// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Netlist (top level) functions // // Code available from: http://www.veripool.org/verilator // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2014 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* // CHEAT! #define V3NUMBER_ASCII_BINARY #define _V3ERROR_NO_GLOBAL_ 1 #include "V3Error.cpp" #include "V3FileLine.cpp" #include "V3Number.cpp" #include #include "verilatedos.h" #include #include #include #include "V3Number.h" void test(string lhss, string op, string rhss, string exps) { char* l1 = strdup(lhss.c_str()); char* r1 = strdup(rhss.c_str()); char* e1 = strdup(exps.c_str()); V3Number lhnum (new FileLine ("ck",__LINE__), l1); V3Number rhnum (new FileLine ("ck",__LINE__), r1); V3Number expnum (new FileLine("ck",__LINE__), e1); V3Number gotnum (new FileLine("ck",__LINE__), expnum.width()); if (op=="redOr") gotnum.opRedOr (lhnum); else if (op=="redAnd") gotnum.opRedAnd (lhnum); else if (op=="redXor") gotnum.opRedXor (lhnum); else if (op=="redXnor") gotnum.opRedXnor (lhnum); else if (op=="concat") gotnum.opConcat (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="repl") gotnum.opRepl (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="~") gotnum.opNot (lhnum); else if (op=="!") gotnum.opLogNot (lhnum); else if (op=="negate") gotnum.opNegate (lhnum); else if (op=="+") gotnum.opAdd (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="-") gotnum.opSub (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="*") gotnum.opMul (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="/") gotnum.opDiv (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="%") gotnum.opModDiv (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="&") gotnum.opAnd (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="|") gotnum.opOr (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="<") gotnum.opLt (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op==">") gotnum.opGt (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op==">>") gotnum.opShiftR (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="<<") gotnum.opShiftL (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="==") gotnum.opEq (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="===") gotnum.opCaseEq (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="==?") gotnum.opWildEq (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="!=") gotnum.opNeq (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="!==") gotnum.opCaseNeq (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="!=?") gotnum.opWildNeq (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="<=") gotnum.opLte (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op==">=") gotnum.opGte (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="&&") gotnum.opLogAnd (lhnum,rhnum); else if (op=="||") gotnum.opLogOr (lhnum,rhnum); else v3fatalSrc("Bad opcode: "<