// -*- C++ -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Bison grammer file // // Code available from: http://www.veripool.org/verilator // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // General Public License or the Perl Artistic License. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* // Original code here by Paul Wasson and Duane Galbi //************************************************************************* %{ #include #include #include #include #include "V3Read.h" #include "V3Ast.h" #include "V3Global.h" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #define YYINITDEPTH 10000 // Older bisons ignore YYMAXDEPTH #define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 // Pick up new lexer #define yylex V3Read::yylex #define PSLUNSUP(what) NULL; yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL language feature not implemented"); extern void yyerror(char* errmsg); extern void yyerrorf(const char* format, ...); //====================================================================== // Statics (for here only) class V3Parse { public: static bool s_impliedDecl; // Allow implied wire declarations static AstVarType s_varDecl; // Type for next signal declaration (reg/wire/etc) static AstVarType s_varIO; // Type for next signal declaration (input/output/etc) static bool s_varSigned; // Signed state for next signal declaration static AstVar* s_varAttrp; // Current variable for attribute adding static AstCase* s_caseAttrp; // Current case statement for attribute adding static AstRange* s_varRangep; // Pointer to range for next signal declaration static int s_pinNum; // Pin number currently parsing static bool s_pinStar; // Encountered SystemVerilog .* static string s_instModule; // Name of module referenced for instantiations static AstPin* s_instParamp; // Parameters for instantiations static int s_uniqueAttr; // Bitmask of unique/priority keywords static AstVar* createVariable(FileLine* fileline, string name, AstRange* arrayp); static AstNode* createSupplyExpr(FileLine* fileline, string name, int value); static AstText* createTextQuoted(FileLine* fileline, string text); static AstDisplay* createDisplayError(FileLine* fileline) { AstDisplay* nodep = new AstDisplay(fileline,AstDisplayType::ERROR, "", NULL,NULL); nodep->addNext(new AstStop(fileline)); return nodep; } static void setRange(AstRange* rangep) { if (s_varRangep) { s_varRangep->deleteTree(); s_varRangep=NULL; } // It was cloned, so this is safe. s_varRangep = rangep; } static string deQuote(FileLine* fileline, string text); }; bool V3Parse::s_impliedDecl = false; AstVarType V3Parse::s_varDecl = AstVarType::UNKNOWN; AstVarType V3Parse::s_varIO = AstVarType::UNKNOWN; bool V3Parse::s_varSigned = false; AstRange* V3Parse::s_varRangep = NULL; int V3Parse::s_pinNum = -1; bool V3Parse::s_pinStar = false; string V3Parse::s_instModule; AstPin* V3Parse::s_instParamp = NULL; AstVar* V3Parse::s_varAttrp = NULL; AstCase* V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = NULL; #define CRELINE() (V3Read::copyOrSameFileLine()) #define VARRESET() { VARDECL(UNKNOWN); VARIO(UNKNOWN); VARSIGNED(false); VARRANGE(NULL); } #define VARDECL(type) { V3Parse::s_varDecl = AstVarType::type; } #define VARIO(type) { V3Parse::s_varIO = AstVarType::type; } #define VARSIGNED(value) { V3Parse::s_varSigned = value; } #define VARRANGE(rangep) { V3Parse::setRange(rangep); } #define INSTPREP(modname,paramsp) { V3Parse::s_impliedDecl = true; V3Parse::s_instModule = modname; V3Parse::s_instParamp = paramsp; } //====================================================================== class AstSenTree; %} %union { FileLine* fileline; V3Number* nump; string* strp; int cint; double cdouble; V3UniqState uniqstate; AstNode* nodep; AstAssignW* assignwp; AstPull* pullp; AstBegin* beginp; AstCase* casep; AstCaseItem* caseitemp; AstCell* cellp; AstConst* constp; AstFunc* funcp; AstModule* modulep; AstNodeVarRef* varnodep; AstParseRef* parserefp; AstPin* pinp; AstRange* rangep; AstNodeSenItem* senitemp; AstSenTree* sentreep; AstVar* varp; AstVarRef* varrefp; } // When writing Bison patterns we use yTOKEN instead of "token", // so Bison will error out on unknown "token"s. // Generic lexer tokens, for example a number // IEEE: real_number %token yaFLOATNUM "FLOATING-POINT NUMBER" // IEEE: identifier, class_identifier, class_variable_identifier, // covergroup_variable_identifier, dynamic_array_variable_identifier, // enum_identifier, interface_identifier, interface_instance_identifier, // package_identifier, type_identifier, variable_identifier, %token yaID "IDENTIFIER" // IEEE: integral_number %token yaINTNUM "INTEGER NUMBER" // IEEE: time_literal + time_unit %token yaTIMENUM "TIME NUMBER" // IEEE: string_literal %token yaSTRING "STRING" %token yaTIMINGSPEC "TIMING SPEC ELEMENT" %token yaSCHDR "`systemc_header BLOCK" %token yaSCINT "`systemc_ctor BLOCK" %token yaSCIMP "`systemc_dtor BLOCK" %token yaSCIMPH "`systemc_interface BLOCK" %token yaSCCTOR "`systemc_implementation BLOCK" %token yaSCDTOR "`systemc_imp_header BLOCK" %token '!' %token '#' %token '%' %token '&' %token '(' %token ')' %token '*' %token '+' %token ',' %token '-' %token '.' %token '/' %token ':' %token ';' %token '<' %token '=' %token '>' %token '?' %token '@' %token '[' %token ']' %token '^' %token '{' %token '|' %token '}' %token '~' // Specific keywords // yKEYWORD means match "keyword" // Other cases are yXX_KEYWORD where XX makes it unique, // for example yP_ for punctuation based operators. %token yALWAYS "always" %token yAND "and" %token yASSERT "assert" %token yASSIGN "assign" %token yAUTOMATIC "automatic" %token yBEGIN "begin" %token yBUF "buf" %token yBUFIF0 "bufif0" %token yBUFIF1 "bufif1" %token yCASE "case" %token yCASEX "casex" %token yCASEZ "casez" %token yCLOCKING "clocking" %token yCOVER "cover" %token yDEFAULT "default" %token yDEFPARAM "defparam" %token yDISABLE "disable" %token yDO "do" %token yELSE "else" %token yEND "end" %token yENDCASE "endcase" %token yENDCLOCKING "endclocking" %token yENDFUNCTION "endfunction" %token yENDGENERATE "endgenerate" %token yENDMODULE "endmodule" %token yENDPROPERTY "endproperty" %token yENDSPECIFY "endspecify" %token yENDTASK "endtask" %token yFINAL "final" %token yFOR "for" %token yFOREVER "forever" %token yFUNCTION "function" %token yGENERATE "generate" %token yGENVAR "genvar" %token yIF "if" %token yIFF "iff" %token yINITIAL "initial" %token yINOUT "inout" %token yINPUT "input" %token yINTEGER "integer" %token yLOCALPARAM "localparam" %token yMODULE "module" %token yNAND "nand" %token yNEGEDGE "negedge" %token yNOR "nor" %token yNOT "not" %token yNOTIF0 "notif0" %token yNOTIF1 "notif1" %token yOR "or" %token yOUTPUT "output" %token yPARAMETER "parameter" %token yPOSEDGE "posedge" %token yPRIORITY "priority" %token yPROPERTY "property" %token yPULLDOWN "pulldown" %token yPULLUP "pullup" %token yREG "reg" %token yREPEAT "repeat" %token ySCALARED "scalared" %token ySIGNED "signed" %token ySPECIFY "specify" %token ySTATIC "static" %token ySUPPLY0 "supply0" %token ySUPPLY1 "supply1" %token yTASK "task" %token yTIMEPRECISION "timeprecision" %token yTIMEUNIT "timeunit" %token yTRI "tri" %token yTRUE "true" %token yUNIQUE "unique" %token