
$line =~ s/\/\/.*$//;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
if ($line =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z0-9]+)::/) {
my $stage = $1.".cpp";
if (!defined ($Stages{$stage})) {
$Stages{$stage} = $n++;
sub read_refs {
my @filenames = @_;
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
(my $basename = $filename) =~ s!.*/!!;
my $fh = IO::File->new($filename) or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
while (defined (my $line = $fh->getline())) {
$line =~ s/\/\/.*$//;
while ($line =~ /\bnew\s*(Ast[A-Za-z0-9_]+)/g) {
$ClassRefs{$1}{newed}{$basename} = 1;
while ($line =~ /\b(Ast[A-Za-z0-9_]+)/g) {
$ClassRefs{$1}{used}{$basename} = 1;
#use Data::Dumper;print Dumper(\%ClassRefs);
sub open_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($filename,"w") or die "%Error: $! $filename,";
print $fh '// Generated by astgen // -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-'."\n";
return $fh;
sub subclasses_of {
my $type = shift;
my @cllist;
for (my $subclass = $::Classes{$type}; $subclass; ) {
push @cllist, $subclass;
$subclass = $::Classes{$subclass};
return (reverse @cllist);
sub children_of {
my $type = shift;
my @cllist;
my @todo;
push @todo, $type;
while (my $subclass = shift @todo) {
foreach my $child (sort keys %{$::Children{$subclass}}) {
push @todo, $child;
push @cllist, $child;
return (@cllist);
sub write_report {
my $filename = shift;
my $fh = defined($filename) ? open_file($filename) : \*STDOUT;
$fh->print("Processing stages (approximate, based on order in Verilator.cpp):\n");
foreach my $class (sort {$Stages{$a} <=> $Stages{$b}} keys %Stages) {
$fh->print("\nProcessing stages (approximate, based on order in Verilator.cpp):\n");
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
printf $fh " class %-20s\n", "Ast${type}";
foreach my $subclass (subclasses_of($type)) {
next if $subclass eq 'Node';
printf $fh "Ast%-12s ",$subclass;
printf $fh "\n";
foreach my $subclass (children_of($type)) {
next if $subclass eq 'Node';
printf $fh "Ast%-12s ",$subclass;
printf $fh "\n";
if (my $refs = $ClassRefs{"Ast${type}"}) {
foreach my $stage (sort {($Stages{$a}||-1) <=> ($Stages{$b}||-1)}
keys %{$refs->{newed}}) {
$fh->print($stage." ");
foreach my $stage (sort {($Stages{$a}||-1) <=> ($Stages{$b}||-1)}
keys %{$refs->{used}}) {
$fh->print($stage." ");
sub write_classes {
my $fh = open_file(@_);
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
printf $fh "class %-20s // ", "Ast${type};";
foreach my $subclass (subclasses_of($type)) {
printf $fh "Ast%-12s ",$subclass;
printf $fh "\n";
sub write_visitor {
my $fh = open_file(@_);
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
my $base = $Classes{$type};
if ($base) {
printf $fh " virtual void visit(Ast${type}* nodep) { visit((Ast${base}*)(nodep)); }\n";
} else {
printf $fh " virtual void visit(Ast${type}*) = 0;\n";
sub write_intf {
my $fh = open_file(@_);
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
next if $type eq "Node"; # Special, just a return (this);
printf $fh " Ast%-16s cast${type}();\n"
sub write_impl {
my $fh = open_file(@_);
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
next if $type eq "Node"; # Special, just a return (this);
# For performance, prefer static_cast where we can
if (children_of($type)) {
printf $fh "inline Ast%-16s AstNode::cast${type}() { return (dynamic_cast<Ast${type}*>(this)); }\n"
} else {
printf $fh "inline Ast%-16s AstNode::cast${type}() { return (this && this->type() == AstType::at${type}) ? static_cast<Ast${type}*>(this) : NULL; }\n"
sub write_types {
my $fh = open_file(@_);
printf $fh " enum en {\n";
# Add "at" prefix to avoid conflicting with FOPEN and other macros in include files
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
next if $type =~ /^Node/;
print $fh "\tat",$type,",\n";
printf $fh "\t_ENUM_END\n";
printf $fh " };\n";
printf $fh " const char* ascii() const {\n";
printf $fh " const char* names[] = {\n";
foreach my $type (sort (keys %Classes)) {
next if $type =~ /^Node/;
print $fh "\t\"", uc $type, "\",\n";
printf $fh "\t\"_ENUM_END\"\n";
printf $fh " };\n";
printf $fh " return names[m_e];\n";
printf $fh " };\n";
package Cpt;
sub error {
my $self = shift;
my $txt = join('', @_);
die "%Error: $self->{in_filename}:$self->{in_linenum}: $txt\n";
sub print {
my $self = shift;
my $txt = join('', @_);
push @{$self->{out_lines}}, $txt;
sub output_func {
my $self = shift;
my $func = shift;
push @{$self->{out_lines}}, $func;
sub _output_line {
my $self = shift;
$self->print("#line ",$self->{out_linenum}+2," \"$self->{out_filename}\"\n");
sub process {
my $self = {
in_filename => undef,
out_filename => undef,
out_lines => [],
out_linenum => 1,
bless $self, __PACKAGE__;
my $ln = 1;
my $didln;
# Read the file and parse into list of functions that generate output
my $fhi = IO::File->new($self->{in_filename}) or die "%Error: $! $self->{in_filename},";
while (defined(my $line = $fhi->getline)) {
if (!$didln) {
$self->print("#line $. \"$self->{in_filename}\"\n");
$didln = 1;
if ($line =~ /^\s+(TREE.*)$/) {
my $func = $1;
$self->{in_linenum} = $.;
$self->output_func(sub{my $self=shift; $self->_output_line(); });
$self->tree_line ($func);
$didln = 0;
elsif ($line !~ /^\s*\/[\/\*]\s*TREE/
&& $line =~ /\s+TREE/) {
$self->error("Unknown astgen line: $line");
else {
# Put out the resultant file, if the list has a reference to a
# function, then call that func to generate output
my $fho = ::open_file($self->{out_filename});
my @togen = @{$self->{out_lines}};
foreach my $line (@togen) {
if (ref $line) {
$self->{out_lines} = [];
} else {
$self->{out_lines} = [$line];
foreach my $out (@{$self->{out_lines}}) {
$self->{out_linenum}++ while ($out =~ /\n/smg);
print $fho $out;
sub tree_line {
my $self = shift;
my $func = shift;
$func =~ s!\s*//.*$!!;
$func =~ s!\s*;\s*$!!;
# doflag "S" indicates an op specifying short-circuiting for a type.
if ($func =~ /TREEOP(1?)([VCS]?)\s*\(\s* \"([^\"]*)\" \s*,\s* \"([^\"]*)\" \s*\)/sx) {
my $order = $1; my $doflag = $2; my $from = $3; my $to = $4;
#$self->print("// $from $to\n");
if (!$self->{did_out_tree}) {
$self->{did_out_tree} = 1;
$self->output_func(sub{ my $self=shift;
$from =~ /Ast([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\{(.*)\}\s*$/
or $self->error("Can't parse from function: $func");
my $type = $1;
my $subnodes = $2;
(::subclasses_of($type)) or $self->error("Unknown AstNode type: $type: in $func");
my $mif;
if ($doflag eq '') { $mif = "m_doNConst"; }
elsif ($doflag eq 'V') { $mif = "m_doV"; }
elsif ($doflag eq 'C') { $mif = ""; }
elsif ($doflag eq 'S') { $mif = "m_doNConst"; } # Not just for m_doGenerate
else { die; }
$subnodes =~ s/,,/__ESCAPEDCOMMA__/g;
foreach my $subnode (split /\s*,\s*/, $subnodes) {
$subnode =~ s/__ESCAPEDCOMMA__/,/g;
