// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk, fastclk ); input clk; input fastclk; genvar unused; /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire o_com; // From b of t_inst_first_b.v wire o_seq_d1r; // From b of t_inst_first_b.v // End of automatics integer _mode; // initial _mode=0 reg na,nb,nc,nd,ne; wire ma,mb,mc,md,me; wire da,db,dc,dd,de; reg [7:0] wa,wb,wc,wd,we; wire [7:0] qa,qb,qc,qd,qe; wire [5:0] ra; wire [4:0] rb; wire [29:0] rc; wire [63:0] rd; reg [5:0] sa; reg [4:0] sb; reg [29:0] sc; reg [63:0] sd; reg _guard1; initial _guard1=0; wire [104:0] r_wide = {ra,rb,rc,rd}; reg _guard2; initial _guard2=0; wire [98:0] r_wide0 = {rb,rc,rd}; reg _guard3; initial _guard3=0; wire [93:0] r_wide1 = {rc,rd}; reg _guard4; initial _guard4=0; wire [63:0] r_wide2 = {rd}; reg _guard5; initial _guard5=0; wire [168:0] r_wide3 = {ra,rb,rc,rd,rd}; reg [127:0] _guard6; initial _guard6=0; t_inst_first_a a ( .clk (clk), // Outputs .o_w5 ({ma,mb,mc,md,me}), .o_w5_d1r ({da,db,dc,dd,de}), .o_w40 ({qa,qb,qc,qd,qe}), .o_w104 ({ra,rb,rc,rd}), // Inputs .i_w5 ({na,nb,nc,nd,ne}), .i_w40 ({wa,wb,wc,wd,we}), .i_w104 ({sa,sb,sc,sd}) ); reg i_seq; reg i_com; wire [15:14] o2_comhigh; t_inst_first_b b ( .o2_com (o2_comhigh), .i2_com ({i_com,~i_com}), .wide_for_trace (128'h1234_5678_aaaa_bbbb_cccc_dddd), .wide_for_trace_2 (_guard6 + 128'h1234_5678_aaaa_bbbb_cccc_dddd), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .o_seq_d1r (o_seq_d1r), .o_com (o_com), // Inputs .clk (clk), .i_seq (i_seq), .i_com (i_com)); // surefire lint_off STMINI initial _mode = 0; always @ (posedge fastclk) begin if (_mode==1) begin if (o_com !== ~i_com) $stop; if (o2_comhigh !== {~i_com,i_com}) $stop; end end always @ (posedge clk) begin //$write("[%0t] t_inst: MODE = %0x NA=%x MA=%x DA=%x\n", $time, _mode, // {na,nb,nc,nd,ne}, {ma,mb,mc,md,me}, {da,db,dc,dd,de}); $write("[%0t] t_inst: MODE = %0x IS=%x OS=%x\n", $time, _mode, i_seq, o_seq_d1r); if (_mode==0) begin $write("[%0t] t_inst: Running\n", $time); _mode<=1; {na,nb,nc,nd,ne} <= 5'b10110; {wa,wb,wc,wd,we} <= {8'ha, 8'hb, 8'hc, 8'hd, 8'he}; {sa,sb,sc,sd} <= {6'hf, 5'h3, 30'h12345, 32'h0abc_abcd, 32'h7654_3210}; // i_seq <= 1'b1; i_com <= 1'b1; end else if (_mode==1) begin _mode<=2; if ({ma,mb,mc,md,me} !== 5'b10110) $stop; if ({qa,qb,qc,qd,qe} !== {8'ha,8'hb,8'hc,8'hd,8'he}) $stop; if ({sa,sb,sc,sd} !== {6'hf, 5'h3, 30'h12345, 32'h0abc_abcd, 32'h7654_3210}) $stop; end else if (_mode==2) begin _mode<=3; if ({da,db,dc,dd,de} !== 5'b10110) $stop; if (o_seq_d1r !== ~i_seq) $stop; // $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end if (|{_guard1,_guard2,_guard3,_guard4,_guard5,_guard6}) begin $write("Guard error %x %x %x %x %x\n",_guard1,_guard2,_guard3,_guard4,_guard5); $stop; end end // surefire lint_off UDDSDN wire _unused_ok = |{1'b1, r_wide0, r_wide1,r_wide2,r_wide3,r_wide}; endmodule