yUNSIGNED "unsigned" %token yVECTORED "vectored" %token yWHILE "while" %token yWIRE "wire" %token yXNOR "xnor" %token yXOR "xor" %token yD_BITS "$bits" %token yD_C "$c" %token yD_CLOG2 "$clog2" %token yD_COUNTONES "$countones" %token yD_DISPLAY "$display" %token yD_ERROR "$error" %token yD_FATAL "$fatal" %token yD_FCLOSE "$fclose" %token yD_FDISPLAY "$fdisplay" %token yD_FEOF "$feof" %token yD_FFLUSH "$fflush" %token yD_FGETC "$fgetc" %token yD_FGETS "$fgets" %token yD_FINISH "$finish" %token yD_FOPEN "$fopen" %token yD_FSCANF "$fscanf" %token yD_FWRITE "$fwrite" %token yD_INFO "$info" %token yD_ISUNKNOWN "$isunknown" %token yD_ONEHOT "$onehot" %token yD_ONEHOT0 "$onehot0" %token yD_RANDOM "$random" %token yD_READMEMB "$readmemb" %token yD_READMEMH "$readmemh" %token yD_SIGNED "$signed" %token yD_SSCANF "$sscanf" %token yD_STIME "$stime" %token yD_STOP "$stop" %token yD_TIME "$time" %token yD_UNSIGNED "$unsigned" %token yD_WARNING "$warning" %token yD_WRITE "$write" %token yPSL "psl" %token yPSL_ASSERT "PSL assert" %token yPSL_CLOCK "PSL clock" %token yPSL_COVER "PSL cover" %token yPSL_REPORT "PSL report" %token yVL_CLOCK "/*verilator sc_clock*/" %token yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE "/*verilator clock_enable*/" %token yVL_COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF "/*verilator coverage_block_off*/" %token yVL_FULL_CASE "/*verilator full_case*/" %token yVL_INLINE_MODULE "/*verilator inline_module*/" %token yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS "/*verilator isolate_assignments*/" %token yVL_NO_INLINE_MODULE "/*verilator no_inline_module*/" %token yVL_NO_INLINE_TASK "/*verilator no_inline_task*/" %token yVL_PARALLEL_CASE "/*verilator parallel_case*/" %token yVL_PUBLIC "/*verilator public*/" %token yVL_PUBLIC_FLAT "/*verilator public_flat*/" %token yVL_PUBLIC_MODULE "/*verilator public_module*/" %token yP_OROR "||" %token yP_ANDAND "&&" %token yP_NOR "~|" %token yP_XNOR "^~" %token yP_NAND "~&" %token yP_EQUAL "==" %token yP_NOTEQUAL "!=" %token yP_CASEEQUAL "===" %token yP_CASENOTEQUAL "!==" %token yP_WILDEQUAL "==?" %token yP_WILDNOTEQUAL "!=?" %token yP_GTE ">=" %token yP_LTE "<=" %token yP_SLEFT "<<" %token yP_SRIGHT ">>" %token yP_SSRIGHT ">>>" %token yP_POW "**" %token yP_PLUSCOLON "+:" %token yP_MINUSCOLON "-:" %token yP_MINUSGT "->" %token yP_MINUSGTGT "->>" %token yP_EQGT "=>" %token yP_ASTGT "*>" %token yP_ANDANDAND "&&&" %token yP_POUNDPOUND "##" %token yP_DOTSTAR ".*" %token yP_ATAT "@@" %token yP_COLONCOLON "::" %token yP_COLONEQ ":=" %token yP_COLONDIV ":/" %token yP_ORMINUSGT "|->" %token yP_OREQGT "|=>" %token yP_PLUSEQ "+=" %token yP_MINUSEQ "-=" %token yP_TIMESEQ "*=" %token yP_DIVEQ "/=" %token yP_MODEQ "%=" %token yP_ANDEQ "&=" %token yP_OREQ "|=" %token yP_XOREQ "^=" %token yP_SLEFTEQ "<<=" %token yP_SRIGHTEQ ">>=" %token yP_SSRIGHTEQ ">>>=" %token yPSL_BRA "{" %token yPSL_KET "}" %token yP_LOGIFF // [* is not a operator, as "[ * ]" is legal // [= and [-> could be repitition operators, but to match [* we don't add them. // '( is not a operator, as "' (" is legal //******************** // PSL op precedence %right yP_MINUSGT yP_LOGIFF %right yP_ORMINUSGT yP_OREQGT %left prPSLCLK // Verilog op precedence %right '?' ':' %left yP_OROR %left yP_ANDAND %left '|' yP_NOR %left '^' yP_XNOR %left '&' yP_NAND %left yP_EQUAL yP_NOTEQUAL yP_CASEEQUAL yP_CASENOTEQUAL yP_WILDEQUAL yP_WILDNOTEQUAL %left '>' '<' yP_GTE yP_LTE %left yP_SLEFT yP_SRIGHT yP_SSRIGHT %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left yP_POW %left prUNARYARITH prREDUCTION prNEGATION %nonassoc prLOWER_THAN_ELSE %nonassoc yELSE //BISONPRE_TYPES // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion // Blank lines for type insertion %start source_text %% //********************************************************************** // Feedback to the Lexer // Note we read a parenthesis ahead, so this may not change the lexer at the right point. stateExitPsl: // For PSL lexing, return from PSL state /* empty */ { V3Read::stateExitPsl(); } ; statePushVlg: // For PSL lexing, escape current state into Verilog state /* empty */ { V3Read::statePushVlg(); } ; statePop: // Return to previous lexing state /* empty */ { V3Read::statePop(); } ; //********************************************************************** // Files source_text: // ==IEEE: source_text /* empty */ { } | timeunits_declarationE descriptionList { } ; descriptionList: // IEEE: part of source_text description { } | descriptionList description { } ; description: // ==IEEE: description module_declaration { } // | interface_declaration { } // | program_declaration { } // | package_declaration { } // | package_item { } // | bind_directive { } // unsupported // IEEE: config_declaration | error { } ; timeunits_declarationE: // IEEE: timeunits_declaration + empty /*empty*/ { } | yTIMEUNIT yaTIMENUM ';' { } | yTIMEPRECISION yaTIMENUM ';' { } | yTIMEUNIT yaTIMENUM ';' yTIMEPRECISION yaTIMENUM ';' { } | yTIMEPRECISION yaTIMENUM ';' yTIMEUNIT yaTIMENUM ';' { } ; //********************************************************************** // Module headers module_declaration: // ==IEEE: module_declaration (incomplete) modHeader timeunits_declarationE module_itemListE yENDMODULE endLabelE { if ($3) $1->addStmtp($3); } ; modHeader: // IEEE: module_nonansi_header + module_ansi_header modHdr parameter_port_listE modPortsStarE ';' { $1->modTrace(v3Global.opt.trace() && $1->fileline()->tracingOn()); // Stash for implicit wires, etc if ($2) $1->addStmtp($2); if ($3) $1->addStmtp($3); } ; modHdr: yMODULE lifetimeE yaID { $$ = new AstModule($1,*$3); $$->inLibrary(V3Read::inLibrary()||V3Read::inCellDefine()); $$->modTrace(v3Global.opt.trace()); V3Read::rootp()->addModulep($$); } ; parameter_port_listE: // IEEE: parameter_port_list + empty == parameter_value_assignment /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '#' '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '#' '(' modParArgs ')' { $$ = $3; } ; modParArgs: modParDecl { $$ = $1; } | modParDecl ',' modParList { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; modParList: modParSecond { $$ = $1; } | modParList ',' modParSecond { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; // Called only after a comma in a v2k list, to allow parsing "parameter a,b, parameter x" modParSecond: modParDecl { $$ = $1; } | param { $$ = $1; } ; modPortsStarE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '(' {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1;} portList ')' { $$ = $3; } | '(' {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1;} portV2kArgs ')' { $$ = $3; } ; portList: port { $$ = $1; } | portList ',' port { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; port: yaID portRangeE { $$ = new AstPort(CRELINE(),V3Parse::s_pinNum++,*$1); } ; portV2kArgs: portV2kDecl { $$ = $1; } | portV2kDecl ',' portV2kList { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; portV2kList: portV2kSecond { $$ = $1; } | portV2kList ',' portV2kSecond { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; // Called only after a comma in a v2k list, to allow parsing "input a,b" portV2kSecond: portV2kDecl { $$ = $1; } | portV2kInit { $$ = $1; } ; portV2kInit: portV2kSig { $$=$1; } | portV2kSig '=' expr { $$=$1; $$->addNext(new AstInitial($2,new AstAssign($2, new AstVarRef($2,V3Parse::s_varAttrp->name(),true), $3))); } ; portV2kSig: sigAndAttr { $$=$1; $$->addNext(new AstPort(CRELINE(),V3Parse::s_pinNum++, V3Parse::s_varAttrp->name())); } ; //************************************************ // Variable Declarations varDeclList: varDecl { $$ = $1; } | varDecl varDeclList { $$ = $1->addNext($2); } ; regsigList: regsig { $$ = $1; } | regsigList ',' regsig { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } ; portV2kDecl: varRESET port_direction v2kVarDeclE signingE regrangeE portV2kInit { $$ = $6; } ; portDecl: // IEEE: port_declaration - plus ';' varRESET port_direction v2kVarDeclE signingE regrangeE regsigList ';' { $$ = $6; } ; varDecl: varRESET varReg signingE regrangeE regsigList ';' { $$ = $5; } | varRESET varGParam signingE regrangeE paramList ';' { $$ = $5; } | varRESET varLParam signingE regrangeE paramList ';' { $$ = $5; } | varRESET net_type signingE delayrange netSigList ';' { $$ = $5; } | varRESET varGenVar signingE regsigList ';' { $$ = $4; } ; modParDecl: varRESET varGParam signingE regrangeE param { $$ = $5; } ; varRESET: /* empty */ { VARRESET(); } ; net_type: // ==IEEE: net_type ySUPPLY0 { VARDECL(SUPPLY0); } | ySUPPLY1 { VARDECL(SUPPLY1); } | yWIRE { VARDECL(WIRE); } | yTRI { VARDECL(TRIWIRE); } ; varGParam: yPARAMETER { VARDECL(GPARAM); } ; varLParam: yLOCALPARAM { VARDECL(LPARAM); } ; varGenVar: yGENVAR { VARDECL(GENVAR); } ; varReg: yREG { VARDECL(REG); } | yINTEGER { VARDECL(INTEGER); } ; port_direction: // ==IEEE: port_direction yINPUT { VARIO(INPUT); } | yOUTPUT { VARIO(OUTPUT); } | yINOUT { VARIO(INOUT); } // | yREF { VARIO(REF); } ; signingE: // IEEE: signing - plus empty /*empty*/ { } | ySIGNED { VARSIGNED(true); } | yUNSIGNED { VARSIGNED(false); } ; v2kVarDeclE: /*empty*/ { } | net_type { } | varReg { } ; //************************************************ // Module Items module_itemListE: // IEEE: Part of module_declaration /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | module_itemList { $$ = $1; } ; module_itemList: // IEEE: Part of module_declaration module_item { $$ = $1; } | module_itemList module_item { $$ = $1->addNextNull($2); } ; module_item: // ==IEEE: module_item // // IEEE: non_port_module_item generate_region { $$ = $1; } | module_or_generate_item { $$ = $1; } | specify_block { $$ = $1; } // // Verilator specific | yaSCHDR { $$ = new AstScHdr(CRELINE(),*$1); } | yaSCINT { $$ = new AstScInt(CRELINE(),*$1); } | yaSCIMP { $$ = new AstScImp(CRELINE(),*$1); } | yaSCIMPH { $$ = new AstScImpHdr(CRELINE(),*$1); } | yaSCCTOR { $$ = new AstScCtor(CRELINE(),*$1); } | yaSCDTOR { $$ = new AstScDtor(CRELINE(),*$1); } | yVL_INLINE_MODULE { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::INLINE_MODULE); } | yVL_NO_INLINE_MODULE { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::NO_INLINE_MODULE); } | yVL_PUBLIC_MODULE { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::PUBLIC_MODULE); } ; generate_region: // ==IEEE: generate_region yGENERATE genTopBlock yENDGENERATE { $$ = new AstGenerate($1, $2); } ; // IEEE: module_or_generate_item + module_common_item + parameter_override module_or_generate_item: // // IEEE: always_construct yALWAYS event_controlE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstAlways($1,$2,$3); } | continuous_assign { $$ = $1; } | initial_construct { $$ = $1; } | final_construct { $$ = $1; } | yDEFPARAM list_of_defparam_assignments ';' { $$ = $2; } | instDecl { $$ = $1; } | task_declaration { $$ = $1; } | function_declaration { $$ = $1; } | gateDecl { $$ = $1; } | portDecl { $$ = $1; } | varDecl { $$ = $1; } //No: | tableDecl // Unsupported | pslStmt { $$ = $1; } | concurrent_assertion_item { $$ = $1; } // IEEE puts in module_item; seems silly | clocking_declaration { $$ = $1; } ; continuous_assign: // IEEE: continuous_assign yASSIGN delayE assignList ';' { $$ = $3; } ; initial_construct: // IEEE: initial_construct yINITIAL stmtBlock { $$ = new AstInitial($1,$2); } ; final_construct: // IEEE: final_construct yFINAL stmtBlock { $$ = new AstFinal($1,$2); } ; //************************************************ // Generates // Because genItemList includes variable declarations, we don't need beginNamed generate_block_or_null: // IEEE: generate_block_or_null genItem { $$ = new AstBegin(CRELINE(),"genblk",$1); } | genItemBegin { $$ = $1; } ; genTopBlock: genItemList { $$ = $1; } | genItemBegin { $$ = $1; } ; genItemBegin: // IEEE: part of generate_block yBEGIN genItemList yEND { $$ = new AstBegin($1,"genblk",$2); } | yBEGIN yEND { $$ = NULL; } | yaID ':' yBEGIN genItemList yEND endLabelE { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$1,$4); } | yaID ':' yBEGIN yEND endLabelE { $$ = NULL; } | yBEGIN ':' yaID genItemList yEND endLabelE { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); } | yBEGIN ':' yaID yEND endLabelE { $$ = NULL; } ; genItemList: genItem { $$ = $1; } | genItemList genItem { $$ = $1->addNextNull($2); } ; genItem: // IEEE: module_or_interface_or_generate_item (INCOMPLETE) module_or_generate_item { $$ = $1; } | conditional_generate_construct {} | loop_generate_construct {} ; conditional_generate_construct: // ==IEEE: conditional_generate_construct yCASE '(' expr ')' case_generate_itemListE yENDCASE { $$ = new AstGenCase($1,$3,$5); } | yIF '(' expr ')' generate_block_or_null %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = new AstGenIf($1,$3,$5,NULL); } | yIF '(' expr ')' generate_block_or_null yELSE generate_block_or_null { $$ = new AstGenIf($1,$3,$5,$7); } ; loop_generate_construct: // ==IEEE: loop_generate_construct yFOR '(' varRefBase '=' expr ';' expr ';' varRefBase '=' expr ')' generate_block_or_null { $$ = new AstGenFor($1, new AstAssign($4,$3,$5) ,$7, new AstAssign($10,$9,$11) ,$13);} ; case_generate_itemListE: // IEEE: [{ case_generate_itemList }] /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | case_generate_itemList { $$ = $1; } ; case_generate_itemList: // IEEE: { case_generate_itemList } case_generate_item { $$=$1; } | case_generate_itemList case_generate_item { $$=$1; $1->addNext($2); } ; case_generate_item: // ==IEEE: case_generate_item caseCondList ':' generate_block_or_null { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,$1,$3); } | yDEFAULT ':' generate_block_or_null { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3); } | yDEFAULT generate_block_or_null { $$ = new AstCaseItem($1,NULL,$2); } ; //************************************************ // Assignments and register declarations assignList: assignOne { $$ = $1; } | assignList ',' assignOne { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; assignOne: varRefDotBit '=' expr { $$ = new AstAssignW($2,$1,$3); } | '{' identifier_listLvalue '}' '=' expr { $$ = new AstAssignW($1,$2,$5); } ; delayE: /* empty */ { } | delay_control { } /* ignored */ ; delay_control: //== IEEE: delay_control '#' dlyTerm { $$ = $1; } /* ignored */ | '#' '(' minTypMax ')' { $$ = $1; } /* ignored */ | '#' '(' minTypMax ',' minTypMax ')' { $$ = $1; } /* ignored */ | '#' '(' minTypMax ',' minTypMax ',' minTypMax ')' { $$ = $1; } /* ignored */ ; dlyTerm: yaID { $$ = NULL; } | yaINTNUM { $$ = NULL; } | yaFLOATNUM { $$ = NULL; } | yaTIMENUM { $$ = NULL; } ; minTypMax: // IEEE: mintypmax_expression and constant_mintypmax_expression dlyTerm { $$ = $1; } /* ignored */ | dlyTerm ':' dlyTerm ':' dlyTerm { $$ = $1; } /* ignored */ ; sigAndAttr: sigId sigAttrListE { $$ = $1; } ; netSigList: netSig { $$ = $1; } | netSigList ',' netSig { $$ = $1; $1->addNext($3); } ; netSig: sigId sigAttrListE { $$ = $1; } | sigId sigAttrListE '=' expr { $$ = $1; $1->addNext(new AstAssignW($3,new AstVarRef($3,$1->name(),true),$4)); } | sigIdRange sigAttrListE { $$ = $1; } ; sigIdRange: yaID rangeList { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, $2); } ; regSigId: yaID rangeListE { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, $2); } | yaID rangeListE '=' constExpr { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, $2); $$->addNext(new AstInitial($3,new AstAssign($3, new AstVarRef($3, *$1, true), $4))); } ; sigId: yaID { $$ = V3Parse::createVariable(CRELINE(), *$1, NULL); } ; regsig: regSigId sigAttrListE {} ; sigAttrListE: /* empty */ {} | sigAttrList {} ; sigAttrList: sigAttr {} | sigAttrList sigAttr {} ; sigAttr: yVL_CLOCK { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->attrScClocked(true); } | yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->attrClockEn(true); } | yVL_PUBLIC { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->sigPublic(true); V3Parse::s_varAttrp->sigModPublic(true); } | yVL_PUBLIC_FLAT { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->sigPublic(true); } | yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS { V3Parse::s_varAttrp->attrIsolateAssign(true); } ; rangeListE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | rangeList { $$ = $1; } ; rangeList: // IEEE: packed_dimension + ... anyrange { $$ = $1; } | rangeList anyrange { $$ = $1; $1->addNext($2); } ; regrangeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; VARRANGE($$); } | anyrange { $$ = $1; VARRANGE($$); } ; anyrange: '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstRange($1,$2,$4); } ; delayrange: regrangeE delayE { $$ = $1; } | ySCALARED regrangeE delayE { $$ = $2; } | yVECTORED regrangeE delayE { $$ = $2; } ; portRangeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '[' constExpr ']' { $$ = NULL; $1->v3error("Ranges ignored on port-list.\n"); } | '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = NULL; $1->v3error("Ranges ignored on port-list.\n"); } ; //************************************************ // Parameters param: sigId sigAttrListE '=' expr { $$ = $1; $$->initp($4); } ; paramList: param { $$ = $1; } | paramList ',' param { $$ = $1; $1->addNext($3); } ; list_of_defparam_assignments: //== IEEE: list_of_defparam_assignments defparam_assignment { $$ = $1; } | list_of_defparam_assignments ',' defparam_assignment { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; defparam_assignment: // ==IEEE: defparam_assignment yaID '.' yaID '=' expr { $$ = new AstDefParam($4,*$1,*$3,$5); } ; //************************************************ // Instances instDecl: yaID instparamListE {INSTPREP(*$1,$2);} instnameList ';' { $$ = $4; V3Parse::s_impliedDecl=false;} ; instparamListE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '#' '(' cellpinList ')' { $$ = $3; } ; instnameList: instnameParen { $$ = $1; } | instnameList ',' instnameParen { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; instnameParen: yaID instRangeE '(' cellpinList ')' { $$ = new AstCell($3, *$1,V3Parse::s_instModule,$4, V3Parse::s_instParamp,$2); $$->pinStar(V3Parse::s_pinStar); } | yaID instRangeE { $$ = new AstCell(CRELINE(),*$1,V3Parse::s_instModule,NULL,V3Parse::s_instParamp,$2); $$->pinStar(V3Parse::s_pinStar); } ; instRangeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstRange($1,$2,$4); } ; cellpinList: {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1; V3Parse::s_pinStar=false; } cellpinItList { $$ = $2; } ; cellpinItList: cellpinItemE { $$ = $1; } | cellpinItList ',' cellpinItemE { $$ = $1->addNextNull($3)->castPin(); } ; cellpinItemE: /* empty: ',,' is legal */ { $$ = NULL; V3Parse::s_pinNum++; } | yP_DOTSTAR { $$ = NULL; if (V3Parse::s_pinStar) $1->v3error("Duplicate .* in a cell"); V3Parse::s_pinStar=true; } | '.' yaID { $$ = new AstPin($1,V3Parse::s_pinNum++,*$2,new AstVarRef($1,*$2,false)); $$->svImplicit(true);} | '.' yaID '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; V3Parse::s_pinNum++; } | '.' yaID '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstPin($1,V3Parse::s_pinNum++,*$2,$4); } | expr { $$ = new AstPin(CRELINE(),V3Parse::s_pinNum++,"",$1); } ; //************************************************ // EventControl lists event_controlE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | event_control { $$ = $1; } ; event_control: // ==IEEE: event_control '@' '(' senList ')' { $$ = new AstSenTree($1,$3); } | '@' senitemVar { $$ = new AstSenTree($1,$2); } /* For events only */ | '@' '(' '*' ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '@' '*' { $$ = NULL; } /* Verilog 2001 */ ; senList: // IEEE: event_expression - split over several senitem { $$ = $1; } | senList yOR senitem { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } | senList ',' senitem { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } /* Verilog 2001 */ ; senitem: senitemEdge { $$ = $1; } | senitemVar { $$ = $1; } | '(' senitemVar ')' { $$ = $2; } ; senitemVar: varRefDotBit { $$ = new AstSenItem(CRELINE(),AstEdgeType::ANYEDGE,$1); } ; senitemEdge: // IEEE: part of event_expression yPOSEDGE varRefDotBit { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::POSEDGE,$2); } | yNEGEDGE varRefDotBit { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::NEGEDGE,$2); } | yPOSEDGE '(' varRefDotBit ')' { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::POSEDGE,$3); } | yNEGEDGE '(' varRefDotBit ')' { $$ = new AstSenItem($1,AstEdgeType::NEGEDGE,$3); } ; //************************************************ // Statements stmtBlock: // IEEE: statement + seq_block + par_block stmt { $$ = $1; } | yBEGIN stmtList yEND { $$ = $2; } | yBEGIN yEND { $$ = NULL; } | beginNamed stmtList yEND endLabelE { $$ = $1; $1->addStmtp($2); } | beginNamed yEND endLabelE { $$ = $1; } ; beginNamed: yBEGIN ':' yaID varDeclList { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,$4); } | yBEGIN ':' yaID { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$3,NULL); } ; stmtList: stmtBlock { $$ = $1; } | stmtList stmtBlock { $$ = ($2==NULL)?($1):($1->addNext($2)); } ; // IEEE: statement_or_null (may include more stuff, not analyzed) // == function_statement_or_null stmt: // // from _or_null ';' { $$ = NULL; } | labeledStmt { $$ = $1; } | yaID ':' labeledStmt { $$ = new AstBegin($2, *$1, $3); } /*S05 block creation rule*/ // | delay_control stmtBlock { $$ = $2; $1->v3warn(STMTDLY,"Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n"); } // // // IEEE: operator_assignment | varRefDotBit '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($2,$1,$4); } | varRefDotBit '=' yD_FOPEN '(' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFOpen($3,$1,$5,$7); } | '{' identifier_listLvalue '}' '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($4,$2,$6); } // // // IEEE: nonblocking_assignment | varRefDotBit yP_LTE delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssignDly($2,$1,$4); } | '{' identifier_listLvalue '}' yP_LTE delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssignDly($4,$2,$6); } // // // IEEE: procedural_continuous_assignment | yASSIGN varRefDotBit '=' delayE expr ';' { $$ = new AstAssign($1,$2,$5); } // // // IEEE: case_statement | unique_priorityE caseStart caseAttrE case_itemListE yENDCASE { $$ = $2; if ($4) $2->addItemsp($4); if ($1 == uniq_UNIQUE) $2->parallelPragma(true); if ($1 == uniq_PRIORITY) $2->fullPragma(true); } // // // IEEE: conditional_statement | unique_priorityE yIF '(' expr ')' stmtBlock %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = new AstIf($2,$4,$6,NULL); } | unique_priorityE yIF '(' expr ')' stmtBlock yELSE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstIf($2,$4,$6,$8); } // // // IEEE: subroutine_call_statement (INCOMPLETE) | taskRef ';' { $$ = $1; } // | yD_C '(' cStrList ')' ';' { $$ = (v3Global.opt.ignc() ? NULL : new AstUCStmt($1,$3)); } | yD_FCLOSE '(' varRefDotBit ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFClose($1, $3); } | yD_FFLUSH ';' { $1->v3error("Unsupported: $fflush of all handles does not map to C++.\n"); } | yD_FFLUSH '(' ')' ';' { $1->v3error("Unsupported: $fflush of all handles does not map to C++.\n"); } | yD_FFLUSH '(' varRefDotBit ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFClose($1, $3); } | yD_FINISH parenE ';' { $$ = new AstFinish($1); } | yD_FINISH '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstFinish($1); } | yD_STOP parenE ';' { $$ = new AstStop($1); } | yD_STOP '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstStop($1); } | yVL_COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF); } // | yD_DISPLAY parenE ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::DISPLAY,"", NULL,NULL); } | yD_DISPLAY '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::DISPLAY,*$3,NULL,$4); } | yD_WRITE '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::WRITE, *$3,NULL,$4); } | yD_FDISPLAY '(' varRefDotBit ',' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::DISPLAY,*$5,$3,$6); } | yD_FWRITE '(' varRefDotBit ',' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::WRITE, *$5,$3,$6); } | yD_INFO parenE ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::INFO, "", NULL,NULL); } | yD_INFO '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::INFO, *$3,NULL,$4); } | yD_WARNING parenE ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::WARNING,"", NULL,NULL); } | yD_WARNING '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::WARNING,*$3,NULL,$4); } | yD_ERROR parenE ';' { $$ = V3Parse::createDisplayError($1); } | yD_ERROR '(' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::ERROR, *$3,NULL,$4); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); } | yD_FATAL parenE ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::FATAL, "", NULL,NULL); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); } | yD_FATAL '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::FATAL, "", NULL,NULL); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); if ($3) $3->deleteTree(); } | yD_FATAL '(' expr ',' yaSTRING commaEListE ')' ';' { $$ = new AstDisplay($1,AstDisplayType::FATAL, *$5,NULL,$6); $$->addNext(new AstStop($1)); if ($3) $3->deleteTree(); } // | yD_READMEMB '(' expr ',' varRefMem ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,false,$3,$5,NULL,NULL); } | yD_READMEMB '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,false,$3,$5,$7,NULL); } | yD_READMEMB '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,false,$3,$5,$7,$9); } | yD_READMEMH '(' expr ',' varRefMem ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,true, $3,$5,NULL,NULL); } | yD_READMEMH '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,true, $3,$5,$7,NULL); } | yD_READMEMH '(' expr ',' varRefMem ',' expr ',' expr ')' ';' { $$ = new AstReadMem($1,true, $3,$5,$7,$9); } // // // IEEE: loop_statement (INCOMPLETE) | yFOREVER stmtBlock { $$ = new AstWhile($1,new AstConst($1,V3Number($1,1,1)),$2); } | yREPEAT '(' expr ')' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstRepeat($1,$3,$5);} | yWHILE '(' expr ')' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstWhile($1,$3,$5);} | yFOR '(' varRefBase '=' expr ';' expr ';' varRefBase '=' expr ')' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstFor($1, new AstAssign($4,$3,$5) ,$7, new AstAssign($10,$9,$11) ,$13);} | yDO stmtBlock yWHILE '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2->cloneTree(true); $$->addNext(new AstWhile($1,$5,$2));} ; //************************************************ // Case/If unique_priorityE: // IEEE: unique_priority + empty /*empty*/ { $$ = uniq_NONE; } | yPRIORITY { $$ = uniq_PRIORITY; } | yUNIQUE { $$ = uniq_UNIQUE; } ; caseStart: // IEEE: part of case_statement yCASE '(' expr ')' { $$ = V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = new AstCase($1,AstCaseType::CASE,$3,NULL); } | yCASEX '(' expr ')' { $$ = V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = new AstCase($1,AstCaseType::CASEX,$3,NULL); $1->v3warn(CASEX,"Suggest casez (with ?'s) in place of casex (with X's)\n"); } | yCASEZ '(' expr ')' { $$ = V3Parse::s_caseAttrp = new AstCase($1,AstCaseType::CASEZ,$3,NULL); } ; caseAttrE: /*empty*/ { } | caseAttrE yVL_FULL_CASE { V3Parse::s_caseAttrp->fullPragma(true); } | caseAttrE yVL_PARALLEL_CASE { V3Parse::s_caseAttrp->parallelPragma(true); } ; case_itemListE: // IEEE: [ { case_item } ] /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | case_itemList { $$ = $1; } ; case_itemList: // IEEE: { case_item + ... } caseCondList ':' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,$1,$3); } | yDEFAULT ':' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3); } | yDEFAULT stmtBlock { $$ = new AstCaseItem($1,NULL,$2); } | case_itemList caseCondList ':' stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($3,$2,$4)); } | case_itemList yDEFAULT stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($2,NULL,$3)); } | case_itemList yDEFAULT ':' stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNext(new AstCaseItem($3,NULL,$4)); } ; caseCondList: // IEEE: part of case_item expr { $$ = $1; } | caseCondList ',' expr { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } ; //************************************************ // Functions/tasks taskRef: // IEEE: part of tf_call idDotted { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::TASK, $1),NULL);} | idDotted '(' exprList ')' { $$ = new AstTaskRef(CRELINE(),new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::TASK, $1),$3);} ; funcRef: // IEEE: part of tf_call idDotted '(' exprList ')' { $$ = new AstFuncRef($2,new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::FUNC, $1), $3); } ; task_declaration: // ==IEEE: task_declaration yTASK lifetimeE yaID tfGuts yENDTASK endLabelE { $$ = new AstTask ($1,*$3,$4);} ; function_declaration: // IEEE: function_declaration + function_body_declaration yFUNCTION lifetimeE funcTypeE yaID tfGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$5,$3); } | yFUNCTION lifetimeE ySIGNED funcTypeE yaID tfGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$5,$6,$4); $$->isSigned(true); } | yFUNCTION lifetimeE funcTypeE yaID yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS tfGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$4,$6,$3); $$->attrIsolateAssign(true);} | yFUNCTION lifetimeE ySIGNED funcTypeE yaID yVL_ISOLATE_ASSIGNMENTS tfGuts yENDFUNCTION endLabelE { $$ = new AstFunc ($1,*$5,$7,$4); $$->attrIsolateAssign(true); $$->isSigned(true); } ; lifetimeE: // IEEE: lifetime - plus empty /* empty */ { } | ySTATIC { $1->v3error("Unsupported: Static in this context\n"); } | yAUTOMATIC { } ; tfGuts: '(' {V3Parse::s_pinNum=1;} portV2kArgs ')' ';' tfBody { $$ = $3->addNextNull($6); } | ';' tfBody { $$ = $2; } ; tfBody: // IEEE: part of function_body_declaration/task_body_declaration funcVarList stmtBlock { $$ = $1;$1->addNextNull($2); } | stmtBlock { $$ = $1; } ; funcTypeE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | yINTEGER { $$ = new AstRange($1,31,0); } | '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstRange($1,$2,$4); } ; funcVarList: funcVar { $$ = $1; } | funcVarList funcVar { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($2); } ; funcVar: portDecl { $$ = $1; } | varDecl { $$ = $1; } | yVL_PUBLIC { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::PUBLIC_TASK); } | yVL_NO_INLINE_TASK { $$ = new AstPragma($1,AstPragmaType::NO_INLINE_TASK); } ; parenE: /* empty */ { } | '(' ')' { } ; //************************************************ // Expressions constExpr: expr { $$ = $1; } ; exprNoStr: expr yP_OROR expr { $$ = new AstLogOr ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_ANDAND expr { $$ = new AstLogAnd ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '&' expr { $$ = new AstAnd ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '|' expr { $$ = new AstOr ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_NAND expr { $$ = new AstNot($2,new AstAnd ($2,$1,$3)); } | expr yP_NOR expr { $$ = new AstNot($2,new AstOr ($2,$1,$3)); } | expr '^' expr { $$ = new AstXor ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_XNOR expr { $$ = new AstXnor ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_EQUAL expr { $$ = new AstEq ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_NOTEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstNeq ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_CASEEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstEqCase ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_CASENOTEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstNeqCase ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_WILDEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstEqWild ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_WILDNOTEQUAL expr { $$ = new AstNeqWild ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '>' expr { $$ = new AstGt ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = new AstLt ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_GTE expr { $$ = new AstGte ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_LTE expr { $$ = new AstLte ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_SLEFT expr { $$ = new AstShiftL ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_SRIGHT expr { $$ = new AstShiftR ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_SSRIGHT expr { $$ = new AstShiftRS ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = new AstAdd ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = new AstSub ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '*' expr { $$ = new AstMul ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = new AstDiv ($2,$1,$3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = new AstModDiv ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_POW expr { $$ = new AstPow ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_MINUSGT expr { $$ = new AstLogIf ($2,$1,$3); } | expr yP_LOGIFF expr { $$ = new AstLogIff ($2,$1,$3); } // | '-' expr %prec prUNARYARITH { $$ = new AstUnaryMin ($1,$2); } | '+' expr %prec prUNARYARITH { $$ = $2; } | '&' expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedAnd ($1,$2); } | '|' expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedOr ($1,$2); } | '^' expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedXor ($1,$2); } | yP_XNOR expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstRedXnor ($1,$2); } | yP_NAND expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstNot($1,new AstRedAnd($1,$2)); } | yP_NOR expr %prec prREDUCTION { $$ = new AstNot($1,new AstRedOr ($1,$2)); } | '!' expr %prec prNEGATION { $$ = new AstLogNot ($1,$2); } | '~' expr %prec prNEGATION { $$ = new AstNot ($1,$2); } // | expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = new AstCond($2,$1,$3,$5); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | '_' '(' statePushVlg expr statePop ')' { $$ = $4; } // Arbitrary Verilog inside PSL // // // IEEE: concatenation/constant_concatenation | '{' cateList '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' constExpr '{' cateList '}' '}' { $$ = new AstReplicate($1,$4,$2); } // | yD_BITS '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAttrOf($1,AstAttrType::BITS,$3); } | yD_C '(' cStrList ')' { $$ = (v3Global.opt.ignc() ? NULL : new AstUCFunc($1,$3)); } | yD_CLOG2 '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstCLog2($1,$3); } | yD_COUNTONES '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstCountOnes($1,$3); } | yD_FEOF '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstFEof($1,$3); } | yD_FGETC '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstFGetC($1,$3); } | yD_FGETS '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstFGetS($1,$3,$5); } | yD_FSCANF '(' expr ',' yaSTRING commaVRDListE ')' { $$ = new AstFScanF($1,*$5,$3,$6); } | yD_SSCANF '(' expr ',' yaSTRING commaVRDListE ')' { $$ = new AstSScanF($1,*$5,$3,$6); } | yD_ISUNKNOWN '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstIsUnknown($1,$3); } | yD_ONEHOT '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstOneHot($1,$3); } | yD_ONEHOT0 '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstOneHot0($1,$3); } | yD_RANDOM '(' expr ')' { $1->v3error("Unsupported: Seeding $random doesn't map to C++, use $c(\"srand\")\n"); } | yD_RANDOM '(' ')' { $$ = new AstRand($1); } | yD_RANDOM { $$ = new AstRand($1); } | yD_SIGNED '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstSigned($1,$3); } | yD_STIME { $$ = new AstSel($1,new AstTime($1),0,32); } | yD_TIME { $$ = new AstTime($1); } | yD_UNSIGNED '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstUnsigned($1,$3); } // | funcRef { $$ = $1; } // | yaINTNUM { $$ = new AstConst(CRELINE(),*$1); } // | varRefDotBit { $$ = $1; } // | error ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; // Generic expressions expr: exprNoStr { $$ = $1; } | strAsInt { $$ = $1; } ; // Psl excludes {}'s by lexer converting to different token exprPsl: exprNoStr { $$ = $1; } | strAsInt { $$ = $1; } ; // PLI calls exclude "" as integers, they're strings // For $c("foo","bar") we want "bar" as a string, not a Verilog integer. exprStrText: exprNoStr { $$ = $1; } | strAsText { $$ = $1; } ; cStrList: exprStrText { $$ = $1; } | exprStrText ',' cStrList { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } ; cateList: expr { $$ = $1; } | cateList ',' expr { $$ = new AstConcat($2,$1,$3); } ; exprList: expr { $$ = $1; } | exprList ',' expr { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } ; commaEListE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | ',' exprList { $$ = $2; } ; vrdList: varRefDotBit { $$ = $1; } | vrdList ',' varRefDotBit { $$ = $1;$1->addNext($3); } ; commaVRDListE: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | ',' vrdList { $$ = $2; } ; //************************************************ // Gate declarations gateDecl: yBUF delayE gateBufList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yBUFIF0 delayE gateBufif0List ';' { $$ = $3; } | yBUFIF1 delayE gateBufif1List ';' { $$ = $3; } | yNOT delayE gateNotList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yNOTIF0 delayE gateNotif0List ';' { $$ = $3; } | yNOTIF1 delayE gateNotif1List ';' { $$ = $3; } | yAND delayE gateAndList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yNAND delayE gateNandList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yOR delayE gateOrList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yNOR delayE gateNorList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yXOR delayE gateXorList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yXNOR delayE gateXnorList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yPULLUP delayE gatePullupList ';' { $$ = $3; } | yPULLDOWN delayE gatePulldownList ';' { $$ = $3; } ; gateBufList: gateBuf { $$ = $1; } | gateBufList ',' gateBuf { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateBufif0List: gateBufif0 { $$ = $1; } | gateBufif0List ',' gateBufif0 { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateBufif1List: gateBufif1 { $$ = $1; } | gateBufif1List ',' gateBufif1 { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateNotList: gateNot { $$ = $1; } | gateNotList ',' gateNot { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateNotif0List: gateNotif0 { $$ = $1; } | gateNotif0List ',' gateNotif0 { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateNotif1List: gateNotif1 { $$ = $1; } | gateNotif1List ',' gateNotif1 { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateAndList: gateAnd { $$ = $1; } | gateAndList ',' gateAnd { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateNandList: gateNand { $$ = $1; } | gateNandList ',' gateNand { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateOrList: gateOr { $$ = $1; } | gateOrList ',' gateOr { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateNorList: gateNor { $$ = $1; } | gateNorList ',' gateNor { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateXorList: gateXor { $$ = $1; } | gateXorList ',' gateXor { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateXnorList: gateXnor { $$ = $1; } | gateXnorList ',' gateXnor { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gatePullupList: gatePullup { $$ = $1; } | gatePullupList ',' gatePullup { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gatePulldownList: gatePulldown { $$ = $1; } | gatePulldownList ',' gatePulldown { $$ = $1->addNext($3); } ; gateBuf: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,$6); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateBufif0: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstCond($3,$8, new AstConst($3,V3Number($3,"1'bz")), $6)); } ; gateBufif1: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstCond($3,$8, $6, new AstConst($3,V3Number($3,"1'bz")))); } ; gateNot: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstNot($5,$6)); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateNotif0: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstCond($3,$8, new AstConst($3,V3Number($3,"1'bz")), new AstNot($3, $6))); } ; gateNotif1: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstCond($3,$8, new AstNot($3,$6), new AstConst($3,V3Number($3,"1'bz")))); } ; gateAnd: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' gateAndPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,$6); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateNand: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' gateAndPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstNot($5,$6)); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateOr: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' gateOrPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,$6); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateNor: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' gateOrPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstNot($5,$6)); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateXor: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' gateXorPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,$6); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gateXnor: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ',' gateXorPinList ')' { $$ = new AstAssignW ($3,$4,new AstNot($5,$6)); $$->allowImplicit(true); } ; gatePullup: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ')' { $$ = new AstPull ($3, $4, true); } ; gatePulldown: gateIdE instRangeE '(' varRefDotBit ')' { $$ = new AstPull ($3, $4, false); } ; gateIdE: /*empty*/ {} | yaID {} ; gateAndPinList: expr { $$ = $1; } | gateAndPinList ',' expr { $$ = new AstAnd($2,$1,$3); } ; gateOrPinList: expr { $$ = $1; } | gateOrPinList ',' expr { $$ = new AstOr($2,$1,$3); } ; gateXorPinList: expr { $$ = $1; } | gateXorPinList ',' expr { $$ = new AstXor($2,$1,$3); } ; //************************************************ // Tables // Not supported //************************************************ // Specify specify_block: // ==IEEE: specify_block ySPECIFY specifyJunkList yENDSPECIFY { $$ = NULL; } | ySPECIFY yENDSPECIFY { $$ = NULL; } ; specifyJunkList: specifyJunk { } /* ignored */ | specifyJunkList specifyJunk { } /* ignored */ ; specifyJunk: BISONPRE_NOT(ySPECIFY,yENDSPECIFY) { } | ySPECIFY specifyJunk yENDSPECIFY { } | error {} ; //************************************************ // IDs // VarRef to a Memory varRefMem: idDotted { $$ = new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::VAR_MEM, $1); } ; // VarRef to dotted, and/or arrayed, and/or bit-ranged variable varRefDotBit: idDotted { $$ = new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::VAR_ANY, $1); } ; idDotted: idArrayed { $$ = $1; } | idDotted '.' idArrayed { $$ = new AstDot($2,$1,$3); } ; // Single component of dotted path, maybe [#]. // Due to lookahead constraints, we can't know if [:] or [+:] are valid (last dotted part), // we'll assume so and cleanup later. idArrayed: yaID { $$ = new AstText(CRELINE(),*$1); } // // IEEE: id + part_select_range/constant_part_select_range | idArrayed '[' expr ']' { $$ = new AstSelBit($2,$1,$3); } // Or AstArraySel, don't know yet. | idArrayed '[' constExpr ':' constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelExtract($2,$1,$3,$5); } // // IEEE: id + indexed_range/constant_indexed_range | idArrayed '[' expr yP_PLUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelPlus($2,$1,$3,$5); } | idArrayed '[' expr yP_MINUSCOLON constExpr ']' { $$ = new AstSelMinus($2,$1,$3,$5); } ; // VarRef without any dots or vectorizaion