next if $subnode =~ /^\$([a-z0-9]+)$/gi; # "$lhs" is just a comment that this op has a lhs
$mif .= " && " if $mif;
my $subnodeif = $subnode;
$subnodeif =~ s/\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/nodep->$1()->$2()/g;
$subnodeif = add_nodep($subnodeif);
$mif .= $subnodeif;
my $exec_func = treeop_exec_func($self, $to);
$self->{treeop}{$type} ||= [];
my $n = $#{$self->{treeop}{$type}} + 1;
my $typefunc = {
order => $order,
comment => $func,
match_func => "match_${type}_${n}",
match_if => $mif,
exec_func => $exec_func,
uinfo_level => ($to =~ /^!/ ? 0:7),
short_circuit => ($doflag eq 'S'),
($typefunc->{uinfo} = $func) =~ s/[ \t\"\{\}]+/ /g;
push @{$self->{treeop}{$type}}, $typefunc;
elsif ($func =~ /TREE_SKIP_VISIT\s*\(\s* \"([^\"]*)\" \s*\)/sx) {
my $type = $1;
$self->{tree_skip_visit}{$type} = 1;
$::Classes{$type} or $self->error("Unknown node type: $type");
else {
$self->error("Unknown astgen op: $func");
sub add_nodep {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/nodep->$1()/g;
return $str;
our %_Exec_Syms;
our $_Exec_Nsyms;
sub _exec_syms_recurse {
my $aref = shift;
foreach my $sym (@{$aref}) {
if (ref $sym) { _exec_syms_recurse($sym); }
elsif ($sym =~ /^\$.*/) {
if (!defined $_Exec_Syms{$sym}) {
$_Exec_Syms{$sym} = "arg".($_Exec_Nsyms++)."p";
sub _exec_new_recurse {
my $aref = shift;
my $out = "new ".$aref->[0]."(nodep->fileline()";
my $first = 1;
foreach my $sym (@{$aref}) {
if ($first) { $first=0; next; }
$out .= ", ";
if (ref $sym) { $out.=_exec_new_recurse($sym); }
elsif ($sym =~ /^\$.*/) {
$out .= $_Exec_Syms{$sym};
} else {
$out .= $sym;
return $out.")";
sub treeop_exec_func {
my $self = shift;
my $func = shift;
my $out = "";
$func =~ s/^!//;
if ($func =~ /^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s*\(/) { # Function call
(my $outl = $func) =~ s/\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/nodep->$1()/g;
$out .= $outl.";";
elsif ($func =~ /^\s*Ast([a-zA-Z0-9]+) \s*\{\s* (.*) \s* \}$/x) {
my $nargs = 0;
my %argnums; # Number for each argument name
my $aref = undef; # Recursive array with structure to form
my @astack;
my $forming = "";
my $argtext = $func . "\000"; # EOF character
#print "FF $func\n" if $Debug;
while ($argtext =~ s/^(.)//) {
my $tok = $1;
#print "TOK: $tok $forming\n" if $tok !~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/;
if ($tok eq "\000") {
} elsif ($tok =~ /\s+/) {
} elsif ($tok eq "{") {
my $newref = [$forming];
push @{$aref}, $newref;
push @astack, $aref if $aref;
$aref = $newref;
$forming = "";
} elsif ($tok eq "}") {
push @{$aref}, $forming if $forming;
$aref = pop @astack;
$aref or $self->error("Too many } in execution function: $func\n");
$forming = "";
} elsif ($tok eq ",") {
push @{$aref}, $forming if $forming;
$forming = "";
} else {
$forming .= $tok;
($aref && ref $aref->[0] && !$aref->[1]) or $self->error("Badly formed execution function: $func\n");
$aref = $aref->[0];
#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($aref),"\n";
# Assign numbers to each $ symbol
%_Exec_Syms = ();
$_Exec_Nsyms = 0;
foreach my $sym (sort {$_Exec_Syms{$a} cmp $_Exec_Syms{$b}} (keys %_Exec_Syms)) {
my $argnp = $_Exec_Syms{$sym};
my $arg = add_nodep($sym);
$out .= "AstNode* ${argnp} = ${arg}->unlinkFrBack();\n";
$out .= "AstNode* newp = " . _exec_new_recurse($aref).";\n";
$out .= "nodep->replaceWith(newp);";
$out .= "nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);";
