forked from github/verilator
169 lines
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169 lines
6.5 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Scheduling
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2023 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace V3Sched {
// Throughout scheduling, we need to keep hold of AstActive nodes, together with the AstScope that
// they are under. LogicByScope is simply a vector of such pairs, with some additional convenience
// methods.
struct LogicByScope final : public std::vector<std::pair<AstScope*, AstActive*>> {
// Add logic
void add(AstScope* scopep, AstSenTree* senTreep, AstNode* logicp) {
UASSERT_OBJ(!logicp->backp(), logicp, "Already linked");
if (empty() || back().first != scopep || back().second->sensesp() != senTreep) {
emplace_back(scopep, new AstActive{logicp->fileline(), "", senTreep});
// Create copy, with the AstActives cloned
LogicByScope clone() const {
LogicByScope result;
for (const auto& pair : *this) {
result.emplace_back(pair.first, pair.second->cloneTree(false));
return result;
// Delete actives (they should all be empty)
void deleteActives() {
for (const auto& pair : *this) {
AstActive* const activep = pair.second;
UASSERT_OBJ(!activep->stmtsp(), activep, "Leftover logic");
if (activep->backp()) activep->unlinkFrBack();
void foreachLogic(const std::function<void(AstNode*)>& f) const {
for (const auto& pair : *this) {
for (AstNode* nodep = pair.second->stmtsp(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) f(nodep);
// Logic in the design is classified based on what can trigger its execution.
// For details see the internals documentation.
struct LogicClasses final {
LogicByScope m_static; // Static variable initializers
LogicByScope m_initial; // initial blocks
LogicByScope m_final; // final blocks
LogicByScope m_comb; // Combinational logic (logic with implicit sensitivities)
LogicByScope m_clocked; // Clocked (or sequential) logic (logic with explicit sensitivities)
LogicByScope m_hybrid; // Hybrid logic (combinational logic with some explicit sensitivities)
LogicByScope m_postponed; // Postponed logic ($strobe)
LogicByScope m_observed; // Observed logic (contains AstAlwaysObserved)
LogicByScope m_reactive; // Reactive logic (contains AstAlwaysReactive)
LogicClasses() = default;
LogicClasses(LogicClasses&&) = default;
LogicClasses& operator=(LogicClasses&&) = default;
// Combinational (including hybrid) logic, and clocked logic in partitioned to compute all clock
// signals in the 'act' region. For details see the internals documentation.
struct LogicRegions final {
LogicByScope m_pre; // AstAssignPre logic in 'act' region
LogicByScope m_act; // 'act' region logic
LogicByScope m_nba; // 'nba' region logic
LogicRegions() = default;
LogicRegions(LogicRegions&&) = default;
LogicRegions& operator=(LogicRegions&&) = default;
// Combinational (including hybrid) logic is replicated into the various scheduling regions.
// For details see the internals documentation.
struct LogicReplicas final {
LogicByScope m_ico; // Logic replicated into the 'ico' (Input Combinational) region
LogicByScope m_act; // Logic replicated into the 'act' region
LogicByScope m_nba; // Logic replicated into the 'nba' region
LogicReplicas() = default;
LogicReplicas(LogicReplicas&&) = default;
LogicReplicas& operator=(LogicReplicas&&) = default;
// Everything needed for combining timing with static scheduling.
class TimingKit final {
AstCFunc* m_resumeFuncp = nullptr; // Global timing resume function
AstCFunc* m_commitFuncp = nullptr; // Global timing commit function
// Additional var sensitivities for V3Order
std::map<const AstVarScope*, std::set<AstSenTree*>> m_externalDomains;
LogicByScope m_lbs; // Actives that resume timing schedulers
AstNodeStmt* m_postUpdates = nullptr; // Post updates for the trigger eval function
// Remaps external domains using the specified trigger map
std::map<const AstVarScope*, std::vector<AstSenTree*>>
remapDomains(const std::unordered_map<const AstSenTree*, AstSenTree*>& trigMap) const;
// Creates a timing resume call (if needed, else returns null)
AstCCall* createResume(AstNetlist* const netlistp);
// Creates a timing commit call (if needed, else returns null)
AstCCall* createCommit(AstNetlist* const netlistp);
TimingKit() = default;
TimingKit(LogicByScope&& lbs, AstNodeStmt* postUpdates,
std::map<const AstVarScope*, std::set<AstSenTree*>>&& externalDomains)
: m_externalDomains{externalDomains}
, m_lbs{lbs}
, m_postUpdates{postUpdates} {}
TimingKit(TimingKit&&) = default;
TimingKit& operator=(TimingKit&&) = default;
// Creates the timing kit and marks variables written by suspendables
TimingKit prepareTiming(AstNetlist* const netlistp);
// Transforms fork sub-statements into separate functions
void transformForks(AstNetlist* const netlistp);
// Top level entry point to scheduling
void schedule(AstNetlist*);
// Sub-steps
LogicByScope breakCycles(AstNetlist* netlistp, LogicByScope& combinationalLogic);
LogicRegions partition(LogicByScope& clockedLogic, LogicByScope& combinationalLogic,
LogicByScope& hybridLogic);
LogicReplicas replicateLogic(LogicRegions&);
} // namespace V3Sched
#endif // Guard