// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Make lookup tables // // Code available from: https://verilator.org // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* // TABLE TRANSFORMATIONS: // Look at all large always and assignments. // Count # of input bits and # of output bits, and # of statements // If high # of statements relative to inpbits*outbits, // replace with lookup table // //************************************************************************* #include "config_build.h" #include "verilatedos.h" #include "V3Global.h" #include "V3Table.h" #include "V3Simulate.h" #include "V3Stats.h" #include "V3Ast.h" #include #include #include //###################################################################### // Table class functions // CONFIG static const double TABLE_MAX_BYTES = 1*1024*1024; // 1MB is max table size (better be lots of instructs to be worth it!) static const double TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES = 64*1024*1024; // 64MB is close to max memory of some systems (256MB or so), so don't get out of control static const double TABLE_SPACE_TIME_MULT = 8; // Worth 8 bytes of data to replace a instruction static const int TABLE_MIN_NODE_COUNT = 32; // If < 32 instructions, not worth the effort //###################################################################### class TableVisitor; class TableSimulateVisitor : public SimulateVisitor { // MEMBERS TableVisitor* m_cbthis; ///< Class for callback public: virtual void varRefCb(AstVarRef* nodep); ///< Call other-this function on all new var references // CONSTRUCTORS explicit TableSimulateVisitor(TableVisitor* cbthis) { m_cbthis = cbthis; } virtual ~TableSimulateVisitor() {} }; //###################################################################### // Table class functions class TableVisitor : public AstNVisitor { private: // NODE STATE // Cleared on each always/assignw // STATE double m_totalBytes; // Total bytes in tables created VDouble0 m_statTablesCre; // Statistic tracking // State cleared on each module AstNodeModule* m_modp; // Current MODULE int m_modTables; // Number of tables created in this module typedef std::deque ModTableVector; ModTableVector m_modTableVscs; // All tables created // State cleared on each scope AstScope* m_scopep; // Current SCOPE // State cleared on each always/assignw bool m_assignDly; // Consists of delayed assignments instead of normal assignments int m_inWidth; // Input table width int m_outWidth; // Output table width std::deque m_inVarps; // Input variable list std::deque m_outVarps; // Output variable list std::deque m_outNotSet; // True if output variable is not set at some point // When creating a table std::deque m_tableVarps; // Table being created // METHODS VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug() bool treeTest(AstAlways* nodep) { // Process alw/assign tree m_inWidth = 0; m_outWidth = 0; m_inVarps.clear(); m_outVarps.clear(); m_outNotSet.clear(); // Collect stats TableSimulateVisitor chkvis (this); chkvis.mainTableCheck(nodep); m_assignDly = chkvis.isAssignDly(); // Also sets m_inWidth // Also sets m_outWidth // Also sets m_inVarps // Also sets m_outVarps // Calc data storage in bytes size_t chgWidth = m_outVarps.size(); // Width of one change-it-vector if (chgWidth<8) chgWidth = 8; double space = (pow(static_cast(2.0), static_cast(m_inWidth)) * static_cast(m_outWidth + chgWidth)); // Instruction count bytes (ok, it's space also not time :) double bytesPerInst = 4; double time = ((chkvis.instrCount()*bytesPerInst + chkvis.dataCount()) + 1); // +1 so won't div by zero if (chkvis.instrCount() < TABLE_MIN_NODE_COUNT) { chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table has too few nodes involved"); } if (space > TABLE_MAX_BYTES) { chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table takes too much space"); } if (space > time * TABLE_SPACE_TIME_MULT) { chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table has bad tradeoff"); } if (m_totalBytes > TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES) { chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table out of memory"); } if (!m_outWidth || !m_inWidth) { chkvis.clearOptimizable(nodep, "Table has no outputs"); } UINFO(4, " Test: Opt="<<(chkvis.optimizable()?"OK":"NO") <<", Instrs="<varScopep(); if (nodep->lvalue()) { m_outWidth += nodep->varp()->dtypeSkipRefp()->widthTotalBytes(); m_outVarps.push_back(vscp); } else { // We'll make the table with a separate natural alignment for each // output var, so always have char, 16 or 32 bit widths, so use widthTotalBytes m_inWidth += nodep->varp()->width(); // Space for var m_inVarps.push_back(vscp); } } private: void createTable(AstAlways* nodep) { // We've determined this table of nodes is optimizable, do it. ++m_modTables; ++m_statTablesCre; // Index into our table AstVar* indexVarp = new AstVar(nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, "__Vtableidx" + cvtToStr(m_modTables), VFlagBitPacked(), m_inWidth); m_modp->addStmtp(indexVarp); AstVarScope* indexVscp = new AstVarScope(indexVarp->fileline(), m_scopep, indexVarp); m_scopep->addVarp(indexVscp); // Change it variable FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline(); AstNodeArrayDType* dtypep = new AstUnpackArrayDType(fl, nodep->findBitDType(m_outVarps.size(), m_outVarps.size(), AstNumeric::UNSIGNED), new AstRange(fl, VL_MASK_I(m_inWidth), 0)); v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->addTypesp(dtypep); AstVar* chgVarp = new AstVar(fl, AstVarType::MODULETEMP, "__Vtablechg" + cvtToStr(m_modTables), dtypep); chgVarp->isConst(true); chgVarp->valuep(new AstInitArray(nodep->fileline(), dtypep, NULL)); m_modp->addStmtp(chgVarp); AstVarScope* chgVscp = new AstVarScope(chgVarp->fileline(), m_scopep, chgVarp); m_scopep->addVarp(chgVscp); createTableVars(nodep); AstNode* stmtsp = createLookupInput(nodep, indexVscp); createTableValues(nodep, chgVscp); // Collapse duplicate tables chgVscp = findDuplicateTable(chgVscp); for (std::deque::iterator it = m_tableVarps.begin(); it != m_tableVarps.end(); ++it) { *it = findDuplicateTable(*it); } createOutputAssigns(nodep, stmtsp, indexVscp, chgVscp); // Link it in. if (AstAlways* nodeap = VN_CAST(nodep, Always)) { // Keep sensitivity list, but delete all else nodeap->bodysp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree(); nodeap->addStmtp(stmtsp); if (debug()>=6) nodeap->dumpTree(cout, " table_new: "); } else { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE nodep->v3fatalSrc("Creating table under unknown node type"); } // Cleanup internal structures m_tableVarps.clear(); } void createTableVars(AstNode* nodep) { // Create table for each output typedef std::map NameCounts; NameCounts namecounts; for (std::deque::iterator it = m_outVarps.begin(); it != m_outVarps.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* outvscp = *it; AstVar* outvarp = outvscp->varp(); FileLine* fl = nodep->fileline(); AstNodeArrayDType* dtypep = new AstUnpackArrayDType(fl, outvarp->dtypep(), new AstRange(fl, VL_MASK_I(m_inWidth), 0)); v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->addTypesp(dtypep); string name = "__Vtable"+cvtToStr(m_modTables)+"_"+outvarp->name(); NameCounts::iterator nit = namecounts.find(name); if (nit != namecounts.end()) { // Multiple scopes can have same var name. We could append the // scope name but that is very long, so just deduplicate. name += "__dedup"+cvtToStr(++nit->second); } else { namecounts[name] = 0; } AstVar* tablevarp = new AstVar(fl, AstVarType::MODULETEMP, name, dtypep); tablevarp->isConst(true); tablevarp->isStatic(true); tablevarp->valuep(new AstInitArray(nodep->fileline(), dtypep, NULL)); m_modp->addStmtp(tablevarp); AstVarScope* tablevscp = new AstVarScope(tablevarp->fileline(), m_scopep, tablevarp); m_scopep->addVarp(tablevscp); m_tableVarps.push_back(tablevscp); } } AstNode* createLookupInput(AstNode* nodep, AstVarScope* indexVscp) { // Concat inputs into a single temp variable (inside always) // First var in inVars becomes the LSB of the concat AstNode* concatp = NULL; for (std::deque::iterator it = m_inVarps.begin(); it!