varRefBase: yaID { $$ = new AstVarRef(CRELINE(),*$1,false);} ; strAsInt: yaSTRING { $$ = new AstConst(CRELINE(),V3Number(V3Number::VerilogString(),CRELINE(),V3Parse::deQuote(CRELINE(),*$1)));} ; strAsText: yaSTRING { $$ = V3Parse::createTextQuoted(CRELINE(),*$1);} ; identifier_listLvalue: // IEEE: identifier_list for lvalue only varRefDotBit { $$ = $1; } | identifier_listLvalue ',' varRefDotBit { $$ = new AstConcat($2,$1,$3); } ; endLabelE: /* empty */ { } | ':' yaID { } ; //************************************************ // Asserts labeledStmt: assertStmt { $$ = $1; } ; clocking_declaration: // IEEE: clocking_declaration (INCOMPLETE) yDEFAULT yCLOCKING '@' '(' senitemEdge ')' ';' yENDCLOCKING { $$ = new AstClocking($1, $5, NULL); } ; concurrent_assertion_item: // IEEE: concurrent_assertion_item concurrent_assertion_statement { $$ = $1; } | yaID ':' concurrent_assertion_statement { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$1,$3); } ; concurrent_assertion_statement: // IEEE: concurrent_assertion_statement (INCOMPLETE) cover_property_statement { $$ = $1; } ; cover_property_statement: // IEEE: cover_property_statement yCOVER yPROPERTY '(' property_spec ')' stmtBlock { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$4,$6); } ; property_spec: // IEEE: property_spec '@' '(' senitemEdge ')' property_spec_disable expr { $$ = new AstPslClocked($1,$3,$5,$6); } | property_spec_disable expr { $$ = new AstPslClocked(CRELINE(),NULL,$1,$2); } ; property_spec_disable: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | yDISABLE yIFF '(' expr ')' { $$ = $4; } ; assertStmt: yASSERT '(' expr ')' stmtBlock %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = new AstVAssert($1,$3,$5, V3Parse::createDisplayError($1)); } | yASSERT '(' expr ')' yELSE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstVAssert($1,$3,NULL,$6); } | yASSERT '(' expr ')' stmtBlock yELSE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstVAssert($1,$3,$5,$7); } ; //************************************************ // PSL Statements pslStmt: yPSL pslDir stateExitPsl { $$ = $2; } | yPSL pslDecl stateExitPsl { $$ = $2; } ; pslDir: yaID ':' pslDirOne { $$ = $3; } | pslDirOne { $$ = $1; } ; pslDirOne: yPSL_ASSERT pslProp ';' { $$ = new AstPslAssert($1,$2); } | yPSL_ASSERT pslProp yPSL_REPORT yaSTRING ';' { $$ = new AstPslAssert($1,$2,*$4); } | yPSL_COVER pslProp ';' { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$2,NULL); } | yPSL_COVER pslProp yPSL_REPORT yaSTRING ';' { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$2,NULL,*$4); } ; pslDecl: yDEFAULT yPSL_CLOCK '=' senitemEdge ';' { $$ = new AstPslDefClock($3, $4); } | yDEFAULT yPSL_CLOCK '=' '(' senitemEdge ')' ';' { $$ = new AstPslDefClock($3, $5); } ; //************************************************ // PSL Properties, Sequences and SEREs // Don't use '{' or '}'; in PSL they're yPSL_BRA and yPSL_KET to avoid expr concatenates pslProp: pslSequence { $$ = $1; } | pslSequence '@' %prec prPSLCLK '(' senitemEdge ')' { $$ = new AstPslClocked($2,$4,NULL,$1); } // or pslSequence @ ...? ; pslSequence: yPSL_BRA pslSere yPSL_KET { $$ = $2; } ; pslSere: pslExpr { $$ = $1; } | pslSequence { $$ = $1; } // Sequence containing sequence ; // Undocumented PSL rule is that {} is always a SERE; concatenation is not allowed. // This can be bypassed with the _(...) embedding of any arbitrary expression. pslExpr: exprPsl { $$ = new AstPslBool($1->fileline(), $1); } | yTRUE { $$ = new AstPslBool($1, new AstConst($1, V3Number($1,1,1))); } ; //********************************************************************** %% void V3Read::parserClear() { // Clear up any dynamic memory V3Parser required V3Parse::setRange(NULL); } AstNode* V3Parse::createSupplyExpr(FileLine* fileline, string name, int value) { FileLine* newfl = new FileLine (fileline); newfl->warnOff(V3ErrorCode::WIDTH, true); AstNode* nodep = new AstConst(newfl, V3Number(fileline)); // Adding a NOT is less work than figuring out how wide to make it if (value) nodep = new AstNot(newfl, nodep); nodep = new AstAssignW(newfl, new AstVarRef(fileline, name, true), nodep); return nodep; } AstVar* V3Parse::createVariable(FileLine* fileline, string name, AstRange* arrayp) { AstVarType type = V3Parse::s_varIO; AstRange* rangep = V3Parse::s_varRangep; AstRange* cleanup_rangep = NULL; //UINFO(0,"CREVAR "<ascii()<<" decl="<v3error("Integers may not be ranged: "<v3error("Genvars may not be arrayed: "<cloneTree(false), arrayp); nodep->isSigned(V3Parse::s_varSigned); if (type == AstVarType::INTEGER || V3Parse::s_varDecl == AstVarType::INTEGER || type == AstVarType::GENVAR) { nodep->isSigned(true); } if (V3Parse::s_varDecl != AstVarType::UNKNOWN) nodep->combineType(V3Parse::s_varDecl); if (V3Parse::s_varIO != AstVarType::UNKNOWN) nodep->combineType(V3Parse::s_varIO); if (V3Parse::s_varDecl == AstVarType::SUPPLY0) { nodep->addNext(V3Parse::createSupplyExpr(fileline, nodep->name(), 0)); } if (V3Parse::s_varDecl == AstVarType::SUPPLY1) { nodep->addNext(V3Parse::createSupplyExpr(fileline, nodep->name(), 1)); } // Clear any widths that got presumed by the ranging; // We need to autosize parameters and integers separately nodep->width(0,0); // Propagate from current module tracing state if (nodep->isGenVar() || nodep->isParam()) nodep->trace(false); else nodep->trace(v3Global.opt.trace() && nodep->fileline()->tracingOn()); // Remember the last variable created, so we can attach attributes to it in later parsing V3Parse::s_varAttrp = nodep; if (cleanup_rangep) { cleanup_rangep->deleteTree(); cleanup_rangep=NULL; } return nodep; } string V3Parse::deQuote(FileLine* fileline, string text) { // Fix up the quoted strings the user put in, for example "\"" becomes " bool quoted = false; string newtext; unsigned char octal_val = 0; int octal_digits = 0; for (const char* cp=text.c_str(); *cp; ++cp) { if (quoted) { if (isdigit(*cp)) { octal_val = octal_val*8 + (*cp-'0'); if (++octal_digits == 3) { octal_digits = 0; quoted = false; newtext += octal_val; } } else { if (octal_digits) { // Spec allows 1-3 digits octal_digits = 0; quoted = false; newtext += octal_val; --cp; // Backup to reprocess terminating character as non-escaped continue; } quoted = false; if (*cp == 'n') newtext += '\n'; else if (*cp == 'a') newtext += '\a'; // SystemVerilog 3.1 else if (*cp == 'f') newtext += '\f'; // SystemVerilog 3.1 else if (*cp == 'r') newtext += '\r'; else if (*cp == 't') newtext += '\t'; else if (*cp == 'v') newtext += '\v'; // SystemVerilog 3.1 else if (*cp == 'x' && isxdigit(cp[1]) && isxdigit(cp[2])) { // SystemVerilog 3.1 #define vl_decodexdigit(c) ((isdigit(c)?((c)-'0'):(tolower((c))-'a'+10))) newtext += (char)(16*vl_decodexdigit(cp[1]) + vl_decodexdigit(cp[2])); cp += 2; } else if (isalnum(*cp)) { fileline->v3error("Unknown escape sequence: \\"<<*cp); break; } else newtext += *cp; } } else if (*cp == '\\') { quoted = true; octal_digits = 0; } else if (*cp != '"') { newtext += *cp; } } return newtext; } AstText* V3Parse::createTextQuoted(FileLine* fileline, string text) { string newtext = deQuote(fileline, text); return new AstText(fileline, newtext); } // Local Variables: // compile-command: "cd obj_dbg ; /usr/bin/bison -y -d -v ../verilog.y ; cat y.output" // End: