#!/usr/bin/env perl # See copyright, etc in below POD section. ###################################################################### use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use strict; use vars qw($Debug); #====================================================================== # main our $Opt_Stage = 0; our $Opt_Jobs = calc_jobs(); autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; Getopt::Long::config("no_auto_abbrev"); if (! GetOptions( "debug" => sub { $Debug = 1; }, "<>" => sub { die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $_[0]\n"; }, "stage=i" => \$Opt_Stage, "j=i" => \$Opt_Jobs, )) { die "%Error: Bad usage, try 'install_test --help'\n"; } test(); exit(0); ####################################################################### sub test { -r "nodist/install_test" or die "%Error: Run from the top of the verilator kit,"; cleanenv(); run("make distclean") if -r "Makefile"; # Try building from a scratch area my $srcdir = getcwd(); my $blddir = $srcdir."/test_regress/obj_dir/install_test_bld"; my $prefix = $srcdir."/test_regress/obj_dir/install_test_prefix"; my $testdirp= $srcdir."/test_regress/obj_dir/install_test_testp"; my $testdirn= $srcdir."/test_regress/obj_dir/install_test_testn"; if ($Opt_Stage <= 0) { run("/bin/rm -rf $blddir"); run("/bin/mkdir -p $blddir"); run("cd $blddir && $srcdir/configure --prefix $prefix"); run("cd $blddir && make -j $Opt_Jobs"); } # Install it under the prefix if ($Opt_Stage <= 1) { run("/bin/rm -rf $prefix"); run("/bin/mkdir -p $prefix"); run("cd $blddir && make install"); run("test -e $prefix/share/man/man1/verilator.1"); run("test -e $prefix/share/verilator/examples/make_tracing_c/Makefile"); run("test -e $prefix/share/verilator/include/verilated.h"); run("test -e $prefix/bin/verilator"); run("test -e $prefix/bin/verilator_bin"); run("test -e $prefix/bin/verilator_bin_dbg"); run("test -e $prefix/bin/verilator_gantt"); run("test -e $prefix/bin/verilator_profcfunc"); } # Run a test using just the path if ($Opt_Stage <= 2) { my $dir = $testdirp; run("/bin/rm -rf $dir"); run("/bin/mkdir -p $dir"); my $bin1 = $prefix."/bin"; my $bin2 = $prefix."/share/bin"; write_verilog($dir); run("cd $dir && PATH=$bin1:$bin2:\$PATH verilator --cc foo.v --exe foo.cpp"); run("cd $dir/obj_dir && PATH=$bin1:$bin2:\$PATH make -f Vfoo.mk"); run("cd $dir && PATH=$bin1:$bin2:\$PATH obj_dir/Vfoo"); } # Run a test using exact path to binary if ($Opt_Stage <= 3) { my $dir = $testdirn; run("/bin/rm -rf $dir"); run("/bin/mkdir -p $dir"); write_verilog($dir); my $bin1 = $prefix."/bin"; my $bin2 = $prefix."/share/bin"; run("cd $dir && $bin1/verilator --cc foo.v --exe foo.cpp"); run("cd $dir/obj_dir && make -f Vfoo.mk"); run("cd $dir/obj_dir && ./Vfoo"); } if ($Opt_Stage <= 9) { print "*-* All Finished *-*\n"; } } sub write_verilog { my $dir = shift; IO::File->new(">$dir/foo.v")->print('module t; initial begin $display("HELLO WORLD"); $finish; end endmodule'."\n"); my $fh = IO::File->new(">$dir/foo.cpp"); $fh->print('#include "Vfoo.h"' ,"\n"); $fh->print('unsigned int main_time = 0;' ,"\n"); $fh->print('double sc_time_stamp() {' ,"\n"); $fh->print(' return main_time;' ,"\n"); $fh->print('}' ,"\n"); $fh->print('int main() {' ,"\n"); $fh->print(' Vfoo *top = new Vfoo;' ,"\n"); $fh->print(' while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {',"\n"); $fh->print(' top->eval();' ,"\n"); $fh->print(' main_time++;' ,"\n"); $fh->print(' }' ,"\n"); $fh->print(' top->final();' ,"\n"); $fh->print('}' ,"\n"); } sub cleanenv { foreach my $var (keys %ENV) { if ($var eq "VERILATOR_ROOT" || $var eq "VERILATOR_INCLUDE" || $var eq "VERILATOR_NO_OPT_BUILD") { print "unset $var # Was '$ENV{$var}'\n"; delete $ENV{$var} } } } ####################################################################### sub calc_jobs { my $ok = eval " use Unix::Processors; return Unix::Processors->new->max_online; "; $ok && !$@ or return 1; print "driver.pl: Found $ok cores, using -j ",$ok+1,"\n" if $Debug; return $ok + 1; } sub run { # Run a system command, check errors my $command = shift; print "\t$command\n"; system "$command"; my $status = $?; ($status == 0) or die "%Error: Command Failed $command, $status, stopped"; } ####################################################################### __END__ =pod =head1 NAME install_test - Build and install Verilator several ways =head1 SYNOPSIS install_test =head1 DESCRIPTION install_test performs several make-and-install iterations to verify the kit. It isn't part of the normal "make test" due to the number of builds required. =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item --help Displays this message and program version and exits. =item -j I<jobs> Specify make -j flag. Defaults to number of cores + 1 if Perl's Unix::Processors is installed, else 1. =item -stage I<stage> Runs a specific test stage (see the script). =back =head1 DISTRIBUTION Copyright 2009-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 =head1 AUTHORS Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org> =head1 SEE ALSO =cut ###################################################################### ### Local Variables: ### compile-command: "cd .. ; nodist/install_test " ### End: