Geza Lore 991d8b178b
Fix FST tracing performance by removing std::map from hot path. (#2244)
This patch eliminates a major piece of inefficiency in FST tracing
support, by using an array to lookup fstHandle values corresponding
to trace codes, instead of a tree based std::map. With this change, FST
tracing is now only about 3x slower than VCD tracing. We do require
more memory to store the symbol lookup table, but the size of that is
still small, for the speed benefit.
2020-04-08 17:54:35 -04:00

233 lines
8.0 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2001-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief C++ Tracing in FST Format
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_fst_c.h"
// GTKWave configuration
// Include the GTKWave implementation directly
#define FST_CONFIG_INCLUDE "fst_config.h"
#include "gtkwave/fastlz.c"
#include "gtkwave/fstapi.c"
#include "gtkwave/lz4.c"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <ctime>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <io.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <unistd.h>
class VerilatedFstCallInfo {
friend class VerilatedFst;
VerilatedFstCallback_t m_initcb; ///< Initialization Callback function
VerilatedFstCallback_t m_fullcb; ///< Full Dumping Callback function
VerilatedFstCallback_t m_changecb; ///< Incremental Dumping Callback function
void* m_userthis; ///< Fake "this" for caller
vluint32_t m_code; ///< Starting code number
VerilatedFstCallInfo(VerilatedFstCallback_t icb, VerilatedFstCallback_t fcb,
VerilatedFstCallback_t changecb, void* ut)
: m_initcb(icb)
, m_fullcb(fcb)
, m_changecb(changecb)
, m_userthis(ut)
, m_code(1) {}
~VerilatedFstCallInfo() {}
// VerilatedFst
VerilatedFst::VerilatedFst(void* fst)
: m_fst(fst)
, m_fullDump(true)
, m_nextCode(1)
, m_scopeEscape('.')
, m_symbolp(NULL) {
m_valueStrBuffer.reserve(64 + 1); // Need enough room for quad
VerilatedFst::~VerilatedFst() {
if (m_fst) fstWriterClose(m_fst);
if (m_symbolp) VL_DO_CLEAR(delete[] m_symbolp, m_symbolp = NULL);
void VerilatedFst::open(const char* filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE {
m_fst = fstWriterCreate(filename, 1);
fstWriterSetPackType(m_fst, FST_WR_PT_LZ4);
fstWriterSetParallelMode(m_fst, 1);
m_nextCode = 1;
for (vluint32_t ent = 0; ent < m_callbacks.size(); ++ent) {
VerilatedFstCallInfo* cip = m_callbacks[ent];
cip->m_code = m_nextCode;
// Initialize; callbacks will call decl* which update m_nextCode
(cip->m_initcb)(this, cip->m_userthis, cip->m_code);
// Clear the scope stack
std::list<std::string>::iterator it = m_curScope.begin();
while (it != m_curScope.end()) {
it = m_curScope.erase(it);
// convert m_code2symbol into an array for fast lookup
if (!m_symbolp) {
m_symbolp = new fstHandle[m_nextCode + 10];
for (Code2SymbolType::iterator it = m_code2symbol.begin(); it != m_code2symbol.end();
++it) {
m_symbolp[it->first] = it->second;
void VerilatedFst::module(const std::string& name) { m_module = name; }
// Decl
void VerilatedFst::declDTypeEnum(int dtypenum, const char* name, vluint32_t elements,
unsigned int minValbits, const char** itemNamesp,
const char** itemValuesp) {
fstEnumHandle enumNum
= fstWriterCreateEnumTable(m_fst, name, elements, minValbits, itemNamesp, itemValuesp);
m_local2fstdtype[dtypenum] = enumNum;
void VerilatedFst::declSymbol(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum, vluint32_t len,
vluint32_t bits) {
// Make sure deduplicate tracking increments for future declarations
int codesNeeded = 1 + int(bits / 32);
// Not supported: if (tri) codesNeeded *= 2; // Space in change array for __en signals
m_nextCode = std::max(m_nextCode, code + codesNeeded);
std::pair<Code2SymbolType::iterator, bool> p
= m_code2symbol.insert(std::make_pair(code, static_cast<fstHandle>(NULL)));
std::istringstream nameiss(name);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> beg(nameiss), end;
std::list<std::string> tokens(beg, end); // Split name
std::string symbol_name(tokens.back());
tokens.pop_back(); // Remove symbol name from hierarchy
tokens.insert(tokens.begin(), m_module); // Add current module to the hierarchy
// Find point where current and new scope diverge
std::list<std::string>::iterator cur_it = m_curScope.begin();
std::list<std::string>::iterator new_it = tokens.begin();
while (cur_it != m_curScope.end() && new_it != tokens.end()) {
if (*cur_it != *new_it) break;
// Go back to the common point
while (cur_it != m_curScope.end()) {
cur_it = m_curScope.erase(cur_it);
// Follow the hierarchy of the new variable from the common scope point
while (new_it != tokens.end()) {
fstWriterSetScope(m_fst, FST_ST_VCD_SCOPE, new_it->c_str(), NULL);
new_it = tokens.erase(new_it);
std::stringstream name_ss;
name_ss << symbol_name;
if (array) name_ss << "(" << arraynum << ")";
std::string name_str = name_ss.str();
if (dtypenum > 0) {
fstEnumHandle enumNum = m_local2fstdtype[dtypenum];
fstWriterEmitEnumTableRef(m_fst, enumNum);
if (p.second) { // New
p.first->second = fstWriterCreateVar(m_fst, vartype, vardir, len, name_str.c_str(), 0);
} else { // Alias
fstWriterCreateVar(m_fst, vartype, vardir, len, name_str.c_str(), p.first->second);
// Callbacks
void VerilatedFst::addCallback(VerilatedFstCallback_t initcb, VerilatedFstCallback_t fullcb,
VerilatedFstCallback_t changecb, void* userthis) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(isOpen())) {
std::string msg = (std::string("Internal: ") + __FILE__ + "::" + __FUNCTION__
+ " called with already open file");
VL_FATAL_MT(__FILE__, __LINE__, "", msg.c_str());
VerilatedFstCallInfo* cip = new VerilatedFstCallInfo(initcb, fullcb, changecb, userthis);
// Dumping
void VerilatedFst::dump(vluint64_t timeui) {
if (!isOpen()) return;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(m_fullDump)) {
m_fullDump = false; // No more need for next dump to be full
for (vluint32_t ent = 0; ent < m_callbacks.size(); ++ent) {
VerilatedFstCallInfo* cip = m_callbacks[ent];
(cip->m_fullcb)(this, cip->m_userthis, cip->m_code);
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(m_fst, timeui);
for (vluint32_t ent = 0; ent < m_callbacks.size(); ++ent) {
VerilatedFstCallInfo* cip = m_callbacks[ent];
(cip->m_changecb)(this, cip->m_userthis, cip->m_code);
// Local Variables:
// End: