// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2014 by Wilson Snyder. `define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); fail='1; end while(0) `define checkf(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got=%f exp=%f\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); fail='1; end while(0) `ifdef VERILATOR `define c(v,vs) ($c(vs)) // Don't constify a value `else `define c(v,vs) (v) `endif module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs ow4_u ); bit fail; reg signed [3:0] w4_s; reg signed [4:0] w5_s; reg [2:0] w3_u; reg [3:0] w4_u; reg [4:0] w5_u; reg [5:0] w6_u; reg [15:0] w16a_u; reg [15:0] w16_u; reg [31:0] w32_u; real r; reg signed [4:0] bug754_a; integer i; //verilator lint_off WIDTH wire a = (5'b0 == (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); wire b = (5'sb11111 == (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); wire c = (1'b0+(5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); wire d = (1'sb0+(5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); wire e = (5'b0 == (5'sb11111 / 5'sd3)); wire f = (5'sb0 == (5'sb11111 / 5'sd3)); wire g = (5'b01010 == (5'b11111 / 5'sd3)); initial begin // verilator lint_off STMTDLY #1; `ifdef VCS // I-2014.03 `checkh({a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, 7'b1101111); `else `checkh({a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, 7'b1101011); `endif //====================================================================== if ((-1 >>> 3) != -1) $stop; // Decimals are signed i = 3'sb111 >>> 3; `checkh(i, -1); i = -1 >>> 3; `checkh(i, -1); bug754_a = -1; w4_u = |0 != (bug754_a >>> 3'd7); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0); // Sanity check: -1>>7 == -1 w5_u = (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7); `checkh(w5_u, 5'b11111); // bug756 w4_u = (5'b0 == (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); w4_u = ((5'b0 == (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7))); // Exp 0 Vlt 0 `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); w4_u = ((5'b01111 == (5'sb11111 / 5'sd2))); // Strength-reduces to >>> `ifdef VCS // I-2014.03 `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); // Wrong, gets 5'b0==..., unsigned does not propagate `else `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); // NC-Verilog, Modelsim, XSim, ... `endif // Does == sign propagate from lhs to rhs? Yes, but not in VCS w4_u = ((5'b01010 == (5'sb11111 / 5'sd3))); // Exp 0 Vlt 0 // Must be signed result (-1/3) to make this result zero `ifdef VCS // I-2014.03 `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); // Wrong, gets 5'b0==..., unsigned does not propagate // Somewhat questionable, as spec says division signed depends on only LHS and RHS, however differs from others `else `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); // NC-Verilog, Modelsim, XSim, ... `endif w4_u = (1'b0+(5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); // Exp 00000 Vlt 000000 Actually the signedness of result does NOT matter `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); w4_u = (5'sb0 == (5'sb11111 / 5'sd3)); // Must be signed result (-1/3) to make this result zero `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); // Does == width propagate from lhs to rhs? Yes w4_u = (3'b100==(3'b111 << 2)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); w4_u = (4'b100==(3'b111 << 2)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); w4_u = (4'b1100==(3'b111 << 2)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); // Does >>> sign propagate from input same as for +? Yes w4_u = (1'b0+(5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); w4_u = (1'sb0+(5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1111); // Does << width propagate from input same as for +? Yes w4_u = (3'b0+(3'b111 << 2)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1100); // width 4 =='s LHS w4_u = (4'b0+(3'b111 << 2)); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1100); w4_u = (5'sb11111 == (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7)); // WHAT? Signedness does propagate across ==????? `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); w4_u = ((5'b0 == (5'sb11111 >>> 3'd7))); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0001); // bug756 w5_s = -1; w3_u = 7; w4_u = |0 != (w5_s >>> w3_u); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); // bug763 w3_u = 2; w4_u = (w3_u >> 2'b11) >> 1; `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); // bug766 w16a_u = 16'h1234; w16_u = (w16a_u >> 16) >>> 32'h7ffffff1; `checkh(w16_u, 16'h0000); // bug768 w4_s = 4'sd4; w4_u = $signed(5'd1 > w4_s-w4_s); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1111); w4_s = `c(4,"4"); // Eval at runtime w4_u = $signed(5'd1 > w4_s-w4_s); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1111); // bug772 w4_s = w4_u << 1 <<< 0/0; `ifndef VERILATOR // In v4 can't check value as not 4-state `checkh(w4_s, 4'bxxxx); `endif // bug773 w5_u = `c(31, 31); w5_s = w5_u >> ((w5_u ? 1 : 2) << w5_u); `checkh(w5_s, 5'b0); // bug774 w4_u = `c(4, 5); w6_u = `c(6, 35); w4_u = 64'd0 | (w4_u << w6_u); `checkh(w4_u, 0); // bug776 w4_u = `c(4, 1); w4_u = (w4_u >> w4_u) ^~ (w4_u >> w4_u); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1111); // bug828 // verilator lint_off WIDTH w32_u = 32'(signed'({4'b0001,5'b10000}) << 3); `checkh(w32_u, 32'h0000_0180); w32_u = 32'(signed'({4'b0011,5'b10000}) << 3); `checkh(w32_u, 32'h0000_0380); w32_u = signed'(32'({4'b0001,5'b10000}) << 3); `checkh(w32_u, 32'h0000_0180); w32_u = signed'(32'({4'b0011,5'b10000}) << 3); `checkh(w32_u, 32'h0000_0380); // verilator lint_on WIDTH w32_u = 32'(signed'({4'b0011,5'b10000})) << 3; // Check no width warning `checkh(w32_u, 32'h0000_0380); if (fail) $stop; $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end // bug775 output [3:0] ow4_u; // Must be consumed assign ow4_u = ((0/0) ? 1 : 2) % 0; endmodule