=m_inVarps.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* invscp = *it; AstVarRef* refp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), invscp, false); if (concatp) { concatp = new AstConcat(nodep->fileline(), refp, concatp); } else concatp = refp; } AstNode* stmtsp = new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), indexVscp, true), concatp); return stmtsp; } void createTableValues(AstAlways* nodep, AstVarScope* chgVscp) { // Create table // There may be a simulation path by which the output doesn't change value. // We could bail on these cases, or we can have a "change it" boolean. // We've chosen the latter route, since recirc is common in large FSMs. for (std::deque::iterator it = m_outVarps.begin(); it != m_outVarps.end(); ++it) { m_outNotSet.push_back(false); } uint32_t inValueNextInitArray = 0; TableSimulateVisitor simvis (this); for (uint32_t inValue=0; inValue <= VL_MASK_I(m_inWidth); inValue++) { // Make a new simulation structure so we can set new input values UINFO(8," Simulating "<::iterator it = m_inVarps.begin(); it != m_inVarps.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* invscp = *it; // LSB is first variable, so extract it that way AstConst cnst(invscp->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue(), invscp->width(), VL_MASK_I(invscp->width()) & (inValue>>shift)); simvis.newValue(invscp, &cnst); shift += invscp->width(); // We're just using32 bit arithmetic, because there's no // way the input table can be 2^32 bytes! UASSERT_OBJ(shift <= 32, nodep, "shift overflow"); UINFO(8," Input "<name()<<" = "<::iterator it = m_outVarps.begin(); it != m_outVarps.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* outvscp = *it; V3Number* outnump = simvis.fetchOutNumberNull(outvscp); AstNode* setp; if (!outnump) { UINFO(8," Output "<name()<<" never set\n"); m_outNotSet[outnum] = true; // Value in table is arbitrary, but we need something setp = new AstConst(outvscp->fileline(), AstConst::WidthedValue(), outvscp->width(), 0); } else { UINFO(8," Output "<name()<<" = "<<*outnump<fileline(), *outnump); } // Note InitArray requires us to have the values in inValue order VN_CAST(m_tableVarps[outnum]->varp()->valuep(), InitArray)->addValuep(setp); outnum++; } { // Set changed table UASSERT_OBJ(inValue == inValueNextInitArray, nodep, "InitArray requires us to have the values in inValue order"); inValueNextInitArray++; AstNode* setp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), outputChgMask); VN_CAST(chgVscp->varp()->valuep(), InitArray)->addValuep(setp); } } // each value } AstVarScope* findDuplicateTable(AstVarScope* vsc1p) { // See if another table we've created is identical, if so use it for both. // (A more 'modern' way would be to instead use V3Hashed::findDuplicate) AstVar* var1p = vsc1p->varp(); for (std::deque::iterator it = m_modTableVscs.begin(); it != m_modTableVscs.end(); ++it) { AstVarScope* vsc2p= *it; AstVar* var2p = vsc2p->varp(); if (var1p->width() == var2p->width() && (var1p->dtypep()->arrayUnpackedElements() == var2p->dtypep()->arrayUnpackedElements())) { const AstNode* init1p = VN_CAST(var1p->valuep(), InitArray); const AstNode* init2p = VN_CAST(var2p->valuep(), InitArray); if (init1p->sameGateTree(init2p)) { UINFO(8," Duplicate table var "<simulateVarRefCb(nodep); } //###################################################################### // Table class functions void V3Table::tableAll(AstNetlist* nodep) { UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<= 3); }