#print "FF $out\n" if $Debug;
} elsif ($func eq "NEVER") {
$out .= "nodep->v3fatalSrc(\"Executing transform that was NEVERed\");";
} elsif ($func eq "DONE") {
} else {
$self->error("Unknown execution function format: $func\n");
return $out;
sub tree_match {
my $self = shift;
$self->print (" // TREEOP functions, each return true if they matched & transformed\n");
#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($self);
foreach my $base (sort (keys %{$self->{treeop}})) {
foreach my $typefunc (@{$self->{treeop}{$base}}) {
$self->print(" // Generated by astgen\n");
$self->print(" bool $typefunc->{match_func}(Ast${base}* nodep) {\n",
"\t// $typefunc->{comment}\n",);
$self->print( "\tif ($typefunc->{match_if}) {\n");
$self->print( "\t UINFO($typefunc->{uinfo_level},(void*)(nodep)<<\" $typefunc->{uinfo}\\n\");\n");
$self->print( "\t $typefunc->{exec_func}\n");
$self->print( "\t return true;\n");
$self->print( "\t}\n");
$self->print( "\treturn false;\n");
$self->print(" }\n",);
sub tree_base {
my $self = shift;
$self->print (" // TREEOP visitors, call each base type's match\n");
$self->print (" // Bottom class up, as more simple transforms are generally better\n");
foreach my $type (sort (keys %::Classes)) {
my $base = $::Classes{$type};
my @out_for_type_sc;
my @out_for_type;
foreach my $base (::subclasses_of($type), $type) {
foreach my $typefunc (@{$self->{treeop}{$base}}) {
my @lines = (" if ($typefunc->{match_func}(nodep)) return;\n",);
if ($typefunc->{short_circuit}) { # short-circuit match fn
push @out_for_type_sc, @lines;
} else { # Standard match fn
if ($typefunc->{order}) {
unshift @out_for_type, @lines; # TREEOP1's go in front of others
} else {
push @out_for_type, @lines;
# We need to deal with two cases. For short circuited functions we
# evaluate the LHS, then apply the short-circuit matches, then
# evaluate the RHS and possibly THS (ternary operators may
# short-circuit) and apply all the other matches.
# For types without short-circuits, we just use iterateChildren, which
# saves one comparison.
if ($out_for_type_sc[0]) { # Short-circuited types
$self->print(" // Generated by astgen with short-circuiting\n",
" virtual void visit(Ast${type}* nodep) {\n",
" nodep->lhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this);\n",
$self->print(" nodep->rhsp()->iterateAndNext(*this);\n",
" AstNodeTriop *tnp = nodep->castNodeTriop();\n",
" if (tnp && tnp->thsp()) tnp->thsp()->iterateAndNext(*this);\n",
" }\n") if ($out_for_type[0]);
} elsif ($out_for_type[0]) { # Other types with something to print
my $skip = $self->{tree_skip_visit}{$type};
my $gen = $skip ? "Gen" : "";
$self->print(" // Generated by astgen\n",
" virtual void visit$gen(Ast${type}* nodep) {\n",
" nodep->iterateChildren(*this);\n"),
" }\n");
package main;
=head1 NAME
astgen - Generate V3Ast headers to reduce C++ code duplication
Generates several files for Verilator compilations.
=over 4
=item --help
Displays this message and program version and exits.
=item --classes
Makes class declaration files.
=item --report
Makes a report report.
Copyright 2002-2017 by Wilson Snyder. Verilator is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser
General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
=head1 AUTHORS
Wilson Snyder <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
### Local Variables:
### compile-command: "./astgen -I. --report"
### End: